Conservative Party News

Daily Update

The NY Post editorial gives Gov. Andrew Cuomo kudos for calling Sunday's bombing exactly what it was.   “A bomb exploding

Daily Update

President Obama did not address the nation when NYC and New Jersey were bombed Saturday, nor did he say anything

Weekly Wrap-Up

“The best evidence that Hillary Clinton is lying about her health is that Hillary Clinton is lying about everything.”  That

Daily Update

New York Times:  Poll shows tight race for Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton.  You know Hillary is in real trouble


Today is Primary Day, be sure to have your voice heard.  Call your local Board of Elections, to find out

Daily Update

Welcome to the political world of Hillary, where it is permissible to insult thousands of people as being in a

Weekly Wrap-Up

This was an exciting week for the Conservative Party, as we welcomed Donald Trump to our 2016 Presidential Reception. His

Daily Update

Our presidential nominee, Donald J. Trump, posted this last night after accepting our nomination.  We, the Conservative Party members, thank