Category: Press Release

Conservative Party Issues Opposition Memo on Government Mandating COVID-19 Vaccine

For Immediate Release
December 10, 2020
Contact:  Shaun Marie

Conservative Party Issues Opposition Memo on Government Mandating COVID-19 Vaccine

Brooklyn, NY (12/10/2020) – Conservative Party Chairman Gerard Kassar has issued the following legislative memo to the Legislative Members stating opposition to government mandating that New Yorkers receive the COVID-19 vaccine.

The full memo follows:

486 78th Street, Ft. Hamilton Station, NY 11209
(718) 921-2158 Voice  * (718) 921-5268 Fax

2020 Legislative Memo…

 In Opposition to…

  1. 11179 – Rules (at the request of M. of A. L. Rosenthal)

Purpose:  An Act to amend the public health law, in relation to administering a COVID-19 vaccine.

Party Position:  The Conservative Party of NYS is committed to the health of its citizens.  With that being said, we firmly oppose the mandatory use of the COVID-19 vaccine, that this proposed bill calls for.

There is no doubt that a vaccine will be useful in stemming the spread of this dangerous and deadly virus, and those who want to or need to have it, should be able to access the various COVID-19 vaccines that will be available.  However, government must not make the mistake that a new, albeit FDA approved, vaccine should be mandated.

The first wave of COVID-19 was certainly deadly and a vaccine to prevent the devastating disease is welcome news. Much has been learned about COVID- 19 and while many New Yorkers welcome the new vaccine, some people have concerns on getting the vaccine that requires two doses.  Government should not be taking on the role of mandating vaccines as a “protective measure” when people have legitimate concerns on being vaccinated.

The Conservative Party believes that people should have the right to decide if they want the COVID-19 vaccine, and if they do, it should be available to them, but government must not take on the role of mandating it.

LM 2020-008

Statement by Conservative Party Chairman Kassar on the Party’s Maintaining Its Legal Status

For Immediate Release
November 3, 2020
Contact:  Shaun Marie
518-356-7882  @cpnys

Statement by Conservative Party Chairman Kassar on the Party’s Maintaining Its Legal Status

Brooklyn, NY – Chairman Gerard Kassar thanked the voters throughout New York State for making a statement by voting for President Donald J. Trump on the Conservative Party Line.

The Conservative Party has maintained its status as an official political organization in this first test of the law written and signed by Governor Cuomo, that attempts to eliminate third parties in New York State.  The new law requires political parties to reach 130,000 votes or 2% of the total vote cast for President.  The new law also subjects political parties to the same requirement in gubernatorial election years.

Chairman Kassar said “New Yorkers who chose to vote on the Conservative Line are making a statement that fiscal responsibility, law and order, less government involvement, and adherence to the values of our Founding Fathers, is what makes America the greatest nation in the world; knowing that, I was certain we would maintain our official status.”

The New York State Conservative Party is the third largest political party in New York State with over 150,000 members.  In 2016 President Trump received 292,392 votes on the Conservative Party line.


Statement by Conservative Party Chairman Gerard Kassar on the release of Perry Bellamy

Statement by Conservative Party Chairman Gerard Kassar: The Release of Bellamy, Convicted of Setting Up the Murder of State Parole Officer Brian Rooney by the NYS Parole Board Is an Affront to the Safety of New Yorkers.

Brooklyn, NY – Yesterday, we learned of three convicted felons (here, here, here) being set free by the New York State Parole Board. Especially egregious is the release of Perry Bellamy, convicted of setting up the murder of one of their own.

Voters in New York State will soon be choosing who will represent them in the Legislature by making their choice. Voters have an absolute right to know where candidates stand on the current trend of letting violent convicted felons out on parole.

In the last two years, New York’s citizens have watched while the NYS Legislature has amended its criminal justice system to allow those convicted of killing law enforcement officers, rapists, and deranged murders out on parole. Cashless bail has become the norm and so has the most egregious discovery reform that endangers innocent victims again after the alleged crime has occurred. New Yorkers must know where all legislative candidates stand on protecting victims and keeping convicted violent felons in prison.

