Category: CPNYS NEWS

Daily Update

Governor Cuomo does it again.  Yesterday, we wrote about Governor Cuomo signing the Reproductive Health Act and showed how jovial he was while signing the legislation. 

Today, we are appalled that he and his progressive democrats in control of both Houses have passed the Dream Act.  We understand that Dreamers are not responsible for being brought to New York (and throughout America) as young children with no say in the matter.  We understand that Dreamers have spent their whole lives here, what we do not understand is why taxpayers have to pay for their college education, while struggling to pay for their own children’s college degrees.  How is that equitable?  If they, and their parents, have spent years here as illegal immigrants, working and benefitting from being here, why didn’t they put aside, as most parents have, the money to attend college.  If they didn’t earn enough, why not work while attending college, as so many before them have.  Democrat control means no one is there to speak up for us.

Gov. Cuomo wants to expand the Red Flag law calling it an improvement on the SAFE Act.  The SAFE Act infringes on our 2nd Amendment Rights, so rest assured expanding the Red Flag law will do even more to confiscate law-abiding citizens firearms.

By the time the progressive democrats finish the 2019 legislative session, New York will be unrecognizable and hemorrhaging people who live here.

A judge’s outrageous ‘mercy’ for teen who crippled cop. 

Nathan Phillips is a liar, not a victim. 

Before you become totally discouraged, know that there are still good people in New York and across America.   

Daily Update

Take a look at the picture with this article. It speaks volumes!  Governor Andrew Cuomo is as jolly as he can be, while signing the death warrant on innocent unborn babies’ lives.  His signature allows an unborn child to be ripped from their mother’s womb and have their lives snuffed out up until the actual moment of birth.  And we call ourselves civilized.  What is civilized about allowing – no, encouraging the death of a child yet unborn?  As a measure of adding insult to injury, Governor Cuomo allows tax dollars – our money – to be used for this dastardly act.

We can only hope that the legislators (and public) who championed and voted for this Bill, will someday recognize, that a human life treated with such disdain, was and is the most precious gift ever bestowed on the human race.

Wednesday’s with Walter E. Williams.

Daily Update

In this age of instant news and knee-jerk reactions without verification (or just reviewing an extremely short video clip), reputations can be ruined and unfortunately live forever on the internet.  The latest case in point is the saga of Native American Nathan Phillips and the students at Covington Catholic High School.  Here is Jim Geraghty, who writes for  National Review, analysis  of what happened at the underreported March for Life on Friday.    (Underreported as to the March for Life event; the aftermath was overreported.)  Here is an update from Fox News this morning. 

Kyle Smith opines that the case of the Covington kids is a perfect example of media bias. 

National Review has a comparison of the signs at the March for Life and the Woman’s March.  Be forewarned:  some of the photos are quite vulgar and   very sad when you see the young ages of future Americans holding signs at the Woman’s March. 

Even before President Trump yielded on 3 immigration policies, the democrats rejected them

Gov. Cuomo will not be pleased with today’s NY Post editorial:  Cuomo’s MTA moves show what a real dictator looks like. 

New York law is an open invitation to home invaders

Report Says Nearly One-Third Would Pay More Under Single-Payer. 

Bill Hammond of the Empire Center exposes the money trail of the Greater NY Health Association. 

Weekly Wrap-Up

This has been a dark week for New York, as Andrew Cuomo hit our state with an avalanche of platitudes (all with a huge price tag – talk isn’t cheap!) and lawmakers began bombarding our state with radical legislation that:

What do you think is the WORST proposal being forced into law by Cuomo and the New York liberals? That’s the first question in our new Weekly Poll – and I’ll go ahead and jump right into the second question: Who do you think will suffer the MOST by these left-wing policies?

New York’s attacks on the unborn come as the country celebrates the March for Life – and while liberals’ feel a strange passion for abortion, sensible Americans disagree… even the young Americans that many believe to be blindly leftist.

“Here’s what separates the March for Life from any other march,” Matt Walsh points out on Twitter. “Nobody in attendance is marching for themselves. Nobody is demanding rights or privileges for themselves. Everyone is marching on behalf of those who cannot march.”

This week we also celebrated Religious Freedom Day, and the need to recognize this precious right has never been greater as Democrats continue their assault on religious faith. Their targets include members of the Knights of Columbus and those who teach in Christian schools (and Christian schools themselves) – and there’s no doubt the left is coming for our churches next.

