Category: CPNYS NEWS

Daily Update

E. J. McMahon writes in today’s NY Post that Cuomo’s bid to balance budget leaves big trouble ahead. 

Really, Governor?  How soon you forget that you previously blamed the weather for New York’s exodus.   You can’t control the weather, but you CAN control the taxes!

Heather MacDonald opines on the frenzied search for racism

Star Parker believes that socialism has already hurt America

The Daily Signal has more on the innocent sounding For the People Act of 2019 – H. R. 1. H.R. 1 has numerous provisions that would undermine free speech rights, upend the way America conducts elections, encourage voter fraud, and turn election oversight into little more than a partisan weapon to bludgeon foes.  Let your Congressman know you that H.R. 1 is nothing more that a power grab by those who have little to no respect for the US Constitution

Charles Hurt writes in the Washington Times that ‘Never Trumpers’ are suddenly constitutionalists. 

Maybe it is time to amend the 25th Amendment to include Members of Congress.   Here is another Sen. Elizabeth Warren idea that would help destroy the fundamental values of the American Dream. 

The Supreme Court moves to expedite the citizenship question in census case indicating it will be decided by June of this year. 

The Beat examines a blue-ribbon panel’s study on school diversity in New York City. 

The NY Post praises the appointment of Reihan Salam as president of Manhattan Institute. 

Kathleen Gallagher opines on the language used in the Reproductive Health Act. 

Steve Malanga writes in the Wall Street Journal (subscription required) about why the service is lousy in high-tax states. 

Betsy McCaughey: Low Taxes Are the Best Sweetheart Deal

Wednesday’s with Walter E. Williams. 

Daily Update

Mayor Bloomberg, considering you are thinking about running for president, why are your records still shielded, missing, or lacking at NYC Archives?

The Hill list the 10 Dems most likely to win the 2020 presidential nomination and while Sen. Gillibrand is on the list, The Hill, takes a swipe at her candidacy.  Governor Cuomo is not on the list, however, Beto O’Rourke, who is still making up his mind, is.   

Victor Davis Hanson opines on the strange paradoxes of our age

Rich Lowry opines on Ilhan Omar’s big lie

The 2nd Amendment gives US citizens the right to bear arms, despite the outcry of the left who would rather abolish the 2nd Amendment and only have celebrities and elected officials be protected by security with licenses to carry guns.  A portion of the left has gone off the deep end.  They seek to protect illegal aliens who attempt to purchase firearms and fail a background check.    Outrageous, simply outrageous!

Larry Horist writes in the Punching Bag Post that McCabe is a treacherous coup-plotter and exercised the worst abuse of power since J. Edgar Hoover.  Here is more from Mark Penn on Fox News.

In case you have forgotten, Connor Veenstra, writes in about all the times Obama called for a national emergency. 

In case you missed this:  Don’t back Cuomo’s flawed congestion pricing plan,   and this Cuomo’s to blame for Westchester’s gas crisis. 

Why limit the best public schools for poor minority NYC kids? 

New Yorkers fleeing to Florida need to leave their terrible blue state policies behind as well. 

Kathyrn Jean Lopez eloquently writes “one Mama can change the world.”

Outside of New York State, ‘Life Is Winning’, At Least 10 States Pushing Heartbeat Bills

Weekly Wrap-Up

There was much to love and much to loathe in the deal that brought Amazon’s coveted headquarters to New York – but in the wake of losing some 25,000 jobs for New Yorkers, the progressives’ gloating is shameful.

What do you think about Amazon’s departure – overall, is this a setback or progress for New York? That’s the first question in our new Weekly Poll.

Scathing editorials from New York’s most liberal news outlets indicate that many on the left do not see Amazon’s departure as an undisputed victory – but make no mistake, the anti-capitalist job killers are just getting started.

There are many lessons to learn from the Amazon debacle, and much finger-pointing among the political class. It’s hard to say who comes out of this looking worse:

Andrew Cuomo, who is so used to getting his way that he is lashing out at his own side for a change…

New York City’s two-faced mayor, Bill de Blasio, who was “flabbergasted” that a successful company with endless options would not be at his beck and call…

Petulant state legislators like Michael Gianaris, who “was miffed that Gov. Andrew Cuomo and Mayor Bill de Blasio didn’t consult him on the deal, according to sources.”

The New York City Council, led by speaker Corey Johnson, who doesn’t understand why companies don’t want to be bullied by left-wing activists who’ve never run a business…

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, who thinks that posting smug tweets and being a celebrity are more important than jobs for New Yorkers…

And Amazon itself, for playing the crony capitalism game and not liking the final score.

