Category: Press Release



Brooklyn, NY – Conservative Party Chairman, Michael R. Long, is calling on Governor Andrew Cuomo to curb New York State’s spending habits immediately. For far too long, New York has depended on federal dollars (including New York’s residents being able to write-off high state and local taxes) and bonding to help balance its budget.

The federal government has made it clear it is not going to subsidize the high taxes certain states have imposed on their residents, nor should they.

According to State Comptroller Thomas P DiNapoli, New York’s bonding debt is three times greater than the national median. We acknowledge that New York is in dire need of fixing its public transportation system, as well as its bridges and tunnels, and will be responsible for building new prisons to replace decaying buildings and new prison facilities to hold juveniles as required by new laws. We also know that New York’s debt load cannot sustain any more indebtedness.

Governor Cuomo has grandiose ideas he plans on submitting tomorrow in his State of the State and the budget, but, if enacted, New York’s population will flee, as it has for the last two decades, when faced with the costs of his progressive plans.

New York must curb spending and lower its tax burden in order to provide an atmosphere that promotes good opportunities to create jobs and give her citizens the opportunity to stay in New York.

The problem is not the federal government’s tax reform – which is applied to each of the 50 states equally – the problem is New York State spends too much; cuts must be made to provide incentives for businesses to remain in the Empire State in the same manor the federal government is lowering the business taxes to bring corporations home to the United States.

Where is the Andrew Cuomo, who in 2010 frequently said, “New York has no future as the tax capital of the nation?” Has he become so beholden to the progressive movement that he has abandoned all pretenses of being a man who understands how difficult it is for the hardworking men and women forced to pay the bills created by his desire to buy the votes he thinks will propel him to the White House?

Remember your own words, Governor: “New York has no future as the tax capital of the nation;” you control the tax burden.

Conservatives Call for a YES vote on Statewide Proposal Two: Forfeiture of a Public Pension if Convicted of Felony

Brooklyn, NY – On the back of this years’ ballot, voters will be asked to decide on three statewide proposals – local elections may have additional proposals. The Conservative Party has been quite vocal regarding its opposition to the first statewide proposal that asks if a Constitutional Convention should be held. Part of the reason we are opposed to a Constitutional Convention has to do with the fact that it is possible to amend the NYS Constitution without holding a very expensive convention.

Statewide Proposal 2 seeks to amend the NYS Constitution by allowing for the complete or partial forfeiture of a public officer’s pension if he or she is convicted of a certain type of felony that has a direct and actual relationship to the performance of the public officer’s existing duties. Simply put, a public official at any level could be subject to losing part or all of their pension if they commit a felony related to the work they are hired to do. The Court would make the decision, after consideration of undue hardship to the family and the seriousness of the crime.

The current NYS Constitution provides that the benefits of a public pension or retirement system cannot be reduced or impaired. The proposed change makes it possible to reduce or completely withhold a convicted felon’s pension when that conviction is related to their duties. If adopted, it will only relate to felony convictions after January 1, 2018.

The Conservative Party urges a YES vote on statewide proposal 2.

CONSERVATIVE RATINGS RELEASED Five Assemblymen tied with 92%; Four Senators tied with 80%

Fort Hamilton Station, NY (10/24/2017) The Conservative Party released the ratings for the 2017 Legislative Session today in order to keep the electorate knowledgeable of how their state legislators voted on 25 key bills acted upon in the current session.

The Conservative Party tracks legislation throughout the session, issues support and opposition memos, and determines, at an executive committee meeting, which key issues will be used. The Bills considered include spending, crime, education, nanny state legislation, pro-life issues and various other topics that affect the lives of New Yorkers. “We believe that it is necessary to keep the public informed of key votes and let the taxpayers be aware of how elected officials spend our money. Every Bill is considered, and then we narrow the number to give voters a fair assessment of what transpires in Albany,” said Michael R. Long, State Chairman.

“A review of the Bills used this year will show voters how some are specious or costly and others will show how they help New Yorkers.” said Long.

