Conservative Party News

Daily Update

America celebrated her 241st birthday yesterday while Americans enjoyed the day with family and friends.  Today our hearts are heavy

Weekly Wrap-Up

Independence Day is almost here...

Daily Update

Seriously, Senator Schumer?  When are you going to stop putting politics ahead of national security?  CUNY’s obscene pay hike for

Daily Update

Mayoral candidate: Everyone thinks NYPD fudges crime stats.  Shortly after this morning's debate, Paul Massey dropped out of the mayoral

Daily Update

Governor Cuomo is bringing the legislative members back, essentially to deal with mayoral control of the NYC school system...and whatever

Daily Update

Governor Cuomo is planning more taxes for New Yorkers outside of NYC if the health care proposal includes the "Faso-Collins"

Weekly Wrap-Up

Did votes by non-citizens cost President Trump the 2016 popular vote? It sure looks that way, as a new study

Daily Update

Did you miss Chairman Long on Capitol Tonight last night.  Don't worry, we have it here. The Members of the Legislature