“Government’s view of the economy could be summed up in a few short phrases: If it moves, tax it. If it keeps moving, regulate it. And if it stops moving, subsidize it”-Ronald Reagan
New York–Apr. 2…New York Conservative Party Chairman Gerard Kassar today criticized the “highly political” state budget passed with less input than at any other time in New York State history potentially. Mr. Kassar said that Governor Andrew Cuomo should have pigeonholed controversial items in his budget and moved them into the regular legislative session where they belong and could be vigorously debated.
“In times of crisis, politics has to take a backseat to pragmatism, and that sadly didn’t occur in Albany this week,” Chairman Kassar said. “While members were away from the chamber and reform advocates were sequestered in their homes, billions of dollars of new borrowing was green-lighted; some small political parties were all but eradicated in New York; a taxpayer-paid campaign system was created; new financial burdens were placed on small business owners, and a massive $3-billion bond issue was approved for the November ballot, among other things. What else the governor stuffed into this budget we will soon find out.”
Because of the Coronavirus pandemic, virtually no budget debate took place in Albany in the days leading up to the budget’s passage. Senators and assembly members were not present in their respective chambers and votes were taken remotely.
Mr. Kassar also expressed disappointment that judges were deprived of the right to use discretion in determining whether to require cash bail from those arrested for crimes. Law enforcement leaders and prosecutors begged the governor and state legislature to give judges that discretion. Governor Cuomo’s budget further deprived localities of the right to require approval for certain energy development projects, making a mockery of local zoning laws and effectively eliminating “home rule.”
“We are looking at a policy-driven budget of misstarts and overreaches,” Chairman Kassar said, “and New Yorkers will pay dearly for it.”
Statement on Cuomo Budget Power Grab by New York State
Conservative Party Chairman Gerard Kassar
April 1, 2020
“It’s unfortunate in the extreme that Governor Andrew Cuomo capitalized on the Coronavirus pandemic today by embedding taxpayer-paid political campaigns in state budget bills that are needed to keep the state afloat. This is akin to having a new and odious tax shoved down our throats while everyone is preoccupied with life-and-death health issues.
“The Governor, who has the support of all New Yorkers during this crisis, should know better than to engage in a political trick like this now. New Yorkers don’t want welfare for politicians — they have made that clear for years in polling — and legislators should have been able to debate this as a standalone issue later this year. This was a cynical ploy and a time where cynicism is least appropriate.
“Taxpayer-paid campaigns will cost New Yorkers a minimum of $100 million per election cycle, and, plain and simple, that’s money we don’t have. Even before COVID-19, New York was in a six-plus billion dollar hole. When all is said and done, the state’s debt load will be many multiples of that. And yet, taxpayers will be forced to shell out money to political consultants.
“It is equally outrageous that the budget was used to eliminate political opposition and dissenting speech. By drastically increasing the requirement for small political parties to attain ballot status, Governor Cuomo will have effectively stifled debate in a state that needs more of it. The Conservative Party will more than meet the new threshold based on our nearly 58-year history of garnering votes, but other smaller parties will almost certainly perish, directly suppressing the political speech they have traditionally provided.
“Governor Cuomo has been widely lauded in the news media for his leadership during this crisis. But what he did today in Albany was anything but. New Yorkers will be paying for it for years to come.”
For Immediate Release
March 25, 2020
Contact: Shaun Marie
cpnys.org @cpnys
Statement by State Chairman Gerard Kassar on Senator John Flanagan’s retirement.
Brooklyn, NY — “John Flanagan has been a dedicated public servant for more than thirty years, as an assemblyman, senator, and senate leader. I have worked closely with him during those years and consider him a friend. The New York State Conservative Party thanks Senator Flanagan for his long service, and wishes him the best in all future endeavors.”
Statement by New York Conservative Party Chairman Gerard Kassar on “Total Victory for Political Freedom in New York; Reason Has Won out Over Machiavellianism”
March 12, 2020
“Today’s court decision confirms what the State Conservative Party has maintained since day one: Governor Cuomo’s Public Finance Commission had no Constitutional right to make or amend state law. This was a total overreach by an overzealous governor, and we are grateful that the Court acted to protect the political and First Amendment rights of New Yorkers and the parties with which they choose to affiliate. This is a total victory for political freedom in New York, and a reminder to Governor Cuomo that he is an executive and not an emperor. Reason has won out over Machiavellianism, and New York is better for it.”
For Immediate Release
March 5, 2020
Contact: Shaun Marie
www.cpnys.org @cpnys
Schumer the Hypocrite
“Senator Chuck Schumer crossed a dangerous line yesterday, and he has to address it head-on. His response so far has been entirely inadequate, if not downright mealy-mouthed.
