Conservative Party News

Daily Update

Charter Schools:  Worth the investment!

Daily Update

Rest in Peace Christopher Slutman. Thank you for being a true New York hero.  Our Founding Fathers knew that

Daily Update

In case you missed this over the weekend Judith Clark, the domestic terrorist involved in the infamous 1981 Brinks

Weekly Wrap Up

New taxes, new fees, new regulations and new laws that make our streets less safe and reduce our freedoms summarizes

Daily Update

Our society is simply inexplicable lately.  How does one cosponsor a bill designed to put an end to animal testing

Daily Update

Governor Cuomo was criticized for cutting funds to the Special Olympics , at the very last minutes of the legislative

Daily Update

Lawmakers just gave Cuomo even more power.  Gov. Cuomo is not done with his progressive agenda:  Cuomo vows to pass

Daily Update

Unfortunately for New Yorkers, the budget that was just passed by the Members of the Legislature is not an April