The five Assemblymen tied with 92% are Kevin M. Byrne – 94 AD, Joseph A. Errigo – 133 AD, Michael J. Fitzpatrick – 8 AD, Christopher S. Friend – 124 AD, and Stephen Hawley – 139 AD. The four Senators tied with 80% are Fred Akshar – 52 SD, Kathleen A. Marchione – 43 SD, Sue Serino – 41 SD and James Tedisco – 49 SD.

This year the overall Senate Rating is 55% down from 69% last year. The conservative endorsed Senators average was 68% down from last year’s 79%; the democrats averaged 41% down from last year’s 57%. The Assembly’s overall rating was 37% down from 42% last year. Conservative endorsed Assembly Members averaged 74% up from last year’s 71%, while the Assembly Democrats averaged 21% down from 29%.

“Voters are encouraged to contact their legislators to remind them that conservative fiscal policy and principles make New York business friendly and encourages entrepreneurs to open businesses here to provide jobs and keep families here in the Empire State,” Long concluded.

(Ratings are online here. If you have a problem downloading, please call 718-921-2158 or 518-356-7882 for a copy. Thank you.)

Statement by Chairman Michel R. Long on Governor Cuomo’s Executive Order Prohibiting State Agencies from Inquiring about Immigration Status

Brooklyn, NY — By the stroke of his pen, Governor Andrew Cuomo, undermines the very essence of what made New York State the Empire State. The immigrants who contributed so much to our Empire State, came here legally. They stood in line and respected the rule of law. New York’s Ellis Island welcomed and processed almost
40% of the legal immigrants that have come to America.

We are proud of being a melting pot of legal immigration. It is illegal immigration that we oppose; when you enter illegally you make the statement that the rule of law does not apply to you.

Governor Cuomo’s Executive Order gives immigrants who have entered our beloved country illegally his blessing to disregard the rule of law and allows illegal immigrants to reap the benefits created by a society that is based on the rule of law.

/ In Press Release / By Shaun Marie / Comments Off on Statement by Chairman Michel R. Long on Governor Cuomo’s Executive Order Prohibiting State Agencies from Inquiring about Immigration Status


Brooklyn, NY – Chairman Michael R. Long announced that at a meeting of the State Executive Committee held yesterday (09/13/2017), the Conservative Party recommends the following positions on the three statewide proposals New York State’s citizens will vote on November 7, 2017 and reminds voters to turn the ballot over as the statewide ballot questions are on the back of the ballot.

Vote NO on proposition number 1: Shall there be a Constitutional Convention?

The New York State Conservative Party has been a longtime outspoken organization against the idea of holding a Constitutional Convention. The Convention held in 1967, which Chairman Michael R. Long participated in, was a colossal waste of taxpayers’ money and if one was held now, it would cost taxpayers even more money and be controlled by the same special interests that already have a strong presence in the legislative process.

The fact that two additional proposals are on the ballot, reinforces our position that there is a process in place that allows the NYS Constitution to be amended, when necessary, without the added immense cost of holding a convention.

Vote YES on proposition number 2: Allows for the complete or partial forfeiture of a public officer’s pension if he or she is convicted of a certain type of felony that has a direct and actual relationship to the performance of the public officer’s existing duties.

New York’s Constitution now provides that the benefits of a public pension or retirement system cannot be reduced or impaired. The purpose of the proposed amendment is to allow a court to reduce or revoke the public pension of a public officer who is convicted of a felony that has a direct and actual relationship to the performance of the public officer’s existing duties. A Court could consider many factors, including undue hardship to the family and the seriousness of the crime. If approved, the Legislature will enact law that puts the proposal into effect. All public officials, elected and appointed, would be subject to the new law, including legislative, executive, or judicial employees who directly assist in the formulation of legislation, rules, regulations, policy, or judicial decision-making and who is designated by law as a policy-maker. The proposal would only apply to felony crimes committed after January 1, 2018.

