Conservative Party News

Daily Update

The Las Vegas Review Journal editorial headline nails Hillary!

Weekly Wrap Up

Labor Day is here already which means two things; Summer is almost over and the citizens really start paying attention

Daily Update

Hillary's week isn't getting any better -- first there is this:  Experts poke holes in Clinton Foundation's promised donor ban,

Daily Update

Deroy Murdock opines in National Review how Never Trump equals Hillary, plain and simple. A fresh reminder that the Clintons never

Daily Update

Sen. Schumer --  who we all know loves the camera and creates news on "hot topics"  --  has been strangely

Daily Upadate

Taxi tycoon Evgeny Freidman owes $13M in taxes, NYC blasted for doing nothing about it is a headline in the

Weekly Wrap-Up

“Bleachbit” – it’s a company you may not have been familiar with, but thanks to Trey Gowdy we now know

Daily Update

Breaking:  US Navy ship fired warning shots at Iranian ship; 4 Mideast close calls this week. is also following