Category: Press Release

Statement from Conservative Party Chairman Gerard Kassar on 2021 New York Elections

Contact: Bill O’Reilly, 212-396-9117
November 3, 2021
Statement from Conservative Party Chairman Gerard Kassar on 2021 New York Elections

Brooklyn, NY – “The New York State Conservative Party is proud of the impact it had on races in every corner of the state on Tuesday. Our ballot line provided a place for voters of all parties to register their judgement on the direction of New York State politics. What voters said is significant: they’re had it with runaway progressive policies that have rendered New York less safe, less free, more expensive, and less desirable.

“The Conservative Party is particularly proud of the role it played in defeating three pernicious ballot initiatives — Propositions 1, 3, and 4 — that would have weakened long established election integrity safeguards and given Democrats even greater partisan control over redistricting. This victory for common sense will reverberate nationally and hopefully put a stake in the heart of HR1.”


Statement from Conservative Party Chairman Gerard Kassar on Democratic Party Ballot Issues 1, 3, and 4

Contact: Bill O’Reilly
November 2, 2021, 11:00 P.M.

Statement from Conservative Party Chairman Gerard Kassar on Democratic Party Ballot Issues 1, 3, and 4

Brooklyn, NY – “The New York State Conservative Party is proud to have led the effort to defeat three shockingly un-democratic ballot proposals in Tuesday’s election, Propositions 1, 3, and 4. They were designed by the Joe-Biden-led Democratic Party to weaken long-established election safeguards in their favor, just as they’re trying to do at the national level with HR1. We are confident that, when absentee ballots are counted, New York voters will have exposed this ploy for what it was, a gross attempt to subvert democracy. It will spell a sharp rejection of HR1 and President Biden’s attempt to rig the electoral system going into the 2022 midterm elections.”

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Statement from Conservative Party Chairman Gerard Kassar on  Entry of Letitia James into New York Gubernatorial Race

Contact: Bill O’Reilly, 212-396-9117
October 29, 2021

Statement from Conservative Party Chairman Gerard Kassar on Entry of Letitia James into New York Gubernatorial Race 

Brooklyn, NY – “The good news is that Letita James will be exiting her position as New York State Attorney General next year. The even better news is that yet another Democrat responsible for New York’s high crime rate, struggling economy, and nation-leading taxes has entered the race for governor. That will allow Congressman Lee Zeldin to present a clear and compelling contrast with his eventual Democrat challenger in November 2022.

“While we wish Attorney General James the best of luck personally, we view her candidacy for governor as anything but refreshing. She’s just another liberal Democrat pushing counterproductive policies in a state that needs to move in a new direction.”


Statement from Conservative Party Chairman Gerard Kassar on Plans to Grant Up to $450,000 to Unlawful Immigrants

Contact: Bill O’Reilly, 212-396-9117
October 29, 2021

Statement from Conservative Party Chairman Gerard Kassar on  Plans to Grant Up to $450,000 to Unlawful Immigrants

Brooklyn, NY  – “Just when you thought you’ve heard it all from the Biden Administration, a plan so preposterous arises that every American citizen should be rendered speechless, if not enraged.

“Giving $450,000 in U.S. tax dollars to unlawful immigrants who crossed the Mexican border into the U.S. with children illegally is madness, despite the family suffering that was ultimately caused by their own misdeeds. Millions of Americans are struggling to get by under President Biden’s tanking economy, and his priority is making unlawful immigrants rich using their money?

“If Mr. Biden and the Democrats do this, how many more unlawful immigrants will cross into the U.S. with children in tow? Can anybody count that high?”


Statement from Conservative Party Chairman Gerard Kassar on Potential Economic Damage from Congestion Pricing Tax

Contact: Bill O’Reilly, 212-396-9117

Statement from Conservative Party Chairman Gerard Kassar on Potential Economic Damage from Congestion Pricing Tax

October 21, 2021

“The New York State Conservative Party lives, not dreamland, and in the reality of this moment imposing a congestion pricing tax on vehicles traveling south of 60th Street in Manhattan would be foolhardy in the extreme.

“Midtown and Lower Manhattan, traditionally the state’s most formidable economic engines, are reeling from Covid-19 and the workplace changes it caused. These areas are struggling mightily to attract back workers and visitors. Slapping the public with a tax to enter these commercial districts would be an obvious disincentive that could have serious ramifications for the overall state economy.

