Conservative Party News

The Washington Post has more “Pinocchios” for President Biden.

Bob McManus’s insight into Albany and especially Governor Cuomo should be required reading by everyone who will vote in the

Statement from New York Conservative Party Chairman Gerard Kassar on Governor Cuomo’s Cynical Assault on Second Amendment

For Immediate Release July 6, 2021 Contact:  Shaun Marie 518-356-7882 @ cpnys Brooklyn, NY – “There’s a ‘Disaster Emergency’

Governor Andrew Cuomo’s shameful exploitation of the rising crime stats.

Breaking:  Cuomo declares new state of emergency, this time for gun violence.  Governor Andrew Cuomo’s new emergency declaration admits ““This

Independence Day 2021

“I am apt to believe that (Independence Day) will be celebrated by  succeeding generations as the great anniversary festival. It

If you love your freedom and cherish all America offers there is nothing to celebrate about CCP’s 100th Anniversary.

The Chinese Communist Party at 100. CCP at 100 Years: A Century of Killing and Deceit. Top Wuhan Lab Scientist

The progressive left is spinning out of control and the media is mesmerized by them.

Roe v. Wade’s antiquated law of ‘viability’ deadly for unborn infants. Pelosi and Feinstein refuse to say if 15-week preborn

Titus Livius’ insight is even more important today than it was when he lived.

Iran’s New President: A Mass Murderer Mullah;  Iran: Black Turban Follows White Turban; From Gatestone Institute:  How China Sees It 

Chairman Kassar’s Weekly Wrap Up

President Trump Supports Conservative Party Last week, President Trump sent our Onondaga Chairman Bernie Ment a note indicating his support