Category: CPNYS NEWS

Biden’s plagiaristic Pinocchio personality propelled him into the presidency and we are paying the price.

The Whole Justification for Sanctuary Cities Is Wrong.

Biden’s Absurd Gender Strategy. More about Biden’s gender agenda here:  As America Suffers Shortages & Inflation, Biden Admin Prioritizes ‘Intersectional’ Gender Manifesto.

Betsy McCaughey explains How ‘Biden Bucks’ will gut the American work ethic.

Monica Crowley: Biden’s destructive policies – here’s how to lose a country in 10 months.

AG Merrick Garland, White House owe America’s ‘domestic terrorist’ parents an apology AND an explanation.

Joe Biden is a cunning political player who wants to leave his mark on America…and not in a good way! Nothing that he has done since being elected president reflects the platform he produced in his basement.  Biden admin gives post to National School Boards Association chief who signed ‘domestic terrorism’ letter.

‘Worse than it has ever been’: Biden’s border wall gaps heighten dangers, scare off feds.

Biden’s empty suit foreign policy.

ICYMI:  The Biden Admin Said It Left 100 Americans in Afghanistan. They Now Admit It’s Far More.

While Manchin may have cut some spending, he is still caving to the Left’s demands:  Manchin signals deal on partisan spending bill could happen by week’s end

From the Wall Street Journal (Subscription required) The Democrats’ Wealth-Tax Mirage.

Eric Metaxas: Is atheism the enemy of freedom? Here’s how retreating from faith makes US less free.

How America Went ‘Race Crazy’: Author Charles Love Explains and Offers Remedies.

Ben Stein writes: Common Sense About America’s Appeal.

Hochul’s Health Dept. continues Cuomo-era stall in releasing nursing-home COVID info.

Loudoun County Students Stage Walk-Outs to Protest Sexual Assault in Schools

Woke Children’s Books: Indoctrinating the Next Generation of Radicals.

From the City-Journal:  The Diversity Bureaucracy.

From the Washington Times:  Welcome for Truth Social, a woke-free worldview.

Robert J. Knight: Overcoming the power of fear spun from the Democrats’ ‘cancel culture’.

A name change can’t erase the evil Facebook released.

Poland Claws Back Sovereignty from European Union

Aren’t you happy that you don’t work for Mark Zuckerberg today?

Don’t fall for Dems’ self-serving baloney about safeguarding elections: Vote ‘No’ on NY’s Props. 1, 3 and 4.

Sluggish in September: NY job growth still trails U.S.

Trouble Won’t Be “Transitory”/Mounting problems with inflation, the supply chain, and energy shortages are not likely to resolve themselves quickly.

To the left, America’s mounting disasters are just bumps in the road.

Don’t Let Democrats Turn US Into Europe.

Politics of Innocence/Joe Biden’s administration ushers in a destructive new version of the American regime.

China’s Test of Orbital Hypersonic Missile Is a Big Deal.

The Essence of Conservatism.

Facebook Chairman and CEO Mark Zuckerberg is not having a good day.  Facebook’s ‘tier’ system decides which countries it prioritizes for content moderation and ‘History will not judge us kindly’: Facebook employees rip Zuckerberg in leaked messages.

It’s Deliberate.

What Soccer Referees Can Teach Us about Politics and Government.

John Kerry Holds $1 Million Stake in Equity Fund Linked To Uyghur Labor Abuse.

A JetBlue Jihadist? The Great Press Cover-up.

Pompeo and Libby: China’s COVID coverup and its terrible costs demand accountability. US must step up.

The Pandemic in Perpetuity

Failed escapes at Kabul airport led to living nightmares for these Afghans in hiding: The Last 96.

Only 30% View Merrick Garland Favorably.  They must be the 30% who live in their own world.

Attorney General Merrick Garland must call off war on parents: Devine.

Seriously?  Hiker lost for 24 hours ignored calls from rescuers because of unknown number.  It is pretty sad that a person has to be told this: ““If you’re overdue according to your itinerary, and you start getting repeated calls from an unknown number, please answer the phone; it may be a [search and rescue] team trying to confirm you’re safe!”  Fortunately for the hiker, they eventually found their car and returned home safely.

