Conservative Party News

Weekly Wrap-Up

If you like your health care plan you can keep it, the Benghazi attacks were inspired by a YouTube video

Daily Update

Jonathan S. Tobin opines on just how deceitful and harmful the Obama Administration was during the Iran Nuclear Agreement talks. 

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Help me understand this -- President Obama who airlifted $400 million to Iran in January as 4 Americans were being

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Today we have more followup on getting the rest of the story.  Who is Khizr Khan?  Of course he is

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Just a quick reminder on how important it is to go beyond the headlines.  Paul Harvey used to remind us

Weekly Wrap-Up

Hillary Clinton is now the Democrats’ presidential nominee, but her acceptance speech was little more than an uninspired liberal wish

Daily Update

Tonight is the night Hillary Clinton accepts the manipulated nomination to become the presidential nominee of the Democratic Party.  According

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Ralph Peters:  We have failed to protect Christians from Islamic terror.The Daily Caller has an exclusive that the IRS is