Author: Gerard Kassar

Statement by State Chairman Gerard Kassar on the NYS Budget

For Immediate Release
April 6, 2021
Contact:  Shaun Marie
518-356-7882  @cpnys

Statement by State Chairman Gerard Kassar on the NYS Budget

Brooklyn, NY – The democratic-controlled NYS Legislature, along with Governor Andrew Cuomo, are on the verge of passing an historically high spending document that increases spending and taxes to the highest levels ever in New York State.  These significant increases will impact all New Yorker’s, especially New York’s working families.

New York’s proposed budget has gone from bad to unsustainable, while the progressive-left cheers and says it will help working families in New York State.  Nothing could be further from reality.

New York’s working families need jobs to be able to keep working; by adopting new increased taxes on those who are wealthy and on corporations, NYS Government is encouraging an even greater exodus from New York by those who can leave and forcing corporations to escape to states that are tax-friendly, thereby taking New York jobs with them.

New York’s poor fiscal management, by the supermajority of democratic elected officials, is a flawed and erroneous way to uphold their oath to those who put them in office.  Shame on them.

# # #

Chairman Kassar’s weekly wrap up discusses NY’s progressive Parole Board, the NYC Council and Mayor turning backs on our NYPD, Marijuana legalization and our upcoming – May 26 – event in Tappan, NY.

Cop Killer Leading NY Police Reform

In 1981, Richard Rivera murdered off-duty officer and dad-of-four Robert Walsh. Now, Rivera sits on a panel in Ithaca and Thompkins County trusted to help create police reforms.

The program to “reimagine” police departments was formed at the request of Governor Andrew Cuomo. Cuomo and his New York Parole Board have been active in releasing cop killers from prison, demonstrating a clear lack of respect for police, the victim’s families and public safety.

You may have also read about the vicious attack that took place on West 43rd Street in Manhattan or have seen the disturbing video. Based on what we know to be the priority of the far-left liberals in the State Legislature and Governor’s mansion, I am sure it won’t surprise you to hear the attacker, Brandon Elliott, was on parole for the murder of his own mother in 2002.

Rehabilitated he is clearly not, as shown by his disgusting attack on a 65-year-old woman whose only crime was walking down the same sidewalk as him. Video shows Elliott punch her, kick her in the stomach, and then stomp on her head. An abhorrent scene made possible by a misguided parole board hellbent on releasing violent criminals back on to the streets of New York.

Now, another convicted cop killer, Paul Ford, is set to be paroled. Ford was one of three men convicted of the 1980 murder of Police Officer Harry Ryman.

For years I have had a personal interest and have written many letters in support of keeping Paul Ford behind bars.

Another man convicted of killing, Barrington Young, 62, was released last year and deported. The third convicted killer, Cornelius Bucknor, 59, has also been granted a parole hearing.

Unconscionably, 20 cop killers have been released from prison in New York since 2017. An unfathomable, concerning number and dangerous precedence.

NYC Council, Mayor Turn Back on Police Again

An already tough and dangerous job became more tough last week as the New York City Council voted to end qualified immunity for its officers.

Common sense and protections for those who risk their lives to protect us no longer exist in New York City. Mayor de Blasio and the City Council continue to kowtow to the left, bending at the knee to every demand from liberal activists, no matter the consequences and negative affects it will have on law abiding citizens.

“New Yorkers are getting shot, and police officers are on the streets day and night, trying to stop the bloodshed” said PBA President Pat Lynch.

There was a troubling increase in crime in 2020, specifically murders, shooting victims, and shooting incidents. In 2021, we are on pace to far surpass those unacceptable 2020 numbers.

Under no circumstance should we be working to promote criminals and those willing to cause harm and destruction while diminishing the role of the police and putting the men and women who protect our city at further risk.

Marijuana Legalized in New York State

To say New York is going to pot may be the understatement of the decade. Legislation to create the ‘New York Office of Cannabis Management’ sounds like a bad joke. If only it were funny.

Democrats in Albany, led by scandal-scarred Gov. Andrew Cuomo, know that legalizing recreational marijuana will come at significant human cost, but all they seem to care about is more tax revenue. Their indifference to human suffering is unconscionable.

Study after study has shown that marijuana use among teens — make no mistake about it, teen use will go up — can cause significant psychological damage and lead to use of even more dangerous drugs. We also know that traffic injuries and fatalities will increase because of stoned drivers on our roads, and a percentage of first-time marijuana users will become addicts.

