Category: Press Release


Contact: Bill O’Reilly, 212-396-9117 

Brooklyn, NY – Nov. 1…The New York State Conservative Party today announced that it is airing a 60-second radio commercial statewide in support of Rep. Lee Zeldin for governor.

The spot, titled “The Accidental Governor” can be heard here. It will run through Election Day on stations across New York.



Contact: Bill O’Reilly, 212-396-9117

Brooklyn, NY – Oct. 26…The New York State Conservative Party today called on New York governor Kathy Hochul to halt all non-essential hiring in her administration, citing the potential turnover of governors after Election Day and New York’s looming multi-billion budget deficit.

Conservative Party Chairman Gerard Kassar said that the Party is making this call after learning about recent hires by the Hochul Administration that included highly-political communications personnel.

“New York State is facing a massive budget deficit, and there’s a toss-up election occurring in less than two weeks,” Mr. Kassar said. “Hiring new non-essential employees now makes no sense for taxpayers, especially when there’s a good possibility that Congressman Lee Zeldin will be elected on November 8th. Besides, Mrs. Hochul is already running the most bloated administration in state history, and New York families are struggling to pay for that. They can’t afford a nickel more.”

Mr. Kassar warned that retiring administrations sometimes create protected patronage jobs for campaign volunteers and contributors who can stay on the state payroll for years.


Statement From New York State Conservative Party  Chairman Gerard Kassar On Spectrum Gubernatorial Debate 

Contact: Bill O’Reilly, 212-396-9117
October 26, 2022

Brooklyn, NY – “I had the pleasure of attending last night’s debate at Pace University, and I was struck by how Governor Hochul lacked basic answers about major challenges facing New York families. Mrs. Hochul had no answer about her $600 million taxpayer giveaway to a billionaire sports team owner; she had no answers about the crime epidemic caused by no-cash-bail — she even expressed surprise that crime is such an important issue to New Yorkers! — she had no answers when asked about her very Andrew-Cuomo-like pay-to-play practices, and she had no answers on the nursing home scandal that left thousands of New Yorkers dead.

“Lee Zeldin, in contrast, was informative, crisp, and passionate, offering clear solutions to New York’s woes. Mr. Zeldin offered specific policy steps to lower crime, reduce New York’s nation-leading tax burden, and to cut mandates to grow the economy.

“With 12 days to go before the election, it’s clear that challenger Lee Zeldin has the vision, backbone, and integrity to guide this state forward. Governor Hochul has nothing.”


Statement From New York State Conservative Party Chairman Gerard Kassar On Court Ruling Over Absentee Ballot Voting

Contact: Bill O’Reilly, 212-396-9117
October 21, 2022

Brooklyn, NY – “The New York State Conservative Party commends today’s State Supreme Court decision that rightly preserves Election Day voting as an option for absentee ballot voters. Absentee ballot voters have had the right to amend their votes on Election Day for decades, and cynical attempts by Governor Hochul and the Democrat Party to strip them of those rights were wrong. This decision helps uphold the integrity of the electoral process, a major victory for New York voters and the rule of law.”




CONSERVATIVE PARTY RATES 2022 LEGISLATIVE SESSION Five Senators Scored 100%; One Assembly Member Scored 100%

For Immediate Release
October 13, 2022
Contact:  Shaun Marie
518-356-7882   @cpnys

             Brooklyn, NY – The Conservative Party’s 2022 legislative ratings are available below and on the Conservative Party’s website today to help voters in New York State know what direction the state has been heading and how their legislator voted on 25 key issues.

The Conservative Party congratulates Senators Jordan, Lanza, O’Mara, Ortt and Tedisco and Assembly Member Manktelow on their 100% ratings.

Keeping with its tradition, the Conservative Party tracked legislation throughout the session, issued support and opposition memos on pending legislation, and determined, at an executive committee meeting, which key issues best represent the direction of the state. The legislation considered comprise a variety of issues including, but not limited to criminal justice reform, infringement on our 2nd Amendment rights, radical green programs, and pro-life issues that affect the lives of all New Yorkers. “We believe that it is necessary to keep the public informed of key votes and let the taxpayers be aware of how elected officials spend our hard-earned money. Every bill is reviewed, and then we narrow them down to 25 specific bills to give voters a fair assessment of what transpires in Albany,” said Gerard Kassar, State Chairman. “As people go through the bills used this year it shows New Yorkers how out of touch the Democratic leaders of legislature are with the average citizen; many are costly, sometimes unwarranted, and a few will show how they try to help New Yorkers,” said Kassar.

The overall Senate ratings have consistently dropped since the Democrats took total control. In 2018 the average was 55%, in 2019 the average was 40%, in the COVID-19 shortened session of 2020 the Senate rated a meager 35%; in 2021 they went up 1% to 36% and this year the overall Senate rating inched up to 38%. In 2018 the Democratic Senate average was 41%, in 2019 the democratic average plummeted to 14%; it slightly improved to 17% in 2020, in 2021 democrats averaged a mere 9%, this year Majority Leader Stewart-Cousins oversaw an uptick of 4% to 13%. Republican Senators, led by Senator Rob Ortt saw a 1% drop to decrease to 92%, down from last year’s 93%. The 2019 average was 71%. Conservative endorsed legislators in the Senate kept their average at 90%.