“Threatening Supreme Court justices in an attempt to score political points with an advocacy group is well beneath the dignity of a United States Senator. It puts the independence of the Court at risk by seeking to intimidate its justices.
“This is no small matter: Mr. Schumer has introduced an egregious precedent at the highest levels of government, and he must not be allowed to skirt accountability for it. A full retraction and apology are urgently required. Anything less will demean Mr. Schumer’s legacy as a senator.”
For Immediate Release
Contact: Shaun Marie
www.cpnys.org @cpnys
March 4, 2020
Brooklyn, NY — “Tuesday was a super day for President Donald Trump who’s watching the American political left devour itself.
“The latest narrative Democrats have been trying to sell — a socialist vs. moderate primary — couldn’t be more false or desperate: There are no more moderates in today’s Democratic Party leadership; Joe Biden’s radical plans are just as reckless as Bernie Sanders’. Either of the candidates would drive the American economy off a cliff, and each of them would raise taxes, reduce our individual liberties, and massively expand the size of the federal government.
“The clear winner on Tuesday was President Donald Trump. The Democratic Party is spinning out of control.”
Contact: Bill O’Reilly, 212-396-9117
Bill@NovemberTeam.comStatement from Conservative Party Chairman Gerard Kassar on Shooting of NYPD Officers
February 9, 2020
“Elected leaders who fire up crowds with anti-police rhetoric in the name of ‘progressivism’ may as well have armed accused cop shooter Robert Williams. They have created a dangerous hair-trigger environment for anti-police crackpots, and shouldn’t act surprised when shootings like these occur. We pray for the officers wounded this weekend — and for serious reflection from those stirring the rage. There’s nothing progressive about blind hatred.”
Conservative Party Calls for Restoration of Common Sense, Urgent Fix
New York-Feb. 6…Global Entry and other Trusted Travel programs, including NEXUS, SENTRI, and FAST, can no longer be used by New Yorkers or New York businesses, thanks to the new, pro-illegal-immigrant “Green Light Law” passed by the Democrat-controlled State Legislature and signed into law by Governor Andrew Cuomo. The New York State Conservative Party today demanded immediate repeal of the law, which gives New York driver licenses to illegal immigrants.
The Department of Homeland Security yesterday announced its suspension of renewals and enrollments for New Yorkers using or seeking to use these expedited entry programs.
“Liberalism is one thing, but this is madness,” State Conservative Party Chairman Gerard Kassar said. “Thousands of New Yorkers were killed by terrorists a blink of an eye ago, and New York’s political leaders are proactively making our citizenry less safe. Governor Cuomo needs to view this Department of Homeland Security decision as a jarring wake-up call, and get busy restoring common sense security measures in our identification document and reporting systems. This is a matter of public safety.”
The 19 9/11 terrorists obtained dozens of state-issued driver licenses in advance of the attacks to help them operate freely and unnoticed on U.S. soil. Those licenses were used for, among things, the wiring of funds internationally and the Florida flight lessons that taught them how to pilot the planes.
Following the attacks, a major national effort was undertaken, culminating in the federal Real ID Act of 2005, to establish minimum security protocols for state-issued licenses. These biometric and other safeguards were developed to ensure that a license holder is who he says he is.
“The ‘Green Light Law’ flies in the face of two decades of homeland security efforts,” Mr. Kassar said, “and it makes New Yorkers more vulnerable. The Department of Homeland Security clearly agrees.”
For Immediate Release
February 5, 2020
Contact: Shaun Marie
www.cpnys.org @cpnys
February 5, 2020
“After wasting millions of dollars on a senseless show trial to divide the nation even further for political gain, Democrats in Congress have predictably come up empty. We congratulate President Trump on his acquittal today, and urge all in Washington to get back to work. These past three months have been nothing but a waste of time and money.”
For Immediate Release
February 4, 2020
Contact: Shaun Marie
www.cpnys.org @cpnys
Statement from New York State Conservative Party Chairman Gerard Kassar
February 4, 2020
“President Donald Trump again delivered in his State of the Union Address because he has a great story to tell. This is a President who has kept his word to the American People – to put us first and above all other things – and his unquestionable accomplishments on our behalf are resonating throughout the economy and American spirit. America is, indeed, first again. With the nonsense of last week’s Democratic Party meltdown behind us, President Trump has a clear and deserved path to reelection. The New York State Conservative Party is proud to stand by his side.”
January 29, 2020
Contact: Shaun Marie
www.cpnys.org @cpnys
New York-Jan. 29…The executive committee of the New York State Conservative Party has unanimously endorsed President Donald Trump and Vice President Mike Pence for re-election, it announced today. The endorsement follows a vote this week of the Party’s Executive Committee which met at the 53rd Annual Conservative Party conference, held this year in Latham, NY.