We also know from other states that black-market drug sales actually increase after legalization, and those illicit drug pipelines often include counterfeit prescription pills and deadly narcotics like heroin and fentanyl. The cost of treating the addictions that will ensue from this legislation will likely cost far more than any revenue it would generate. Indeed, for every $1 of tax revenue in alcohol and tobacco tax revenues, society loses $10 in social costs according to SAM-Smart Approaches to Marijuana.

Mark Twain said the darnedest thing: “It’s easier to keep out of something than to get out of something.” He was, of course, right, and Twain’s advice is our advice to the New York State Legislature.

Keep out of the drug business. It will not end well.

Conservative Party Reception to Return May 26, 2021

We are excited to announce the return of our annual reception this spring which will be held in Tappan, NY, May 26th from 6:00 – 8:00pm at The Old ’76 House.

The ‘76 House, America’s oldest restaurant, is a three-hundred-year-old structure lovingly restored to pristine condition by the Norden Family. It is listed as a National Landmark and holds significant historic value. In fact, the original water painting of Benedict Arnold remains hung upside down. Just as George Washington left it.

We are expecting an exciting list of distinguished guests and honorees. We will be awarding our J. Daniel Mahoney Award, and Legislator of the Year Awards for 2020.

We are very much looking forward to gathering once again to visit with familiar faces and support the party.

Tickets for the event are $500 per person. More details are to follow in the coming week.

We look forward to seeing you all there.

Biden floats biggest tax hike since Clinton, who paid the price

Biden’s new $2 trillion spending plan is Green New Deal in ‘disguise,’ GOP lawmakers say

Trump says he is considering first rally since leaving office as he floats 2024 run.

President Biden’s American Job Killing Tax Plan.

Georgia governor hits back after Delta CEO criticizes state election law as ‘unacceptable’.

/ In CPNYS NEWS / By Gerard Kassar / Comments Off on Chairman Kassar’s weekly wrap up discusses NY’s progressive Parole Board, the NYC Council and Mayor turning backs on our NYPD, Marijuana legalization and our upcoming – May 26 – event in Tappan, NY.

Statement from New York State Conservative Party Chairman Gerard Kassar

For Immediate Release
March 30, 2021
Contact:  Shaun Marie
518-356-7882   @cpnys

Statement from New York State Conservative Party Chairman Gerard Kassar

Brooklyn, NY – “To say New York is going to pot may be the understatement of the decade. Today’s legislation to create the ‘New York Office of Cannabis Management’ sounds like a bad joke. If only it were funny.

“Democrats in Albany, led by scandal-scarred Gov. Andrew Cuomo, know that legalizing recreational marijuana will come at significant human cost, but all they seem to care about is more tax revenue. Their indifference to human suffering is unconscionable.

“Study after study has shown that marijuana use among teens — make no mistake about it, teen use will go up — can cause significant psychological damage and lead to use of even more dangerous drugs. We also know that traffic injuries and fatalities will increase because of stoned drivers on our roads, and a percentage of first-time marijuana users will become addicts.

“We also know from other states that black-market drug sales actually increase after legalization, and those illicit drug pipelines often include counterfeit prescription pills and deadly narcotics like heroin and fentanyl. The cost of treating the addictions that will ensue from this legislation will likely cost far more than any revenue it would generate. Indeed, for every $1 of tax revenue in alcohol and tobacco tax revenues, society loses $10 in social costs according to SAM-Smart Approaches to Marijuana.

“Mark Twain said the darnedest thing: It’s easier to keep out of something than to get out of something. He was, of course, right, and Twain’s advice is our advice to the New York State Legislature. Keep out of the drug business. It will not end well.”


Legislative Memo issued to the full NYS Legislature

Chairman Kassar’s weekly wrap-up discusses DiPietro/Rath bill to get students back in classes, President Biden showing his age, Facebook discussion with Assemblyman Ra and CPNYS enrollment is UP.

Rath, DiPietro Introduce School Legislation

Senator Ed Rath and Assemblyman DiPietro have teamed to introduce common sense legislation that would permit school districts to open to students for in-person instruction if the school is capable of maintaining 3 feet of distance between students.

The bill has been introduced in the Senate and Assembly. Additionally, it is supported by the New York State Academy of Pediatrics.

