Conservative Party News

Daily Update

Kudos to President Donald J. Trump  – ANOTHER campaign promise delivered -- USMCA replaces NAFTA. When are the Democrats going

Weekly Wrap-Up

One issue dominated the news this week and depending on where you get your news from you most likely will

Daily Update

Are you registered to vote?  Is everyone in your family registered to vote?  The last day for new voters to

Daily Update

Seth Barron has a very good article in the City Journal that should be read by every person who plans

Daily Update

Up until today, I was not aware that a gentleman, Brandon Straka, headed up the #WalkAway movement.  To be honest,

Daily Update

In case you missed this over the weekend.  Most people who serve for the right reasons and have the best

Weekly Wrap-Up

“Andrew Cuomo was sentenced today — he just doesn’t have to do the time,” said Marc Molinaro of the punishment

Daily Update

The New York Sun editorial opines on Kavanaugh and the ‘Benefit of the Doubt’.    It is good to be reminded