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CONSERVATIVE PARTY RATES 2020 LEGISLATIVE SESSION; Assemblyman David J. DiPietro Scores 100%

For Immediate Release
October 13, 2020
Contact:  Shaun Marie
518-356-7882  @cpnys

Assemblyman David J. DiPietro Scores 100%

 Brooklyn, NY – The Conservative Party’s 2020 legislative ratings for the shortened COVID-19 legislative session are available on the Conservative Party’s website ( today to allow voters in New York state to be informed and knowledgeable of how their state legislators voted on 20 key bills that passed both Houses.

Keeping with tradition, the Conservative Party tracked legislation throughout the session, issued support and opposition memos, and determined, at an executive committee meeting, which key issues would be used. The Bills considered comprise a variety of issues including, but not limited to economics, health, safety, and pro-life issues that affect the lives of all New Yorkers. “We believe that it is necessary to keep the public informed of key votes and let the taxpayers be aware of how elected officials spend our hard-earned money. Every Bill is considered, and then we narrow the number to give voters a fair assessment of what transpires in Albany,” said Gerard Kassar, State Chairman.  “A review of the Bills used this year will show New Yorkers how out of touch the legislature is with the average citizen; many are costly, sometimes unwarranted, and some will show how they help New Yorkers.” said Kassar.

Assembly Member, David J. DiPietro (147th AD) was the only legislator to score a perfect 100%.

The overall Senate ratings have consistently dropped since the Democrats took total control.  In 2018 the average was 55%, in 2019 the average was 40%, and this year the overall Senate rated a meager 35%.  In 2018 the Democratic Senate average was 41%, in 2019 the democratic average plummeted to 14%, and slightly improved to 17% in 2020.  Republican Senators averaged 71% and Conservative endorsed legislators in the Senate averaged 69%.

The Assembly’s overall rating remained at 36% same as 2019, but down from their 2018 rating of 42%.  The Democrats in the Assembly averaged 19%, up slightly from 17% in 2019, but down significantly from their 28% rating in 2018.  Republican Assembly members averaged 79%, while Conservative Party endorsed Assembly members remained steady with an average of 79%.

We encourage voters to review the ratings and vote accordingly.  Send a message by voting on the Conservative Party line that conservative fiscal policy and principles make New York business friendly.  New York needs to reestablish a friendly place for entrepreneurs to open businesses and most importantly to create new jobs for those who have been forced out of work due to COVID-19. The current trends adopting progressive ideology only increases the exodus; families want a safe place to live, and a resurgence of business opportunities that made New York the beacon of hope and prosperity.

(Ratings are online here.  If you have a problem downloading, please call 718-921-2158 or 518-356-7882 for a copy.)

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For Immediate Release
October 7, 2020
Contact:  Shaun Marie
518-356-7882 @cpnys

Brooklyn, NY – Chairman Gerard Kassar, speaking on behalf of the NYS Conservative Party, mourns the death of Senator Joseph L. Bruno, the long-time NYS Senate Majority Leader.  “Senator Bruno was a leader that served New Yorkers well.  He understood the problems that New Yorkers faced in business and everyday life.  His passion for doing what was best for New Yorkers was well known as was his passion for getting things done right.

Senator Bruno was the same person when meeting with constituents or meeting with national leaders, a gentleman who used all the skills he learned through life, as a veteran of the Korean War, as a boxer, a successful businessman and as your next-door neighbor, to help make the world a better place.”

Our thoughts and prayers to Kay, Susan, Kenneth, and Catherine.

Rest in peace, my friend.



For Immediate Release
September 27, 2020
Contact:  Shaun Marie
518-356-7882      @cpnys

Brooklyn, NY — Conservatives meet in Washingtonville, NY (Orange County) on September 26, 2020 to reorganize, adopt rules and regulations and elect officers to serve for a two-year term as required by Election Law.

