Category: Press Release

Senate Democrats Deaf to Cries of Born Alive Babies

Brooklyn, NY – State Chairman, Jerry Kassar, decried the deafness of Senate Democrats yesterday, when they flatly refused to consider an amendment from the floor, put forward by Sen. Pam Helming, that would have restored a key provision in NY’s Public Health Law, removed by the Reproductive Health Act in January, that mandated doctors to take immediate life-saving actions if an abortion resulted in a live birth.

The amendment sought to reverse the abhorrent infanticide action established by the Governor’s signing of the Krueger/Glick bill known as the Reproductive Health Act and re-establish the fact
that infants born alive are human beings and must be protected. The amendment would have reinstated penal law protections when an individual intentionally performs or attempts to perform an overt act that ends the life of an innocent child born alive as the result of an abortion.

An infant that has survived the brutal attempt to end its life during an abortion procedure justifies every effort of protection and procedures to keep this resilient individual alive and well.

The fact that Democrats kept silent when Sen. Helming offered her amendment is a very sad day in New York State. Since the beginning of time, human beings have celebrated the birth of a child; it is, without doubt, one of the happiest (and sometimes difficult) times of life’s journey. When an innocent child comes into this world and they remind us that life is a precious gift to be celebrated, protected and kept secure until able to travel life’s journey on their own.

Yesterday, every Democrat, in the NYS Senate, sat silent and deaf to the cries of a baby born alive in a botched abortion.

One can’t help but wonder what astounding accomplishments a born-alive infant could achieve. One of the most successful men in America, Steve Jobs, who literally changed the way we communicate, was an unwanted child whose mother considered abortion. While Steve Jobs was not a born-alive infant, he narrowly escaped death by abortion. As an adult, Jobs expressed gratitude that his mother didn’t abort him.

We will never know if a born-alive infant, that the NYS Democrats, would not defend, could change the world the same way Steve Jobs did. How many lives have been changed, just by the actual jobs he created? We will never know, because the Democrats in the NYS Senate were deaf to the cries of the born-alive babies.


Brooklyn, NY – Governor Andrew Cuomo got his way again and while he convinced the Democratic Majorities in the Legislature to go along with his progressive policies tucked into the budget it is obvious that this budget -that many of his progressive allies pushed – is a shameful example of how not to govern. What Governor Andrew Cuomo demanded and elected democratic officials capitulated to, is a slap in the face of every already overtaxed law-abiding resident still living in what was once the Empire State. This $175.5 billion budget is full of misguided ideas that will embolden criminals, force taxpayers to subsidize the election of candidates they do not support, allow illegal immigrants to avoid deportation, put fusion voting at risk and continue the assault on innocent unborn citizens.

The Cuomo budget:
• Establishes a 5-cent charge on paper bags given out to consumers by retailers. This is coupled with the ban on single use bags.
• Eliminated cash bail. In itself an important policy matter that should have been debated as a stand-alone bill and never appeared in the budget.
• Ends “mug shots” being publicized. Another policy matter that did not belong in the budget
• Created a congestion pricing scheme for mid-town and lower Manhattan that in essence is a tax on both commuters and businesses.
• Establishes a framework for the collection of sales taxes by internet marketplace providers.
• Codified parts of the Affordable Health Care Act and Health Exchange into Law.
• Implements and fully funds the Jose R. Peralta DREAM Act for $27 million.
• the state budget fails to reject various unfunded mandates, and most notably excludes adequate funding needed to implement the state’s early voting mandate.
• Gave himself and Lt. Gov. a raise in the middle of the night
• Delegates legislative authority to a commission for the purposes of implementing a taxpayer funded campaign finance program expected to cost hundreds of millions of dollars every four years. It also allows the Commission to make binding changes to the election law while further reducing the authority of an elected Legislature. Just as last year’s pay raise commission actions are subject to litigation, we would expect this commission will come under similar review.
• Makes the 2% property tax cap permanent but leaves out NYC

New York has an on-time budget and the Members of the Legislature will get their commission promised pay increase, however, is the cost of this extremely exorbitant budget worth the loss of population because no one can afford to live here? Will New Yorkers continue to consent to be governed by those who fail to take into account the views of all New Yorkers. Will the exodus increase or will New Yorkers rise to the occasion and take back our beloved state?


