Conservative Party News

Weekly Wrap-Up

All week we’ve seen how President Trump is short-circuiting Washington, through the truly radical act of keeping his campaign promises...

Daily Update

Despite the left's continued hysteria regarding President Trump's temporary banning of people from 7 countries, Rasmussen is reporting that most

Daily Update

Ed Whelan, president of the Ethics and Public Policy Center, is a former law clerk to Justice Scalia opines in

Daily Update

The Daily Signal notes that President Trump's refugee order balances security and compassion and is well within his authority to

Weekly Wrap-Up

The Trump Administration is off to a stunningly conservative start, and one issue that stands out is border security. President

Daily Update

"We must think big and dream even bigger" says Larry Kudlow in his National Review article, quoting President Trump's inaugural

Daily Update

Former President Obama promised to continue to oppose Voter-ID laws in private life insisting that the US was the only

Daily Update

The Trump Administration began with keeping a promise made to his supporters.  On Friday, President Donald J. Trump signed an