Category: CPNYS NEWS

Daily Update

On February 10th, Staten Island’s own Frank Morano interviewed Chairman Michael R. Long on AM 970. 

The Wall Street Journal’s (subscription required) editorial board opines on Andrew Cuomo’s tears of SALT. 

E. J. McMahon explains why Cuomo keeps pounding SALT. 

The Albany Times Union  lets us know that Albany Legislators have orchestrated their campaign to pass single-payer, version 2.0.  Bill Hammond examines the pitfalls in single-payer, version 2.0. 

This is not ‘protecting Roe.’

Rich Lowry opines on a travesty in New York. 

Coloradans Fight Big Pharma and Big Soros to Stop Nation’s First Heroin Injection Site

How House Conservatives Are Planning to Force a Vote on Protecting Abortion Survivors. 

Hillary is still trying to stay relevant; how pathetic that she chooses to defend late term abortion and take an unwarranted swipe at President Trump. 

Podcast: Social Justice Challenges America’s Founding Ideals. 

From Jim Geraghty’s morning post:  Ilhan Omar and Ralph Northam’s Cheap Apologies. 

From The Hill:  McConnell to set up vote on Ocasio-Cortez’s Green New Deal.   Wesley Pruden has one of the best columns on AOC’s Green New Deal and the Unicorn Caucus. 

From One News Now:  Trump says he’s thrilled about ‘a lot of wall.’ 

Daily Update

The G-Man interviews Chairman Michael R. Long

CONSERVATIVE CHANGE COMING IN NEW YORK STATE. Net TV’s, Tim Harfmann, interviews Chairman Michael R. Long

When your poll ratings go down, blame the pollsters, because it couldn’t possibly be anything you may have done   Charles Hurt writes in the Washington Times that Kermit Gosnell could be governor of Virginia. 

America’s Abortion “Choice” – Will We Let a Fraudulent Alibi Justify Murdering Even More Babies for Profit?

Chris Churchill writes in the Albany Times Union about when a pregnant woman’s choice is denied. 

It isn’t only the Governor and Senate Democrats that are divided on Amazon coming to Queens; it is also the residents. 

Carranza’s ‘give me more money’ game. 

Investor’s Business Daily writes that the quality of life is up sharply under Trump. 

The ‘New Normal’:  An Era of Bigger Migrant Caravans Has Begun.

Entire Democrat House Leadership Just Dropped the Hammer on Ilhan Omar for Promoting “Anti-Semitic Tropes.”

Robert J. Knight:  Hypocrisy is a great teacher. 

Weekly Wrap-Up

President Trump delivered his second State of the Union Address this week, and he rose to the occasion. The American people liked what they heard – including independents and even many Democrats.

You can read the whole speech here. What is your favorite quote from President Trump’s State of the Union address? That’s the first question in our new Weekly Poll.

Chuck Schumer wore a fiendish grin as President Trump discussed late-term abortions, and the Democrats for the most part stayed in their seats, refusing to applaud, when told of low unemployment, victories against human trafficking, and other American success stories.

But most rational people can take pride in our President blasting socialism, calling out the evil of infanticide, celebrating America’s job boom and taking a common-sense stand on immigration: “Walls work.”

What do you think is the most important issue President Trump raised in his State of the Union address? That’s the second question in our new Weekly Poll.

This week in New York we were given yet another reminder that tax-the-rich, big-spending policies don’t work – but the Democrats in Washington won’t let facts stop their push for socialism. It can happen here, which is why we must be vigilant against left-wing proposals like the “Green New Deal” that the Democrats introduced on Thursday.

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is not making New York proud, to say the least, with a proposal that is little more than a call for enviro-socialism. You can discover what’s in it here – among her plans, she aims to eliminate the convenience of air travel, abolish energy as we know it, and implement government-rationed health care, food and housing – plus it includes a strange war on cows (you have to read it to believe it). And the “Green New Deal” openly promises “economic security for those unable or unwilling to work.”