Brooklyn, NY – As New York nears the completion of a budget that sets a new record in spending, the Conservative Party is troubled by the few sketchy details that have emerged. The usual lack of transparency aside, we do know that this spending document
makes many policy changes such as virtually eliminates cash bail – a dangerous idea in our view one that deserves to be debated as a stand-alone bill; and changing the maximum jail sentence for some Class A misdemeanors from 365 days to 364 days. This is a significant change because under federal immigration law, certain minor convictions punishable by at least a year in jail could lead to
-deportation. This policy change puts it in direct conflict with federal law.

Other areas of concern include
• The 5 cent per bag fee on what will literally become millions of paper bags is another unfair hit on New Yorker’s pocketbooks;
• Congestion pricing is just another new tax on motorists and businesses in the downstate region that has the potential to drive up the cost of doing business;
• Consideration of a new commission to address public campaign financing which has the potential of costing hundreds of millions over a four-year election cycle, automatic voter registration which has the strong potential of voter fraud and fusion voting which could deny citizens the right to vote on party lines that they believe stand for their values;
• The Hunger Games giveaways will continue with little oversight since requiring a detailed public accounting of all state money spent on job creation efforts, an idea put forward by the legislators, appears to have given way to giving discretion to the governor to create a database.
• We are happy to see a permanent property tax cap, but believe NYC should be included.

This is just the tip of the iceberg of a process that spends more of your money, and places more financial burdens on the average New Yorker who is already overtaxed.



Brooklyn, NY – The foundation of the American judicial system is simple: Innocent until proven guilty. However, sometimes the culprit’s crime is so heinous, the safety of the community is at stake. Persons who commit crimes are innocent until proven guilty, but society must also consider the impact and safety of the victims.

Cash bail is a means that helps keep the perpetrator from fleeing trial. It is highly unusual that a first-time offender accused of non-violent and/or misdemeanor crimes is remanded to jail and required to post bail.

The current crimes being considered for elimination of cash bail include child pornographers, sex traffickers, and drug traffickers not charged with an A felony. These crimes are misdemeanors and seemingly non-violent, however when they are chronic, the safety of the public must be considered.

Based on innocent until proven guilty, Kerry Kennedy established a charity to indiscriminately bail out women and youngsters 16 and 17 years old from Rikers Island. Essentially paying their bail so they could return to their lives. The NY Post notes, in an October 8, 2018 article how three of them returned to crime. Given an opportunity to better their lives, they chose to continue to inflict harm on society. Had they not been bailed out, society would have been safer.

While we all agree that in America one is innocent until proven guilty, unfortunately, many times it is the culprit who establishes otherwise.

Deep Blue New York State Government Shows Its Disdain for What Made New York the Empire State

Brooklyn, NY – Today, the first full day of the new legislative session in Albany, it is obvious by the legislative agendas being put forth that the very fiber of what made New York the Empire State is no longer the criteria to consider changes in New York’s laws. Rather than being committed to the individual freedoms that helped create the Empire State, the legislature is committed to being the progressive nanny state determined to control every aspect to maintain government dependence.

Among the first Bills being considered are: Expanding abortion “rights”; requiring insurance policies to include coverage of all FDA approved contraceptives and voluntary sterilization procedures (increases the costs of coverage); expanding hate crime definitions; limiting free speech by reducing LLC contributions; requiring an unfunded mandate on counties by requiring early voting ; providing a free education to DREAMERS while citizens born here will not have the same benefits.

These are just some of the priorities being considered by the progressives who believe they know what is best for New Yorkers.

These Bills undermine the principles of individual freedoms and confiscate, by increasing taxes, a larger and larger portion of wages of New Yorkers with little or no benefit to the majority forced to pay for progressive priorities.

This is just the beginning. Unfortunately, it will get progressively worse as Governor Cuomo, Mayor de Blasio, the members of the NYC Council and the members of the NYS Legislature cater to the calls of the democrats wedded to the socialist’s views while the rest of us ponder another Boston Tea Party on the shores of the Hudson.

Statement by Chairman Michael R. Long on Despicable Mailer by Congressional Candidate Perry Gershon

Brooklyn, NY – I have been in politics for over 50 years and this mailer by Congressional candidate Perry Gershon is the most despicable mailer I have ever seen. If Perry Gershon, who has campaigned on the fact that in his mind there are similarities between President Donald Trump and Adolf Hitler — the person responsible for the carnage of the Holocaust — is elected to Congress it will be a sad commentary on what America has become.

