Category: Press Release

Statement From NYS Conservative Party

Contact: Bill O’Reilly, 212-396-9117
January 9, 2024

New York State  Conservative Party: State of the State an SOS Call from a Sinking Ship

Brooklyn-NY…“The State of the State acronym — SOS — is a perfect fitting for Governor Kathy Hochul’s annual address this afternoon. Under her administration New York is rudderless, overladen, and drifting into dangerous shoals. Sound the alarm bells, indeed.

“New York has lost more than 1.2 million residents to other states in recent years, and there’s no doubt why: Under one-party Democrat rule the state has become unaffordable, dangerous, and chaotic. Families are already struggling to put food on the table and Mrs. Hochul keeps raising spending, taxes, fees, and tolls. Naive criminal justice ‘reforms’ that let criminals off the hook have led to rampant unlawfulness, and pie-in-the-sky progressive policies like sanctuary cities have delivered budget-busting migrant chaos in cities and towns across the state. But Mrs. Hochul’s State of the State address today will likely show that there is still more damage the Democrats can inflict on us.

“The pace of New Yorkers fleeing this state is accelerating, yet the Democrats never seem to ask ‘why?’ Instead they create bad new policies to help bandaid over old failed policies, and New Yorkers are stuck paying the bill.  Do Mrs. Hochul and her Democrat colleagues in the Senate and Assembly really not notice the U-Haul trucks heading south? Do they ask why so many state retirement checks are being sent to Florida? And will they ever notice that cities in states without onerous regulations have better and more available housing stock than New York? These questions are sadly rhetorical in a state captured by ‘progressivism’.

“Governor Hochul’s message today will not right this ship. Her suggested policies will only bail water from one that is sinking, when a complete overhaul is required.” — Gerard Kassar, Chairman, New York State Conservative Party


Statement From NYS Conservative Party

Contact: Bill O’Reilly, 212-396-9117
December 12, 2023

New York Court of Appeals Redistricting Decision Blatantly Political:  New York State Conservative Party Chairman Gerard Kassar

Brooklyn-NY…“The New York State Conservative Party profoundly disagrees with today’s Court of Appeals decision, which was wrongly decided based on process rather than merit. Under New York State’s Constitution, redistricting is only permitted once per decade, and Governor Hochul’s liberal-dominated court should know that.

“The Court has reopened a partisan can of worms in New York. It should know that any new attempt at Democratic-party gerrymandering will be met with additional legal challenges.

“Even New York good government groups, which typically skew liberal, understand that what we just witnessed in New York is Tammany Hall politics at its worst. This decision is a stain on New York’s political integrity. It is a disgrace to all who believe in fair district lines and competitive elections.”


Statement From NYS Conservative Party

Contact: Bill O’Reilly, 212-396-9117
December 1, 2023

Statement on Removal of Rep. George Santos from Congress by New York State Conservative Party Chairman Gerard Kassar 

Brooklyn-NY…“A stain on Congress has been cleansed. Good riddance, Mr. Santos. Let the special election process begin.” 


2023 Legislative Ratings Statement

Contact: Bill O’Reilly, 212-396-9117
November 20, 2023


Brooklyn, NY – The New York State Conservative Party today released its 2023 scoring of state legislators on 25 key conservative bills in Albany.

Overall Senate ratings averaged 38.86% — Democrats averaged 14.29% while Republicans averaged 88% — and the Assembly’s overall rating average was 39.52%, with Democrats averaging a 16.47% Conservative score and Republicans averaging 88.5%. The Governor’s Mansion and both houses of the Legislature are currently controlled by Democrats.

Twelve legislators — two senators and ten assembly members — scored a 96% Conservative rating. They are: Senators Mario Mattera (2 SD) and Steven Rhoads (5 SD); Assembly Members Joe Angelino (121 AD), Ari Brown (20 AD), David DiPietro (147 AD), John Lemondes (126 AD), John Mikulin (17 AD), Philip Palmesano (132 AD), Doug Smith (5 AD), Robert Smullen (118 AD), Brian Manktelow (130 AD), and Chris Tague (102 AD).