Who do you think looks WORST coming out of the Amazon debacle? That’s the second question in our new Weekly Poll.

There was other news this week – notably that President Trump has declared a national emergency to fund border security, as Democrats make even more extremist calls for open borders… Trump-Russia collusion has been revealed as a hoax… the “Green New Deal” is already failing in California… and by the way, liberals want to raise payroll taxes by trillions of dollars.

Have a great weekend!

Daily Update

Bishop Nicholas DiMarzio spoke at the Feb. 7, 2019 Cathedral Club of Brooklyn’s 119th annual dinner and spoke to the attendees about the Reproduction Health Act and the probability of the democratic controlled state also passing physician’s assisted suicide.  While many call for excommunication of Catholics for voting for these bills, Bishop DiMarzio said he will pray for them and that “the best punishment they could have is to be voted out of office. That’s the ultimate therapy for a politician.”  Bishop DiMarzio also “pointed out that the Church is losing many of its friends in politics.  He cited Michael Long, who is stepping down as Chairman of the NYS Conservative Party after 30 years; State Sen. Marty Golden, who was recently defeated by Democrat Andrew Gounardes; and the late Charles “Joe” Hynes, the former Kings County District Attorney who died last month.”  You can read the rest of the article here. 

Amazon pulls out of building a new headquarters in Queens.  This is good news and really bad news. Good news because the state and city are off the hook for $3B in tax subsidies for one of the world’s richest companies; really bad news for the possible 25,000 new, much needed jobs that could have been created and provide hope and prosperity to those who were employed by the construction and subsequent jobs.  Can’t help but wonder how this will affect the relationship between some members of the Legislature and the Governor while they negotiation the budget and the rest of the session’s legislation.     

In their zeal to pass progressive legislation, some ideas put forward are not realistic.  Here are two of them that should be dismissed:  State Legislature introduces first “Green New Deal” bill in the nation  and an amendment to turn the state into Sue York,

Fox News Poll: Capitalism buries socialism. 

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez doesn’t care if a sitting president smokes a schedule 1 drug Her statement makes it obvious that it isn’t only history that she knows very little about.  Just a little bit of research turns up articles like this and more research would really give her a better understanding on just how harmful marijuana is. 

Not only should Congress adopt Rep. Michael Cloud’s proposal, every state in the Union should, especially our home state of New York! 

David Keene opines in the Washington Times:  Early promises of the Democratic wannabes. 

Bob McManus writes in the City Journal about NYC schools:  Diversity First—Education, Whenever. 

Stephen Moore and Arthur Laffer opine in the NY Post:  High taxes are driving away the tri-state golden geese. 

Jim Geraghty opines in the Morning Jolt about Kirsten Gillibrand’s Chameleonic Ability. 

Daily Update

Ed Feulner opines on learning from Lincoln  on what would be President Lincoln’s 201th birthday. 

E. J. McMahon testified before the Joint Legislative Fiscal Committees yesterday.  Read his testimony here. 

Cuomo goes to DC, gets earful from Trump about abortion and taxes.    In case Gov. Cuomo doesn’t believe that high taxes play a role in New York, he can read this  from The Hill, not known as a right leaning publication. 

The Daily Signal has an excellent article on how mass deinstitutionalization harmed the mentally ill

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D., N.Y.) has solved her “where will I live” problem — a luxury apartment is the solution. 

Guy Benson writes in — ‘Suppression,’ Debunked: Study Concludes Voter ID Laws Do Not Depress Voter Turnout. 

Delusional de Blasio actually thinks he should be president. 

May you rest in peace, Detective Brian Simonsen, the City of New York is grateful for your service.  Our prayers are with you, your family and all who served in the NY Police Department. 

Wednesday’s with Walter E. Williams:  The real risks of marijuana use. 

Daily Update

On February 10th, Staten Island’s own Frank Morano interviewed Chairman Michael R. Long on AM 970. 

The Wall Street Journal’s (subscription required) editorial board opines on Andrew Cuomo’s tears of SALT. 

E. J. McMahon explains why Cuomo keeps pounding SALT. 

The Albany Times Union  lets us know that Albany Legislators have orchestrated their campaign to pass single-payer, version 2.0.  Bill Hammond examines the pitfalls in single-payer, version 2.0. 

This is not ‘protecting Roe.’

Rich Lowry opines on a travesty in New York. 

Coloradans Fight Big Pharma and Big Soros to Stop Nation’s First Heroin Injection Site

How House Conservatives Are Planning to Force a Vote on Protecting Abortion Survivors. 

