Conservative Party News
Chairman Kassar’s weekly wrap-up discusses the Conservative Party’s nominating convention, Facebook Live with Jason McGuire, Claudia Tenney’s Congressional race and the Party’s upcoming involvement in 911 tributes.
State Convention Last week, we held our state convention to re-nominate President Donald J. Trump and Vice President Mike Pence.
Governor Cuomo allows his Captain Queeg personality to emerge once again…
Democrats who wield power must really think every day Americans, people just like us, are incapable of seeing through their
The next 62 days are crucial, America needs you now more than ever.
The National Pulse explains why William Cohen, one of the RINO’s endorsing former VP Biden, chose to endorse him. Read
The Emperor exists in his own bubble…and we are forced to pay the price.
Victor Davis Hanson examines the Cultural Revolution: What the Violence in American Cities Is All About in Heritage Foundation’s Daily
Chairman Kassar’s weekly wrap up discusses the Republican National Convention, the Save NYC Rally, Andrew Gabarino’s Congressional run and our upcoming presidential nominating convention on Saturday.
Republican National Convention Last night concluded a very successful Republican Convention in which we celebrated the success of America under
The Department of Justice responds to your call for an independent investigation of the nursing home crisis.
A special thank you to AG Barr and the Department of Justice for answering our call for an investigation into
The Democrats are desperate; Cuomo allows New Yorkers to correct errors in Absentee Ballots.
Did you watch the RNC Convention last night? I thought it was upbeat and hopeful, then I looked at the
Will Governor Cuomo’s new book contain this information?
The headline is an understatement: If Cuomo won’t allow outside review of NY nursing home COVID-19 horror, he admits guilt.