Conservative Party News

Weekly Wrap-Up

Math standards are being lowered by New York universities, and the Cuomo campaign is leading the way by manipulating their

Daily Update

Dem Governor Facing Tough Re-Election Accused of Padding Local Donation Numbers to Appear Grassroots.  Governor Cuomo, do you really think

Daily Update

Governor Andrew Cuomo’s hiring spree of “special assistants” cost taxpayer’s $33.8 million during fiscal 2016-2017, the latest year for which

Daily Update

Governor Cuomo depends on people not paying attention to anything other than what he states as factfacts that omit important

Daily Update

Governor Andrew Cuomo’s dark side was very apparent in this article over the weekend, can you imagine being treated as

Weekly Wrap-Up

Using a credit card to buy baseball tickets - that’s about the most “scandalous” behavior liberals can come up with

Daily Update

Most voters expect a candidate to be honest on where they stand on certain relevant topics.  When a candidate asks

Daily Update

Our US Senate Candidate, Chele Farley, has a new radio ad here.  Help Chele get her message out by sending