Gerard Kassar (Kings County) was unanimously re-elected to serve as Chairman for the two-year term.  Regional Vice Chairman James Thomas accurately portrayed Chairman Kassar’s leadership in nominating him when he said, “Jerry has only been chairman a short time but it’s been a busy time.  Lawsuits and a pandemic and virtual meeting.  But even then, he was able to move the party forward – reaching out to new audiences and expanding the party.”  Reid Robbins, Ontario Chairman noted that “There are very few reasons I would leave my family early on a Saturday morning and be gone all day.  The leadership of Jerry Kassar and his ability to eliminate distance among county leaders to advance conservative principles across the state, makes the trip pleasurable,” when he seconded the nomination.

Chairman Kassar, in accepting, said: “I wish to thank our State Committee for placing the faith in me to serve a second term. Together with the officers, Executive Committee, and members we will meet the challenges of the next two years as we met the many challenges of the past two. I am confident we will see victories and with that a much-needed impact on government.”

The following officers were also elected yesterday, Shaun Marie Levine (Albany County) as the Executive Vice-Chairman, Howard Lim, Jr. (Westchester County) as Secretary and Frances T. Vella-Marrone (Kings County) as Treasurer.

Eight State Vice-Chairmen, Daniel F. Donovan, Jr. (Nassau County), Hugh Fox (Westchester County), Thomas M. Long (Queens County), Ralph C. Lorigo (Erie County), James F. Quinn, Jr.  (Wayne County), Gregory S. Rigby (Cayuga County), Allen Roth (New York County) and Frank Tinari (Suffolk County), and seven Regional Vice-Chairmen were also elected.  The Regional Vice-Chairs are:  In the Capital District – Brian Gardner (Columbia County), in the Northern Region — Henry “Hank” Ford. (St. Lawrence County), in the North Central Region — H. Leonard Schick (Oswego County), in the South-Central Region – James M. Thomas (Broome County), in the Mid-Western Region — Jason McGuire (Livingston County), in the Western Region — Arthur Munger (Genesee County) and in the Hudson Valley – William Beckmann (Rockland County).

The Officers above also serve as the officers of the State Executive Committee.  The following are At-Large Members of the State Executive Committee:  Vincent Arcuri (Queens County), Stuart Avrick (New York County), James J. Barrett, Jr. (Schenectady County), Carol Birkholtz (Warren County), Ross Brady (Kings County),  Michael Buttino (Greene County), Thomas M. Casey (Queens County), David M. Curcio (Richmond County), Chung Dick (Kings County) Louis DeCicco (Chemung County),  John P. DeLessio (Orange County),  John E. Flynn, (Suffolk County), Robert  Fois (Westchester County) Edward J. Gaddy (Ulster County), Michael Garlock (Wayne County) John J. Hayes (Ulster County), Eileen Johnson (Kings County), Christopher J. Kendall (Madison County), Jim M. Kerr (New York County), Paul Kosowski (Nassau County), Edward A. Magilton (Sullivan County),  Charles R. Mancabelli (Onondaga County),  James Maxwell (Putnam County), Donald S. Mazzullo (Monroe County),  Patrick McManus (Bronx County), Donald Minichino (Dutchess County), Christopher Mistron (Nassau County), Scott D. Nasca (Monroe County) Demitry Edward Naemit (Rockland County) Reid W. Robbins (Ontario County), Laura A. Schreiner (Suffolk County),  John Seravalli (New York County) Michael E. Torres (Suffolk County),    Robert E. White (Franklin County),  Anna M. Wilcox (Chautauqua County) and Robert Zordan (Saratoga County).

The Members of the State Executive Committee serve as the governing body when the full state committee is not convened.  All members serve a two-year term.  The Members of the State Executive Committee appointed Ralph C. Lorigo, Esq. as Party Counsel, Eileen Johnson as the Assistant Secretary, Shaun Marie Levine as the Executive Director and Michael R. Long as Chairman Emeritus, for a term coterminous with the elected members.