“A congestion pricing tax would be wrong for a number of reasons — it hurts low-income New Yorkers and those transit desserts especially, and it will simply move traffic to other parts of the city, among other things — but the destruction it could cause to Manhattan recovery efforts alone should halt it in its tracks.

“It’s Economics 101: Why would we tax people to enter an area we’re trying to revive?”



Non-Citizen-Voting, Defenseless Landlord Bills Show How Out of Touch New York City Government Has Become: Conservative Party

Contact: Bill O’Reilly, 212-396-9117

Non-Citizen-Voting, Defenseless Landlord Bills Show How Out of Touch New York City Government Has Become: Conservative Party

Bronx, NY-Sept. 18…The New York State Conservative Party called the New York City Council “hopelessly out of touch” today for two reckless pieces of legislation it is now considering: non-citizen voting and a measure that would prevent landlords, large and small, from conducting criminal background checks on prospective tenants.

The call was made during a news conference Saturday outside the Bronx Conservative Party Headquarters, at which a state executive committee meeting was later held. Speakers at the news conference included State Conservative Party Chairman, Gerard Kassar; Bronx Conservative Party Chairman, Patrick McManus; Conservative Party Bronx Borough President Candidate,  Sammy Ravelo; Bronx Conservative Party Candidate For the 11th Council District, Kevin Pazmino, and Bronx Conservative Party Candidate For the 15th Council District, Ariel Rivera.

“Ask any New Yorker about either of these bills and watch their reaction,” said State Conservative Party Chairman Gerard Kassar. “New Yorkers implicitly know that voting is a right reserved for citizens and that common sense demands that landlords, especially those renting out second units in two-family houses, have a right to know if a prospective tenant has a criminal history.”

Chairman Kassar and other leaders said that the City Council “has traded common sense for woke ideologies that are eroding the civil fabric of New York.”

“New York City government is completely ungrounded right now, and we urge voters to carefully consider our candidates for city offices this year. If you like reason, law-and-order, and common sense, you’ll love them, because that’s what they stand for.”



CONSERVATIVE PARTY PRESS RELEASE                                                      Issued Jointly by the Five Counties in the City of New York

15 September 2021 / For Immediate Release                                  Contact: Frances T. Vella-Marrone, Tel. (347) 866-4945


The Conservative Party organizations representing the five counties of the City of New York unequivocally condemn City Council Intro. 2047, which would prohibit landlords from conducting criminal background checks on residential tenants, including those in co-operatives and condominiums.

“The NYS Conservative Party joins with our city organizations in opposing Intro 2047, a typical progressive agenda item that gives zero thought to the resulting consequences to landlords and tenants alike,” said New York State Conservative Party Chairman Gerard Kassar.  “Tenants should expect landlords to have done their due diligence in providing a safe environment. And property owners have the right to all background information both financially and criminally when making decisions concerning potential tenants.”

“With crime already on the rise, this proposal only further endangers the safety and security of our communities,” said Kings County Chairwoman Frances T. Vella-Marrone.

“The City is exceeding its authority and endangering its citizens with the removal of these safety measures,” said Bronx County Chairman Patrick McManus.

“It’s just another example of putting the criminal’s interests before those of hard working law abiding people,” said New York County Chairman Stuart J. Avrick.

“This is another attempt from the City Council to infringe on the rights of its citizens so that they may feel comfortable and safe from those they may rent to,” said Queens County Chairman Thomas M. Long.  “This is unacceptable to anyone who owns a home or apartments.”

“These misguided policies are destroying the quality of life in Staten Island and resulting in a mass exodus from our community,” said Richmond County Chairman David Mario Curcio, whose county organization endorsed the secession of Staten Island from the City of New York earlier this year.

“While many landlords are struggling to pay their bills, the City Council, yet again, looks to hurt its constituents,” added Richmond County Vice Chairman and candidate for City Council George S. Wonica.  “This legislation is part of a systemic problem of government overreach and is destined to make housing affordability skyrocket.  If elected in November, I hope to be able to bring ‘real world’ experience to the council to show how legislation like this does more to hurt our communities than help it.”

This year’s general election contests, including those for City Council, are scheduled for Tuesday, November 2nd, with Conservative Party candidates appearing on Row “C” of the ballot. 