How a person can send such a vile, despicable, hateful mailer is beyond reason and speaks volumes about the person responsible for sending it.

This is what Perry Gershon’s campaign mailed:

Conservatives Hear Hallelujah When Liberals Hear Yelling

Brooklyn, NY – In releasing the Conservative Party’s latest ad today, Conservative Party State Chairman, Michael R. Long, stressed the difference between civility and the current wave of progressive incivility. “Conservatives hear Hallelujah when they listen to President Donald J. Trump; they see the economy booming and they appreciate that President Trump keeps his promises. Liberals, however hear yelling and screaming, knowing that their deep swamp is being drained of government dependence.

Today’s Hallelujah ad urges those who stood with the Conservative Party and voted for President Donald J. Trump to continue to stand with the Conservative Party and vote for Marc Molinaro for Governor on the Conservative Line.

:60 radio

This is what a typical liberal hears when Donald Trump speaks . . .

“[Yelling and screaming over horror score]”

But this is what a conservative hears . . .

“Glory, glory hallelujah!”

If Trump infuriating his enemies is music to your ears – – and you don’t mind making the liberals scream yourself – – this November stand with President Trump.

Cast your vote on the Conservative Party line, Row C. Your vote means more on the Conservative Party line.

Almost 3 million voters across the state backed Trump for President. Maybe Andy Cuomo thinks they have nowhere to go this election.

He’s wrong.

See, the Conservative Party unapologetically backs Trump. And when you vote Marc Molinaro for Governor on the Conservative Party line, you make a statement.

This election, vote Molinaro for Governor on the Conservative Party line, Row C. Send a message that you stand with President Trump because there’s more to do to make America great again.

TRUMP: We gotta get it done!

Paid for the State Conservative Campaign Committee.


Statewide Radio Buy Launches Today

Brooklyn, NY – On August 15, 2018, New York’s Governor Andrew
Cuomo mocked President Trump’s campaign slogan stating that
America “was never that great.”

The Conservative Party has 3 words for Governor Cuomo: Bring it on!

Chairman Michael R. Long announced today that the Conservative Party launched a statewide radio buy, running from today to Election Day, urging those who stood with the Conservative Party and voted for President Donald J. Trump should stand with us again and vote for Marc Molinaro for Governor.

“Vote with Trump”
:60 radio

ANNCR: Donald Trump launched a revolution from right here in New York . . .

TRUMP: “I am officially running for President of the United States and we are going to make our country great again!”

And the New York State Conservative Party was right there with him.

If you stood with Trump against Hillary Clinton then, if you stand with Trump against the swamp now, this November vote that way: Cast your vote on the Conservative Party line, Row C.

Andrew Cuomo wants to make this election all about Trump. The
Conservative Party says bring it on.

The Conservative Party backs Trump. Unapologetically. And when
you vote Marc Molinaro for Governor on the Conservative Party line, you do more than vote. You make a statement.

This election, vote Molinaro for Governor on the Conservative Party
line, Row C. Send a message that you stand with President Trump
because there’s more to do to make America great again.

TRUMP: “We gotta get it done!”

ANNCR: Paid for the State Conservative Campaign Committee.

Governor Cuomo’s Desperate Ploy for Votes Defies the Law and Endangers Voters

Brooklyn, NY — Conservative Party State Chairman, Michael R. Long, is calling on all New Yorkers to tell Governor Andrew Cuomo that his latest desperate ploy for votes defies current law that states quite clearly that a convicted Level 3 sexual predator is banned from stepping within 1,000 feet of schools.

Last May, Governor Cuomo unilaterally issued a blanket pardon giving parolees the right to vote. Now, this same desperate Governor, had the state Department of Correctional Service create a “special condition” that would allow a paroled sexual predator to vote at a polling place in a particular school…after getting special permission from his parole officer and a school administrator.

This is blatantly defying the law. Governor Cuomo’s “special condition” would allow the paroled sexual predator to enter a school after 7:00 PM; despite the fact that many schools have evening activities. Will the predator be supervised when voting? Will the sexual predator be able to use a unisex bathroom once they have voted? How will their parole officer know they left the school once they cast their ballot?

Governor Cuomo’s desperate attempt for votes is encouraging a convicted sexual predator to break the law and ultimately violate their parole agreements. Andrew Cuomo is so determined to win his primary that he has lost all sense of responsibility for the safety of New York’s citizens while he ignores the quagmire he has created for the convicted level 3 sexual predator.