“There is increasing data to suggest that schools can safely reopen and that safe reopening does not suggest that teachers need to be vaccinated,” CDC Director Dr. Rochelle Walensky said in a February press conference.

The prolonged school closures have left many families confused and frustrated, rightfully so. The goalposts have continually moved while the CDC has given no indication that schools should remain closed. The teachers who continue to boycott returning to the classroom are putting children years behind and keeping many of them in environments that are far more dangerous than the care and supervision of attending in-person school 5 days a week.

“There is no reason for schools that are otherwise compliant with the bevy of safety guidelines and restrictions should be prevented from reopening because they lack the space to keep students 6-feet apart. Many schools simply do not have the physical square footage to be able to realistically comply with this executive order, said Assemblyman DiPietro who introduced the bill in the State Assembly.

President Biden Showing His Age

A lot of political hay has been made of President Biden’s multiple falls going up the stairway to board Air Force One. I have kept away from direct political commentary in as much I find the event troubling on a different scale. The President could have seriously hurt himself. That is something that should concern all Americans.

It is not political theater but a reality that the 78-year-old President has physical issues that could affect him and as such the nation. Just imagine if he had slipped down a few of the steps seriously twisting an ankle or injuring a bone or breaking his hip. It would, for a period of time, cause anxiety from Main Street to Wall Street, as well as in foreign Capitals.

Yesterday, the President gave his first press conference since taking office and far too often sounded incoherent and seemed to lose his train of thought. Midway through answering a question he abruptly stopped and ended the sentence with “uh, anyways.” It was not a funny moment, it was concerning and hit home the fact that the President is of a very advanced age.

President Biden’s job is grueling and demanding, but Americans deserve transparency and a Commander in Chief who communicates with the country often. Only time will tell if Biden is capable to fulfill his duties.

Live with Assemblyman Ed Ra

I was pleased to be joined by New York State Assemblyman Ed Ra, the ranking Republican of the Assembly Ways and Means Committee, Tuesday night to discuss the upcoming New York State budget.

The full interview can be seen here. I encourage anyone with a curiosity or interest of the budget and how Governor Cuomo and the Democratic majority continue to spend wildly and tax New Yorkers, listen to this interview. The video will be pinned to the top of our Facebook page for easy access.

New York Conservative Party Gets Boost

On behalf of the state party, I would like to thank the thousands who have joined the party over the last year for trusting in us to advocate on behalf of you. We welcome you with open arms.

With the increase, we now stand at 154,000 active members up from 147,000 in February of 2020.

Additionally, this past election cycle, we received nearly 300,000 votes on the Conservative Party line for President Trump. It is clear many New Yorkers believe in the work of the party.

It is my hope that we can continue to show to our members, and potential future members, that we are on the forefront of every fight worth fighting and supporting good candidates throughout our great state.

New Photos Show Biden’s Cheat Sheet For First Press Conference

White Liberals Overtake Austin Neighborhood, And Complain That The Minorities Are Too Masculine

Biden makes ‘no apologies’ at news conference for ending Trump-era migrant protocols

Former Commissioner says he will no longer recommend NYPD to new recruits

Cold weather depresses U.S. consumer spending; inflation is muted.

/ In CPNYS NEWS / By Gerard Kassar / Comments Off on Chairman Kassar’s weekly wrap-up discusses DiPietro/Rath bill to get students back in classes, President Biden showing his age, Facebook discussion with Assemblyman Ra and CPNYS enrollment is UP.

Chairman Kassar’s weekly wrap-up our lawsuit to protect constitutional voting rights, his radio interview on Statewide News Services, Cuomo calling on White House for cover and Facebook Live Tuesday, 03/23 at 7:00 PM with Assemblyman Ed Ra


New York State Conservative Party leaders yesterday announced the filing of a verified complaint with the New York State Supreme Court, County of Niagara, to protect the constitutionally prescribed voting rights of all New Yorkers.

The document can be viewed here.

The complaint filed on Thursday in Niagara County, seeks to overturn an unconstitutional action by the State Legislature S8015-D/A10833 signed into law by Governor Cuomo on August 20th, 2020 and now Chapter 139 of the laws of 2020. This Chapter amends Election Law Section 8-400 in clear violation of Article II, Section 2 of the State Constitution. This section establishes specific circumstances in which a registered voter can obtain an absentee ballot.