Vote YES on proposition number 3: The proposed amendment will create a land account adding up to 250 acres of forest preserve land eligible for use by towns, villages, and counties that have no viable alternative to using forest preserve land to address specific public health and safety concerns.

New York State’s Constitution protects the State’s forest preserve as wild forest land and generally prohibits the lease, sale, exchange, or taking of any forest preserve land. The Conservative Party has long opposed the state arbitrarily taking land to increase acreage in a forest preserve, however, there are times when such action is necessary. Proposal number 3, creates a land account of up to 250 acres of forest preserve land, that a town, village, or county can apply to the land account if it has no viable alternative to using forest preserve land for specified health and safety purposes. These purposes could include making dangerous roads safer and other safety concerns, for example bridge repairs. It could also make it possible for rural areas to gain access to needed utility lines and safer bike paths.

Conservative Party Opposes Commercial Surrogacy

Brooklyn, NY — The following legislative memo has been sent to the members of the legislature today to inform them of the strong opposition the party has to the repeal of certain sections of the domestic relations law pertaining to surrogate parenting contracts. The memo follows:

2017 Legislative Memo…

In Opposition to…

S. 17-A Hoylman Calendar # 1126 A. 6959-A Paulin

Purpose: To legally establish a child’s relationship to his or her parents by amending the family court act; and repealing section 73 article 8 of the domestic relations law, relating to legitimacy of children born of artificial insemination and surrogate parenting contracts.

Party Position: This legislation seeks to lift the longstanding ban on compensated surrogacy contracts which has been law since 1992 (signed by Governor Mario Cuomo) upon the unanimous recommendation of the NYS Task Force on Life and the Law and bipartisan support. Even the National Organization of Women supported this decision.

Surrogacy is a contractual arrangement through which a woman bears a child for another — with the intent of relinquishing that infant at birth — in itself an unnatural act that encourages a woman not to bond with the child she is carrying.

If this bill becomes law the dignity of marriage and the very core of the family is undermined. “Collaborative reproduction” as defined in the bill makes it possible for a child to have up to five parents, thereby the child may never know their true biological parent causing confusion, pain, loss, and abandonment. See to understand what these children feel.

If this bill becomes law the potential for women to be exploited increases expeditiously. In states where surrogate services are advertised – most often in poor neighborhoods, college campuses and military bases – women who need financial help are paid up to $30,000 in addition to medical expenses. (Agencies make a large profit for bringing people together.) Most participants are oblivious to the health risks involved (injection of synthetic hormones, some not FDA approved) due to their financial needs. It is unfortunate that as economic incentives increase, and if legislation like this proposal becomes law, the technology of surrogate child bearing will override the joy of giving birth naturally and become a commercial “made-to-order” baby producing business that would include sex selection and specific genetic – blue eyes, blond hair, high IQ – desires of the purchasing “parent” thereby, making the baby a consumer product bought or sold based on supply and demand of the economy.

What a disgraceful, horrific way to treat a human child that should be brought into this world to be loved for just being themselves. This proposal demeans all that parenthood has stood for since the beginning of time, in the name of being progressive. If this is progress, humankind is taking a huge step backward by commercializing the miracle of giving birth.

The New York State Conservative Party is strongly opposed to this disingenuous bill and urges NO vote.

LM 2017-09

Conservatives Run Full Slate in New York City Elections

Brooklyn, NY – Chairman Michael R. Long announced today that at a meeting held on May 17, 2017 Assemblywoman Nicole Malliotakis was endorsed to run for Mayor of New York City. (see press release at

Michael A. O’Reilly and Michel J. Faulkner were also endorsed to run for Public Advocate and NYC Comptroller, respectively.

Mr. O’Reilly, a former Marine with a degree in aeronautics, worked his way through law school while working on Wall Street to support his family. During that time, he also earned his pilot’s license. While flying is his passion, after 10 years as a pilot for Northwest Airlines, he returned to law and worked as a regulatory attorney.
Mr. O’Reilly has run for Queens County Civil Court Judge and in 2016 he ran for Congress in the 5th Congressional District.