For Immediate Release
August 19, 2020
Contact:  Shaun Marie


Brooklyn, NY — NYS Conservative Party Chairman Jerry Kassar has announced that the Executive Committee of the NYS Conservative Party has upon a recommendation from Western New York Party leaders endorsed Congressman Chris Jacobs for re-election to Congress. The vacancy occurred when Beth Parlato was nominated for the State Supreme Court.

Chairman Kassar called the endorsement, “a logical conclusion of a process that allowed voters to express their preference. Chris Jacobs won that contest and now he will go on to represent the people of the 27th Congressional District and New York State ably in Congress.  The NYS Conservative Party’s first and foremost priority is to elect qualified conservatives to Congress. Individuals who will vote to replace Nancy Pelosi with a new Speaker; one who will respect individual freedom, personal responsibility, and smaller government. I am confident Chris Jacobs is that person.”

Erie County Chairman Ralph Lorigo said, “The voters of the 27th Congressional District were given a choice this year to select their preferred representative. They did so and selected Chris Jacobs. As a party official, I have always believed, we are here to promote the will of voters. I have known Chris Jacobs for a number of years. He has always shown himself to be an advocate for his constituents. I am glad we will work together with our Republican allies to defeat Nate McMurray and provide President Trump a strong voice for conservative values!”

Livingston County Chairman Jason McGuire described “elections being about choices. The Conservative Party preferred a different candidate in this year’s congressional primary, but that candidate was not victorious. The choices before us now are Congressman Chris Jacobs or a far-left candidate. We choose Rep. Chris Jacobs.”

Congressman Jacobs in accepting the endorsement stated, ”America is facing a major decision in November and conservatives are stronger when we are united. I am proud to have the endorsement of the Conservative Party and I look forward to continuing to work in Congress to rebuild our economy, restore safety to our streets, and protect the rights and future of all Western New Yorkers.”

The Conservative Party in the 27th Congressional District received over 34,000 votes for Congress in the 2016 Presidential election year.


Statement by State Chairman Gerard Kassar on Cancelling the Tribute of Lights on September 11

For Immediate Release
August 14, 2020
Contact:  Shaun Marie

Brooklyn, NY — Today we learned that the 9/11 Memorial and Museum will not display the Tribute of Lights on the 19th Remembrance of America’s darkest day.

The two bright blue beams remind New Yorkers and the world that there is always hope that the future will bring peace through strength and vigilance.

Certainly the health of the individuals responsible for the display is important, however, in a city where millions of people have returned to work safely, adequate preparation could have and still can be made to protect the workers while respecting the 9/11 Memorial and Museum’s mission to commemorate the unbreakable spirit of New York and our strong belief that we shall never forget.

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For Immediate Release
July 23, 2020
Contact:  Shaun Marie
518-356-7882  @cpnys

Brooklyn, NY – Today will go down in history as the day the Democrat controlled legislature changed election law to allow those who use the services of state agencies to automatically enroll as a New York State voter.

Voting is one of the privileges a citizen in New York state has and a responsible citizen takes the time to register to vote.  With the passage of this bill, New Yorkers, many who are here illegally and others who are not citizens of New York, will be automatically registered to vote just by their interaction with certain state agencies listed in the bill.  The bill tout’s automatic registration as a modernization of our current registration system, and states unequivocally that this proposal will increase the efficiency of voter registration, save money, increase the accuracy of voter lists, prevent disfranchisement of eligible citizens, promote greater participation and reduce incidents of registration and voter fraud, this has not been proven in states that have adopted similar legislation.

Automatic voter registration is a ruse to dilute legitimate votes cast by citizens who want to vote; those who take the effort to register and cast their votes.  Automatic voter registration does not guarantee the person is eligible to vote, as we learned when this same body enacted the Green Light Law.