Full legislative rankings are available here.

“When you look at the overall Conservative score in the state legislature you can see why New York feels like it’s falling apart,” said State Conservative Party Chairman Gerard Kassar. “On issue after issue, Democrats are driving this state leftward, with most Republicans fighting for common sense conservative reforms on crime, taxes, immigration, education, Constitutional freedoms, and human life. The encouraging news lies not with the incumbent Democrat legislators, but with a voting public that is increasingly recognizing that runaway progressivism is undermining the health of their state.”

Legislation used to rank legislators included criminal justice reform measures, infringement of Second Amendment rights, radical green programs, and pro-life issues that affect the lives of all New Yorkers. More than 60% of New Yorkers consider themselves either “conservative” or “moderate” according to independent polling.

“Voter education has always been a core tenet of the Conservative Party,” Chairman Kassar continued. “Taxpayers must be made aware of how their elected officials spend tax dollars and where they stand on key philosophical, cultural, and economic issues. One glance at these issue rankings will show the average citizen just how out of touch with their viewpoints most New York legislators are today.”

The Conservative Party encourages voters to review the ratings and to let legislators know where they stand,” Chairman Kassar said.

2023 Short Description of Assembly Bills/Senate Bills

2023 Assembly Ratings

2023 Senate Ratings


Statement From NYS Conservative Party

Contact: Bill O’Reilly, 212-396-9117
November 16, 2023

Statement on Rep. George Santos by New York State Conservative Party Chairman Gerard Kassar

Brooklyn-NY…“The House Ethics report says what we already knew: Mr. Santos must either resign or be expelled from the House of Representatives. The Conservative Party has been crystal clear about Rep. George Santos’s criminal behavior since it was first revealed. We’ve urged Mr. Santos to do the right thing for his district, country, and political party by resigning, but Mr. Santos wanted to do it his own way. Now his time is up.

“We urge his immediate resignation, and, absent that, his removal by a vote of his House colleagues. We will then urge Gov. Hochul to call a special election in NY3 as quickly as possible. No one is above the law.”


Statement From NYS Conservative Party

Contact: Bill O’Reilly, 212-396-9117
November 16, 2023

Kassar: Crimes Have Consequences; Hochul’s Ill-Conceived “Clean Slate” Act Can’t Erase Criminal Behavior; Deprives Business Owners of Critically Important Information

Brooklyn-NY…“It’s clear who Governor Kathy Hochul is listening to and it’s not the voting public. New Yorkers are outraged at the ongoing crime wave and have made their voices heard about ill-conceived criminal leniency policies like no-cash-bail. But Mrs. Hochul and her woke advisors were only warming up.

“The Democrats’ new ‘Clean Slate’ Act will erase the criminal records of thousands of New Yorkers, depriving potential employers of essential information when making decisions. Many of these businesses are willing to give people with criminal records a second chance, but to restrict their information is dangerous and wrong.

“Mrs. Hochul and her woke colleagues are systematically working to create a fairy-tale, consequence-free state, where criminals avoid jail time and crimes are forgotten by the state. But what about the consequences to the victims? And what about the unknowing employer? It’s hard to imagine a Governor worse on public safety. Everyday New Yorkers pay the price.”


Statement From NYS Conservative Party

Contact: Bill O’Reilly, 212-396-9117
November 15, 2023

Hochul Social Media ‘Hate Speech’ Surveillance Creates Chilling Precedent: New York State Conservative Party Chairman Gerard Kassar

Brooklyn-NY…“Governor Hochul’s scheme to monitor the social media transactions of New Yorkers is chilling to the core. Nobody wants to see the type of internet vitriol that occurs between some citizens, but government’s giant hand can be the most frightening one of all. Law enforcement authorities can and should monitor legitimate terrorism suspects online, but spying on everyday citizens is unconstitutional and wrong.

“We speak about the Chinese Communist Party’s ‘social credit scoring’ system with tremendous derision, but here in New York we risk walking down the same path. Where one begins scoring citizen speech, one begins scoring citizens. Leave law-abiding New Yorkers alone.”


