Category: Press Release

Statement by Chairman Michael R. Long on Despicable Mailer by Congressional Candidate Perry Gershon

Brooklyn, NY – I have been in politics for over 50 years and this mailer by Congressional candidate Perry Gershon is the most despicable mailer I have ever seen. If Perry Gershon, who has campaigned on the fact that in his mind there are similarities between President Donald Trump and Adolf Hitler — the person responsible for the carnage of the Holocaust — is elected to Congress it will be a sad commentary on what America has become.

How a person can send such a vile, despicable, hateful mailer is beyond reason and speaks volumes about the person responsible for sending it.

This is what Perry Gershon’s campaign mailed:

Conservatives Hear Hallelujah When Liberals Hear Yelling

Brooklyn, NY – In releasing the Conservative Party’s latest ad today, Conservative Party State Chairman, Michael R. Long, stressed the difference between civility and the current wave of progressive incivility. “Conservatives hear Hallelujah when they listen to President Donald J. Trump; they see the economy booming and they appreciate that President Trump keeps his promises. Liberals, however hear yelling and screaming, knowing that their deep swamp is being drained of government dependence.

Today’s Hallelujah ad urges those who stood with the Conservative Party and voted for President Donald J. Trump to continue to stand with the Conservative Party and vote for Marc Molinaro for Governor on the Conservative Line.

:60 radio

This is what a typical liberal hears when Donald Trump speaks . . .

“[Yelling and screaming over horror score]”

But this is what a conservative hears . . .

“Glory, glory hallelujah!”

If Trump infuriating his enemies is music to your ears – – and you don’t mind making the liberals scream yourself – – this November stand with President Trump.

Cast your vote on the Conservative Party line, Row C. Your vote means more on the Conservative Party line.

Almost 3 million voters across the state backed Trump for President. Maybe Andy Cuomo thinks they have nowhere to go this election.

He’s wrong.

See, the Conservative Party unapologetically backs Trump. And when you vote Marc Molinaro for Governor on the Conservative Party line, you make a statement.

This election, vote Molinaro for Governor on the Conservative Party line, Row C. Send a message that you stand with President Trump because there’s more to do to make America great again.

TRUMP: We gotta get it done!

Paid for the State Conservative Campaign Committee.


Statewide Radio Buy Launches Today

Brooklyn, NY – On August 15, 2018, New York’s Governor Andrew
Cuomo mocked President Trump’s campaign slogan stating that
America “was never that great.”

The Conservative Party has 3 words for Governor Cuomo: Bring it on!

Chairman Michael R. Long announced today that the Conservative Party launched a statewide radio buy, running from today to Election Day, urging those who stood with the Conservative Party and voted for President Donald J. Trump should stand with us again and vote for Marc Molinaro for Governor.

“Vote with Trump”
:60 radio

ANNCR: Donald Trump launched a revolution from right here in New York . . .

TRUMP: “I am officially running for President of the United States and we are going to make our country great again!”

And the New York State Conservative Party was right there with him.

If you stood with Trump against Hillary Clinton then, if you stand with Trump against the swamp now, this November vote that way: Cast your vote on the Conservative Party line, Row C.

Andrew Cuomo wants to make this election all about Trump. The
Conservative Party says bring it on.

The Conservative Party backs Trump. Unapologetically. And when
you vote Marc Molinaro for Governor on the Conservative Party line, you do more than vote. You make a statement.

This election, vote Molinaro for Governor on the Conservative Party
line, Row C. Send a message that you stand with President Trump
because there’s more to do to make America great again.

TRUMP: “We gotta get it done!”

ANNCR: Paid for the State Conservative Campaign Committee.

Governor Cuomo’s Desperate Ploy for Votes Defies the Law and Endangers Voters

Brooklyn, NY — Conservative Party State Chairman, Michael R. Long, is calling on all New Yorkers to tell Governor Andrew Cuomo that his latest desperate ploy for votes defies current law that states quite clearly that a convicted Level 3 sexual predator is banned from stepping within 1,000 feet of schools.