The Democrats’ lackluster candidates for 2020 are all running in lockstep with the left’s radical agenda, including our junior Senator and flip-flopper extraordinaire Kirsten Gillibrand, whose “moral compass” has pointed her to all sides of important issues including gun control and immigration, depending on political convenience.

That Gillibrand is a product of Albany’s corrupt political machine and an ally of the anti-Semitic “Women’s March” calls her qualifications in to questions – what would you say is the TOP reason why she would be a terrible President? That’s the third and final question in our new Weekly Poll.

Also this week: Washington’s socialists (i.e. the Democrats) continue to push catastrophic tax hikes; the government shutdown continues to show that much of government is unnecessary; and the “deep state” campaign against President Trump continues to be exposed.

Have a great weekend!

Daily Update

BREAKING NEWS:  President Donald J. Trump cancels Speaker Nancy Pelosi ‘s planned international travel over the partial government shutdown on Thursday.  Read the developing account here. 


Lately, reading the newspapers, is not a pleasant experience between the anger in politics and the senseless murders of parents and strangers.  However, in today’s Times Union, Chris Churchill has a great piece about the missing page of Governor Cuomo’s speech.  Great column Chris.

Now, back to reality.  Here is how to increase the cost of doing business in New York:  Cuomo pushes to require union wages for construction projects. 

And here is Governor Cuomo’s plan to disparage religious communities. 

The Daily Signal  writes about the 25th anniversary of the Religious Freedom Law (a law, Gov. Cuomo should be aware of).  Part of what the article says is: “Under the Religious Freedom Restoration Act, “religious freedom is not absolute, but is protected by the highest standards under constitutional law,” (acting AG) Whitaker said at the Heritage Foundation.  “Government is still able to fulfill its purposes, just without infringing on other people’s rights. It is a remarkable thing for a government to impose such a restraint on itself, and it is unique to the American system.”  The Religious Freedom Law was signed by President Bill Clinton who presided over a Democrat House and Senate.  In case you didn’t know, then Congressman Charles E. Schumer was the prime sponsor in the House where it passed unanimously.   It passed the Senate 97-3.  Does anyone think the Minority Leader of the Senate would carry that Bill today? 

Today’s NY Post editorial writes how Cuomo is showing New York why he shouldn’t control the MTA. 

This is priceless.  Governor Cuomo, often described as the most prodigious political fundraisers, is now calling for lower contribution limits. 

Perhaps, Mr. Churchill’s column isn’t so tongue-in-cheek after all. Governor Cuomo may need that wall since he is doing his best to encourage people to leave New York.

Speaking of walls, Conservatives stand with President Trump:  Build the Wall. 

Star Parker  opines that we will look back and view abrtion as we view slavery today.  We should all work for that day to come sooner rather than later. 

Daily Update

Governor Cuomo has made it perfectly clear for the last month or so that he believes abortion must be expanded in New York State and that he will not sign the 2019-2020 budget without the Reproductive Health Act and the Comprehensive Contraception Coverage Act. The Reproductive Health Act would allow for abortions up to the moment of birth.  Shame on him.  But the man knows no shame; his lack of respect for life is disheartening to say the least.  He is so wedded to pandering to the progressive propaganda, that I doubt he knows that 75% of Americans support restrictions on abortion.  also doubt that he knows that almost 42 million abortions took place around the world in 2018 ending the lives of more people than cancer, malaria, HIV/Aids, smoking, alcohol, and traffic deaths put together.   In the United States, the abortion rate has declined due to education and state laws, however, our Governor, Andrew Cuomo, continues promoting abortions in New York State even up to the moment of birth. 

Bob McCarthy has an analysis of Gov. Cuomo’s address in today’s Buffalo News. 

Bob McManus opines on Andrew Cuomo’s avalanche of platitudes. 

The NY Post editorial board advises New Yorkers that Cuomo’s agenda is going to cost New Yorkers big time. campaign promise. 

Flip-Flop Gillie breaks campaign promise.

The Beat exposes Mayor de Blasio’s “in the wrong hands” comment.

Michael Goodwin opines on the fact that congestion pricing is just the city’s next big scam.

Wednesday’s with Walter E. Williams. 