“President Trump and Vice President Pence are keeping the promises they made to the American People, and our party is proud to endorse each of them for re-election,” said State Conservative Party Chairman Gerard Kassar. “Candidate Trump promised that America would start winning again, and indeed it is, with one of the greatest economic expansions in history, a successful and overdo trade show-down with China, and with the virtual eradication of ISIS, the most pernicious threat in the world when Mr. Trump was elected. We are also delighted with his steadfast support of Israel, our chief democratic ally in a region of considerable strategic importance. President Trump has shown that ‘America First’ was not just a campaign pledge, it is a governing philosophy that the Conservative Party has long championed.”
President Trump personally called Chairman Kassar earlier this month to ask about the Conservative Party endorsement, demonstrating just how hands-on this President can be. Chairman Kassar ensured the President that no call was necessary. The Party stands firmly behind him.
Contact: Bill O’Reilly, 212-396-9117
Bill@NovemberTeam.comSenator Daphne Jordan, Assembly Minority Leader Will Barclay Join Conservative Party Chairman Gerard Kassar at Budget Reform News Conference
Latham, NY – Jan. 27…Assembly Republican Leader Will Barclay (R,C,I,Ref-Pulaski), State Senator Daphne Jordan (R,C,I,Ref-Halfmoon), and New York State Conservative Party Chairman Gerard Kassar today called for substantial reforms to the New York State budget process which has been significantly perverted under Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s three terms in the Executive Chamber.
The Senator, Assembly Leader, and Chairman called for immediate consideration of two powerful legislative reform measures that would: a. protect taxpayers against ever-escalating tax increases; b. safeguard the traditional budget process, and c. guarantee the proper parsing of legislative items that don’t belong in budget bills. Governor Cuomo has made folding legislative initiatives into budget bills to avoid debate and maximize leverage over state legislators, who must vote up or down on massive budget bills, his signature governing tactic, however inappropriate.
“Once again, Governor Cuomo is misusing the budget process to push through radical legislation that might never see the light of day through regular legislative processes,” Senator Jordan said. “The Executive Chambers’s ‘take-it-or-leave-it’ position smacks of an authoritarianism that has no place in a constitutional democracy. These bills would restore spending and budgetary sanity to a state in desperate need of both.”
“New York’s budget process has been hijacked to serve as a vehicle for policy initiatives
that rightfully should be debated during regular legislative sessions,” Assembly Minority Leader Will Barclay (R, C – Pulaski) said. “These initiatives can have a significant impact on the lives of New Yorkers and they must be vetted by the State Legislature, as they were intended to be, one bill at a time.”
“There are three branches of State government — not two — but you wouldn’t know it the way Governor Cuomo has been running roughshod over the State Legislature,” Chairman Kassar said. “His practice of ramming through radical initiatives by attaching them to budget bills is dangerous and Constitutionally inappropriate. New Yorkers have a right to be heard on matters of great importance; it’s why they elect the senators and assembly members who must, now, reassert their authority.”
The bills advocated are:
(A.6018-Barclay): An Act to set parameters for the content of budget bills, ensuring that budget negotiations are focused on financial, not policy issues, and
(A. 3538-Palmesano): Creating a constitutional amendment requiring 2/3 vote for any bill that raises taxes or creates a new tax.
Senator Jordan announced at the news conference that she will be sponsoring companion bills to these measures in the State Senate in the coming weeks. Senator Jordan has already introduced a bill (S.3373) that would amend the State Constitution to restrict the ability of the executive to make laws via the budget.
Recent examples of Governor Cuomo improperly ramming through policy initiatives using the state budget process include the introduction of Cashless Bail in New York — a measure he now admits is problematic — granting undocumented immigrants taxpayer-paid college funds; sports betting in casinos, and the creation of a commission seeking to finance state elections with public dollars and eliminate Democratic Party political competition. (The Conservative Party has challenged the constitutionality of the latter in New York State Supreme Court, and is currently awaiting the court’s decision.)
This year, the Governor is seeking, among other things, to legalize paid gestational surrogacy — an illegal practice in many European countries that was expressly outlawed by Governor Mario M. Cuomo — and to legalize the recreational use of marijuana. By submitting these and other legislative items in the budget process, the Senator, Assembly Leader, and Conservative Chairman argued, the Governor is attempting an end-around the State Legislature, stifling debate on the measures that common sense demands.
Today’s news conference was held at the 53rd-Annual State Conservative Party “CPPAC” gathering which was held in Latham, NY.