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Statement from Conservative Party Chairman Gerard Kassar on Selection of Lt. Governor Brian Benjamin

Contact: Bill O’Reilly, 212-396-9117

Statement from Conservative Party Chairman Gerard Kassar on Selection of Lt. Governor Brian Benjamin

 August 26, 2021

“New Yorkers suffering from the ongoing, statewide crime wave are bewildered by Gov. Kathy Hochul’s choice of Sen. Brian Benjamin as Lt. Governor.

“Lt. Governor Benjamin has been a major driver in enacting policies that caused crime in this state to skyrocket, most notably cashless bail, and Gov. Hochul well knows that. Through her choice, the governor is presenting a deaf ear to New York crime victims and those alarmed about the safety of their families and their communities, and an open ear to the utopian progressives and Democratic Socialists who seek to tie the hands of New York law enforcement officials even more. In doing this, Gov. Hochul is making a clear political calculation, catering more to the organized political Left than to everyday New Yorkers.

“While we congratulate Lt. Governor Benjamin on his appointment from a personal standpoint, we are deeply concerned over what his ascension represents. Voters will remember this in November, 2022”





Statement from Conservative Party Chairman Gerard Kassar on Additional 12,000 New York Covid Deaths 

Contact: Bill O’Reilly, 212-396-9117

Statement from Conservative Party Chairman Gerard Kassar on Additional 12,000 New York Covid Deaths 

 August 25, 2021

“Governor Kathy Hochul’s admission that 12,000 more New Yorkers have perished from Covid-19 than previously reported — bringing the current grim tally to more than 55,000 — begs the question: Why is she only telling us now?

“Governor Hochul served as New York’s Lt. Governor from 2015 until yesterday, and, as the state’s second in command, she clearly had to know — or should have known — the true Covid death toll in the state. So why did she stay silent as Governor Cuomo hid these numbers? Did her pledge to be transparent begin only yesterday?”




Statement from Conservative Party Chairman Gerard Kassar on Gov. Kathy Hochul

Contact: Bill O’Reilly, 212-396-9117

Statement from Conservative Party Chairman Gerard Kassar

August 24, 2021

“The New York State Conservative Party congratulates Gov. Kathy Hochul on her swearing-in today. We wish her well as New York’s 57th governor, even as we represent a sharply divergent political viewpoint.

“We were struck, however, by the Governor’s response to a reporter’s question this morning asking Mrs. Hochul to identify the thing she most hopes to accomplish in Albany. “I want people to believe in government again,” she said, as though she had nothing to do with the corrupt administration that lost the faith of New Yorkers.

“Not for nothing, as we say in Brooklyn, but Governor Hochul has been Andrew Cuomo’s chief lieutenant in Albany since 2015. To suggest that she is in no part responsible for that loss of faith is disingenuous in the extreme.

“Governor Hochul may have been better served by admitting her own culpability in the corruption that went on in Albany these past six years and asking New Yorkers for forgiveness. Or is that too much for us to expect?”

Statement from Conservative Party Chairman Gerard Kassar on The Fall of Afghanistan

Contact: Bill O’Reilly, 212-396-9117

Statement from Conservative Party Chairman Gerard Kassar on The Fall of Afghanistan

 August 16, 2021

“Words can’t capture the images coming out of Kabul. President Joe Biden’s planned withdrawal turned into a panicked rout, and now, once again, as in Vietnam, we are seeing desperate U.S. allies hanging from departing airplanes. These are scenes that will live in infamy.

“The abject planning failure of the Biden Administration will be studied and discussed for decades to come, but for now we must focus on getting U.S. allies out of Afghanistan safely and in the most orderly fashion possible.

“The American public needs to hear from their President now about how he plans to accomplish this.”


Statement from Conservative Party State Chairman Gerard Kassar

Contact: Bill O’Reilly, 212-396-9117

Statement from Conservative Party Chairman Gerard Kassar

August 10, 2021

“Andrew Cuomo just gave one of the most disingenuous resignation speeches in human memory, but at least he resigned. We trust that his stepping down will do nothing to slow the myriad investigations into his misbehaviors, including covering up nursing home death data; profiting $5.1 million from his obfuscation of those deaths; using state-paid employees to write his tome, and allegations of both physical and verbal sexual abuse of at least 11 women.

“The Conservative Party wishes incoming Governor Kathleen Hochul well in her transition to New York’s top executive office, but we will continue holding her to account for allowing Mr. Cuomo’s gross, well-known behavior to go on for these past seven years.

“Mr. Cuomo’s behavior has shown the need for far greater transparency in New York State government, and so many questions for him still need to be answered.”
