Conservative Party News

Daily Update

Get ready for the ad blitz!  Special interests are preparing to spend big bucks to inundate residents about the “perils”

Daily Update

he Daily Signal writes about the Clive Bundy Nevada land rights case and explains why Americans are right to fear

Daily Update

Our featured luncheon speaker, Corey Lewandowski, appeared on Fox News Sunday yesterday, to discuss the “complete fabrication” of the tell-all

Weekly Wrap-Up

It’s a new year, but some things never change...

Daily Update

Anyone who was listening to Governor Andrew Cuomo’s State of the State yesterday, had the same reaction as the NY

Daily Update

 Happy New Year.Welcome to 2018 – a year that will be politics on steroids as New York and the Nation

Weekly Wrap-Up

President Trump is closing out a good month that caps what has been a phenomenal first year of his administration

Daily Update

All the Trump Tax Bill needs now is his signature.  The naysayers were besides themselves, not  even capable of giving