Conservative Party News

President Biden’s history of mis-remembering the truth is becoming problematic.

From the Gatestone Institute:  Why Did Vladimir Putin Invade Ukraine? If you only have time for one article today, make

Biden fancies himself as everyone’s “Grandpa” but he is really the Black Sheep of the family.

The Nobel Committee Should Give Zelensky the Peace Price Now. Ukraine Crisis: The Next Biden Defeat? Biden’s feckless energy policy

As Winston Churchill once said, “Never, never, never give up.”

If Ukraine Falls Does the Democratic Party Fall as Well? From the Gatestone Institute: Biden Administration Appeases Mullahs, Iran Escalates

Statement from New York State Conservative Party Chairman Gerard Kassar on Outrageous Use of 911 Imagery by Democrat Senators May and Jackson 

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Bill O’Reilly, 212-396-9117 March 8, 2022 “There are no words to describe Senators Rachel May’s

Andrew Cuomo, the narcissist, needs to stop inveigling himself…

Great analysis from Miranda Devine:  As threat of nuclear war looms, how Democrats spin a crisis. Ukraine vs. Russia: A

Chairman Kassar’s weekly wrap up discusses our nominating convention, our reapportionment case in the State Supreme Court and Biden’s State of the Union speech.

Convention This past week both the New York State Conservative and Republican parties held conventions and I am proud to

Biden is swimming in the deep end…and he doesn’t know how to swim.

Once again, Sen. Joe Manchin, stands up for his constituents:  Manchin pours water on Biden’s attempt to revive Build Back