Travis Tritt Thanks Braves, Rips ‘Wing Nut Cancel Culture’ After Singing Anthem: ‘Thanks For Allowing Me To Pay Tribute To America’.  To which we say to you:  Thank you for paying tribute to the greatest nation ever!


Chairman Kassar’s weekly wrap up discusses early voting, Biden underwater, Removing Jefferson and our 2021 Fall Reception this Thursday.

Early Voting begins Saturday

 The early voting period begins this Saturday and I urge everyone to grab a friend or family member and go vote.

 The nine months of the Biden Presidency have been flooded with controversy and out of touch policies. We’re feeling the pain at the pump where the average gallon of gas in New York State costs $3.51. Families are having to make sacrifices at the grocery store due to the rise of inflation, and supply chain issues are causing shelves to go empty. We have a humanitarian and health crisis at the southern border and handed Afghanistan back to the Taliban.

Additionally, it is pivotal we flip our ballots and vote NO on propositions 1, 3, and 4! Please make sure your friends and family are aware of the crucial need to vote on these Democratic power grabs.  In fact, a NO vote on all five proposals would be the right vote.

We cannot allow this to become the status quo. The opportunity to send a clear message is now. Early voting runs from Saturday, October 23 until Sunday, October 31.

Biden Underwater

 President Biden’s approval rating continues to sink as Americans wake up to the harsh new reality he has provided.

The president currently stands at 43% approval and 51% disapproval in an average of the latest national polls. Democrats are keeping a close eye on the approval rating of the President as it could be an indicator of what’s to come in the 2022 midterm elections.

Biden’s declining rate should be a concern to the White House as Democrats cling onto a slim majority in the U.S. House of Representatives. The biggest alarm should be Biden’s approval among independents; an important voting block for the Democrats. The President has lost seven points since September and has dropped nine points with suburban women.

 The Biden experiment is not working, and it only took nine months for Americans to realize it.

 Removing Jefferson

 Mayor de Blasio and the New York City Council want to drag from City Hall a statue of one of America’s most celebrated presidents and founding fathers that has stood in its chambers for almost a century and a quarter. If that doesn’t tell you the state of this city, nothing will.

Their priority as crime skyrockets, potholes deepen, and public confidence in city government plummets was to erase history.

The genius of our founders lay in their understanding of human fallibility. The nation they envisioned was fixed upon ideals rather than individuals exactly for this reason. We celebrate Jefferson not because he was perfect — no man or woman is — but because he blazed a path for human dignity and freedom that we aspire to achieve every day.

Our Government has abandoned all common sense and reasoning. They spend more time looking for things to be outraged over instead of working to fix the problems right in front of their faces.

2021 Fall Reception

Our fall reception is right around the corner and we look forward to seeing you there. We are happy to welcome gubernatorial candidate Lee Zeldin amongst many other honored guests.

Come join us for a great evening of fun in Westchester. Register to attend here.  

Here Is Biden’s Schedule for the Weekend.

KLINE: Zuck’s Bucks were ILLEGAL.

Inflation Concerns Surging as Most Voters Rate Biden ‘Poor’ on Economy.

Supreme Court Agrees to Hear Challenges to Texas Abortion Law.

/ In CPNYS NEWS / By Gerard Kassar / Comments Off on Chairman Kassar’s weekly wrap up discusses early voting, Biden underwater, Removing Jefferson and our 2021 Fall Reception this Thursday.

The White House spin is only digging a deeper hole; it is time they accept that twisting facts doesn’t work.

New York’s proposed Green Amendment could usher in “vigilante regulation through litigation.”

Biden’s AWOL administration

Rich Lowry writes in the NY Post Op-Ed Page:  We’re facing a new cold war with China — and need to act like it.

NIH Admits to Funding Gain-of-Function Research in Wuhan, Says EcoHealth Violated Reporting Requirements.  So, President Biden, what is your response to the breaking news?  How will you have Jen Paski spin it?  And how will Paski spin this?  McLaughlin Poll: Biden’s Approval Falling, Trump Remains Clear 2024 Favorite.  Or this?  Fox News Poll: High voter worry on inflation as Biden economy ratings plummet.  Maybe Psaki will defend this better:  ‘Can’t Afford Half This Stuff’: Shoppers Rage As Biden’s Inflation Crisis Torches Their Wallets.