Michel J. Faulkner, a former all-star football player who graduated with a B.A from Virginia Tech, played for the NY Jets in the ’81 – ’82 season. Rev. Faulkner earned his Master’s degree in education and career counseling and became the Assistant Dean of Students at Liberty University and in 1987, Liberty promoted him to Vice
President for Urban Ministry. He returned to New York City and became active in Youth and Community Outreach as an ordained minister. He founded the Institute for Leadership in 2005, ran a spirited campaign for Congress in 2010 and is the author of Restoring the American Dream.

“The voters of New York have a clear choice in November’s election,” said Chairman Michael R. Long, “the Conservative Party has put forth a slate of candidates that have dedicated their lives to helping other people reach their full potential.”

Conservative Party Endorses Malliotakis for Mayor

Brooklyn, NY — The Conservative Party of New York State officially endorsed Assemblywoman Nicole Malliotakis in her bid for Mayor of the City of New York. After a brief meeting today, in the party’s State Headquarters in Bay Ridge, the party threw their support behind the 4 term Assembly member who has been the
Conservative Party standard-bearer in all of her races.

In a joint statement, Conservative Party leaders said, “Over the course of her career in the New York State Assembly, Nicole Malliotakis has been a vocal advocate for conservative principles and policies in the Empire State. Assembly member Malliotakis has been in the forefront of working to cut the high taxes that are a
heavy burden on every taxpayer in our city and state. In the Assembly, she has voted against tax and fee increases 297 times, for a total of $20.3 billion and she voted for 62 different tax cuts, saving New York taxpayers $9.8 billion! She’s stood tall with law enforcement, especially the NYPD and she instinctively realizes that
the root cause of crime is criminals. She’ll fight to ensure that New York City keeps Rikers Island open and will stand arm to arm with New Yorkers to block any efforts to locate city jails in our neighborhoods. As a product of New York City Public Schools, Nicole has a clear understanding of what a great education can mean to the children of our city; she’ll fight for high standards and against the special interests that seem intent on dumbing-down our schools. She also will fight for the expansion of Charter Schools in the 5 boroughs and tuition tax assistance for New Yorkers who send their children to religious or private schools. The Conservative
Party is proud to endorse Nicole Malliotakis for Mayor of the City of New York.”

Staten Island Conservative Party Chair Harold Wagner said, “I know Nicole well, she is a no-nonsense legislator who fights for her district and all the people of Staten  Island. She’s fought long and hard to make sure that those impacted by SuperStorm Sandy got the aid and services they desperately needed, even when the de Blasio administration dropped the ball. Unlike Mayor de Blasio, she understands the people of our borough and the neighborhoods we live in. Nicole has never shied away from speaking-out on the outrageous tolls the MTA has imposed on those who take the Verrazano Bridge and for the ever-increasing bus and subway
fares that every New Yorker faces. Without a doubt, she’ll be a great Mayor for the people of Staten Island and I’m proud to support her.”

Brooklyn Conservative Chair Jerry Kassar said, “I’ve known Nicole since she first ran for office and the Brooklyn Conservative Party has been proud to endorse her in every race she’s run. She’s a strong supporter of the men and women of the NYPD and I know they’ll never turn their back on her. Her legal battle against the de Blasio administration and their cynical and dangerous plan to destroy background information from the Municipal ID is reason enough for common sense New Yorkers to vote for her. Nicole’s energy, honesty and knowledge of the issues are all reasons why she’ll be our next Mayor.”

Queens Conservative Chair Tom Long said, “As a former small businessman I’m very excited that Assembly member Nicole Malliotakis has entered the race. Her parents ran a small business and she had a first-hand view of the headaches and struggles small business owners face in our city. Whether it’s high taxes, red tape
and regulation or high rents and low margins it’s a constant struggle to run a business in New York. Nicole will be a champion for small business people across this city and especially for the many new immigrants that are investing all they have in attaining the American Dream. The Queens County Conservative Party is proud to call her our candidate for Mayor.”

