Conservative Party News

Daily Update

The NY Post headline reads - NY GOP wants Harry Wilson to take out Cuomo – however, I only see

Daily Update

If Mayor de Blasio hired you and you do your job wellyou can expect to be fired, but if you

Weekly Wrap-Up

As Thanksgiving draws near we are grateful to all of our Conservative Party friends and supporters who help us fight

Daily Update

Well, Mayor de Blasio admits his NYCHA Chairwoman Shola Olatoye failed to conduct thousands of required lead paint inspections on

Daily Update

Today’s NY Post editorial states that a new bombshell report on the Housing Authority indicates that Mayor de Blasio is

Daily Update

E. J. McMahon explains a simple fact in his column Right Point, Wrong data;  New York State is dangerously over-dependent

Daily Update

Nicole Malliotakis’ campaign manager, Leticia Remauro, had an election post-mortem in the Gotham Gazette over the weekend.  You can read

Weekly Wrap-Up

One year after President Trump’s stunning White House win, liberals are still waiting for the apocalypse they predicted after Hillary’s