The Conservative Party maintains that this Chapter makes a permanent change in the State Constitution and as such requires approval of the electorate by placing such amendment on the November ballot. The Legislature and Governor by adopting said piece of legislation have circumvented that process.

The authority that allowed the Governor to open the process of absentee ballots to all voters in 2020 was limited to the authority granted him through the broad temporary emergency powers adopted by the Legislature in the Spring of 2020. Those powers expire with the pandemic.

The State Constitution belongs to the people of New York as a safeguard against runaway governors and legislatures which we clearly now have. The Constitution spells out the rules for absentee voting in great specificity not to inhibit voting, but to protect the integrity of every vote in this state. Those who wish to make changes in these areas are free to do so through a vote of the electorate, but never through legislative action. They simply don’t have that power.

The State Conservative Party successfully challenged the constitutionality of other attempted changes to New York Election Law by the Governor and Legislature in 2020.

Every registered New Yorker should exercise his or her right to vote in every election, but it is imperative that the voting safeguards put in place by our State Constitution be observed to guarantee maximum ballot security. When rules are changed willy-nilly, public confidence in our election processes wane, and that can be a dangerous thing. This complaint seeks to protect the democratic rights of New Yorkers, and we are hopeful for an affirmative outcome by the Court.

 Statewide News Service

Recently, I joined the Statewide News Service to discuss Governor Cuomo, his toxic workplace environment, sexual harassment, and abuse allegations and finally the recall and initiative referendum legislation.

You can listen here.

Cuomo Calling on White House for Cover

Embattled Governor Cuomo is running out of friends willing to cover up his sexual harassment and abuse allegations. However, it appears he still has the cover of President Joe Biden.

Reports from in and around the White House are that the President and Vice President are split on how to respond to the scathing allegations surrounding Cuomo. Biden has remained loyal to Cuomo saying an investigation should be carried out, while it is rumored Vice President Harris is ready and prepared to call on the Governor’s resignation.

On Wednesday, the Washington Examiner wrote this story featuring myself and Dutchess County Executive Marc Molinaro.

I am happy that national publications have continued to follow the Governor Cuomo scandal closely and I hope that they also continue to remember that it does not end with the claims of sexual harassment and assault, but with the nursing home death cover up.

It is important that we continue to remember all those lost and the lies that came out of Albany in an effort to diminish the whistleblowers and those calling for the truth.

Live with Ed Ra

On Tuesday, March 23, I will be joined live with New York State Assemblyman Ed Ra.  Assemblyman Ra is the senior Republican on the Ways and Means Committee and will be joining me to discuss the egregious New York State Budget that is moving forward in the State Assembly and Senate.

We will be live at 7:00pm Tuesday and we look forward to seeing you join us. As always, just visit our Facebook page where you will see the interview.

‘Situation’ on Mexican border worsens as politicians fight over labeling migrant surge a ‘crisis’

Pelosi says Biden has southern border situation ‘under control’

President-in-waiting? Harris seizes spotlight with Biden’s future uncertain

White House Says Biden is ‘Doing Fine’ After Multiple Falls


/ In CPNYS NEWS / By Gerard Kassar / Comments Off on Chairman Kassar’s weekly wrap-up our lawsuit to protect constitutional voting rights, his radio interview on Statewide News Services, Cuomo calling on White House for cover and Facebook Live Tuesday, 03/23 at 7:00 PM with Assemblyman Ed Ra


Contact: Bill O’Reilly, 212-396-9117


Buffalo, NY-March 19…New York State Conservative Party leaders today announced the filing of a verified complaint with the New York State Supreme Court, County of Niagara, to protect the constitutionally prescribed voting rights of all New Yorkers.

The document can be viewed here.

The complaint filed on Thursday in Niagara County, seeks to overturn an unconstitutional action by the State Legislature S8015-D/A10833 signed into law by Governor Cuomo on August 20th, 2020 and now Chapter 139 of the laws of 2020. This Chapter amends Election Law Section 8-400 in clear violation of Article II, Section 2 of the State Constitution. This section establishes specific circumstances in which a registered voter can obtain an absentee ballot.

The Conservative Party maintains that this Chapter makes a permanent change in the State Constitution and as such requires approval of the electorate by placing such amendment on the November ballot. The Legislature and Governor by adopting said piece of legislation have circumvented that process.

The authority that allowed the Governor to open the process of absentee ballots to all voters in 2020 was limited to the authority granted him through the broad temporary emergency powers adopted by the Legislature in the Spring of 2020. Those powers expire with the pandemic.

