Category: Press Release

Conservative Party Formally Requests AG Barr to Investigate NY Nursing Home Crisis 

For Immediate Release
June 11, 2020
Contact:  Shaun Marie
518-356-7882   @Twitter
Conservative Party Formally Requests AG Barr to Investigate NY Nursing Home Crisis  Delivers Signatures with Request

 Brooklyn, NY – Conservative Party Chairman, Gerard Kassar, sent the following letter to Attorney General William Barr today asking for an independent investigation into why New York State has suffered over 6000 nursing home deaths attributed to COVID-19.

The letter notes that “The Governor, under pressure from families, the media, elected officials, and political leadership, acknowledged the problem by calling for the NYS Department of Health and the State Attorney General to investigate.  The Conservative Party takes exception with the State investigating itself.  We firmly believe that both the NYS Attorney General and the Commissioner of Health are political functionaries lacking the ability to act independently particularly when the Governor’s actions are a likely target of any investigation.”

The Conservative Party was an early proponent of an independent federal investigation, launching an on-line petition that almost 2000 people signed and a social media campaign that received over 35,000 interactions supporting a federal investigation into this horrific crisis in our nursing homes.

A copy of the petition is here.  The letter to Attorney General William Barr is below along with the Commissioner’s Memo.  AG Barr Letter
.   March 25, 2020 Nursing Home Directive


For Immediate Release
June 8, 2020
Contact:  Shaun Marie
518-356-7882  @cpnys


 BROOKLYN, NY – The Democratic controlled NYS Legislature under the guise of a law enforcement focused session calendar brought to the floor for passage several notable anti-policing bills that endangers the residents of New York which the Conservative Party opposes.   There are two bills especially egregious and the party issued memos in opposition to S.8596/A10611  to repeal Civil Rights Law, Section 50-a and A.6144-B /S.6670-B which criminalizes police use of a choke hold in all circumstances.

In a statement Conservative Party State Chairman Jerry Kassar said, “If the Members of the Legislature adopt the bills being considered today, these two bills, as well as requiring a law enforcement officer or peace officer who discharges his or her weapon under circumstances where a person could be struck by a bullet to immediately report the incident,  changing Gov. Cuomo’s Executive Order of creating an office of special investigation within the office of the attorney general into law, that are designed to restrain law enforcement agents from properly performing their oath of office, they are giving groups like Antifa free reign in the havoc Antifa is seeking to create.

Peaceful protests are part of our history; anarchy is not.  Police protect peaceful protests; police have a moral obligation to stop those who support the anarchy taking place in New York streets.  If the democrat-controlled legislature continues the path they created last year when the criminal justice reforms passed in the budget, they will be aiding and abetting the anarchist determined to destroy the hope that brought millions to our state through Liberty Island in New York’s harbor.

See our legislative memo opposing the repeal of Civil Rights Law, Section 50-aLM 2020-005 Opposition to Repeal of 50-a CRL
, and establishing the crime of aggravated strangulationLM 2020 - 006 fixed

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Statement by Gerard Kassar On Call to Defund New York City’s Police Department

For Immediate Release
June 4, 2020
Contact:  Shaun Marie
518-356-7882  @cpnys

Statement by Gerard Kassar On Call to Defund  New York City’s Police Department

 Brooklyn, NY – George Floyd’s death never should have occurred.  The four men responsible have been fired and arrested for the malicious action – and lack of action – that lead to the untimely death of George Floyd.

The riots, across America, have led to more unnecessary and unwarranted deaths.  The riots in New York City (and throughout the state), the attacks on the NYPD and now the call to defund the NYPD are adding gasoline to a raging fire.

Defunding the NYPD is the worst possible solution and will ultimately create more havoc and destruction.

I am perplexed at the logic behind the arguments of democratic elected officials call for the one government agency that has a sworn duty to protect our city.  I truly wonder of the public’s perception of these same elected officials calling for defunding during riots and looting.

Peaceful protests are acceptable; uncontrolled rage, destroying businesses, throwing Molotov cocktails at police cars are not.

Defunding the NYPD allows criminal behavior to flourish and lawful citizens to become fearful of living in a city that would no longer be able to protect them.

The vast majority of law enforcement does not look at the color of a person when responding to a call for help; they respond and assess the situation and do what is right to deescalate it.  The men and women of New York’s Finest put their lives on the line every working day to protect the citizens of New York.  Should the radical idea of defunding the NYPD be adopted, who will protect the citizens when lawlessness reigns?

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For Immediate Release
May 13, 2020
Contact: Shaun Marie
518-356-7882 @cpnys


Brooklyn, NY  – “An outgoing vice president has no business unmasking an individual named in a raw intelligence report, particularly when that person has served his country honorably for decades and is the presumptive National Security Advisor for an incoming president of the opposing political party.

“The fact that we are only learning this now demands the attention of the American people, regardless of political affiliation.  Seven unmasking requests were made by top Obama Administration officials between November 30, 2016 and Jan. 11, 2017, when President Donald Trump took office, in a clear attempt to find or manufacture dirt on General Michael Flynn, a prominent Trump supporter and advisor during the 2016 campaign. That speaks volumes.

