Conservative Party News

Daily Update

The Korean War officially began on June 25, 1950 when the North Korean communist army crossed the 38th Parallel into

Daily Update

The Post endorses Dan Donovan for Congress. What is wrong with the Assembly’s thinking:  Assembly moves to protect trafficking victims —

Weekly Wrap-Up

After one of the best jobs reports ever, the Trump tax cuts continue to make America’s economy great again.

Daily Update

An article in today’s Daily Caller is making everyone aware of the Southern Poverty Law Center’s (SPLC) influence in social

Daily Update

BREAKING:  Comey defied authority during Clinton probe: inspector general.Is anyone surprised?  Andrew McCabe wants immunity for testimony on Clinton email

Daily Update

Senate Majority Leader cancels August recessciting Democrats' "obstruction" and the need to pass spending bills. The Daily Signal examines Trump’s and

Daily Update

It is so easy to waste money when you don’t earn it and have the ability to just take it

Weekly Wrap-Up

It’s been a week of celebrities, pseudo-celebrities and quasi-celebrities as “entertainers” staking out various parts of the political spectrum have