Category: Press Release

Statement From NYS Conservative Party

Contact: Bill O’Reilly, 212-396-9117
October 8, 2023

Statement on Pro-Palestinian Times Square Rally by Democratic Socialists of America from New York State Conservative Party Chairman Gerard Kassar

Brooklyn-NY…“More than 700 Israeli citizens, and counting, were brutally murdered on Saturday by Palestinian extremists, with dozens more taken hostage — women, children, and the elderly among them — and Reps. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Jamaal Bowman’s Democratic Socialists of America effectively celebrated the attack at a Times Square rally today. The DSA’s insistence on promoting the rally as thousands of Hamas rockets rained down on Israeli civilians in real time is unfathomable to anyone who holds objective morality dear. The DSA and the squad are the new face of radicalism in America, squarely in opposition to our nation’s  best interests.

“New Yorkers know what terrorism looks like, and we do not tolerate it. Israel’s right to defend herself is absolute. We stand with Israel.


Statement From NYS Conservative Party

Contact: Bill O’Reilly, 212-396-9117
October 3, 2023

Statement on Congressional Motion to Vacate by New York State Conservative Party Chairman Gerard Kassar

Brooklyn-NY…“Rep. Jamaal Bowman is pulling fire alarms, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is looking to burn the House down, and Rep. Hakeem Jeffries wants to swoop in with a bucket of water and declare himself Speaker, all this while Republicans should be enjoying a perfectly good majority. This is the scenario that Rep. Matt Gaetz is unthinkably allowing in having allies on the extreme left of the Democratic Party like Bowman and AOC. This is the same Rep. Bowman, incidentally, whose staff called House Republicans ‘Nazis’ for objecting to his bizarre and illegal fire alarm antics. Why on earth would any Republican make the job of Democratic Socialists in Congress easier? Republicans must work out their differences internally and stick together as one.”


Statement From NYS Conservative Party

Contact: Bill O’Reilly, 212-396-9117
September 26, 2023

Statement by New York State Conservative Party Chairman Gerard Kassar on St. John Villa Academy Court Decision

Brooklyn-NY…“New York State Supreme Court Justice Wayne M. Ozzi got it right in ruling that the former St. John Villa Academy on Staten Island is not a proper location for housing migrants pouring into the city because of Biden Administration blundering. Kudos to Staten Island Republicans and Conservatives for leading the challenge against City plans to put a shelter there. St. John Villa Academy is an educational facility, and it should reopen as one as quickly as possible. 

“The New York State Conservative Party salutes Judge Ozzi for defending common sense, a rare commodity in New York these days, and we urge Mayor Adams to forgo any challenges to his ruling. The court got it exactly right.” 


Statement from NYS Conservative Party

Contact: Bill O’Reilly, 212-396-9117
September 19, 2023

Statement on Monument Hunting by New York City Council from New York State Conservative Party Chairman Gerard Kassar

Brooklyn-NY…“Shootings are occurring day and night, tens of thousands of migrants are flooding our streets, an estimated 1,400 illegal pot shops are stinking up every corner of the city with the smell of burning cannabis, school bus drivers are threatening to strike, and what’s the New York City Council doing? It’s monument hunting again in yet another attempt to disparage our nation’s founders.

The City Council Cultural Affairs Committee — with its slightly Maoist ring — is once again hunting the statues of figures including President George Washington, President Thomas Jefferson, Peter Stuyvesant, and Christopher Columbus in a perverse historical dragnet. For all the faults of their eras, these figures are a crucial part of U.S. history. Those seeking their erasure may end up being a crucial part of New York’s demise.”


Statement From NYS Conservative Party

Contact: Bill O’Reilly, 212-396-9117
September 14, 2023

Statement on Hunter Biden Indictment on Gun Charge from New York State Conservative Party Chairman Gerard Kassar

Brooklyn-NY…“This is a shot heard ‘round the world. Hunter Biden’s indictment on a gun charge sends a message everywhere that no man — not even the son of a President — is above the law in the U.S., despite all attempts by his father’s administration to sweep myriad investigations into Hunter under the rug. The Conservative Party expects further indictments of Mr. Biden on tax and FARA charges.