Then again, Charles C. W. Cooke made this observation yesterday:   Psaki providing increasingly curious responses to Biden’s many woes

Will the press be honest after listening to AG Garland’s testimony on January 6th?  Garland Debunks Democrat ‘Insurrection’ Claims About January 6th.

This is undoubtedly a court case to watch:  Parents Sue AG Garland for Violating Free Speech Rights with FBI School-Board Memo.


This is a minor win, as a procedural vote by Schumer allows the bill to be brought back for a vote.  GOP blocks Senate Democrats’ revised elections bill.

Rubio Delays Vote on Biden Nominee Over ‘Defense of Infanticide’

So, what else is new?  Dubious Tactics To Boost McAuliffe for Virginia Gov/VP Harris, press sec Psaki face criticism over questionable electioneering actions.

Larry Kudlow writes: Here’s to the New Washington Power Couple. He Hates Spending, She Is Loath To Tax.

Gov. Hochul, didn’t you commit to transparency?  The Health Department’s response to a FOIL request for nursing home data triggers 2020 déjà vu.

Capitalism Is Good for the Poor.

Economic Freedom Is the Path to Healthy Environments, Social Progress, and Good Governance—Not Woke Corporatism.

A Special Emergency Retirement Broadcast…The Coming Inflation Time Bomb featuring Larry Kudlow.

Choosing Children Over Self-Centered Ambitions.

Teen suicide and transgenderism.    To my daughter’s gender therapist: you were wrong.

Statement from Conservative Party Chairman Gerard Kassar on Potential Economic Damage from Congestion Pricing Tax

Contact: Bill O’Reilly, 212-396-9117

Statement from Conservative Party Chairman Gerard Kassar on Potential Economic Damage from Congestion Pricing Tax

October 21, 2021

“The New York State Conservative Party lives, not dreamland, and in the reality of this moment imposing a congestion pricing tax on vehicles traveling south of 60th Street in Manhattan would be foolhardy in the extreme.

“Midtown and Lower Manhattan, traditionally the state’s most formidable economic engines, are reeling from Covid-19 and the workplace changes it caused. These areas are struggling mightily to attract back workers and visitors. Slapping the public with a tax to enter these commercial districts would be an obvious disincentive that could have serious ramifications for the overall state economy.

“A congestion pricing tax would be wrong for a number of reasons — it hurts low-income New Yorkers and those transit desserts especially, and it will simply move traffic to other parts of the city, among other things — but the destruction it could cause to Manhattan recovery efforts alone should halt it in its tracks.

“It’s Economics 101: Why would we tax people to enter an area we’re trying to revive?”



Is Joe Biden someone’s puppet or a Machiavellian person determined to destroy the American Dream?

How can a man who professes to be truly concerned about those seeking asylum in our beloved nation, endanger America’s citizens by sending a message to the drug cartels that America has open arms and will deport those they drop at our borders?  Biden playing a deadly game using secret flights to move migrants.  More on what has taken place is here:  Biden playing a deadly game using secret flights to move migrants.

Watch: Customs and Border Protection Nominee Repeatedly Dodges Calling Border Situation a ‘Crisis.

Biden CBP Nominee Puts Admin to the Left of Obama on Immigration

A very important read from Gatestone Institute:  Huawei’s Long Game.

China, Russia navy ships jointly sail through Japan strait.

This is very disturbing: ‘We Just Don’t Know’ How to Defend Against Possible Chinese Hypersonic Missile: US Ambassador.  Investing in what our military should be doing – protecting our country – instead of all the new age military absurdity would have this problem solved.

Gen. Keith Kellogg: Our military and the alarming disappearance of accountability.

To please unions, Biden refuses to automate ports — fueling supply-chain woes.

Consumer Goods Giant to Raise Prices on More Staples, Blames Increase in Cost on Raw Materials

Psaki Laughs About the Supply Chain Crisis.