Chairman Long urges Governor Cuomo to abandon his desperate ploy for votes; rescind the “special condition” that allows specific parolees to break the current established law and keep sexual predators the required 1,000 feet from schools where citizens will be voting.

Statement by Chairman Michael R. Long on Governor Cuomo’s shameful statement

Brooklyn, NY — Governor Andrew Cuomo, who has benefited from being born in America, unlike thousands who have emigrated to be part of our great nation, has succumbed to the depths of dark cynicism when he states that America was “never that great.”

What a shameful statement from a man who is running for his third term as Governor, while he eyes being president one day.

I, for one, prefer the vision that Ronald Reagan had of America –

“Somehow America has bred a kindliness into our people unmatched anywhere, as has been pointed out in that best-selling record by a Canadian journalist. We are not a sick society. A sick society could not produce the men that set foot on the moon, or who are now circling the earth above us in the Skylab. A sick society bereft of morality and courage did not produce the men who went through those year[s] of torture and captivity in Vietnam. Where did we find such men? They are typical of this land as the Founding Fathers were typical. We found them in our streets, in the offices, the shops and the working places of our country and on the farms.

We cannot escape our destiny, nor should we try to do so. The leadership of the free world was thrust upon us two centuries ago in that little hall of Philadelphia. In the days following World War II, when the economic strength and power of America was all that stood between the world and the return to the dark ages, Pope Pius XII said, ‘The American people have a great genius for splendid and unselfish actions. Into the hands of America God has placed the destinies of an afflicted mankind.’

We are indeed, and we are today, the last best hope of man on earth.”

America has raised the standard of living throughout the world, welcomed legal immigrants with open arms, seeks protection of the innocent among us and protects every citizens liberty.

America, made some mistakes, but unlike other nations, we acknowledge them and correct them thereby maintaining our status as the greatest nation in the world.

State Conservative Party Chairman Michael R. Long Blasts Governor Andrew Cuomo for Picking and Choosing Which Catholic Tenets He Will Abide By

Brooklyn, NY – Pope Francis has a new ally in Governor Andrew
Cuomo who announced yesterday his solidarity with the Pope’s
decree that the death penalty is “inadmissible” under all
circumstances and that the Catholic Church must work to abolish
it, changing official church teaching to reflect his view that all life is
sacred and there is no justification for state-sponsored executions.

Governor Andrew Cuomo jumped on board immediately and said
“the death penalty is an ugly stain on our history, is morally
indefensible and has no place in the 21st century,” and that he will
be advancing legislation to remove the death penalty – standing
with Pope Francis and honoring his father. He then invoked his
father’s “principled stand” on staking his (Mario’s) political career
on his opposition to the death penalty and never backed down,
saying it ‘demeans those who strive to preserve human life and

Governor Andrew Cuomo, your comments on the death penalty
would be considered sincere – not a political statement – if you
stood with Pope Francis when he denounces abortion.

If you, like your father, truly strive to preserve human life and
dignity, you would take every means possible to protect the
innocent life of an unborn child. Anything less is empty words
uttered for political expedienc

/ In Press Release / By Shaun Marie / Comments Off on State Conservative Party Chairman Michael R. Long Blasts Governor Andrew Cuomo for Picking and Choosing Which Catholic Tenets He Will Abide By


Brooklyn, NY — The revelations in today’s New Yorker article, Four Women Accuse New York’s Attorney General of Physical Abuse, are both distressing and tragic to learn that the chief law enforcement officer of New York State could be so self-absorbed that he would stoop to slap, choke, control, and threaten woman while condemning the same actions of others.

As the article points out, when AG Schneiderman was a Senator he created specific penalties for strangulation. He introduced the bill in 2010, after chairing a committee that investigated domestic-violence charges against the former state senator Hiram Monserrate, a Democrat, who was expelled from the legislature
after having been convicted of assaulting his girlfriend.

He has evolved into a man who yanked his then girl-friend across the street and when she reminded him that jaywalking was against the law, responded with “I am the law.”

Corruption is out of control in New York State; nothing that Governor Andrew Cuomo or the legislature has done, has curbed the rampant corruption that has prevailed over the last decade at many levels of government.

Our government was never designed to have full time, life long terms. Term limits were imposed on a president who went too far in controlling government; it is long past time that term limits be enacted for all levels of government officials to prevent some from believing that they too are above the law.