Statement From NYS Conservative Party

Contact: Bill O’Reilly, 212-396-9117
November 8, 2023

2023 Election Statement by New York State Conservative Party Chairman Gerard Kassar

Brooklyn-NY…“Good candidates running on solid conservative positions won key victories Tuesday, including on Long Island where Suffolk County Executive-elect Ed Romaine recaptured an office that’s been held by Democrats for years. Republicans and Conservatives have done so well on Long Island in recent elections that hardly an elected Democrat remains on the island.

“The Conservative Party line also provided the margin of victory in a stunning Bronx City Council win by first-time candidate Kristy Marmorato. Councilwoman-elect Marmorato will be the first Republican office holder from the Bronx in 19 years. Conservative-Party-endorsed Sue Serino will be the next Dutchess County Executive; Carmella Mantello will be the first female mayor of Troy; Ryan McMahon won a huge re-election victory in Onondaga, and Lindsay Bratek-Lorigo was victorious in her race for Erie County legislator. The Conservative Party had many other county and local wins, and we are enormously grateful for the hard work of our candidates and leaders.

“The Conservative Party is buoyed by Tuesday’s results. There is much to be proud of, and even more to be done heading into the all-important 2024 elections.”


Statement From NYS Conservative Party

Contact: Bill O’Reilly, 212-396-9117
November 2, 2023

Pre-Election Day Statement by New York State Conservative Party Chairman Gerard Kassar  

Brooklyn-NY…“Heading into next week’s elections, New Yorkers should fully understand which party is responsible for the lionshare of New York’s troubles, and they should act on that information at their polling places. One can easily assemble a list:

  • “The Unending Migrant Crisis — the clear fault of President Joe Biden, Governor Kathy Hochul, New York City Mayor Eric Adams, and progressive Democrats on the New York City Council who guaranteed free housing for all;

  • The Crime Epidemic — Albany and New York City Democrats who ended successful Broken Windows policing and passed no-cash-bail;

  • Runaway Inflation — Biden Administration spending and borrowing have driven interest rates through the roof;

  • Property Tax Hell — New Yorkers continue to pay among the highest property taxes in America because of one-party Democrat rule in Albany;

  • New York Exodus  — The Empire State loses more families to other states than anywhere else in America, thanks to Democrat tax-and-spend policies that have made New York unaffordable for millions;

  • Housing Shortage — Democrat housing policies inhibit new construction and housing revitalization throughout New York State, and

  • Youth Marijuana Abuse — Albany Democrats foolishly legalized marijuana before proper regulations could be put in place, leading to ubiquitous illegal pot shops across the state.

“The list could go on, but the conclusion is clear: On issue after issue, New York Democrats are culpable. Simple solution: Next Tuesday, vote “Conservative.”


Statement From NYS Conservative Party “Strong Medicine Ad”

Contact: Bill O’Reilly, 212-396-9117
October 27, 2023

60-Second Radio Ad Offers New York Voters Conservative Solutions to Pressing State and Local Challenges

Brooklyn-NY…”The New York State Conservative Party today announced that it has released a 60-second radio advertisement called “Strong Medicine” that encourages voters across the State of New York to vote on the Conservative Line — Row “C” — in the upcoming state and local elections. The ad is now airing in select markets across New York State and will run through Election Day, Tuesday, November 7th.

“Strong Medicine” can be heard here.

“Whether it’s runaway crime, the totally avoidable immigration crisis, or constantly rising rents and grocery prices, millions of New Yorkers have had it with the progressive status quo in this state,” said New York State Conservative Party Chairman Gerard Kassar. “We are offering voters what we’ve always offered them — old-fashioned common sense — and we’re highly optimistic that a lot of voters will take us up on that in the coming days. New York families are fleeing the state in record numbers, and there’s a reason for that: Progressive liberalism has brought this state to its knees; it’s time for a conservative resurgence in New York.”

The script for “Strong Medicine” is below.

“Strong Medicine”

:60 radio

V1: [Male; Nervous, exasperated] Oh hi, Doctor, finally . . . V2: [Male; Authoritative] What brings you in today?