10 Absurdly Wasteful Items Tucked Into Democrats’ $3.5 Trillion Tax-and-Spend Monstrosity

No matter what the amount it is just plain wrong to consider:   Biden administration scales back IRS bank-monitoring plan amid growing pushback/Democrats’ threshold for IRS bank-monitoring plan raised to $10,000.

The Freedom to Vote Act is remarkably anti-voter.

Some Things Money Can’t Buy/For everything else, there’s deception.

The Impending Mass Firing of America’s Unvaccinated.

This Doctor Opposes COVID-19 Vaccine Mandate. Now His State Won’t Let Him Practice Medicine.’

Imagine a Supreme Court packed with Merrick Garlands.

How New York voters can see how redistricting affects them.  You can still make your voice heard on redistricting, click here to find out when the rest of the public hearings are.

Has any one seen the Joe Biden that campaigned (from his basement) to be president; the man who is masquerading as Joe Biden is really Sanders and the Squad.

Eight Reasons to Overturn Roe v. Wade.

Albany pols, NYPD order cops to do nothing as drug addicts shoot up.  Chairman Kassar’s reaction to this outrageous move by the State Legislature and signed into law by Governor Kathy Hochul: “This is not even a standard Democratic view. This is a progressive Democratic view and that’s what she’s signing on to here,” he said. “It all seems to be very oriented toward keeping the socialist progressive movement happy and she is working to protect herself against (likely NYC-based primary opponents) Tish James or Jumaane Williams.”

The NY Post editorial of 10/17/2021: Gov. Hochul’s drug-war surrender will be the death of NY neighborhoods.

Iran’s Mullahs and China Empowered Under Biden Administration.

A Sinking Ship of State Drowns Everyone.  “For the Chinese Communist Party, seeking to master the 21st Century as the one global superpower, it represents a strategic victory without so much as firing a single bullet.”

Biden’s Credibility Plummets over Purchase of Chinese-Made Drones.

Biden’s Commission on Supreme Court Reforms Warns Expanding Court Could Be Seen as ‘Partisan Maneuver’

Kevin D. Williamson opines on the NY Post editorial page that Biden’s trillion-dollar spending spree will lead to financial collapse.

File this under “the effects of the Biden economy” Americans seeing ‘serious financial problems’ in past few months

While you may not think, from its title, that this article has anything to do with the USA, read it because it does:  France to Vote on the Great Replacement of Western Civilization.

Gordon G. Chang does not mince any words with his latest op-ed in Gatestone Institute:  ‘War is Real’: Defend Taiwan or Give It the Bomb.

The U.S. Supply Chain Makes No Sense.

This will not resolve the current problems:   Biden Nominates Maritime Administrator with Zero Shipping Experience Amid Supply Chain Crisis.

From the National Review editorial board:  Unions Have Made Supply-Chain Problems Worse.

Victor Davis Hanson asks the question all of us are asking:  What Happened to the Beloved Military?

From The American Spectator:  Election Fraud Is Alive and Well in 2021.  As an aside:  PLEASE VOTE NO ON NYS STATEWIDE BALLOT PROPOSALS 1, 3, AND 4. 

Andrew C. McCarthy writes in National Review: Federal Crack-House Law Withstands Progressive Challenge.

Was the hierarchy FBI always so political?  In retrospect, I imagine that Byron York’s, Washington Examiner’s article, is nothing new:  DOJ memory holes Andrew McCabe wrongdoing.

Excellent article in the City-Journal written by Lee Siegel:  Liberal Pieties, Illiberal Consequences/We can fight censorious certitude by allowing for moral complexity.

If you are thinking about buying your young children or grandchildren for Christmas or Hanukkah, perhaps you should read this article first:  The Very Intersectional Caterpillar.

/ In CPNYS NEWS / By Shaun Marie / Comments Off on Has any one seen the Joe Biden that campaigned (from his basement) to be president; the man who is masquerading as Joe Biden is really Sanders and the Squad.

