“Government’s view of the economy could be summed up in a few short phrases: If it moves, tax it. If it keeps moving, regulate it. And if it stops moving, subsidize it”-Ronald Reagan
For Immediate Release
April 1, 2021
Contact: Shaun Marie
www.cpnys.org @cpnys
Statement from New York State Conservative Party Chairman Gerard Kassar
“There’s an old admonition about crooked politicians: ‘watch the hands not the mouth.’ It’s exactly what we should be doing with Mr. Cuomo.”
Brooklyn, NY – “It’s not Mr. Cuomo’s greed for power that we’re learning about now, it’s his greed for cold-hard-cash at the expense of the very people who elected him. Last night’s damning New York Times exposé, revealing that Mr. Cuomo sought and likely received up to $4 million for his book, “American Crisis: Leadership Lessons from the Covid-19 Pandemic,” confirms what the Conservative Party has long suggested — Gov. Cuomo, using state employees, appears to have buried inconvenient facts about nursing home deaths to publish a book and become a wealthy man. His actions demand additional criminal inquiry.
“There’s an old admonition about crooked politicians: ‘watch the hands not the mouth.’ It’s exactly what we should be doing with Mr. Cuomo.”
For Immediate Release
March 30, 2021
Contact: Shaun Marie
www.cpnys.org @cpnys
Statement from New York State Conservative Party Chairman Gerard Kassar
Brooklyn, NY – “To say New York is going to pot may be the understatement of the decade. Today’s legislation to create the ‘New York Office of Cannabis Management’ sounds like a bad joke. If only it were funny.
“Democrats in Albany, led by scandal-scarred Gov. Andrew Cuomo, know that legalizing recreational marijuana will come at significant human cost, but all they seem to care about is more tax revenue. Their indifference to human suffering is unconscionable.
“Study after study has shown that marijuana use among teens — make no mistake about it, teen use will go up — can cause significant psychological damage and lead to use of even more dangerous drugs. We also know that traffic injuries and fatalities will increase because of stoned drivers on our roads, and a percentage of first-time marijuana users will become addicts.
“We also know from other states that black-market drug sales actually increase after legalization, and those illicit drug pipelines often include counterfeit prescription pills and deadly narcotics like heroin and fentanyl. The cost of treating the addictions that will ensue from this legislation will likely cost far more than any revenue it would generate. Indeed, for every $1 of tax revenue in alcohol and tobacco tax revenues, society loses $10 in social costs according to SAM-Smart Approaches to Marijuana.
“Mark Twain said the darnedest thing: It’s easier to keep out of something than to get out of something. He was, of course, right, and Twain’s advice is our advice to the New York State Legislature. Keep out of the drug business. It will not end well.”
For Immediate Release
March 25, 2021
Contact: Shaun Marie
www.cpnys.org @cpnys
“Governing is About Serving the Public, Not Yourself”
“The aggravating news about Gov. Andrew Cuomo isn’t letting up.
“Now we learn that New York’s chief executive arranged special privileges for family members and close colleagues in the early days of Covid testing — around the time he was penning a book on Covid leadership (after cooking the books on nursing home deaths under his watch) that has reportedly reaped him more than one million dollars.
“When we hear about arrogance in government — when we hear about naked abuses of power — these are the types of things we are talking about.
“That arrogance, in Mr. Cuomo’s case, has seemingly extended itself into predatory sexual behavior against random New Yorkers and members of his own staff.
Contact: Bill O’Reilly, 212-396-9117
Buffalo, NY-March 19…New York State Conservative Party leaders today announced the filing of a verified complaint with the New York State Supreme Court, County of Niagara, to protect the constitutionally prescribed voting rights of all New Yorkers.
The complaint filed on Thursday in Niagara County, seeks to overturn an unconstitutional action by the State Legislature S8015-D/A10833 signed into law by Governor Cuomo on August 20th, 2020 and now Chapter 139 of the laws of 2020. This Chapter amends Election Law Section 8-400 in clear violation of Article II, Section 2 of the State Constitution. This section establishes specific circumstances in which a registered voter can obtain an absentee ballot.
The Conservative Party maintains that this Chapter makes a permanent change in the State Constitution and as such requires approval of the electorate by placing such amendment on the November ballot. The Legislature and Governor by adopting said piece of legislation have circumvented that process.
