Conservative Party News

Daily Update

Welcome to the political world of Hillary, where it is permissible to insult thousands of people as being in a

Weekly Wrap-Up

This was an exciting week for the Conservative Party, as we welcomed Donald Trump to our 2016 Presidential Reception. His

Daily Update

Our presidential nominee, Donald J. Trump, posted this last night after accepting our nomination.  We, the Conservative Party members, thank

Daily Update

The Las Vegas Review Journal editorial headline nails Hillary!

Weekly Wrap Up

Labor Day is here already which means two things; Summer is almost over and the citizens really start paying attention

Daily Update

Hillary's week isn't getting any better -- first there is this:  Experts poke holes in Clinton Foundation's promised donor ban,

Daily Update

Deroy Murdock opines in National Review how Never Trump equals Hillary, plain and simple. A fresh reminder that the Clintons never

Daily Update

Sen. Schumer --  who we all know loves the camera and creates news on "hot topics"  --  has been strangely