Hillary is still trying to stay relevant; how pathetic that she chooses to defend late term abortion and take an unwarranted swipe at President Trump. 

Podcast: Social Justice Challenges America’s Founding Ideals. 

From Jim Geraghty’s morning post:  Ilhan Omar and Ralph Northam’s Cheap Apologies. 

From The Hill:  McConnell to set up vote on Ocasio-Cortez’s Green New Deal.   Wesley Pruden has one of the best columns on AOC’s Green New Deal and the Unicorn Caucus. 

From One News Now:  Trump says he’s thrilled about ‘a lot of wall.’ 

Daily Update

The G-Man interviews Chairman Michael R. Long

CONSERVATIVE CHANGE COMING IN NEW YORK STATE. Net TV’s, Tim Harfmann, interviews Chairman Michael R. Long

When your poll ratings go down, blame the pollsters, because it couldn’t possibly be anything you may have done   Charles Hurt writes in the Washington Times that Kermit Gosnell could be governor of Virginia. 

America’s Abortion “Choice” – Will We Let a Fraudulent Alibi Justify Murdering Even More Babies for Profit?

Chris Churchill writes in the Albany Times Union about when a pregnant woman’s choice is denied. 

It isn’t only the Governor and Senate Democrats that are divided on Amazon coming to Queens; it is also the residents. 

Carranza’s ‘give me more money’ game. 

Investor’s Business Daily writes that the quality of life is up sharply under Trump. 

The ‘New Normal’:  An Era of Bigger Migrant Caravans Has Begun.

Entire Democrat House Leadership Just Dropped the Hammer on Ilhan Omar for Promoting “Anti-Semitic Tropes.”

Robert J. Knight:  Hypocrisy is a great teacher. 

Weekly Wrap-Up

President Trump delivered his second State of the Union Address this week, and he rose to the occasion. The American people liked what they heard – including independents and even many Democrats.

You can read the whole speech here. What is your favorite quote from President Trump’s State of the Union address? That’s the first question in our new Weekly Poll.

Chuck Schumer wore a fiendish grin as President Trump discussed late-term abortions, and the Democrats for the most part stayed in their seats, refusing to applaud, when told of low unemployment, victories against human trafficking, and other American success stories.

But most rational people can take pride in our President blasting socialism, calling out the evil of infanticide, celebrating America’s job boom and taking a common-sense stand on immigration: “Walls work.”

What do you think is the most important issue President Trump raised in his State of the Union address? That’s the second question in our new Weekly Poll.

This week in New York we were given yet another reminder that tax-the-rich, big-spending policies don’t work – but the Democrats in Washington won’t let facts stop their push for socialism. It can happen here, which is why we must be vigilant against left-wing proposals like the “Green New Deal” that the Democrats introduced on Thursday.

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is not making New York proud, to say the least, with a proposal that is little more than a call for enviro-socialism. You can discover what’s in it here – among her plans, she aims to eliminate the convenience of air travel, abolish energy as we know it, and implement government-rationed health care, food and housing – plus it includes a strange war on cows (you have to read it to believe it). And the “Green New Deal” openly promises “economic security for those unable or unwilling to work.”

What do you think is the worst part of this outlandish proposal? That’s the third and final question for our new Weekly Poll.

Have a great weekend!

Daily Update

Leave it to Albany to find new ways to spend your tax dollars:  State lawmakers introduce bill to raise minimum wage for inmates. As Chairman Long notes, “We should be providing relief to taxpayers who obey the rules of society instead of giving an increase to criminals.”

Gov. Cuomo not only wants to pay inmates more money, he also wants to ban mugshots. 

Local Governments Concerned Over Legalized Marijuana.

George J. Marlin devotes his column in Newsmax to Chairman Long.

It is disgraceful that certain Members of Congress seem to think they can use the power of that office to score political points.  We need to elect people who understand what the role of Congress is in our Republic. 

The sad reality is, if voters continue to elect citizens that are not well versed in our US Constitution , America could indeed become socialist. 

Two powerful men from Queens, NY continue to fight about the sanctity of life; one understands, the other panders.    

Tom Basile has this to say about NY democrats. 

The Niagara Gazette’s editorial:  Lack of revenue is not NY’s problem.

Watch this video it is unsettling to say the least. 