Daily Update

More reports of no heat in New York City’s public housing.  Government wants more control over our lives and cannot handle the things it should be controlling now.  It is disgraceful that Mayor de Blasio and NYCHA are unable to keep their tenants warm during this bitter cold wave.  Despite this, you still have calls for government control by the socialists who have been gaining ground as elected officials.   

De Blasio calls off police raid on Bronx park littered with syringes  and will most likely break a promise to complete his full term. 

From National Review:  The Supreme Court Should Make Politics Local Again. 

Tantrums: Democrats Are Refusing to End the Shutdown by Boycotting Meetings at the White House. 

Dennis Prager: The Left, the Wall, the Truth.

Governor Cuomo is releasing his proposed 2019-2020 budget today and it is expected to be approximately $170 Billion.  It should be available here later today. For your information, New York’s population in 2017 was 19.85 million.  Gov. Gavin Newsom (not know as a fiscal conservative), Governor of California,  also released California’s budget for 2019-2020 and it is $144 billion.  California’s population in 2017 was 39.51 million.  New York has approximately 20 million less people and spends about $25 billion more. Am I the only one who sees a problem with this?

Daily Update

Nanny state government is back with a vengeance, and we all will be paying the price.  We understand the harm that plastic is doing to our environment and believe it is morally wrong.  Proper disposal is essential for plastic garbage bags and all items made of plastic — including syringes happily handed out by government agencies and strewn all over parks and subway stations.  If government insists on banning plastic bags shouldn’t we insist on banning our tax dollars being used to provide syringes? 

If you are 18, you can give your life for your country, you can vote in elections, you can get married, but if government has its way, you won’t be able to buy a product that is legal.  Cigarettes, last time anyone checked, are still legal and will remain so even with restrictions, because government is addicted to the taxes they bring in.  

Governor Cuomo supports giving illegal immigrants drivers licenses.  Chairman Long responds in this article. 

De Blasio’s double standard on workers’ benefits.  

If the government is a good as democrats portray it to be by passing Bills that give them more control over our lives, why are the residents that can only afford to live in the NYC Housing Authority living without heat on these bitter cold days. Do a google search on the living conditions for NYCHA, then ask yourself why do you want government running every aspect of our lives.  Someone should ask Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez that question.  She would most likely agree with Mayor de Blasio who believes there is plenty of money in the world, it is just in the wrong hands.  Oh, and if you think it is only NYCHA that has a serious problem, you certainly do not use the MTA facilities. 

Weekly Wrap-Up

President Trump delivered a powerful speech Tuesday night on the border crisis facing our country. In the speech, the President said: “We simply cannot allow people to pour into the U.S., undetected, undocumented, unchecked…”

Oh, wait – President Obama actually said that.

What President Trump said Tuesday night is this: “Illegal Immigration is wrong, plain and simple.”

Hold on… my apologies, that’s actually a quote from Chuck Schumer.

Here is the full transcript of President Trump’s speech – it was watched by 43 million people, and the President hit a homerun, if you ask me.

For the first question of our new Weekly Poll, I’ve pulled together what I think are some of the best quotes from the President’s speech – from his important distinction between legal and illegal immigration, to his calling out of the Democrats’ self-righteous claims that walls are “immoral.”

What do you think is the most powerful quote from President Trump’s Oval Office speech? Vote today!

The Democrats’ response, delivered by Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi, was “stiff and robotic,” as Rush Limbaugh put it – and their performance was literally laughable, as are their ideas. Even many Democrats are not impressed.

What do you think was the WORST aspect of Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer’s response to the President’s speech? That’s the second question in our new Weekly Poll.

The fact is, Pelosi and Schumer are just wrong when they say there’s no crisis at our border. Investor’s Business Daily lays out the numbers here, and the Daily Wire gives an inside account of border chaos.

Which factor of America’s border situation do you think makes it a true crisis? That’s the third and final question in our new Weekly Poll.

Border issues dominated the week, but we can’t lose track of other important topics – especially the Democrats’ increasing hostility to religious faith.

Catholics are in the liberal crosshairs this week, with Sen. Kamala Harris of California launching an outrageous assault on the Knights of Columbus, which (Sen. Harris is shocked to discover) is a Catholic organization with “extreme” (according to Sen. Harris and the left) Catholic beliefs.

Fortunately, at least a handful of Democrats are standing up to their party’s anti-Christian bigotry.

