Conservative Party News

Daily Update

President Donald J. Trump on the 76th Remembrance of the attack on Pearl Harbor.  The Conservative Party of New York

Daily Update

Governor Andrew Cuomo’s hyperbole, especially in light of the numerous sexual harassment disclosures in the past few months, reveals, once

Daily Update

Stephen Moore has part of the solution for Governor Andrew Cuomo, Governor Jerry Brown, and Governor Elect Phil Murphy’s (NJ)

Daily Update

In 1 Chart, the differences between the House and Senate Tax Reform Bills.  These 229 Businesses and Groups Support Tax

Weekly Wrap-Up

It’s always worth remembering – if you want to see President Trump’s real impact, look beyond his Twitter feed.

Daily Update

I wonder if Judge Ray Rodriguez feels any remorse knowing now that his “mercy” was misplaced. Success Academy boss Eva Moskowitz

Daily Update

The Daily Signal says:  Don’t Believe the Democrat Attacks on Tax Reform. Here Are the Facts.

Daily Update

A majority of New York voters support legalizing and taxing marijuana, poll reveals.  Not surprising, but very disappointing.  Read what