“So does Mr. Biden’s blatant mistruth this week in denying that he was aware of an unmasking in which he was intimately involved.  Of course he was aware — he was part of it.

“The more one looks at what happened to General Flynn, the clearer his railroading by leading Democrat operatives becomes.  A full and immediate investigation is required.  The American public needs to know why the Democratic nominee for president just got caught lying.”



For Immediate Release
April 24, 2020
Contact:  Shaun Marie
518-356-7882  @cpnys


 Brooklyn, NY – Publish reports  on Coronavirus patients admitted to Queens nursing home – with body bags, is both shocking and heartbreaking.  Shocking to think that this happened at the direction of Governor Andrew Cuomo Health Department that handed down a March 25 directive that bars nursing homes from refusing to admit “medically stable’ coronavirus patients.  Heartbreaking because we will never know how many of the 30 residents who perished after the nursing home was forced to admit two patients with CONVID-19 to the previously free of the deadly disease.

Governor Cuomo appeared to deflect the state’s role in the unusual high number of deaths in nursing homes during his presser on Thursday when he noted it wasn’t the state’s job to protect patients in nursing homes, nursing homes have strict rules to protect their patients; this article paints a very different picture.

Yesterday, Governor Cuomo called for the state and the state attorney general to investigate the COVID-19 deaths at nursing homes.  An unbiased investigation is not possible when political functionaries are leading an investigation of this magnitude; the state is not in a position to investigate itself.

The federal government should impanel an independent commission to look into the allegations.

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Statement by Chairman Gerard Kassar on State Health Department’s New Guidelines for Emergency Responders on Reviving Patients

For Immediate Release
April 22, 2020
Contact:  Shaun Marie
518-356-7882   @cpnys
Statement by Chairman Gerard Kassar on State Health Department’s New Guidelines for Emergency Responders on Reviving Patients

Brooklyn, NY – Outrageous! Shameful! It is unconscionable to think that the state Health Department would think so little of a human life that they would issue a do-not-resuscitate guideline for cardiac patients amid the coronavirus crisis.

According to today’s NY Post, first responders were issued new guidelines when responding for cardiac patients.

Our first line of defense in a medical emergency is our paramedics – men and women who see heartbreaking emergencies and are exposed to every imaginable highly contagious disease.  These extremely professional, dedicated, compassionate men and women deserve every bit of protection possible; but to ask these very same special, loving, caring people to not do everything possible to save another human life, borders on sacrilege.   They are trained to save lives; not standby and do nothing to help revived them.

Imagine for one moment watching your loved one die knowing that the paramedics have been told do not resuscitate, especially if there is no health care proxy that states do-not-resuscitate.  Think also for one minute, the guilt these dedicated first responders will feel if they are forced to stand by and do nothing.

Yes, these are trying times with hospitals and health care at their breaking points; but every single person, at every level of health care, does what they do because of their dedication to saving lives.  And now the bureaucratic bean counters are telling them to just let them die.

The state Health Department defends itself by noting “many areas of the US as well as other locations throughout the world” use this standard – even pre COVID-19.

Why issue these guidelines now?  Didn’t Governor Cuomo just tell President Trump that New York no longer needs USNS Comfort? (Thank you, President Trump for providing it when we needed it.) Haven’t we reached the plateau?  Haven’t we been told daily that the hospital admissions are decreasing and thankfully, due to the excellent care of our doctors, nurses and first responders, recovery numbers are increasing.

We must end this practice NOW!

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Statement by New York State Conservative Party Chairman on Universal Absentee Ballots

Contact: Bill O’Reilly, 212-396-9117
Statement by New York State Conservative Party Chairman on Universal Absentee Ballots

April 21, 2020

“Universal absentee ballots for the upcoming New York primaries and special elections may sound like a voting solution during this ongoing health crisis, but it is an unconstitutional measure that would open up New York to rampant voter fraud potential. Governor Cuomo’s initial plan to allow universal absentee ballot applications was the right one due to the special circumstances during this crisis.

“Absentee ballots are inherently insecure voting documents — anyone can mail them back in to the Board of Elections — and universally distributing them would be both prohibitively risky and a flagrant violation of New York’s Constitution.

“The New York State Conservative Party urges Governor Cuomo to employ the solution he initially proposed, and to open a limited number of polling sites for anyone wishing to vote in person. By allowing all New Yorkers to apply for and cast absentee ballots, the integrity of our upcoming elections will be better secured.”



Contact: Bill O’Reilly, 212-396-9117


New York–Apr. 2…New York Conservative Party Chairman Gerard Kassar today criticized the “highly political” state budget passed with less input than at any other time in New York State history potentially. Mr. Kassar said that Governor Andrew Cuomo should have pigeonholed controversial items in his budget and moved them into the regular legislative session where they belong and could be vigorously debated.

“In times of crisis, politics has to take a backseat to pragmatism, and that sadly didn’t occur in Albany this week,” Chairman Kassar said. “While members were away from the chamber and reform advocates were sequestered in their homes, billions of dollars of new borrowing was green-lighted; some small political parties were all but eradicated in New York; a taxpayer-paid campaign system was created; new financial burdens were placed on small business owners, and a massive $3-billion bond issue was approved for the November ballot, among other things. What else the governor stuffed into this budget we will soon find out.”

