Category: Press Release

Statement From NYS Conservative Party 5/30/24

Contact: Bill O’Reilly, 212-396-9117
May 30, 2024

Supreme Court Unanimously Rules for NRA — and Against New York  — Statement from New York State Conservative Party Chairman Gerard Kassar

“When the U.S. Supreme Court votes unanimously, it’s clear that an egregious Constitutional violation has taken place. In this case, New York State was caught violating the rights of the National Rifle Association (NRA) by coercing private businesses to halt commercial dealings with the NRA for political reasons.

“Today’s decision is a victory for the Constitution and for economic freedom in New York. It will allow the NRA to continue pursuing litigation against New York, a state that has utterly forgotten the principles upon which this nation was founded.”


Statement From NYS Conservative Party 5/24/24

Contact: Bill O’Reilly, 212-396-9117
May 24, 2024

Statement on Governor Hochul’s ‘Clowns’ Insult by New York State Conservative Party Chairman Gerard Kassar

“Governor Kathy Hochul has now joined Hillary Clinton and Andrew Cuomo in broadly disparaging millions of New Yorkers simply because of what they believe. Mrs. Clinton called conservatives ‘deplorables’, Mr. Cuomo said conservatives were unwelcome in New York State, and, now, Mrs. Hochul is calling us ‘clowns.’ These insults say far more about today’s political left than they do about conservatives.

“President Trump, who will  joust sharply with political opponents over issues, won’t disparage entire groups of people for their belief structures. But to today’s progressive Democrats, who claim to be liberal minded, anyone who disagrees with them is unworthy of respect, or even politeness. Conservatives are met solely with scorn and derision, even on a personal level.

“The Conservative Party vehemently disagrees with the woke policies Governor Hochul has enacted in New York. We believe they have made the state less safe, less affordable, and less competitive. But we would never call the governor a ‘clown’ for her principles or beliefs. That would be beneath us, just as her comments yesterday were beneath the dignity of her office. We encourage her better angels to do the talking next time. What she said yesterday is unacceptable.”


Statement From NYS Conservative Party on Bronx Trump Rally 5/23/24

Contact: Bill O’Reilly, 212-396-9117
May 23, 2024

President Trump Visits the Bronx; Statement by New York State Conservative Party Chairman Gerard Kassar 

“President Trump’s rally in the South Bronx tonight will show the real state of the presidential race in New York. Mr. Trump’s popularity in Black, Latino, and Asian communities, among others, is growing exponentially, and for the first time since Ronald Reagan in 1984, this state will be fully in play in November.

“For generations, these communities have largely relied on the Democratic Party, which has failed them miserably. President Trump offers straight talk rather than empty paternalism, and voters are responding in droves. They’ll do the same in November in every corner of New York.”


Statement From NYS Conservative Party 5/14/24

Contact: Bill O’Reilly, 212-396-9117
May 14, 2024

Statement by New York State Conservative Party Chairman Gerard Kassar on Parent Replacement Act

“The New York State Conservative Party strongly urges the New York State Appellate Division, 4th Department, to reject Attorney General Letitia James’s appeal of a recent State Supreme Court decision that invalidated a ballot provision colloquially known as ‘The Parent Replacement Act.’

“The lower court correctly ruled that Proposition One was pushed forward by Governor Kathy Hochul and her ‘progressive’ colleagues in an unconstitutional manner. That decision should stand.

“The Parent Replacement Act would be a nightmare for New York parents and for female athletes. It would grant biological males the constitutional right to compete in womens and girls sports in the state, and it would ban parents from knowing if a child is undergoing gender transition procedures at school. Reckless language in the amendment would bizarrely grant constitutional protections to discrimination itself — if that discrimination is conducted in the name of anti-discrimination. Try to make sense of that!

“Albany’s social engineers are moving ahead at full steam, despite the clear will of New Yorkers, 66% of whom want girls and womens sports protected. New York voters must remember that on November 5th.”


Statement From NYS Conservative Party 5/10/24

Contact: Bill O’Reilly, 212-396-9117
May 10, 2024

Statement on Unified Candidacy of Mike Sapraicone by New York State Conservative Party Chairman Gerard Kassar

“The New York State Conservative Party is thrilled to report that nationally-recognized security expert and former NYPD Detective Mike Sapraicone will be the sole nominee of the Republican and Conservative Parties in the November election, thus guaranteeing a unified ticket.