The authority that allowed the Governor to open the process of absentee ballots to all voters in 2020 was limited to the authority granted him through the broad temporary emergency powers adopted by the Legislature in the Spring of 2020. Those powers expire with the pandemic.
“The State Constitution belongs to the people of New York as a safeguard against runaway governors and legislatures which we clearly now have,” said State Conservative Party Chairman Gerard Kassar. “The Constitution spells out the rules for absentee voting in great specificity not to inhibit voting, but to protect the integrity of every vote in this state. Those who wish to make changes in these areas are free to do so through a vote of the electorate, but never through legislative action. They simply don’t have that power.”
The State Conservative Party successfully challenged the constitutionality of other attempted changes to New York Election Law by the Governor and Legislature in 2020.
“Every registered New Yorker should exercise his or her right to vote in every election, but it is imperative that the voting safeguards put in place by our State Constitution be observed to guarantee maximum ballot security,
”Chairman Kassar continued. “When rules are changed willy-nilly, public confidence in our election processes wane, and that can be a dangerous thing. This complaint seeks to protect the democratic rights of New Yorkers, and we are hopeful for an affirmative outcome by the Court.”
For Immediate Release
March 15, 2021
Contact: Shaun Marie
www.cpnys.org @cpnys
Despite Infusion of Washington’s Cash; Democrats in NYS Plan Nearly $7 Billion in New Taxes on New Yorkers Statement by Chairman Gerard Kassar
Brooklyn, NY — The Democrat controlled New York State Legislature, despite the infusion of fresh federal aid to NY ($12.6 B directly to state coffers) is poised to pass one-house bills that include a massive tax increase on businessmen and the wealthy; a 22.6% increase in spending over last year; 10.5% more than Governor Cuomo’s proposal.
Increasing the taxes on businesses and the wealthy will only further the exodus that has steadily increased over the past 10 years. New York state cannot afford any additional losses. This impractical plan will end up costing every New Yorker. Spending is the problem. If these Bills are enacted, the Democratic-controlled Legislature is shouting that New York is closed for business and encouraging New Yorkers to move to a state where they have better control over the money they earn.
For Immediate Release
March 12, 2021
Contact: Shaun Marie
www.cpnys.org @cpnys
“Lt. Governor Hochul Should Be Included in All Key State Matters to Ensure Continuity of Government”
Brooklyn, NY – “Andrew Cuomo’s tenure as governor could abruptly come to an end, and it’s critically important that Lt. Governor Kathleen Hochul be fully immersed in all state government matters, down to the granular level, in case such an eventuality takes place. Continuity of government in the midst of significant challenges must be ensured. That doesn’t appear to be the case today, based on the Lt. Governor’s public schedule.
“Lt. Governor Hochul should immediately and significantly be included in the state budget negotiations with Senate and Assembly leadership, Covid vaccine rollout planning, federal relief negotiations with the Biden Administration, and other core state operations. Governor Cuomo, whose position as governor appears untenable, should make that happen today. The state must be fully ready for whatever comes next.”
For Immediate Release
March 5, 2021
Contact: Shaun Marie
www.cpnys.org @cpnys
Brooklyn – March 5…The New York State Conservative Party today called for the immediate release of communications between Crown Publishing, Governor Andrew Cuomo, his agents, and members of his administration leading up to the publication of Mr. Cuomo’s New York Times best-seller book “American Crisis: Leadership Lessons from the COVID-19 Pandemic” (Oct. 2020, Crown.)
The core premise of “American Crisis: Leadership Lessons from the COVID-19 Pandemic” was Mr. Cuomo’s purported successful management of Covid-19 in New York State. The Wall Street Journal and The New York Times are now reporting that Mr. Cuomo and members of his administration altered an official New York State Department of Health report to falsely embellish Mr. Cuomo’s image as an efficacious governor in the depths of a public health crises at the very same time that Mr. Cuomo was negotiating his book deal.
“Today’s news reports raise an obvious question: Would Crown Publishing have invested in Governor Cuomo’s book had they known the full extent of the nursing home deaths caused by the governor’s misguided policies?,” asked Conservative Party Chairman Gerard Kassar. “And did Governor Cuomo and members of his administration work to bury the true numbers in an effort to seal the book deal? The public needs answers to these questions, and the governor and Crown can begin by releasing the communications between them.”