V1: It’s anxiety, Doc. I can’t even watch the news. We’re treating illegal  immigrants like honored guests. Criminals run wild. The economy’s just  nauseating. And the corrupt politicians? They couldn’t care less.

V2: I see. Tell me: Have you tried voting on the Conservative Party line? V1: The Conservative Party?

V2: Correct. I find that when people get sick of talk and excuses, they do  much better voting Conservative.

V1: Huh, how’s it work?

V2: The Conservative Party ONLY backs candidates who are tough on illegal  immigration . . . and who defend the law-abiding, not the criminals. So your  vote actually accomplishes something on the Conservative Party line.

V1: Wow. Any side effects?

V2: Well, if you’re ever around AOC or other Socialists, don’t tell them you  vote Conservative. It could cause seizures.

V3: [Male; Upbeat] This election, look for the Conservative Party line, Row C  on your ballot.

Vote Conservative. It’s the cure for what ails New York.

Paid for by the State Conservative Campaign Committee.


NYS Conservative Party Recommends a NO Vote on 2023 Statewide Ballot Issues

Conservative Party of New York State Recommends a NO Vote on 2023 Statewide Ballot Issues

Brooklyn, NY – The NYS Conservative Party is recommending a No vote on the two statewide ballot issues on the November 7, 2023 ballot, noted Chairman Gerard Kassar earlier today.  The Conservative Party has always considered the fiscal impact of ballot questions, in addition to impending serious need, and has concluded the fiscal impact of these two ballot questions exceed the long-term benefit and will place additional financial burdens on New York taxpayers.

Proposal Number One, An Amendment:

The proposed amendment to Article 8 section 4 of the Constitution removed the special constitutional debt limitation now placed on small city school districts, so they will be treated the same as all other school districts. Shall the proposed amendment be approved? 

Currently the small school districts are limited to 5% of the taxable real estate in the district (there are exceptions to certain expenses); this proposal could double the limit to 10%.  The Conservative Party recommends a NO vote.

Proposal Number Two, An Amendment:

The Constitution limits the debt counties, cities, towns and villages can incur.  This debt limit does not include debt for sewage treatment and disposal construction projects.  The sewer debt exception expires on January 1, 2024.  This amendment extends the sewer debt exception for ten more years until January 1, 2034. The proposal amends section 5 of article 8 of the Constitution. 

This indebtedness has occurred since 1962, renewed each time by a Constitutional Amendment allowing the legislature to prescribe the method by which and the terms and conditions under which the amount of any such indebtedness to be excluded shall be determined, and no such indebtedness shall be excluded except in accordance with such determination.  

Since indebtedness is left to the legislature, taxpayers have little to no control or knowledge as to the indebtedness they are incurring; there is no cap on the costs or what would need to be covered.  The Conservative Party recommends a NO vote.

Statement From NYS Conservative Party

Contact:Bill O’Reilly,212-396-9117
October 12, 2023

Gianaris Silence on Democratic Socialists Deafening: New York State Conservative Party Chairman Gerard Kassar

Brooklyn-NY…“New York State Senate Deputy Majority Leader Michael Gianaris has been utterly silent about Democratic Socialists of America (DSA) in his conference, and it’s deafening. Senator Gianaris represents Western Queens, a hotbed of DSA activity and legislators, but he’s evidently more afraid of them than he is of the outrageous anti-American policies they espouse. Responsible leaders need to stand up and set things right when their colleagues stray, but it’s as though Mr. Gianaris is totally unaware of the wildly anti-Semitic Times Square Rally that the DSA helped organize and promote last Sunday — the day after more than 1,200 Israeli men, women, and children were butchered by Hamas terrorists. Remaining silent in the midst of such cruelty and horror is unacceptable.

“The DSA does not have America’s best interest in mind, nor Israel’s for that matter. These are strident ideologies who fundamentally believe that America is the problem in the world, not a beacon light of freedom. They would erase our Constitutional protections in the blink of an eye to achieve state control over our lives, and it’s high time that Mr. Gianaris said something about them. Silence is complicity.”