“It’s ironic in the extreme, I should add, that Mr. Biden is being charged with lying about his drug use on a firearm application, after everything his father and his father’s party have done to erode Second Amendment rights. Lady Justice might not be entirely blind always, but she sure does have a sense of humor.”


Statement From NYS Conservative Party

Contact: Andrew Davis, 845-522-1915
August 18, 2023

Statement on the Passing of James Buckley by New York State Conservative Party Chairman Gerard Kassar

It is with great sorrow that the Conservative Party marks the passing of former U.S. Senator James Buckley. The life and accomplishments of James Buckley will forever be linked with the Conservative Party. In 1970, he made history, when he was elected to the Senate solely on the Conservative Party line; we owe him an enormous debt of gratitude.

In fact, all New Yorkers and the nation has lost a man who spent most of his long life in service to his country.

James Buckley is the only American to hold senior roles in all three branches of government.

From World War II naval service through a term in the US Senate, senior roles in the Reagan Administration and years on the Federal Bench, James Buckley’s legacy will be praised and studied for generations to come.

A member of a family who played a key role in forming the modern conservative movement, James Buckley was a “man for all seasons”.

He will be greatly missed.


Statement From NYS Conservative Party

Contact: Bill O’Reilly, 212-396-9117
August 17, 2023

Statement on Possible Biden Plea Deal for 9/11 Terrorists by New York State Conservative Party Chairman Gerard Kassar

Khalid Shaikh Mohammed, Principal Architect, 9/11 Attacks

Brooklyn-NY…“President Joe Biden is now considering plea deals to spare the lives of  9/11 terrorists who murdered almost 3,000 Americans on that terrible September morning.

“It’s hard to even fathom what this President is thinking. What happened to justice? What happened to never forgetting the victims of the deadliest terrorist attack in U.S. history? What happened to the promises we made to their surviving family members?

“Those of us who were involved in 9/11 support efforts in the days and weeks following the attacks can never forget what happened there. The images are seared in our minds to this day. For us, and millions of other Americans, anything less than full justice under the law is unacceptable.

“Khalid Shaikh Mohammed and his murderous cohorts deserve nothing short of the death penalty. That is the appropriate moral response to one of the most immoral acts in human history. President Biden must reverse course or suffer the ignominy of forgetting the victims of the most heinous attack ever conducted against U.S. civilians.”


Statement from NYS Conservative Party

Contact: Bill O’Reilly, 212-396-9117
Aug. 7, 2023

New York’s Migrant Crisis Is a Self-Inflicted Disaster – New York State Conservative Party Chairman Gerard Kassar

Brooklyn-NY…“We did it to ourselves. I stand corrected, they did it to us — they being Democratic politicians and left-wing activists who think the word asylum means open borders and who view national sovereignty as an old-fashioned concept.

The catastrophic migrant crisis on the border, in the states, and now in New York City is dangerous and intolerable, and still the American left refuses to act.

What are they thinking?!

Fault lies directly with President Joe Biden, New York City Hall and the Governor’s office. Biden doesn’t want anything or anyone standing in the way of his open borders policy, especially not county and local leaders who see what’s happening clearly.

Mayor Adams and New York City Council prepped the ground for this disaster by declaring New York a sanctuary city years ago, and Governor Hochul manages New York as if it was a sanctuary state. Senators Chuck Schumer and Kirsten Gillibrand have been less than useless. They have consistently made a terrible situation worse.

The results are everywhere — in our parks, shelters, motels, armories, churches, community centers, even at our ship terminals, as the migrants continue to flow in. And how about the historic Roosevelt Hotel in Manhattan. Have you seen what’s going on there? It’s unimaginable.

When I say the fault for New York’s crisis lies at the feet of Democrats and woke activists I mean it. Can you name a single Republican or Conservative in this state who supported sanctuary status? I can’t.

Indeed, the lines between Democrats and Republicans, liberals and conservatives couldn’t be clearer on border security, sanctuary status, and undocumented aliens.

Democrats support what’s going on, crying only for more federal dollars, as always. Republicans and Conservatives want asylum decisions made on the other side of the border. Call us crazy…

The American Left, led by President Biden, stood on the tracks waving a welcome flag as this freight train approached. Anyone with clear eyesight could see what was coming. But not Biden, Hochul, Schumer, Gillibrand, Adams and the Democratic City Council. They rolled out a red carpet and here’s where we are.