“Mr Sapraicone can beat incumbent Senator Kirsten Gillibrand, who effectively vanished from the public eye after getting trounced in the 2020 Democratic presidential primary. Ms. Gillibrand has fallen into virtual irrelevance both in Washington and New York, and the time to replace her is now.

“The Conservative Party urges its friends and members around the state to rally behind Mr. Sapraicone’s candidacy urgently. After former Congressman Lee Zeldin’s powerful run for Governor in 2022, and with President Donald Trump at the top of the ballot this year, Mike Sapraicone can win this race. It’s time that New York had a conservative representative in the Senate again.”


Statement From NYS Conservative Party 5/7/24

Contact: Bill O’Reilly, 212-396-9117
May 7, 2024


“Governor Kathy Hochul and her woke colleagues in Albany tried to pull the wool over the eyes of New York voters, and were thankfully slapped down this morning by the New York State Supreme Court. Mrs. Hochul’s Proposition One would have stripped parents of the right to know that a child is undergoing gender transition procedures in school, and it would have given biological males a Constitutional right to compete in girls and womens sports in the state.

“This outrageous and unconstitutional attempt to socially engineer New York, under the false guise of ‘equal rights’, will be a permanent dark mark on Mrs. Hochul’s tenure as governor. Parents won’t soon forget what the Governor and Democratic legislature tried to do here.

“The Conservative Party salutes Republican-Conservative Assemblywoman Marjorie Byrnes and others for bringing the successful litigation in this case, and offers its special thanks to Christian Browne and Bobbie Anne Cox for their brilliant stewardship in court. New York parents can sleep a bit more peacefully tonight, thanks to their efforts.”


Statement From NYS Conservative Party 5/1/24

Contact: Bill O’Reilly, 212-396-9117
May 1, 2024

Statement on NYPD Campus Recoveries by New York State Conservative Party Chairman Gerard Kassar

Brooklyn-NY…“Last night’s actions by the New York City Police Department, at the request of college presidents, was a welcome and professional demonstration of order in the face of anarchy. Students and outside agitators have no right to seize and occupy campus grounds, and their removal was way past due. Those who led the illegalities should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. The universities should also expel lawbreakers.

“NYPD officers raised the American flag over City College last night, where it had been ripped down by demonstrators and replaced with a Palestinian flag. The scene recalled  iconic imagery in American history, and millions of New Yorkers cheered Old Glory’s return. But this photo never should have had to be taken. This wasn’t Iwo Jima, nor was it 9/11, it was a group of renegade students and professional agitators seizing public property. They must now pay the consequences. Prosecutors must do their jobs.”


Statement From NYS Conservative Party 4/24/24

Contact: Bill O’Reilly, 212-396-9117
April 24, 2024

Statement by New York State Conservative Party Chairman Gerard Kassar on Campus Takeovers

Brooklyn-NY…“The Conservative Party strongly supports the right to protest, but what’s happening at Columbia, NYU, and on other college campuses is beyond the pale. These are not peaceful protests; they’re criminal takeovers of property that are disrupting the academic life of thousands. They’re also clearly orchestrated to intimidate Jewish students.

“Threatening groups of Americans and seizing property is anarchy, not protest, and it must come with a penalty. This unbridled wokeism — egged on by irresponsible, leftist professors — cannot be tolerated. Clear the campuses now.


Statement From NYS Conservative Party 4/19/24

Contact: Bill O’Reilly, 212-396-9117
April 19, 2024

Statement by New York State Conservative Party Chairman Gerard Kassar on 2024 State Budget

Brooklyn-NY…“Anyone who views this state budget as a victory is deluding themselves. It’s too expensive, too expansive, too progressive, and too self-serving for the Democratic Party. The People of New York deserve to be outraged.

“Governor Hochul, who loves to claim victory by saying how much worse her budgets could have been, has again done nothing to address the screaming needs of New Yorkers. New York has a serious housing crisis, yet we see abandoned properties everywhere. Rent regulated landlords can’t keep properties up with Major Capital Improvement (MCIs) reimbursement rates capped at $30,000. And now, after destroying much of New York City’s housing market with counterproductive rent regulations, Mrs. Hochul and the Democrats are bringing regulations statewide with ‘Good Cause Eviction.’