The Conservative Party is speaking out against Mayor Bill de Blasio (Gotham’s “Man of Steal”) and his paid time off proposal, which is little more than a new tax hike. As I said in this interview, the Mayor’s plan will hurt those businesses that are on the edge of trying to make it – and for those businesses that can handle it, it only is going to drive up the cost for consumers.

Have a great weekend!

Daily Update

Mayor “you earn it -I take it” De Blasio is at it again.  From WABC News in NYC: “Mayor Bill de Blasio announced Tuesday that New York City is rolling out a $100-million-per-year program to provide health care to all residents, including undocumented immigrants.”  Hear Chairman Mike Long’s response here. 

The NY Post reports the Mayor’s money grab this way:  Inside de Blasio’s $100M health care-for-all plan. 

Bill Hammond of the Empire Center takes a first look at de Blasio care.

And, as if forcing taxpayers to pay for a new $100-million-per year program to provide health care to all residents and undocumented immigrants, today, Mayor “you earn it – I take it” de Blasio is actually finding a way for people to lose their job with his new proposal to mandate paid time off. 

Don’t give de Blasio a sleazy way to pay his legal bills. 

David Bossie: Trump’s speech vs Schumer and Pelosi – Will America choose determination or denial? 

The Daily Signal fact check’s President Trump’s claims in border speech. 

Michael Goodwin writes how refusal to budge on border wall shows Dems still hung up on 2016. 

Assemblywoman Nicole Malliotakis opines on Immigration Deal or No Deal; America’s watching. 

Betsy McCaughey writes that democrats are campaigning to end prosperity. 

Did you know this? 

Wednesday’s with Walter E. Williams 

Daily Update

With Hillary – the twice failed presidential democratic nominee – at his side, Governor Andrew Cuomo, called for a constitutional amendment to protect abortion rights in New York State.  Chairman Mike Long’s response was swift and accurate: “He must have his head screwed on backwards.”  Read more about the proposal and Chairman Long’s response here. 

New York needs a serious debate before legalizing marijuana. 

City’s top cop worries about kids smoking weed, grow house fires.

Former Assemblyman Richard Brodsky is not someone who the Conservative Party agrees with on most of his policy beliefs; however, in this article, he is absolutely right in stating that in all of government’s flaw, this is the most dangerous..    We firmly believe that the members of the legislature have to propose and pass with a veto proof majority, legislation that will override the Court of Appeals decision that denies the Legislature the power to change or reject gubernatorial policies, if they are put in budget bills.  The Court of Appeals neutered the legislature; it is long past time they regain their rightful place in the governmental process.

The State of Politics writes: Cuomo’s DMV Nominee Says He Backs Driver’s Licenses For Undocumented Immigrants.    Well, of course, he does; does anyone think Gov. Cuomo would nominate someone who does not agree with his position. 

File this under:  Why was it ever filed in the first place? 

Weekly Wrap-Up

It’s a three-ring circus this week in Washington as Nancy Pelosi and the Democrats take control of the U.S. House – with hypocrisy, profanity, and dishonesty on full display. It’s easy to see why Americans now see “government” as the top problem facing our country.

Democrats are already pushing everything from impeaching President Trump and poisoning America’s elections to overturning the Second Amendment, erasing America’s borders and mandating taxpayer-funded abortions.

I agree with Rep. Liz Cheney – let’s hope the Democrats keep talking so Americans will know just how radical they really are. Even many liberals are worried about the Democrats’ extremist bent, as well they should be. The Left’s hunger for abortion here in New York is positively bloodcurdling.

What do you think, right now, is the Democrats MOST extreme idea? That’s the first question in our new Weekly Poll, and alas there are many options for you to choose from.

Speaker Pelosi, of course, perfectly represents the Democrats’ extremism. And under her new rule, we’ve already seen that she has no respect for the Constitution; she thinks taxpayers are her personal piggy bank; and she is on board with the Democrats’ impeachment obsession.

What do you think is the WORST thing about the new reign of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi? That’s the second question in our new Weekly Poll, and again – the choices are seemingly endless.

And talk about impeachment obsession – the Democrats got the ball rolling as one of their top priorities for the new Congress… seemingly above border security, national defense, economic growth, or anything else.

President Trump is of course fighting back, and calling out the Democrats’ petty politics.  What do you think the Democrats’ obsession with impeachment says about their party? I’ve made that the third and final question of our new Weekly Poll.

Hope 2019 is treating you well so far, and that you will have a great weekend!