Daily Update

The majority – 75% — of the people who watched the State of the Union address by President Donald J. Trump, approved of his remarks reported CBS news in an instant poll

The Washington Post was obviously not listening to the same address as evidenced by their headline:  In dissonant State of the Union speech, Trump seeks unity while depicting ruin.  Even when President Trump hits a home run, and a large majority of listeners approve, the Jeff Bezos run newspaper cannot give him any credit.  No wonder why our country is so divided.

The Washington Times went with Trump’s optimistic approach:  Trump calls on Dems to break gridlock, help achieve ‘American greatness’.

The NY Sun focused on being President Trump’s aversion to socialism with this headline — ‘Born Free’: Trump Sets Up the 2020 Election Debate. 

The Daily Signal fact checks SOTU While, there was mostly praise by The Daily Signal on the SOTU, they also had some concerns which are outlined here.

The Daily Signal also did a fact check on Stacey Abrams rebuttal. 

The NY Post editorial had this to say:  Trump delivers a genuine ‘unity’ message. 

Michael Goodwin was also candid in his column:  Trump shows he’s playing to win with bold State of the Union address. 

Of all of the issues President Trump said, this hits closest to home for those of us who understand and respect the wonder of life.  Thank you, Mr. President, for speaking out on saving the lives of our most innocent members of society. 

 Jim Geraghty, who writes the Morning Jolt for National Review caledl the speech a Home Run. 

Bernie, AOC and Warren: this is for you:   Advocates of American Socialism Need to Learn Some Lessons. 

Third elected official in Virginia wore blackface at a college party. 

De Blasio’s secret union deal. 

Herb Stupp reviews a Place They Called Home.

Happy birthday, President Ronald Reagan — Your legacy is with us, even today!

Wednesday’s with Walter E. Williams. 

Daily update

The Conservative Action Project , of which Chairman Long is a member, is urging the Trump Administration to defend citizenship on the 2020 census and oppose the overuse of national injunctions.   

The Heritage Foundation tells us 8 things we should know about Stacy Abrams  before she gives the democratic response to President Trump’s State of the Union address tonight at 9:00 PM

Senate Democrat Blocks Infanticide Ban.

Democrats’ Radical Push on Abortion Will Backfire. 

Robert J. Knight opines in the Washington Times on the growing record of insanity.

Charles Hurt opines on Outrage over blackface, silence over killing babies. 

David Keene writes how Democrats signal their intentions and focus’ on HR 1 — “For the People Act of 2019” – a bill designed to keep the democrats in power for decades. 

Tom Precious writes about the Governor’s budget shortfall  and ensuing dilemma in the Buffalo News.

The Wall Street Journal (subscription required) writes that Governor Cuomo’s natural-gas blockade is raising costs across the Northeast.

Another one of Governor Cuomo’s brilliant ideas using your tax dollars.  Former Tesla workers paint grim picture of Buffalo plant. 

New York has a giant tax problem its leaders don’t want to face. 

The Beat speaks out on making great schools mediocre. 

Virginia, we have a problem

ICYMI: WaPo’s Super Bowl Ad Is A Fresh Reminder That the News Media Thinks We’re All Idiots. 

Daily Update

Michael Gormley is reporting in Newsday that there are serious concerns regarding a short fall in tax collections that could seriously impact the budget process.  If spending isn’t cut, expect an increase in your taxes.  Add the information in this article to Sunday’s NY Post editorial and you will soon realize that the cost of living in New York is on a dangerous precipice. 

The ugly truth about de Blasio’s ‘equity’ agenda.

Chairman Mike Long appeared on 3 news shows recently.  On Friday, Chairman Long was on NY 1, and if you missed it, you can watch it here   On Saturday morning, Chairman Long was on the WOR Saturday morning show with Joe Bartlett and you can listen to it here. On Sunday, Chairman Long was on Cats Roundtable NYC with John Catsimatidis.  You can listen to Chairman Long’s interview here. 

Cuomo displays more contempt for innocent lives as he proposes a law that will end the ban on surrogate moms. 

Dr. Manny Alvarez, a Fox News contributor and obstetrician, explains that “the political agenda to include elective termination of pregnancy into the third trimester may lead to putting patients in harm’s way.”  He also asks the question; What knowledge does a politician have in obstetrical medicine?  You can read the rest of the article here. 

The world is really up-side-down when a NYC Councilperson, is pushing for a city ban on the sale of foie- gras by restaurants and vendors on the basis of animal cruelty.  The same city that lit the World Trade Center in pink when Gov. Cuomo signed the RHA bill allowing an innocent human baby’s death because their mother did not want this most precious gift.  Animals are being afforded more protection than a precious human being and that is a very sad statement on today’s elected officials.