The Conservative Party has previously asked Governor Cuomo to make immediately public the profits he received from his book, and questioned whether the facts Mr. Cuomo concealed fostered a false narrative required for the book’s publishing. Governor Cuomo has refused to address these questions.
“If the truth had been known about the nursing home deaths in the autumn of 2020, it’s hard to believe that Crown would have moved forward with ‘American Crisis: Leadership Lessons from the COVID-19 Pandemic’” Mr. Kassar continued. “So the question remains: Did Governor Cuomo hide the true nursing home death toll for personal financial benefit, and, if so, exactly how much money did he make from that lie? The public deserves to know.”
For Immediate Release
March 4, 2021
Contact: Shaun Marie
www.cpnys.org @cpnys
NEW YORK STATE CONSERVATIVE PARTY: ‘FOR THE POLITICIANS ACT’ MUST BE DEFEATED IN THE SENATEOmnibus Democrat Incumbency Protection Bill (HR1/S1) Would Inhibit Free Speech; Partisanize the FEC; Create Welfare-for-Politicians “Anyway You Look At This Bill It Screams ‘Big Brother.’”
Brooklyn – March 4…The New York State Conservative Party today called on members of the U.S Senate to defeat overreaching and unconstitutional legislation pushed through the House of Representatives in a razor thin party-line vote on Wednesday that would usurp the sacrosanct rights of states to control their elections processes, force taxpayers to assume the costs of congressional elections, and strip Americans of their right to confidentiality in furthering political speech, among other things.
“HR1/S1 isn’t about protecting the rights of voters,” Conservative Party Chairman Gerard Kassar said, “it’s about seizing control of our time-tested state election processes to benefit the Democratic Party. This massive federal overreach would politically weaponize the Federal Election Commission (FEC), a traditionally bipartisan commission, and force taxpayers to pay for the re-elections of career politicians. It would further discourage Americans from exercising their First Amendment rights by abolishing privacy laws that protect them from the left’s pernicious cancel culture tactics. Anyway you look at this bill it screams ‘Big Brother.’”
Provisions in the massive HR1/S1 bill include:
Forcing taxpayers to subsidize congressional campaigns;
Changing the FEC from a six-member, bipartisan commission into a partisan five-member commission controlled by a sitting President and unilaterally capable of creating new regulations without the input of Congress;
Compelling individuals to disclose what causes they support, subjecting them to potential harassment and thereby reducing political speech;
Forcing not-for-profits, issue advocacy groups, and organizations they support to publicly declare whether they support or oppose any candidate that appears in their materials, and
Dramatically increasing the cost of online political speech — aka suppressing it — by eliminating the FEC’s longstanding internet exemption.
“Every time the Democrats seize power in Washington, they attempt a massive federal overreach,” Chairman Kassar continued. “This time they are going after free speech itself — our nation’s First Amendment rights — and the American people will not stand for it. This cynically misnamed omnibus bill, the so-called ‘For the People Act’ is anything but. The proper title for this legislation should be the “For the Politicians Act’, and it must be summarily rejected in the Senate.”
For Immediate Release
February 23, 2021
Contact: Shaun Marie
www.cpnys.org @cpnys
Statement by New York State Conservative Party Chairman Gerard Kassar “The public deserves to know now how much Gov. Cuomo profited from best-selling COVID-19 book.”
Brooklyn, NY – “‘American Crisis: Leadership Lessons from the Covid-19 Pandemic’ (Crown, 2o20), Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s (semi-fictional) New York Times best-seller, presumably made the governor a tidy profit. The public deserves to know the exact amount now, as questions about his handling of COVID-19 are squarely in the public eye.
“To profit from such a human catastrophe in the first place — after potentially fatal mistakes were made by him and his administration — raises significant questions about Mr. Cuomo’s judgement. He should report how much he made at the first possible opportunity to the people who gave him his job.
“The governor is currently delaying release of the profit figure until May, when his next financial disclosure statement is due. That’s not good enough. The man who once promised to be the most transparent governor in history needs to be transparent now.”
The Conservative Party organizations representing the five counties of the City of New York have endorsed the following candidates for this year’s citywide election contests: Bill Pepitone for Mayor, Tony Herbert for Public Advocate, and Paul Rodriguez for Comptroller.