Another avoidable crisis inflicted on us by the Democratic Party at every level.



Contact: Bill O’Reilly, 212-396-9117
July 27, 2023

Statement on Release of Scott Cobb Who Participated in the Assassination of Police Officer Eddie Byrne by New York State Conservative Party Chairman Gerard Kassar

Brooklyn-NY…“It seems like only yesterday that New Yorkers were awakened to the shocking news that 22-year-old New York City Police Officer Eddie Byrnes had been brutally assassinated the night before in a contract killing ordered by a notorious New York City drug kingpin. Officer Byrne’s cold-blooded murder became an instant national symbol of the brazen lawlessness that had enveloped New York, and elected leaders of all political persuasions at the time demanded justice for the young officer, who had only been on the job for a month.

“Now we learn that one of Officer Byrne’s killers, Scott Cobb, is being released by New York’s infamously ‘woke’ parole board, an entity that has paroled up to 36 cop killers over the past six years alone. How quickly New York’s Democratic political leaders, who appointed this board, have forgotten Officer Byrnes and the outrage his assassination caused.

“The political left’s extraordinary disregard for law enforcement officers is now plain to see, and officers on the job today feel it. They deserve better, and so does Eddie Byrnes and his family. Mr. Cobb’s release is an abomination of justice. This parole board has to go.”



Contact: Bill O’Reilly, 212-396-9117
July 13, 2023

Politicized New York Appellate Court Creating Havoc on State and Nation: New York State Conservative Party Chairman Gerard Kassar

Brooklyn-NY…“The New York State Appellate Court, Third Department, is making a mockery of our Congressional districts, undermining public confidence in our judiciary and the electoral process itself.  This highly politicized court, which is clearly doing the bidding of the Democrat-controlled State Legislature and House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries, has unnecessarily created chaos to hurt conservative officeholders and help Mr. Jeffries retake the House majority for progressive Democrats next year. It’s wrong — indeed, mid-decade redistricting is prohibited by our State Constitution.

“Conservatives won New York House seats in 2022 fairly and squarely. This is a politically contrived move by Democratic leaders to undo the will of the voters and to deny them the leaders they chose under fair district lines.

“The Conservative Party is confident that the Court of Appeals will reverse this ill-conceived ruling by upholding the fair congressional lines established in 2022 by the District Court. One must remember that the courts were forced to step in that year to stop an outrageous gerrymandering attempt by the Democrat-controlled State Legislature and then Democratic House Speaker Nancy Pelosi. We are hopeful that the Court of Appeals will protect voters by reaffirming New York’s established congressional lines, but, ultimately, it’s the voters themselves who have the power to right obvious wrongs. The more they learn about what’s happening in New York, the more firmly they will act to stop these cynical political shenanigans.”



Contact: Bill O’Reilly, 212-396-9117
July 12, 2023


Brooklyn-NY…”When nearly two thirds of New Yorkers (61%) are afraid of being a crime victim and more than half (51%) fear for their safety in public, something is going seriously wrong. (Please see Siena Poll here.)

“But that’s not news to the 20 million New Yorkers who have watched their ‘progressive’ elected officials undermine law enforcement professionals at every turn. Disastrous bail reform laws, new disclosure requirements that benefit criminal defense attorneys, the effective ban of undercover policing in New York City, and the new clean-slate initiative are just some of the items that have tied the hands of law enforcement officials across the state in favor of criminals. It’s no wonder that New York police officers are retiring in droves, and that recruitment efforts are coming up short.

“A decade ago, law enforcement agencies across the globe looked to New York as a model for crime fighting. Not any more. A single generation of one-party Democratic rule has destroyed actual progress made under Republican administrations. What an avoidable shame.”



Contact: Bill O’Reilly, 212-396-9117
June 29, 2023


“Today’s decision is a triumph for the fundamental American notion that all men and women are created equal and deserve equal treatment under the law. Affirmative action implicitly divided us, creating  quiet divisions among Americans over the entire college admissions process. The Conservative Party cherishes the individual, regardless of race or creed; we believe, as Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. eloquently stated, that a person should be judged on character and nothing else. This is a great step forward for America and all who call her home.”