Last May, Governor Cuomo unilaterally issued a blanket pardon giving parolees the right to vote. Now, this same desperate Governor, had the state Department of Correctional Service create a “special condition” that would allow a paroled sexual predator to vote at a polling place in a particular school…after getting special permission from his parole officer and a school administrator.

This is blatantly defying the law. Governor Cuomo’s “special condition” would allow the paroled sexual predator to enter a school after 7:00 PM; despite the fact that many schools have evening activities. Will the predator be supervised when voting? Will the sexual predator be able to use a unisex bathroom once they have voted? How will their parole officer know they left the school once they cast their ballot?

Governor Cuomo’s desperate attempt for votes is encouraging a convicted sexual predator to break the law and ultimately violate their parole agreements. Andrew Cuomo is so determined to win his primary that he has lost all sense of responsibility for the safety of New York’s citizens while he ignores the quagmire he has created for the convicted level 3 sexual predator.

Chairman Long urges Governor Cuomo to abandon his desperate ploy for votes; rescind the “special condition” that allows specific parolees to break the current established law and keep sexual predators the required 1,000 feet from schools where citizens will be voting.

Statement by Chairman Michael R. Long on Governor Cuomo’s shameful statement

Brooklyn, NY — Governor Andrew Cuomo, who has benefited from being born in America, unlike thousands who have emigrated to be part of our great nation, has succumbed to the depths of dark cynicism when he states that America was “never that great.”

What a shameful statement from a man who is running for his third term as Governor, while he eyes being president one day.

I, for one, prefer the vision that Ronald Reagan had of America –

“Somehow America has bred a kindliness into our people unmatched anywhere, as has been pointed out in that best-selling record by a Canadian journalist. We are not a sick society. A sick society could not produce the men that set foot on the moon, or who are now circling the earth above us in the Skylab. A sick society bereft of morality and courage did not produce the men who went through those year[s] of torture and captivity in Vietnam. Where did we find such men? They are typical of this land as the Founding Fathers were typical. We found them in our streets, in the offices, the shops and the working places of our country and on the farms.

We cannot escape our destiny, nor should we try to do so. The leadership of the free world was thrust upon us two centuries ago in that little hall of Philadelphia. In the days following World War II, when the economic strength and power of America was all that stood between the world and the return to the dark ages, Pope Pius XII said, ‘The American people have a great genius for splendid and unselfish actions. Into the hands of America God has placed the destinies of an afflicted mankind.’

We are indeed, and we are today, the last best hope of man on earth.”

America has raised the standard of living throughout the world, welcomed legal immigrants with open arms, seeks protection of the innocent among us and protects every citizens liberty.

America, made some mistakes, but unlike other nations, we acknowledge them and correct them thereby maintaining our status as the greatest nation in the world.

State Conservative Party Chairman Michael R. Long Blasts Governor Andrew Cuomo for Picking and Choosing Which Catholic Tenets He Will Abide By

Brooklyn, NY – Pope Francis has a new ally in Governor Andrew
Cuomo who announced yesterday his solidarity with the Pope’s
decree that the death penalty is “inadmissible” under all
circumstances and that the Catholic Church must work to abolish
it, changing official church teaching to reflect his view that all life is
sacred and there is no justification for state-sponsored executions.

Governor Andrew Cuomo jumped on board immediately and said
“the death penalty is an ugly stain on our history, is morally
indefensible and has no place in the 21st century,” and that he will
be advancing legislation to remove the death penalty – standing
with Pope Francis and honoring his father. He then invoked his
father’s “principled stand” on staking his (Mario’s) political career
on his opposition to the death penalty and never backed down,
saying it ‘demeans those who strive to preserve human life and

Governor Andrew Cuomo, your comments on the death penalty
would be considered sincere – not a political statement – if you
stood with Pope Francis when he denounces abortion.