The Assembly’s overall rating stays at 36% for the third year in a row. In 2018 their rating was 42%. The Democrats in the Assembly average inched up to 15%, after last years’ rating of 14%, which in 2019 was 19%. In 2018 it was 28% and in 2017 a mere 17%. The 43 Republican Assembly members, under the leadership of Assemblyman Will Barclay, averaged 88% down slightly from 89% in 2021 which was up from 79% in 2020. Conservative Party endorsed Assembly Members averaged 87%, down 1% from last year; but still significantly higher than the 79% in 2020.

As noted, the Conservative Republican alliance has the best interest of all New Yorkers when it comes to every day “kitchen table issues,” like crime, inflation and responsible caring for our planet.

We encourage voters to review the ratings and contact their legislators to let them know they are doing an excellent job or in the cases where the average is low, to let them know that you will vote accordingly. New York needs to reestablish a friendly place for entrepreneurs to open businesses and most importantly to create new jobs for those who have been forced out of work because they did not get the COVID-19 vaccine. The current trends adopting progressive ideology – as noted by the numbers — only increases an exodus from New York; families want a safe place to live, and a resurgence of business opportunities that made New York the beacon of hope and prosperity.

2022 descriptions of Assembly Bills
2022 Assembly Ratings Website
2022 descriptions of Senate Bills
2022 Senate Ratings Website

If you have a problem downloading, check the website or give us a call 718-921-2158 or 518-356-7882 for a copy.


Statement from New York State Conservative Party Chairman Gerard Kassar on Federal Court Gun Law Ruling

Contact: Bill O’Reilly, 212-396-9117
October 6, 2022

Brooklyn, NY – “U.S. District Court Judge Glenn Suddaby is correct in blocking several enforcement provisions in New York’s hastily passed new gun laws. The Constitution is clear on the Second Amendment, and efforts by New York Democrats to require social media background checks for gun purchasers, among other things, violate both First and Second Amendment rights. We commend Justice Suddaby for properly flagging very real Constitutional concerns in New York’s new laws.”



Statement from New York State Conservative Party Chairman Gerard Kassar VOTE NO ON BALLOT PROPOSITION #1 ENVIRONMENTAL BOND ACT

Contact: Bill O’Reilly, 212-396-9117
October 3, 2022

Brooklyn, NY – “New York voters are being asked to authorize new state debt of $4.2 billion through the sale of bonds for certain capital projects relating to the environment.

“The Conservative Party opposes the passage of the Environmental Bond Act; previous environmental bond acts still have millions of dollars unspent.

“The Conservative Party, since its founding in 1962, has worked to be a respected fiscal watchdog for New York’s taxpayers and all future New Yorkers who will suffer under the weight of expanding debt.

“Currently New York’s debt obligations are in excess of $160 billion. That amounts to almost $8,500 dollars in state debt for every single adult and child in New York State. That is $34,000 in state debt alone for a family of four.

“New Yorkers do not need another $4.2 billion in public debt, together with its resulting debt service, due to actions by the Federal Reserve, will be issued at the highest interest rates New Yorkers have seen in decades.

“The Act and arguments in favor reference a number of projects that appear to warrant consideration.  However, The Conservative Party maintains that a full review and application of all funds that remains from pervious state actions should be used before an additional $4.2 billion is incurred.

“Despite our concern with the Biden Administration’s massive public work projects authorized over the past twelve months billions in funds are likely to come to our state. These billions should be used prior to New York State raising capital revenue through the passage of said Bond Act.

“We fear New York State’s reputation for unchecked spending will result in the possibility of the state legislature spending the entirety of the $4.2 billion on projects that should be paid with existing authorized debt, new federal sources, and pay as you go where possible.

“The Conservative Party urges a NO VOTE ON BALLOT PROPOSITION ONE.”



Contact: Bill O’Reilly, 212-396-9117
September 26, 2022

Brooklyn, NY – “Woke politicians in New York love nothing more than virtue signaling, and they’re at it again this week in trying to replace Columbus Day with Indigenous People’s Day (A.10728 – Mitaynes; S. 2759 – Ramos). Talk about an empty gesture. If Assemblywoman Mitaynes and Senator Ramos truly want to make amends for the American history they despise, they’d submit legislation to return the state to Native Americans, starting with their own property.

“Any takers?

“In the meantime, those of us who appreciate U.S. history, as imperfect as it can be, will proudly celebrate Columbus Day again this year. Christopher Columbus is a major historical figure, of special significance to Americans of Spanish and Italian descent, and the national holiday in his name is well merited. It must remain.”



Contact: Bill O’Reilly, 212-396-9117

Nassau County – Sept. 25…Gerard Kassar has been unanimously reelected as Chairman of the New York State Conservative Party, it was announced today. Mr. Kassar was voted into a third two-year term by the Party’s State Committee which met in Nassau County on Saturday to elect officers and attend to other party business.

