Conservative Party News

Daily update

The Conservative Action Project , of which Chairman Long is a member, is urging the Trump Administration to defend citizenship

Daily Update

Michael Gormley is reporting in Newsday that there are serious concerns regarding a short fall in tax collections that could

Weekly Wrap-Up

The war on unborn children continues this week – Andrew Cuomo has set a dreadful precedent here in New York,

Daily Update

John Gizzi  opines on Chairman Long’s thirty year history as Chairman of the Conservative Party.

Daily Update

For all that may think the conservative movement is out of sync with Americans, a new survey of voter attitudes

Daily Update

Timothy Cardinal Dolan asks the question in today’s NY Post that many Catholics are asking:  Why are Cuomo Democrats alienating

Weekly Wrap-Up

What a heartbreaking week for New York. So many innocent lives will be lost because of the so-called Reproductive Health

Daily Update

Governor Cuomo does it again.  Yesterday, we wrote about Governor Cuomo signing the Reproductive Health Act and showed how jovial