Statement from Conservative Party Chairman Gerard Kassar on Removal of Jefferson Statue at New York City Hall

Contact: Bill O’Reilly, 212-396-9117

Statement from Conservative Party Chairman Gerard Kassar on Removal of Jefferson Statue at New York City Hall

October 18, 2021

“Mayor de Blasio and the New York City Council want to drag from City Hall a statue of one of America’s most celebrated presidents and founding fathers that has stood in its chambers for almost a century and a quarter. If that doesn’t tell you the state of this city, nothing will.

“As crime skyrockets, potholes deepen, and public confidence in city government plummets, erasing history was their priority today.

“The genius of our founders lay in their understanding of human fallibility. The nation they envisioned was fixed upon ideals rather than individuals exactly for this reason. We celebrate Jefferson not because he was perfect — no man or woman is — but because he blazed a path for human dignity and freedom that we aspire to achieve every day.

“This is a shameful day for New York City. Its leaders have abandoned all perspective other than their own. It is the stuff of tyrants.”


Chairman Kassar’s weekly wrap up discusses our Vote NO campaign, how the Grinch (apologies to Dr. Seuss’ Grinch) stole an economy and Lee Zeldin launches a Lt. Gov. Search Committee.

Conservative Party Launches Vote NO Campaign

 Between now and Election Day the Conservative Party will be working overtime to defeat Ballot Propositions 1, 3 and 4. The propositions will appear on the backside of your ballot.  When you receive your ballot, please make sure you do not miss these important votes.  Below is a short summary of what the propositions are and the issues they will cause.

Proposition 1 gives the Democratic Party even more power in drawing new legislative lines, a tool they will certainly use to their advantage to purge Conservative/Republican representation.

Proposition 3 would allow for Election Day enrollment and voting. Same day enrollment would mean zero time to ensure the registered voter is indeed eligible to vote in the State of New York.  Clearly this will lead to fraud

Proposition 4 will replace absentee ballots with universal paper ballots.  Just like Proposition 3, there is no voter ID required.  This will increase fraud through ballot harvesting which is another way of saying stuffing the ballot box.

We have yard signs, literature, and speakers available. If you would like a yard sign, call us at 718-921-2158 or 518-356-7882.

 The Grinch That Stole an Economy

 Give credit where credit is due. In less than nine months the Biden Administration has given us high inflation on all fronts, and has even managed to foul up the supply side of just about everything that travels by ship.

Get your Christmas shopping done early, very early, or Christmas may come in February.

With consumer prices up and inflation rising faster than wages, it comes as no surprise that the hashtag #EmptyShelvesJoe was trending nationally as social media users take to the platforms of their choice to voice their displeasure with prices at the pump, grocery stores and overall lack of products available.

President Biden has the worse poll numbers of any president in American history at this point in time during their presidency. As we near the 9 month mark, there is no telling what the next three years may hold.

The Biden/Harris Administration has given us high gas prices, high inflation, COVID mandates, a humanitarian and health crisis at our Southern Border, handed Afghanistan back to the Taliban, and overall has made our nation less safe and secure. It’s hard to imagine that he could do more harm, but with three years remaining, the sky is the limit for colossal Biden failures.

Zeldin Launches Lt. Gov. Search Committee

 I was pleased to be asked by our presumptive nominee for Governor, Lee Zeldin, to serve on his Lt. Governor Search Committee.

Joining me on the committee will be Livingston County Chairman Jason McGuire. The committee will be chaired by Congresswoman Nicole Malliotakis.

The Conservative Party continues to play a significant role statewide and we thank Lee Zeldin and his team for recognizing the road to victory includes our membership and our votes. In 2018 Marc Molinaro and Julie Killian received 253,624 votes on our party line. We look forward to delivering more in 2022.

Learn more about the search committee here.

As Gasoline Prices Surge, Biden Admin Shifts Blame To ‘Anticompetitive Practices’.

Biden’s Credibility Plummets over Purchase of Chinese-Made Drones.

Democrats pour fiscal accelerant on the inflation fire.

‘There will be things that people can’t get,’ at Christmas, White House warns.

/ In CPNYS NEWS / By Gerard Kassar / Comments Off on Chairman Kassar’s weekly wrap up discusses our Vote NO campaign, how the Grinch (apologies to Dr. Seuss’ Grinch) stole an economy and Lee Zeldin launches a Lt. Gov. Search Committee.