“The State Constitution belongs to the people of New York as a safeguard against runaway governors and legislatures which we clearly now have,” said State Conservative Party Chairman Gerard Kassar. “The Constitution spells out the rules for absentee voting in great specificity not to inhibit voting, but to protect the integrity of every vote in this state. Those who wish to make changes in these areas are free to do so through a vote of the electorate, but never through legislative action. They simply don’t have that power.”

The State Conservative Party successfully challenged the constitutionality of other attempted changes to New York Election Law by the Governor and Legislature in 2020.

“Every registered New Yorker should exercise his or her right to vote in every election, but it is imperative that the voting safeguards put in place by our State Constitution be observed to guarantee maximum ballot security,

”Chairman Kassar continued. “When rules are changed willy-nilly, public confidence in our election processes wane, and that can be a dangerous thing. This complaint seeks to protect the democratic rights of New Yorkers, and we are hopeful for an affirmative outcome by the Court.”


Despite Infusion of Washington’s Cash; Democrats in NYS Plan Nearly $7 Billion in New Taxes on New Yorkers         

For Immediate Release
March 15, 2021
Contact:  Shaun Marie
518-356-7882  @cpnys

Despite Infusion of Washington’s Cash; Democrats in NYS Plan Nearly $7 Billion in New Taxes on New Yorkers                                                 Statement by Chairman Gerard Kassar

 Brooklyn, NY — The Democrat controlled New York State Legislature, despite the infusion of fresh federal aid to NY ($12.6 B directly to state coffers) is poised to pass one-house bills that include a massive tax increase on businessmen and the wealthy; a 22.6% increase in spending over last year; 10.5% more than Governor Cuomo’s proposal.

Increasing the taxes on businesses and the wealthy will only further the exodus that has steadily increased over the past 10 years.  New York state cannot afford any additional losses.  This impractical plan will end up costing every New Yorker.  Spending is the problem.  If these Bills are enacted, the Democratic-controlled Legislature is shouting that New York is closed for business and encouraging New Yorkers to move to a state where they have better control over the money they earn.

# # #

Chairman Kassar’s weekly wrap up discusses Washington’s radical agenda, Cuomo’s woes, Petitioning and being on Just The News.

D.C. Democrats Continue to Push Through Radical Agenda

With all the attention statewide focused on Governor Cuomo, his six sexual harassment claims, and pending federal investigation into nursing home death coverups, it is easy to lose track of all the bad Bills that Congress is passing in  Washington, DC.

This week they passed the $1.9 trillion “COVID-19 relief” Bill that had little to do with relief and more to do with giving money, that we do not have, away to foreign nations and spending on projects that have nothing to do with giving people and businesses the aide they need.

Every member of our delegation, Elise Stefanik, Lee Zeldin, John Katko, Nicole Malliotakis, Tom Reed, Andrew Garbarino, Claudia Tenney and Chris Jacobs all voted NO for the new round of stimulus that will cost each individual American over $5,000 to pay for.

Joe Biden and Nancy Pelosi also continued their assault on the 2nd Amendment with the passage of H.R. 8, the “Bipartisan Background Checks Act of 2021”, and H.R. 1446, the “Enhanced Background Checks Act of 2021”.

While all three bills passed the House this week, we are proud of the members of our delegation who voted NO.

I thank them all for their level-headed, common sense approach to all the legislation they voted on this week. Having had many discussions with the Congress members from NY, I can tell you they were on the right side of these votes from the start.

Cuomo’s Woes Continue

There have been no good days for Governor Cuomo the last few weeks, and it does not appear any are on the horizon.

Cuomo was accused by a 6th woman this week; this time of sexual assault in the private residence of the Governor’s mansion. It has been referred to the local police to begin a probe into the Governor, potentially leading to a criminal investigation. If police choose to find the woman’s claims credible, Cuomo will officially be under investigation by two separate law enforcement entities at both the state and federal level.

On the Albany front, the entire Republican conference, and a growing number of Democrats, including leadership, have called on the Governor to resign. With more than half of the combined State Legislature having moved towards his resignation or impeachment, it is clear he has lost all ability to Govern and lead a legislative body.

When you have lost Albany, you have lost the people. New York needs a functional, working Government. Nearly a year ago, Andrew Cuomo prioritized a book deal, with a seven-figure advancement, over the health of New Yorker’s. While nursing home deaths piled up, and field hospitals remained empty, Cuomo was working on his fictional account of what a great leader he is.