“I am beyond humbled and honored to accept the endorsement of the five counties of the New York City Conservative Party,” said Bill Pepitone, candidate for Mayor. “The Conservative Party’s beliefs and values reflect how I was raised by my parents, and I will rely upon such to bring strength, stability and solidarity to every community within our great city.”
“It is truly my honor to have been given the support of the New York City Conservative Party, who my values and ideas of governance here in New York is aligned with strongly,” said Tony Herbert, candidate for Public Advocate. “I look forward to our longterm collaboration and helping to carry the positive message of what the party stands for and its interest in seeing a successful and thriving New York City!!!”
“Bill Pepitone, Tony Herbert, and Paul Rodriguez represent commonsense values that will bring NYC back,” said Kings County Chairwoman Frances T. Vella-Marrone. “Their platform of public safety and fiscal responsibility will serve the people of NYC well. Brooklyn as well as all of NYC will benefit from their leadership. I urge all New Yorkers to vote for this impressive slate of candidates on the Conservative Party line in November.”
“The team of Bill Pepitone, Paul Rodriguez, and Tony Herbert are exactly what NYC needs right now,” said Bronx County Chairman Patrick McManus. “In my opinion, combined they are the perfect balance of candidates to bring back law and order, community support and fiscal responsibility to OUR city. Please be sure to come out this November and vote row C, the best choice for ALL of NYC.”
“We are proud to announce three excellent citywide candidates, who, when elected, will bring New York City back to the pre-deBlasio excellent city that it was,” said New York County Chairman Stuart J. Avrick.
“Our Conservative candidates will give the people of New York City a clear cut choice of public safety, fiscal responsibility, and common sense policies,” said Queens County Chairman Thomas M. Long.
“These three individuals have impressive credentials that will nicely complement our assembled team of candidates for contests on Staten Island this year,” said Richmond County Chairman David Mario Curcio.
This year’s general election contests for Mayor, Public Advocate, and Comptroller are scheduled for Tuesday, November 2nd, with Conservative Party candidates appearing on Row “C” of the ballot.
For Immediate Release
February 16. 2021
Contact: Shaun Marie
www.cpnys.org @cpnys
DID ANDREW CUOMO COMMIT FRAUD FOR BOOK PROFITS? Statement by New York State Conservative Party Chairman Gerard Kassar
Brooklyn, NY – “Governor Andrew Cuomo’s best-selling book, “American Crisis: Leadership Lessons from the Covid-19 Pandemic” (Crown, 2020), was written under false pretenses, it has now been made clear. That begs the question: ‘Did Andrew Cuomo purposely mislead editors and readers — falsely establishing him himself as a COVID-19 leadership whiz — in order to make the maximum amount of money for himself through book sales?
“If the Governor knowingly misled editors and readers for remunerative benefit, he may have committed fraud. It’s a serious question that needs to be looked into by an independent investigator.”
For Immediate Release
February 12, 2021
Contact: Shaun Marie
www.cpnys.org @cpnys
Statement by New York State Conservative Party Chairman Gerard Kassar on Growing Cuomo Nursing Home Death Scandal
“Andrew Cuomo has been caught in a lie of dastardly dimension.”
Brooklyn, NY – “Governor Cuomo’s cover up of nursing home deaths was a concerted scheme orchestrated at the very top level of his administration, Secretary to the Governor Melissa DeRosa has now confirmed, and the governor’s blatant deceit is now laid bare for all to see.
“We have said before that an honorable governor would resign his position over a revelation of this magnitude, and we reiterate it now. How this governor can continue holding his position after such scandalous behavior has been revealed is beyond the comprehension of anyone of good will. Andrew Cuomo has been caught in a lie of dastardly dimension.
“It’s crystal clear that Governor Cuomo and his highest appointed official, Secretary DeRosa, along with New York State Health Commissioner Dr. Howard Zucker, among others, formed a clique within state government dedicated to burying the awful truth about preventable nursing home deaths. The pain they have caused families of the deceased, and the disgrace they have brought upon the State of New York through their scheme, is indefensible.
“What’s more indefensible, still, is Governor Cuomo’s refusal to hold himself accountable for his actions. Like we said, an honorable governor would resign.”