“I am thrilled to be given an opportunity to serve the NYS Conservative Party again as its State Chairman,” Mr. Kassar said. “My tenure as Chairman has been filled with exciting challenges and many successes. I expect my new term to take the same path, with many successes this November. With these wins the Conservative Party will play a leading role in returning to our state safe streets, economic prosperity, common sense education policies and an acceptance of constitutionally protected liberties.”

The New York Conservative Party was formed in 1962 to restore a meaningful choice to the voters of New York State. At that time, the three existing political parties espoused the doctrinaire liberal philosophy of the welfare state at home and the collectivist ideology abroad. In just six decades, the party has grown from a small band of conservative-minded men and women to a statewide organization dedicated to the traditional American values of individual freedom, individual responsibility, and individual effort.

The full slate of elected Conservative Party leaders follows:

State Chairman – Gerard Kassar

Executive Vice Chairman – Shaun Marie Levine

Secretary – Howard Lim, Jr.

Treasurer – Francis T. Vella-Marrone

State Vice Chairs

Daniel M. Donovan

Hugh Fox, Jr.

Thomas M. Long

Ralph C. Lorigo

Donald S. Mazzullo

Allen H. Roth

James M. Thomas

Michael E. Torres

Regional Vice Chairs –

William R. Beckman – Hudson Valley Region

Henry “Hank” Ford – Northern Region

Brian Gardner – Capital District Region

Russ Gugino – Western Region

Christopher J. Kendall – South Central Region

Jason J. McGuire – Mid-Western Region

H. Leonard Schick – North Central Region

At-Large-Members –

Stuart J. Avrick

James J. Barrett, Jr.

Carol Birkholz

Ross Brady

Michael Buttino

David Mario Curcio

Thomas V. Dadey, Jr.

Louis DeCicco

John P. DeLessio

Chung Dick

John E. Flynn

Robert A. Fois

Edward J. Gaddy

Michael Garlock

John J. Hayes

Eileen Johnson

Jim M. Kerr

Paul Kosowski

Edward A. Magilton

Aaron M. Martin

James M. Maxwell

Patrick A. McManus

Bernard Ment

Donald F. Minichino

Christopher M. Mistron

Dimitry Edward Naemit

Scott D. Nasca

David Pappert

James F. Quinn, Jr.

Reid W. Robbins

Brett A. Robinson

David H. Ryan

Laura A. Schreiner

Robert E. White

Anna M. Wilcox

George S. Wonica



Contact: Bill O’Reilly, 212-396-9117
September 21, 2022

Brooklyn, NY – “Ebraham Raisi leads a terrorist state that has for decades turned on its own citizens.

“The recent morality-police-provoked death of a woman over a head covering is only a recent example of the evil that emanates from Iran on a day-to-day basis. Fortunately, the citizens of Iran are reacting, and the government will need to take notice.

“Iran is a human rights nightmare, and its secular leader should not be speaking at the United Nations. The United Nations, a body that regularly ignores atrocities against the citizens of Iran, who are oppressed in terms of free speech, equality, religion and even dress, should have used this session to send a strong message to Raisi and his government that Iran is not welcome here.

“The Biden Administration should have done the same. But instead, they are in negotiations to reverse the Trump Administration’s withdrawal from a nuclear treaty that if agreed to endangers the free world. Iran, a rogue state no better than North Korea, cannot become a nuclear weapons capable state.”




Contact: Bill O’Reilly, 212-396-9117
September 12, 2022

Brooklyn, NY – “Negotiating away the death penalty with terrorists at Guantanamo Bay would be a travesty of justice against the more than 3,000 victims of the 9/11 terrorist attacks, their surviving family members, and every servicemember who has risked his or her life over the past 21 years to protect this nation from further attacks.

“Self-proclaimed 9/11 architect Khalid Sheikh Mohammed and his terrorist confederates, Ramzi Binalshibh, Mustafa Ahmed al-Hawsawi, Walid bin Attash and Ammar al-Baluchi, should have been tried in military court years ago for their murderous attacks against U.S. citizens.

“Mohammed and his partners plotted for months to kill as many innocent Americans as possible on that bright September morning and would have killed hundreds or thousands more in Washington, D.C. had brave passengers not overtaken one of the hijacked aircraft over Pennsylvania. Any efforts to soften the penalties they pay for their actions are unacceptable. Time will never lessen the evil these men did.”


Statement from Conservative Party Chairman Gerard Kassar on the shortsighted decision by the Farm Laborers Wage Board

Contact: Bill O’Reilly, 212-396-9117
September 7, 2022

Brooklyn, NY – “New York family farms and their employees will suffer a serious economic blow thanks to a shortsighted decision by the Democrat-controlled Farm Laborers Wage Board yesterday. Family-owned agricultural businesses in New York have been reeling for years from overregulation, oppressively high taxation — including the Death Tax, which forces surviving family members to sell land to pay Albany and Washington following the death of loved ones — and now this. These family farms work on incredibly tight margins, competing with agricultural competitors from across the hemisphere. This decision will put a lot of people out of work — in the false name of progress. New York strikes again.”