His book is an egregious attack on our intelligence and disgusting show of self-promotion. We knew it then, and thankfully the entire world knows it now.

Conservative Candidate Petitions

We have a few more days remaining in this year’s petitioning cycle. If you have not yet signed a petition for your local Conservative Party candidate, please contact your local leadership, or someone you know who is involved with the party, to sign and get our candidates on the ballot.

A complete list of leadership and their contacts can be found here, or call the State Headquarters at 718-921-2158.

Just the News

I was happy to join David Brody on the Water Cooler yesterday to discuss Governor Cuomo, the hypocrisy of Senators Gillibrand, Schumer and the Democratic conference. Listen to the interview in its entirety by clicking here.

Over $57 billion in hidden taxes lurking in Biden’s $1.9 trillion COVID relief bill

Sexual assault allegations against Andrew Cuomo referred to Albany police

Schumer: Biden ‘Inherited’ Border Mess from ‘Nasty, Negative’ Trump

New York Democrats start to discuss running for governor as Cuomo resists calls to resign.

Border crisis: Record number of migrant children being held in ‘grim’ cage-like ‘cells’ for longer than is legal

/ In CPNYS NEWS / By Gerard Kassar / Comments Off on Chairman Kassar’s weekly wrap up discusses Washington’s radical agenda, Cuomo’s woes, Petitioning and being on Just The News.


For Immediate Release
March 5, 2021
Contact:  Shaun Marie
518-356-7882 @cpnys


Brooklyn – March 5…The New York State Conservative Party today called for the immediate release of communications between Crown Publishing, Governor Andrew Cuomo, his agents, and members of his administration leading up to the publication of Mr. Cuomo’s New York Times best-seller book “American Crisis: Leadership Lessons from the COVID-19 Pandemic” (Oct. 2020, Crown.)

The core premise of “American Crisis: Leadership Lessons from the COVID-19 Pandemic” was Mr. Cuomo’s purported successful management of Covid-19 in New York State. The Wall Street Journal and The New York Times are now reporting that Mr. Cuomo and members of his administration altered an official New York State Department of Health report to falsely embellish Mr. Cuomo’s image as an efficacious governor in the depths of a public health crises at the very same time that Mr. Cuomo was negotiating his book deal.

“Today’s news reports raise an obvious question: Would Crown Publishing have invested in Governor Cuomo’s book had they known the full extent of the nursing home deaths caused by the governor’s misguided policies?,” asked Conservative Party Chairman Gerard Kassar. “And did Governor Cuomo and members of his administration work to bury the true numbers in an effort to seal the book deal? The public needs answers to these questions, and the governor and Crown can begin by releasing the communications between them.”

The Conservative Party has previously asked Governor Cuomo to make immediately public the profits he received from his book, and questioned whether the facts Mr. Cuomo concealed fostered a false narrative required for the book’s publishing. Governor Cuomo has refused to address these questions.

“If the truth had been known about the nursing home deaths in the autumn of 2020, it’s hard to believe that Crown would have moved forward with ‘American Crisis: Leadership Lessons from the COVID-19 Pandemic’” Mr. Kassar continued. “So the question remains: Did Governor Cuomo hide the true nursing home death toll for personal financial benefit, and, if so, exactly how much money did he make from that lie? The public deserves to know.”


Chairman Kassar’s weekly wrap up discusses Governor Cuomo’s imbroglio, the COVID-19 relief bill and Sen. Schumer’s eroding numbers.

The Walls Are Closing in On Governor Cuomo

More startling allegations were made this week by former Congressional candidate and aide to Governor Cuomo, Lindsey Boylan, charging the Governor with sexual harassment and inappropriate conduct.

Boylan wrote about her experience working for the Governor Wednesday and went into very disturbing detail. Boylan gave specific instances of Cuomo engaging in inappropriate workplace behavior saying “the Governor would go out of his way to touch me on my lower back, arms and legs.”

In another instance Cuomo suggested he and Boylan engage in a game of “strip poker” as they traveled together to an event. Finally, Boylan charges the Governor with kissing her during a one-on-one meeting.

This new information coming from the very credible Boylan is extremely disturbing and further adds the proof that the Governor is no longer fit to lead the state of New York. His nursing home order, followed by the subsequent cover up of deaths, lies and now these sexual harassment allegations have earned him a much-deserved federal investigation.

