Conservative Party News

Daily Update

Nanny state government is back with a vengeance, and we all will be paying the price.  We understand the harm

Weekly Wrap-Up

President Trump delivered a powerful speech Tuesday night on the border crisis facing our country.

Daily Update

Mayor “you earn it -I take it” De Blasio is at it again.  From WABC News in NYC: “Mayor Bill

Daily Update

With Hillary – the twice failed presidential democratic nominee – at his side, Governor Andrew Cuomo, called for a constitutional

Weekly Wrap-Up

It’s a three-ring circus this week in Washington as Nancy Pelosi and the Democrats take control of the U.S. House

Daily Update

Betsy McCaughey  and the Daily Signal  both point out how impactful it is to taxpayers now that President Trump froze pay

Daily Update

We hope all our readers had a Joyful Christmas and that the New Year brings you prosperity. Governor Cuomo may deny

Weekly Wrap-Up

On the first day of Christmas my true love gave to me, a Schumer and a Pelosi. I’d rather have