If you, like your father, truly strive to preserve human life and
dignity, you would take every means possible to protect the
innocent life of an unborn child. Anything less is empty words
uttered for political expedienc

/ In Press Release / By Shaun Marie / Comments Off on State Conservative Party Chairman Michael R. Long Blasts Governor Andrew Cuomo for Picking and Choosing Which Catholic Tenets He Will Abide By


Brooklyn, NY — The revelations in today’s New Yorker article, Four Women Accuse New York’s Attorney General of Physical Abuse, are both distressing and tragic to learn that the chief law enforcement officer of New York State could be so self-absorbed that he would stoop to slap, choke, control, and threaten woman while condemning the same actions of others.

As the article points out, when AG Schneiderman was a Senator he created specific penalties for strangulation. He introduced the bill in 2010, after chairing a committee that investigated domestic-violence charges against the former state senator Hiram Monserrate, a Democrat, who was expelled from the legislature
after having been convicted of assaulting his girlfriend.

He has evolved into a man who yanked his then girl-friend across the street and when she reminded him that jaywalking was against the law, responded with “I am the law.”

Corruption is out of control in New York State; nothing that Governor Andrew Cuomo or the legislature has done, has curbed the rampant corruption that has prevailed over the last decade at many levels of government.

Our government was never designed to have full time, life long terms. Term limits were imposed on a president who went too far in controlling government; it is long past time that term limits be enacted for all levels of government officials to prevent some from believing that they too are above the law.


Albany, NY – Last evening, the Conservative Party of New York State, honored Senate Majority Leader John J. Flanagan, Assemblywoman Nicole Malliotakis and Rockland County Chairman William R. Beckmann for the work they have done to keep the Conservative Torch alive in New York State.

Senate Majority Leader John J. Flanagan was presented with the Defender of Life Award by State Chairman Michael R. Long for being there throughout his career to protect the sanctity of life of innocent unborn children through their natural death. Sen. Flanagan, in accepting the award, thanked the Conservative Party for its set of standards that they do not deviate from no matter how the winds blow. Senator Flanagan has never waived in his staunch pro-life stance thereby earning the Party’s Defender of Life Award.

Assemblywoman Nicole Malliotakis was presented with the Profile in Courage Award, by Chairman Long, forgoing against all odds to run for Mayor of New York City in 2017. When accepting the award, Assemblywoman Malliotakis, said that it was her honor to be the person to represent the people in New York City who wanted the chance to make every aspect of their lives better in the city that has a history of creating opportunities for those who choose to work hard to achieve their dreams.

Rockland County Chairman William R. Beckmann received the J. Daniel Mahoney Award for the work that he has done to further the conservative principles that the Party’s long time Chair and founding member set in 1962. Chairman Beckmann was humbled to receive the award and honored to be recognized for the work he continues to do on a daily basis.

Long to Cuomo: Rescind Parole Board Decision Immediately!

Brooklyn, NY – State Conservative Party Chairman, Michael R. Long demands that Governor Andrew Cuomo rescind the Parole Board’s recommendation to release cop killer Herman Bell.

Herman Bell, wantonly and deliberately lured Officers Joseph Piagentini and Waverly Jones to their death.

Herman Bell, up until this parole hearing, claimed to be a “political prisoner” due to his Black Liberation Army ties. Up until now, Herman Bell had absolutely no remorse for killing two police officers. In fact, after his 6th denial of parole, he sued for his freedom — because he was a changed man who played the flute.

He played the parole board like a flute – telling them exactly what they wanted to hear.

Governor Cuomo – Herman Bell is a cold-blooded killer who is playing the system to gain freedom.

I call on you to rescind the decision of your parole board and require Herman Bell to remain in prison until his natural death.

Statement by Conservative Party Chairman Michael R. Long on the 2018-2019 Senate GOP Budget Resolution

Brooklyn, NY – Conservative Party Chairman, Michael R. Long, commended the 2018-19 Senate Budget Resolution as a commitment to the citizens of New York by keeping New York more affordable for the people who live here and in line with the values that have made New York the Empire State.

It is unfortunate that the progressive wing of the New York Assembly continues to recklessly spend money while ensuring the values that make New York the Empire State are whittled into a government subsidized nanny state.