President Biden should go back to his basement…we were safer when all he did just troll Facebook.

So, where’s The Post’s Pulitzer for Hunter Biden exposé?: Goodwin.

Leaked Border Patrol docs show mass release of illegal immigrants into US by Biden administration

Biden threatens to call out companies that don’t help end supply bottlenecks.  Hmmm, maybe he should turn to his friend, Mark Zuckerberg (who) spent $419M on nonprofits ahead of 2020 election — and got out the Dem vote, and have him end the supply bottlenecks. If Zuckerberg can get the Dems out to vote, shouldn’t he be able to get them the supplies they need from Biden’s best buddy, China?

Biden’s Pro-Communist Nominee.

He really does live in his own little world:  Biden praises supply chain team even as White House fails to guarantee arrival of Christmas presents.

The Memo: Troubles pile up for Biden.

A supply chain bottleneck/Biden administration buries its head in the sand, lies about inflation concerns.

How Zuck’s Bucks helped flip Wisconsin for Joe Biden after Hillary’s 2016 defeat.

Mr. President, what is your response to this?  More than 100K workers threaten strikes as unions flex muscles.

Producer inflation sets record for sixth straight month.

One can’t help but worry that the Biden Administration will fail at this also:  White House brings together 30 nations to combat ransomware.

From the Daily Signal:  Biden’s Taxes Hit Americans at the Top and Bottom.

From the Wall Street Journal (subscription required):  Oil Prices and Bad Policy/A Biden ban on oil exports would make the supply shortage worse.

Obama Economic Advisor: Buckle Up, Inflation Will Get Out of Control Thanks to a Woke Fed

Any wonder why we don’t trust the news:  Katie Couric: I withheld RBG’s harsh anthem-kneeling comments to ‘protect’ her.

Just in case you didn’t know what this phrase means, Larry Kudlow explains that ‘Let’s Go Brandon’ Is America’s Cry of Sanity as the Country Seems To Be Going Nuts.

“YIKES”: Fresh Fauci E-Mails Show NIAID Chief & Wife’s Flippancy Over Vaccine Deaths, More Interested in “Immortalizing” Him.

How Are the Billions in Emergency Aid to New York Being Spent?

From City-Journal:  When Cops Kill/Claims of systematic racial bias don’t stand up to empirical evidence.  Also, from City/Journal:  What Is Critical Race Theory, Really?/And why that’s often the wrong question.

Schools Group That Urged Attorney General’s Anti-Parent Initiative Has Ties to Democrats, Unions

From The Sun:  A Radical Dissent by Justice Clarence Thomas Offers a Reproach to Merrick Garland.

After 30 years, Clarence Thomas now ‘the most important justice’.

Merrick Garland’s Conflict…

NY Post editorial 1021 2021: Scandals from top to bottom in Joe Biden’s cabinet of horrors

Threatening Memo From Attorney General Merrick Garland to Parents Comes With Serious Conflict of Interest.

AG Merrick Garland is at war with American families: Devine.

From the WSJ (subscription required) Merrick Garland Has a List, and You’re Probably on It.

Terrible news on jobs is plainly on Biden, but he just shrugs.

Larry Kudlow writes that we should Take a Second Look at the Jobs Report — Private Sector Jobs Are Booming.

Confronting a Financial Assault on America’s Future.

DHS Secretary Mayorkas Halts Work-Site Immigration Enforcement Operations.

Joe Biden must stand up to China after latest threats to Taiwan.

What Does Joe Biden’s Health Have to Do with the Future of Taiwan?

Stop making excuses for Joe Biden — he’s the one to blame for his far-left agenda.

Biden Finds Himself Crosswise With American Common Sense.

Biden’s history of plagiarism continues:  Biden says he ‘started the vaccination program’ despite Trump rollout.

Really, how low can Hunter go?  Art gallery repping Hunter Biden received $500K federal COVID loan, records show.

White House throws up its hands at new questions on Hunter Biden’s ‘art’ scam.

De Blasio’s bid to kill Gifted & Talented programs must not stand.