Manhattan Conservative Chair Stuart Avrick said, “As a resident of Manhattan I have seen the decline of quality of life under the current administration. I look forward to working with Nicole, an outstanding member in the Assembly with good government experience that will enable her to be a Mayor we can all work together with to restore the pride New Yorkers have in their great city.”

Press Release regarding the NYS Budget

Brooklyn, NY – The following legislative memo has been sent to the Members of the Legislature regarding this year’s budget.

2017 Legislative Memo…

NYS Budget Items…

The looming budget deadline is fast approaching and the Conservative Party is deeply concerned that the NYS Budget will spend taxpayer’s money on programs that are a colossal waste of tax dollars while also facing cuts in federal monies coming into the state leaving New York in a deep fiscal quagmire.

Now is not the time to allow Governor Cuomo to have more control of economic development funds.
Now is not the time to offer tuition free college, especially when too many students in kindergarten through twelfth grade need the basic supplies required for a good foundation in education.
Now is not the time to extend the “millionaire’s tax” and push additional wealthy New Yorkers to states that do not punish success.
Now is not the time for the NYS Budget to Raise the Age of criminal responsibility. This is an issue that does not belong in budget negotiations.
Now is the time for education tax credits, expansion of charter schools and/or funding of the non-profit children’s education scholarship fund.
Now is the time to deliver on the promise of mandate relief.
Now is the time to reduce the burden of taxes.
Now is the time to let the free-market system work with entrepreneurial ideas like UBER.
Now is the time for government to invest in protecting its citizens with good roads, bridges, and water.

New York citizens do not need lofty ideals driving the budget that ultimately fail and leave taxpayers paying the bills well into the future.

New Yorkers need a responsible budget.

LM 2017-07

Statement by Chairman Michael R. Long On the passage by the House of Representatives of the American Health Care Act.

Brooklyn, NY — Since the very beginning of our Republic, different ideas have been discussed, dissected, and destroyed, then put back together to do what is best for the citizens. Today, the House of Representatives did just that. They took a health care failure – Obamacare – and took it apart to make it better for America’s citizens.

The House has sent the proposal to the US Senate to review, and make the changes they may deem necessary to further improve the American Health Care Act. A Conference Committee will finalize any changes and both bodies will adopt the American Health Care Act that President Trump will sign into law.

The American way is to elect a variety of people from various backgrounds to discuss what must be done to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity.

Today, the House of Representatives took the first step to regain the Liberty and Posterity that so many Americans fought and died for…the House Members did what was necessary to repeal and replace legislation that under minded what the Preamble to the Constitution clearly states and kept the Republic from withering from within.

Conservative Party to State Officials: Don’t Tax E-Cigarettes!

Brooklyn, NY — The New York State Conservative Party issued the following legislative memo in opposition to Governor Cuomo’s budget proposal to tax electronic cigarettes.

S.2009 Budget                                 A.3009-Budget

Purpose: Enacts into law major components of legislation necessary to implement the state fiscal plan for the 2017-2018 state fiscal year.

Party Position: Electronic cigarettes may well prove to be a significant tool as a harm reduction alternative for individuals who are currently using tobacco products. Unlike traditional tobacco products, these devices do not contain tobacco or emit smoke, rather they heat up liquid nicotine and flavorings while emitting water vapor. There are none of the second hand smoke concerns that are associated with  combustible tobacco products.

Many individuals who are attempting to stop smoking use e-cigarettes.

The most extensive study of e-cigarettes to date, Public Health England in 2015 found that these products are 95% less harmful than smoking and they can help smokers quit. In fact, Public Health England encourages smokers to immediately switch to e-cigarettes to reduce the health consequences of smoking.

If electronic cigarettes have the potential to reduce the addiction to combustible tobacco products then it would be contrary to sound public policy to tax these products. A tax on these products – regardless of the rate – will only serve to discourage the use of a potentially promising product for public health.

Electronic cigarettes offer all New Yorkers a cost effective way to potentially quit smoking. A regressive tax on these products will most adversely impact those lower income New Yorkers who might see these products as their best opportunity to quit.