The people of New York deserve accountability and answers, instead of providing that, Cuomo has set out to hire more staff members to handle his “messaging.” More taxpayer dollars spent on hiring staff members to cover up for his transgressions is appalling, but not surprising.

For almost a year, the Conservative Party has been questioning the Governor’s handling of this crisis. It was clear from early on; the administration was willing to use the pandemic as a political tool for self-promotion and false praise. Thankfully, Congresswomen Elise Stefanik and Nicole Malliotakis, who called for an investigation nine months ago, ere on our side calling for the truth.

Assembly Republicans have begun to take the first steps into an impeachment trial of Governor Cuomo, a move that has gained the support of many prominent Democrats, including Queens Assemblyman Ron Kim, who himself charged the Governor with threatening his career last week.

COVID-19 Relief Transforms into Democratic Wishlist

The American Rescue Plan is nothing but a pork filled Democratic wish list that provides billions in foreign aid and leaves Americans stranded and eventually on the hook for the bill.

Auditors at cite numerous examples of what they consider to be suspicious spending, including: $1.5 million for Chuck Schumer and the Seaway International Bridge connecting New York to Canada; $112 million for Nancy Pelosi and BART; $50 million for family planning groups such as Planned Parenthood; $852 million for civic volunteer agencies such as AmeriCorps, AmeriCorps Vista, and the National Senior Service Corps; and $470 million for libraries, museums, arts and humanities agencies.

This is not COVID relief, this is theft of American taxpayer money. Only 9% of the $1.9 trillion goes to public health, only 1% to vaccine, and 95% of the money allocated for schools in this bill is not eligible to be spent until 2022. Meanwhile, about $500 billion from the last relief bills remains unspent and unobligated.

Rep. Nicole Malliotakis said on Inside City Hall with NY1 political anchor Bobby Cuza. “This bill, unfortunately, has so much unrelated stuff in there that has made the bill so expensive, and it doesn’t just focus on the tailored needs of our communities.” The Congresswoman also points out that this bill could come at a cost of $15,000 per American household to pay for Biden’s pork filled package.

Relief packages should be about just that, relief. We all understand the need to help Americans who have been affected by this pandemic at no fault of their own, but now is not the time to spend money we simply don’t have on things, nor provide relief for COVID-19.

Schumer’s Numbers Erode

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer’s approval rating among his New York constituents has hit a two-decade year low. Senator Schumer recorded his highest-ever “poor” rating according to a new Marist Poll.

Schumer gets an “excellent” or “good” rating from just 41% of New York registered voters, according to the poll released Tuesday. Good for the second-lowest of his Senate career. Nearly 30% of the respondents believe he is doing a “poor job.”

This is unwelcomed news for the Senator who is up for re-election next year and it is rumored that Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is preparing a potential run against him. Amongst young voters, a key constituency for Ocasio-Cortez, 58% believed Schumer was doing a poor job.

The poll was not much kinder to Senator Gillibrand who also saw her numbers take a hit statewide.

While Senators Schumer and Gillibrand worked to build national profiles, they neglected to do their jobs at home.  They have both become two comfortable, taking their large Democratic voting bloc in New York City for granted and ignored them while on a quest for self-fulfillment.

Perhaps these new polls will remind the two Senators they work for New York State and all politics are local.

Democrats refuse moment of silence request for Rush Limbaugh.

The Border Surge Is Underway, And The Biden Administration Is Unprepared.

Ron DeSantis SLAMS the left, and tells conservatives there’s no going back to the ‘establishment’ GOP.

Lincoln Project Staffer May Have Violated Campaign Finance Law, Ethics Watchdog Says.

Georgia State Senate Passes Bill Requiring Photo ID for Absentee Voting.


/ In CPNYS NEWS / By Gerard Kassar / Comments Off on Chairman Kassar’s weekly wrap up discusses Governor Cuomo’s imbroglio, the COVID-19 relief bill and Sen. Schumer’s eroding numbers.

Statement by New York State Conservative Party Chairman Gerard Kassar “The public deserves to know now how much Gov. Cuomo profited from best-selling COVID-19 book.”

For Immediate Release
February 23, 2021
Contact:  Shaun Marie
518-356-7882 @cpnys

 Statement by New York State Conservative Party Chairman Gerard Kassar  “The public deserves to know now how much Gov. Cuomo profited from best-selling COVID-19 book.” 

