Conservative Party News

USNS Comfort, comforts New York.

Late on Friday, the United States lost a great a leading voice for limited and modest government and for fiscal

Chairman Kassar wraps up the weekly news on the coronavirus, Trump and Cuomo and the economics of the coronavirus crisis.

Chairman’s Note  I want to first start this week’s wrap up by thanking doctors, nurses, EMT’S, medical professionals, first responders,

Our great-great grandchildren will be paying for the Coronavirus Bill…will lessons be learned?

Yesterday’s daily update included this article  Cuomo: ‘Numbers don’t work’ in ‘terrible’ Senate stimulus package, in which Gov. Cuomo complained

How long can the economy sustain social distancing?

President Donald J. Trump wants to get the economy back on track by Easter and as long as it is

Statement by State Chairman Gerard Kassar on Senator John Flanagan’s retirement.

For Immediate Release March 25, 2020 Contact:  Shaun Marie 518-356-7882 @cpnys Statement by State Chairman Gerard Kassar on Senator

Is today’s medical pandemic creating tomorrow’s economic crisis?

A medical pandemic is, to say the least, a serious health problem that needs to be addressed. However, in doing

Chairman Kassar wraps up the weekly news on winning our lawsuit against Governor Cuomo’s Commission on Public Financing, Joe Biden’s health and the coronavirus.

Conservative Party Defeats Governor Cuomo and Public Finance Commission  Since day one, we’ve been saying the State Legislatures creating of

The Stock Market needs an anti-viral inoculation.

Kudos to the law team that went to bat for political freedom in New York. Today is a good day