The NYS Conservative Party does not condone or condemn the vaping of electronic cigarettes, and we believe that more information is becoming available daily for adults to make their own informed decisions.

E-cigarettes are not tobacco products. They are, quite the opposite. With a potential for a public health benefit, e-cigarettes need to be treated differently than combustible tobacco products and not subject to sin taxes.

LM 2017-04


Brooklyn, NY — Chairman Michael R. Long urged the Members of the New York State Assembly to put the rights of citizens first and reject the proposal to make the cities in New York State and the state itself sanctuary places.

The Conservative Party also believes that the rights of citizenship also extend to students who are college bound. Scholarships and financial aid should be limited to those who are citizens or who have come here legally.

The rule of law must be what guides government; not the dismissal of what has made this country and state the beacon to the underprivileged.

The legislative memo’s follows:

In Opposition to:

A. 3049- B – Moya (On Assembly Committee Agenda)

Purpose: An Act to amend the executive law and the judiciary law, in relation to access to services, law enforcement and counsel in certain immigration related matters; and to amend the judiciary law, in relation to compensation of legal counsel for certain matters.

Party Position: The New York State Conservative Party is a strong supporter of the fact that states have the right to pass laws unique to their needs that are not defined in the United States Constitution. However, this proposal, albeit that it states in its justification that it complies with federal law, seeks to ensure that people are not unnecessarily questioned about immigration status, establish that state or local law enforcement agencies shall not stop, question, investigate or arrest a person based on perceived immigration status or suspected violation of federal immigration law; generally prohibit law enforcement agencies from inquiring about the immigration status of person contacting such agencies when in need of assistance, including victims and witnesses; require state and local agencies and their employees to maintain the confidentially of immigration status information, unless acting in accordance with 8 U.S.C. Section 1373, and other information absent valid immigration detainer or related request has been filed; curtail the use of state and local facilities for the purposes of federal immigration enforcement and establish a right to legal representation for person subject to removal or deportation proceedings.

In other words, it seeks to make New York State a sanctuary state, where those who have entered illegally will be afforded the privileges granted to its citizens.

Government’s primary role is to protect its citizens by upholding the rule of law. The fact that people have entered the United States and New York State by breaking the rule of law should not grant them the same rights that citizens have. This bill seeks to change this fundamental fact.

The New York State Conservative Party urges a NO vote on this bill.

LM 2017-003

In Opposition to:

A 3039 – Moya (On Assembly Agenda) S. 471-A – Peralta

Purpose: This bill seeks to advance the educational opportunities to the children of immigrants by providing scholarships to college bound students. The bill also eliminates potential financial obstacles to obtaining State financial aid and extend the opportunities for certain immigrant students to attend higher education institutions in this state; providing a benefit consistent with U. S. citizens and nationals. It also seeks to eliminate barriers for immigrant aliens to save for their families by allowing such individuals to open a NYS 529 family tuition account.

Party Position: America’s uniqueness is treating law-abiding citizens equally, however, as the purpose of this bill clearly states, it seeks to “provide a benefit consistent with U. S. citizens and nationals.” It seeks to give students who are not U. S. citizens and nationals scholarships and financial aid who are in our country without following the procedures required to enter America and start a path to citizenship.

By providing scholarships and financial aid to certain immigrant students, our own citizens, who also struggle financially, may be denied their dreams of attending college, thereby undermining the very essence of everything America stands for.

We are a nation of immigrants, we are proud of that fact, and of the privilege’s we provide our citizens both born here and naturalized. We cannot demoralize the hopes and dreams of those who follow our immigration laws and start providing scholarships and financial aid to students who are in our country illegally, albeit through no fault of their own.

Citizenship has its privileges. We understand the necessity of education, however, providing scholarships and financial aid is an opportunity that must be reserved to those who live by our laws.

The Conservative Party of New York State urges the Members of the Legislature to abide by our U. S. Constitution, an oath freely taken, and reject this bill.

LM 2017-004