Brooklyn, NY – “‘American Crisis: Leadership Lessons from the Covid-19 Pandemic’ (Crown, 2o20), Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s (semi-fictional) New York Times best-seller, presumably made the governor a tidy profit. The public deserves to know the exact amount now, as questions about his handling of COVID-19 are squarely in the public eye.

“To profit from such a human catastrophe in the first place — after potentially fatal mistakes were made by him and his administration — raises significant questions about Mr. Cuomo’s judgement. He should report how much he made at the first possible opportunity to the people who gave him his job.

“The governor is currently delaying release of the profit figure until May, when his next financial disclosure statement is due. That’s not good enough. The man who once promised to be the most transparent governor in history needs to be transparent now.”



Chairman Kassar’s weekly wrap-up discusses the pending DOJ investigation into NY’s nursing home deaths, Rush Limbaugh and who is running our country.

FBI, U.S. Attorney Officially Open Investigation into Governor Cuomo

It has been 10 months in the making, but the FBI and U.S. attorney’s office in Brooklyn have formally launched an investigation into Governor Cuomo, his coronavirus task force, and their handling of nursing homes during the peak of the pandemic.

The Eastern District of New York is on the ground floor of their investigation but is preparing to dig into Governor Cuomo and some of his senior staff members for their role in the coverup of thousands of deaths throughout New York State.

In another startling revelation Democratic Assemblyman Ron Kim revealed the Governor called him repeatedly, ultimately threatening him and his career if he did not stop calling for a criminal investigation.

“The thing that really pisses me off the most is that he took away our ability to legislate by not sharing that data in real time,” Kim said of Cuomo’s COVID-19 death coverup.

We are only in the beginning stages, but the Governor and his henchman earned this investigation. They deceived the state of New York, they deceived the family members who lost loved ones all in the name of a political agenda. While the Javits Convention Center, USNS Comfort and Samaritans Purpose field hospital went unused, thousands died, the Governor accepted Emmy awards for his “heroic” response and cracked jokes on national television.

As this saga continues to unfold, it is very important to note and remember the Republican State Assembly announced the forming of a commission yesterday to investigate impeaching Governor Cuomo. As this commission continues to weigh its options, we should be keeping an eye out to see which state Democrats are willing to put their money where their mouth is, put party politics aside and support impeachment proceedings.

Yesterday, I went on with David Brody from Just the News to discuss Governor Cuomo and the crimes very like committed. You can watch it  here.

Rush Limbaugh 1951-2021

Earlier this week we lost an icon in the conservative movement. Rush Limbaugh saved AM radio and gave millions upon millions of common-sense conservatives a voice.

A man who knew of America’s remarkable greatness and opportunity, his career in radio and show business spanned from 1971 until his death days ago. Rush was conservative radio’s happy warrior, always having fun and keeping his listeners engaged.

We lost a titan but will also remember his contributions. Rest in peace, Rush.

VP Harris Taking Private Meetings on Behalf of America

So, who is running the country you ask? Well, it appears to be the Vice President, just as we suspected would happen.

During the 2020 election cycle, then candidate Biden’s ability to handle the grueling schedule of being the President was brought into question due to his campaign’s half work, or no work, days. Now, we have learned the Biden Administration is calling early “lids” on his day and allowing VP Harris to take solo calls with foreign leaders on behalf of President Biden.

In the final year of the Trump Presidency, VP Pence took no direct calls with leaders of other nations, leaving no doubt that President Trump was in charge and executing the duties of his office.

The VP also spends her day shadowing President Biden for several hours, almost as if she is getting accelerated on the job training to take over for the President. The VP has her own radical left-wing agenda, one that is arguably 2 steps to the left of President Bidens.

It is reported the VP also get’s the last word in the room, even when the President is present, begging the question, who is running the country? American’s deserve to know the mental and physical state of its Commander-in-Chief.

Trump invited to CPAC as he begins return to politics after Senate acquittal.

Biden Plan Brings Deported Illegal Aliens Back to U.S. to Get Amnesty.

NY State Assembly GOP to form Cuomo ‘impeachment commission’ over nursing home scandal.

As Americans Suffer COVID And Blackouts, House Dems Draft Bill To Ban ‘Twice Impeached Presidents’ From Burial At Arlington Cemetery.

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