Conservative Party News

Daily Update

Tom Precious has covered state government for the Buffalo News since 1997 and has a keen understanding of the dynamics

Daily Update

In case you missed Chairman Jerry Kassar on Cats Roundtable you can listen to the interview here.   The late breaking

Weekly Wrap-Up

This week, once again, New York’s Democrats showed themselves to be the party of big government, big taxes, and big

Daily Update

The NY Post is correct in advocating a “Just say NO” to congesting pricing.   Bill Hammond writes about Medicaid déjà

Daily Update

John Gizzi, a long-time political reporter, has a great article on the what our new chairman, Gerard Kassar, foresees for

Daily Update

Reuters hasn’t fired Joseph Menn.  Why not?  Albeit, Reuters is facing ethical questions after admitting that their reporter (Menn) sat

Daily Update

Yancy Roy wrote in yesterday’s Newsday on the top issues in the NYS Budget debate.  Upon review, it would

Weekly Wrap-Up from Chair Jerry Kassar

America’s borders are a mess, but our elected “leaders” are just playing politics with our security