Conservative Party News

Weekly Wrap Up

Welcome to my first Weekly Wrap-Up as Chairman of the Conservative Party!  I am humbled by this opportunity, and I

Daily Update

Health Insurance costs will increase again if the Governor’s proposal to mandate insurance for IVF  is passed in this

Daily Update

According to Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez she understands economics because she worked for tips .  I wonder, if AOC understands how many

Daily Update

Today is the first workday of a new era in the history of the NYS Conservative Party under the leadership

Weekly Wrap-Up

This is a bittersweet post – my last Weekly Wrap-Up as the Chairman of the Conservative Party

Daily Update

The hypocrisy of far too many elected officials is astounding. 

Daily Update

E. J. McMahon writes in today’s NY Post that Cuomo’s bid to balance budget leaves big trouble ahead.  Really, Governor? 

Daily Update

Mayor Bloomberg, considering you are thinking about running for president, why are your records still shielded, missing, or lacking at