Parents rip de Blasio for ‘abominable’ plan to end Gifted and Talented program.

Expanding school choice with vouchers could actually save NY big bucks.

Aren’t you happy to know that Governor Hochul is governing by protecting the safety of New York’s law abiding citizens?  How foolish of me to believe she is… At least 9 Rikers inmates recently freed by Gov. Hochul have been rearrested.

NY’s leaders have blood on their hands in the death of Maria Ambrocio — just as we warned.

Look who just woke up to the spike in NYC murders.

Progressive drug laws in cities like San Francisco are killing people.

The Second Amendment Needs Defending.

‘There’s no prenatal test for Awesome’

G.K. Chesterton’s “Orthodoxy” and Conservatism.

Chairman Kassar’s weekly wrap up discusses Lee Zeldin’s NYC headquarters, JCOPE’s book deal, and Columbus Day.

Zeldin Opens NYC Headquarters

I had the pleasure of introducing Congressman, and future Governor, Lee Zeldin at the grand opening of his New York City campaign headquarters.

Lee continues to crisscross the state while raising money at an impressive clip. His campaign has worked tirelessly since day 1 and shows no signs of slowing down. Lee Zeldin is the right guy at the right time to restore New York and clean up the mess left behind by disgraced former Governor Cuomo and Governor Hochul who covered up his wrong doings for personal gain.

While the Democrats continue fighting amongst themselves, appearing to be heading towards a very divisive primary that could include NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio, AG Tish James and NYC Public Advocate Jumaane Williams. It is imperative we get involved often and early to elect Lee Zeldin as our next Governor.

To get involved stop on by Lee’s NYC HQ located at 158 West 29th Street, NY, NY.

JCOPE Approves Inquiry into Cuomo Book Deal

For nearly a year the Conservative Party has called for an investigation into the various unseemly aspects of the Cuomo COVID book deal. For months, the corrupt Governor and his Senior Staff were able to squash any investigation Republican’s sought. Now, with Cuomo’s team of lap dogs gone, the questionable book deal which earned Cuomo millions will now go under formal investigation.

Jose Nieves, new chairman of the Joint Commission on Public Ethics, announced after a closed-door session on Tuesday that outside counsel would be retained to investigate “the legal and procedural operations of the commission.”

The former governor was paid $5 million for the book, titled “American Crisis: Leadership Lessons from the COVID-19 Pandemic,” after the commission’s top staff approved Cuomo’s request to receive the outside income. It is believed Governor Cuomo abused tax payer dollars by using state employees to conduct research, write and edit the book.

Happy Columbus Day

Columbus Day is not just celebrated to honor one man, instead it is a day to celebrate a brave and daring voyage across unchartered waters that launched hundreds of years’ worth of immigration, innovation, and exceptionalism.

Christopher Columbus represents the idea that you can indeed accomplish more than you think. You can have a dream and through perseverance, hard work, and sacrifice achieve those dreams.

We have lost sight of what it means to take chances, to be brave, and work hard. What we have instead found is a generation hell bent on re-writing history, failing to include context and expecting generations and generations of a changing world to think and act exactly as those with the loudest voice do at this very moment.

By today’s standards, it is easy to condemn anyone. Cancel culture is toxic, it is fundamentally about shaming, and it is about trying to ruin someone or something that may have momentarily made a mistake.

The phenomenon of cancel culture does not but create an environment of hostility and division. Cancel culture is believed to create a sense of accountability for those who say or do controversial things. Instead, it creates an environment where harassment and bullying are not only accepted—it is embraced.

Cancel culture is not activism. It is not brave. As a society, we should work towards more understanding each other better. Understanding where we came from, the times different people lived through, where we are, and where we want to go. Christopher Columbus did just that. He dared to do the unthinkable and paved the way for us to do the same.

September Jobs Report Misses Big League: 194k Jobs Added vs. 500k Expected

NYT Issues Major Correction After Claiming 900,000 Kids Have Been Hospitalized With COVID

China upset that U.S. forces have been training Taiwanese troops

Former Border Patrol Chief Reveals Top Threat Facing U.S. Right Now: ‘It’s Going To Get So Much Worse’