Because of the Coronavirus pandemic, virtually no budget debate took place in Albany in the days leading up to the budget’s passage. Senators and assembly members were not present in their respective chambers and votes were taken remotely.

Mr. Kassar also expressed disappointment that judges were deprived of the right to use discretion in determining whether to require cash bail from those arrested for crimes. Law enforcement leaders and prosecutors begged the governor and state legislature to give judges that discretion. Governor Cuomo’s budget further deprived localities of the right to require approval for certain energy development projects, making a mockery of local zoning laws and effectively eliminating “home rule.”

“We are looking at a policy-driven budget of misstarts and overreaches,” Chairman Kassar said, “and New Yorkers will pay dearly for it.”


Statement on Cuomo Budget Power Grab by New York State Conservative Party Chairman Gerard Kassar


Contact: Bill O’Reilly, 212-396-9117


Statement on Cuomo Budget Power Grab by New York State 

Conservative Party Chairman Gerard Kassar

April 1, 2020

“It’s unfortunate in the extreme that Governor Andrew Cuomo capitalized on the Coronavirus pandemic today by embedding taxpayer-paid political campaigns in state budget bills that are needed to keep the state afloat. This is akin to having a new and odious tax shoved down our throats while everyone is preoccupied with life-and-death health issues.

“The Governor, who has the support of all New Yorkers during this crisis, should know better than to engage in a political trick like this now. New Yorkers don’t want welfare for politicians — they have made that clear for years in polling — and legislators should have been able to debate this as a standalone issue later this year. This was a cynical ploy and a time where cynicism is least appropriate.

“Taxpayer-paid campaigns will cost New Yorkers a minimum of $100 million per election cycle, and, plain and simple, that’s money we don’t have. Even before COVID-19, New York was in a six-plus billion dollar hole. When all is said and done, the state’s debt load will be many multiples of that. And yet, taxpayers will be forced to shell out money to political consultants.

“It is equally outrageous that the budget was used to eliminate political opposition and dissenting speech. By drastically increasing the requirement for small political parties to attain ballot status, Governor Cuomo will have effectively stifled debate in a state that needs more of it. The Conservative Party will more than meet the new threshold based on our nearly 58-year history of garnering votes, but other smaller parties will almost certainly perish, directly suppressing the political speech they have traditionally provided.

“Governor Cuomo has been widely lauded in the news media for his leadership during this crisis. But what he did today in Albany was anything but. New Yorkers will be paying for it for years to come.”




Statement by State Chairman Gerard Kassar on Senator John Flanagan’s retirement.

For Immediate Release
March 25, 2020
Contact:  Shaun Marie
518-356-7882 @cpnys

Statement by State Chairman Gerard Kassar on Senator John Flanagan’s retirement.

Brooklyn, NY — “John Flanagan has been a dedicated public servant for more than thirty years, as an assemblyman, senator, and senate leader. I have worked closely with him during those years and consider him a friend. The New York State Conservative Party thanks Senator Flanagan for his long service, and wishes him the best in all future endeavors.”

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Statement by New York Conservative Party Chairman Gerard Kassar on “Total Victory for Political Freedom in New York; Reason Has Won out Over Machiavellianism”

Contact: Bill O’Reilly, 212-396-9117

Statement by New York Conservative Party Chairman Gerard Kassar on “Total Victory for Political Freedom in New York; Reason Has Won out Over Machiavellianism”

March 12, 2020

“Today’s court decision confirms what the State Conservative Party has maintained since day one: Governor Cuomo’s Public Finance Commission had no Constitutional right to make or amend state law. This was a total overreach by an overzealous governor, and we are grateful that the Court acted to protect the political and First Amendment rights of New Yorkers and the parties with which they choose to affiliate. This is a total victory for political freedom in New York, and a reminder to Governor Cuomo that he is an executive and not an emperor. Reason has won out over Machiavellianism, and New York is better for it.”


/ In CPNYS NEWS, Press Release / By Shaun Marie / Comments Off on Statement by New York Conservative Party Chairman Gerard Kassar on “Total Victory for Political Freedom in New York; Reason Has Won out Over Machiavellianism”

Schumer the Hypocrite

For Immediate Release
March 5, 2020
Contact:  Shaun Marie
518-356-7882   @cpnys

Schumer the Hypocrite

 “Senator Chuck Schumer crossed a dangerous line yesterday, and he has to address it head-on. His response so far has been entirely inadequate, if not downright mealy-mouthed.

“Threatening Supreme Court justices in an attempt to score political points with an advocacy group is well beneath the dignity of a United States Senator. It puts the independence of the Court at risk by seeking to intimidate its justices.

“This is no small matter: Mr. Schumer has introduced an egregious precedent at the highest levels of government, and he must not be allowed to skirt accountability for it. A full retraction and apology are urgently required. Anything less will demean Mr. Schumer’s legacy as a senator.”

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