Press Releases CONSERVATIVES LAUNCH PETITION TO NAME NEW TAPPAN ZEE BRIDGE THE BROWN PAIGE O’GRADY BRIDGEJanuary 17, 2017Read MoreCONSERVATIVES CALL ON VOTERS TO VOTE NO ON CONSTITUTIONAL CONVENTIONJanuary 7, 2017Read MoreThe NYC Council Sings “Black National Anthem” at Thursday Meeting; Conservative Party Says Action Divides AmericansOctober 28, 2016Read MoreLONG TO CITY COUNCIL: PLAN TO STUDY SUPERVISED INJECTION FACILITIES IS UNTOWARDSeptember 28, 2016Read MoreCHAIRMAN MIKE LONG UNANIMOUSLY RE-ELECTED AT BI-ANNUAL ORGANIZATIONAL MEETINGSeptember 26, 2016Read MoreConservative Party Says True Compassion Gives Aid to the LivingMay 23, 2016Read MoreNew Yorkers need jobs — not government interference in creating jobs by mandating an unsustainable increase in the minimum wage.March 21, 2016Read MoreConservatives Oppose Raising the Minimum Wage Urges Legislators to Keep the American Dream AliveMarch 16, 2016Read MoreCHAIRMAN LONG TO VOTERS: ASSEMB. KAMINSKY SPONSORS LEGISLATION TO INCREASE HIS SALARY OVER 200%March 10, 2016Read More«‹343536373839›