Conservative Party News

Weekly Wrap-Up

What’s next for Obamacare repeal? There are many possibilities, none of them completely satisfying. One thing is for sure: There's

Daily Update

Malliotakis demands de Blasio’s travel costs be released.  Our readers had a heads up on this yesterday.  Let your friends

Daily Update

Assemblywoman Nicole Malliotakis is standing up for all New Yorker’s by filing a FOIA request for the cost of 21

Daily Update

E. J. McMahon’s column, Sizing up tax reform, explains how federal tax reform offers mixed prospects for New York State.  The

Daily Update

Nicole Gelinas’ column in today’s New York Post is quite informative in explaining how the NYC subways are being “robbed”

Weekly Wrap-UP

President Trump’s priority is protecting America – while the Democrats’ are focused on using defense dollars to fund sex-change operations.  

Daily Update

The new Senate health care bill has been released.  It looks like a compromise, to get it passed, if it

Daily Update

Here is an excellent interview of our candidate for Mayor, Nicole Malliotakis on Fox Business News.  Please do what you