The lack of accountability, again proven by the Green Light Law, increases the possibility of fraud, especially, if every aspect of this automatic voter registration is completed electronically which is available by this ill-advised political maneuver.

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For Immediate Release
July 20, 2020
Contact:  Shaun Marie
518-356-7882  @cpnys

 Brooklyn, NY – State Conservative Party Chairman, Gerard Kassar, speaking on behalf of his membership and the majority of New York’s citizens, is urging the members of the New York State Legislature to withdraw the emergency powers they voted to give Governor Andrew Cuomo, in a budget bill, at the beginning of the coronavirus outbreak.

“When the legislative members return this week, the first order of business should be to rescind the unilateral control — full authority over any state or local law – as long as it is related to the disease.   For example, just this past week, Governor Cuomo required restaurant patrons to order food if they want to buy alcohol, clearly overreaching the original intent.

“Businesses are doing their best to comply with the public health needs; however, the ever-changing requirements are making it incredibly difficult and extremely expensive to comply with the dictates of the Executive Order.

“The legislative members must take back their role as the representatives of their constituents and do what is best for them and the citizens of New York to get our economy back on track as well as the lives and mental well-being of the citizens of New York.  Should further action be required, it must take place in each legislative house, debated on the floor, passed by majority vote, and sent to the Governor for his signature,” said Chairman Kassar.  “That is how our representative democracy is required to work, all three branches of government working for the good of its citizens. “

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Statement by State Chairman Gerard Kassar on Today’s Supreme Court Ruling:

For Immediate Release
June 29, 2020
Contact:  Shaun Marie
518-356-7882 @cpnys

Statement by State Chairman Gerard Kassar on Today’s Supreme Court Ruling:  Another Disappointment for Pro-Life Americans

Brooklyn, NY –  The Pro-Life Americans have been dealt another blow due to Chief Justice Roberts siding with those who chose not to protect the life of an unborn child when it struck down the Louisiana Law that sought to require doctors who provide abortions to have admitting privileges at a hospital within 30 miles of their clinic.  Challengers to the proposed law argued that it would limit the state to just one abortion provider at a single clinic.

Justice Roberts wrote in his concurring majority opinion that, “The Louisiana law imposes a burden on access to abortion just as severe as that imposed by the Texas law, for the same reasons. Therefore, Louisiana’s law cannot stand under our precedents.”

Justice Roberts failed to acknowledge that some precedents of the United States Supreme Court were wrong.

We agree with Justice Clarence Thomas who wrote in his dissent that, “Today a majority of the Court perpetuates its ill-founded abortion jurisprudence by enjoining a perfectly legitimate state law and doing so without jurisdiction.”

The Conservative Party of New York State will continue to advocate that life begins at conception and needs to be protected every moment of development until this precious life is safely delivered.

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State Chairman, Gerard Kassar, Congratulates Robert G. Ortt on his Election to NYS Senate Minority Leader

For Immediate Release
June 19, 2020
Contact:  Shaun Marie
518-356-7882  @cpnys
State Chairman, Gerard Kassar, Congratulates Robert G. Ortt on his Election to NYS Senate Minority Leader

Brooklyn, NY — “Congratulations to Senator Robert G. Ortt on his election as the new Republican leader of the NYS Senate by his fellow colleagues today.  Rest assured Senator, the Conservative Party of New York State, will be working hard throughout this election season to change your title to Majority Leader of the NYS Senate.

Your constituents have benefited from your strong voice.  Now all New Yorkers will gain from your leadership no doubt acquired from your honored military service. I am confident your private sector and governmental experience will be welcomed by all New Yorkers as we deal with a state plagued with a multitude of problems.

Senator Rob Ortt has been consistent in scoring well in our ratings.  His 2019 rating was 100%, along with Sen. Jordan and Sen. O’Mara, as well as being the highest rated Senator in 2018 with an 85% rating.

I look forward to working together on the issues that affect all New Yorkers now and in the coming years.”


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