The GOP Senate budget resolution can be reviewed here. 

Conservatives Enthusiastically Endorse Chele Chiavacci Farley for US Senate

Brooklyn, NY – State committee members of the NYS Conservative Party converged in Brooklyn, NY last nigth to nominate Chele Chiavacci Farley as their candidate for United States Senator.

State Vice-Chairman and Cayuga County Chairman, Gregory S. Rigby, was proud to nominate Chele Chiavacci Farley as the candidate to bring her expertise in engineering and finance to Washington, DC. Chairman Rigby was quick to note that Mrs. Farley’s principles are her core beliefs – regardless of the setting, audience, or numbers. Her dedication to educating and mentoring youth has given her a special understanding of the future leaders of America.

Kings County Chairman and State Vice-Chairman, Jerry Kassar, seconded the nomination, pointing out that Chele Chiavacci Farley is the right person with the right background to take back the seat the honorable James L. Buckley once proudly won on the Conservative Line.

When accepting the Conservative Party’s nomination, Chele Chiavacci Farley noted that she is running to restore people’s faith in government. “From Conservative judges to healthcare reform and rebuilding our country’s infrastructure, this is our time to transform America and make a long-term difference. Unlike Senator Gillibrand, I will never forget that the first job of a United States Senator is representing the needs of their state. After the summer of hell for subway and rail commuters in the metropolitan area, I will deliver the funding we need to fix our mass transportation system and protect commuters.”

“In every corner of our state, deteriorating roads and dilapidated bridges are jeopardizing public safety, hindering economic growth, and costing property taxpayers billions as the cost of these repairs is being passed down to the local level, who better than an engineer to know what to fix and a finance person to figure out how to do it economically?”

“The problems New York faces will only get worse as long as we rely on the same politicians who created them. Kirsten Gillibrand’s greatest success is self-promotion, not accomplishment. What has she actually done for New York? Whether its job creation, tax relief or public safety, the answer is nothing.”

“We will win because we are right on the issues. As she has moved radically to the left to appeal to national liberal activists and coalitions, Senator Gillibrand has turned her back on Conservatives, who are needed to win. She was known as Annie Oakley when she was a member of the House, but has turned into Jane Fonda in the Senate.”

Chele Chiavacci Farley clearly captured the hearts of the delegates and it is unequivocal that the citizens in New York State will have a clear choice in November — elect a woman who has the vision to restore, rebuild and return New York to her finest days.

Conservatives Support a Right-to-Work State

Brooklyn, NY – The New York State Conservative Party issued the following legislative memo today, calling on legislators to reject a bill that seeks to prevent public-sector employees from exercising their right to withdraw from paying union dues if the US Supreme Court grants it to them in the Janus v. AFSCME case. The memo follows:

2018 Legislative Memo…

In Opposition to…

S. 5778-A Alcantara (Calendar # 163) A. 7601-A Abbate (Calendar #532)

Purpose: To streamline the process for an individual to join a public-sector union.

Party Position: New York should be a right-to-work state. New York State government should not be in the business that allows unions to force people to pay dues, especially if the United States Supreme Court tells them not to.

Later this year, the U.S. Supreme Court is expected to give public employees a choice about whether they have to pay a union to keep their job. For most employees, this will be the first time they’ve ever had a say in whether a union deducts money from their paycheck.

This legislation, however, would prevent them from exercising that choice by giving unions new powers to block people from leaving. Instead of letting people stop the deductions by telling their employer, this bill would force them to jump through whatever hoops the union constructs.

NYSUT, the statewide teacher’s union, has already proven it will use underhanded tactics to trap people by creating obstacles to people opting out of their union—like refusing to let teachers opt-out of the union except during the busy first two weeks of school. If enacted, this bill would put local governments in the middle of legal battles across the state, wasting taxpayer money.

If a local government is deducting money on behalf of an employee, whether that deduction continues should be decided by the local government and the employee.

The Conservative Party is strongly opposed to this proposal and urges a NO vote.

LM 2018-01