“Low-income parents across New York, the very population Democrats purport to champion, are desperate for more charter school slots, while Mrs. Hochul and her colleagues continue to dump money into a broken system that necessitated charter schools in the first place. The Governor talks a big game about cracking down on crime, but does nothing  — zero —  to roll back cashless bail or to bring back crime fighting tactics that actually work. Approximately 1.4 million former New York neighbors have abandoned the state for lower-tax environs since 2010, and the Democrats keep piling on more. It will now cost you $15 to drive into midtown Manhattan.

“Everywhere you look, New York is out of the mainstream, as it continues to rank as the state with the worst business outlook in America. One would think that Mrs. Hochul and the Democrats would finally wake up. This budget makes it clear they will not. It will be up to voters to save New York. Those running Albany have their heads in the sand.”


Statement From NYS Conservative Party 4/15/24

Contact: Bill O’Reilly, 212-396-9117
April 15, 2024

Statement by NYS Conservative Party Chairman on Murders of Syracuse Police Officer and Onondaga Sheriff’s Deputy

Brooklyn-NY…“New Yorkers mourn the loss of a Syracuse Police Officer and an Onondaga Sheriff’s Deputy who were callously gunned down in Salina last night while pursuing a stolen vehicle suspect. At the same time, we’re outraged at the utter chaos that progressive crime policies have wrought on our criminal justice system, directly or indirectly contributing to shootings like the one we mourn today.

“Now, almost unbelievably, the progressives have a new plan: reclassify dozens of existing offenses as ‘hate’ crimes, as if that would do anything to make New Yorkers more safe. How about catching suspects, prosecuting them to the full extent of the law, and imprisoning them for the full lengths of their terms instead? Because that used to work.

“At every turn, Governor Hochul and her colleagues find new ways to complicate the obvious: if you commit a crime in this state, you should be punished for it. By constantly viewing criminal justice through an ideological lens, New York Democrats have lost sight of reality. That reality is staring us in the face this morning just outside of Syracuse.”


Statement From NYS Conservative Party 4/12/24

Contact: Bill O’Reilly, 212-396-9117
April 12, 2024

“New York is drifting between having a bad late budget and a very bad late budget.”

Statement by New York State Conservative Party Chairman Gerard Kassar

Brooklyn-NY…“New York is drifting between having a bad late budget and a very bad late budget  with this week’s new state budget extenders. The longer the process goes, the more progressives will add to the already extraordinarily high price tag of running this state under one-party Democrat rule. The size and scope of the eventual budget will be on a historic scale, and never in a good way. New Yorkers were already beleaguered by high taxes and overspending, but Gov. Hochul and her colleagues aren’t done with us. They want more. Always more.

The self-imposed migrant crisis is costing New Yorkers well over a billion dollars they don’t have, and the cost of living, driven by wild Washington overspending, continues to eat away at household budgets. And, still, this progressive legislature is eyeing higher spending and taxes.

“New Yorkers can’t afford another week of Albany budget shenanigans. Get this done now, Governor, without adding more burdens to the mix.”


Statement From NYS Conservative Party 3/25/24

Contact: Bill O’Reilly, 212-396-9117
March 25, 2024

Gillibrand, Schumer Bottom of the Barrel in National Conservative Rating: New York State Conservative Party Chairman Gerard Kassar

Brooklyn-NY…“The American Conservative Union just released its latest ratings of U.S. legislators, and it’s no surprise to see that Senators Kirsten Gillibrand and Chuck Schumer have about the worst conservative voting records in America. Ms. Gillibrand, who claimed to be a gun-toting moderate when she first ran for Congress, had a 3% conservative rating for 2023, while liberal Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer managed to slightly outdo Gillibrand with a 2% conservative rating.

“Scores that low aren’t easy to come by. You’ve got to be a real left-wing ideologue to rank that poorly. But what these ratings make absolutely clear is just how out of touch the Empire State’s U.S. Senate representatives are with the average New Yorker. That’s what happens when you live and breathe each day in elite, progressive ivory towers.

“Fortunately, Ms. Gillibrand is up for reelection this year, and we’re confident that Republican-Conservative Senate challenger Michael Sapraicone will thoroughly educate everyday New Yorkers about Ms. Gillibrand’s strident left-wing voting record. New York is facing so many problems under one-party Democrat rule, and Ms. Gillibrand’s and Mr. Schumer’s voting records are a major contributor. If we want to save New York, they both need to go, one after the other.”