What do you think is the worst part of this outlandish proposal? That’s the third and final question for our new Weekly Poll.

Have a great weekend!

Daily Update

Leave it to Albany to find new ways to spend your tax dollars:  State lawmakers introduce bill to raise minimum wage for inmates. As Chairman Long notes, “We should be providing relief to taxpayers who obey the rules of society instead of giving an increase to criminals.”

Gov. Cuomo not only wants to pay inmates more money, he also wants to ban mugshots. 

Local Governments Concerned Over Legalized Marijuana.

George J. Marlin devotes his column in Newsmax to Chairman Long.

It is disgraceful that certain Members of Congress seem to think they can use the power of that office to score political points.  We need to elect people who understand what the role of Congress is in our Republic. 

The sad reality is, if voters continue to elect citizens that are not well versed in our US Constitution , America could indeed become socialist. 

Two powerful men from Queens, NY continue to fight about the sanctity of life; one understands, the other panders.    

Tom Basile has this to say about NY democrats. 

The Niagara Gazette’s editorial:  Lack of revenue is not NY’s problem.

Watch this video it is unsettling to say the least. 

Daily Update

The majority – 75% — of the people who watched the State of the Union address by President Donald J. Trump, approved of his remarks reported CBS news in an instant poll

The Washington Post was obviously not listening to the same address as evidenced by their headline:  In dissonant State of the Union speech, Trump seeks unity while depicting ruin.  Even when President Trump hits a home run, and a large majority of listeners approve, the Jeff Bezos run newspaper cannot give him any credit.  No wonder why our country is so divided.

The Washington Times went with Trump’s optimistic approach:  Trump calls on Dems to break gridlock, help achieve ‘American greatness’.

The NY Sun focused on being President Trump’s aversion to socialism with this headline — ‘Born Free’: Trump Sets Up the 2020 Election Debate. 

The Daily Signal fact checks SOTU While, there was mostly praise by The Daily Signal on the SOTU, they also had some concerns which are outlined here.

The Daily Signal also did a fact check on Stacey Abrams rebuttal. 

The NY Post editorial had this to say:  Trump delivers a genuine ‘unity’ message. 

Michael Goodwin was also candid in his column:  Trump shows he’s playing to win with bold State of the Union address. 

Of all of the issues President Trump said, this hits closest to home for those of us who understand and respect the wonder of life.  Thank you, Mr. President, for speaking out on saving the lives of our most innocent members of society. 

 Jim Geraghty, who writes the Morning Jolt for National Review caledl the speech a Home Run. 

Bernie, AOC and Warren: this is for you:   Advocates of American Socialism Need to Learn Some Lessons. 

Third elected official in Virginia wore blackface at a college party. 

De Blasio’s secret union deal. 

Herb Stupp reviews a Place They Called Home.

Happy birthday, President Ronald Reagan — Your legacy is with us, even today!

Wednesday’s with Walter E. Williams. 

Daily update

The Conservative Action Project , of which Chairman Long is a member, is urging the Trump Administration to defend citizenship on the 2020 census and oppose the overuse of national injunctions.   

The Heritage Foundation tells us 8 things we should know about Stacy Abrams  before she gives the democratic response to President Trump’s State of the Union address tonight at 9:00 PM

Senate Democrat Blocks Infanticide Ban.

Democrats’ Radical Push on Abortion Will Backfire. 

Robert J. Knight opines in the Washington Times on the growing record of insanity.

Charles Hurt opines on Outrage over blackface, silence over killing babies. 

David Keene writes how Democrats signal their intentions and focus’ on HR 1 — “For the People Act of 2019” – a bill designed to keep the democrats in power for decades. 

Tom Precious writes about the Governor’s budget shortfall  and ensuing dilemma in the Buffalo News.

The Wall Street Journal (subscription required) writes that Governor Cuomo’s natural-gas blockade is raising costs across the Northeast.

Another one of Governor Cuomo’s brilliant ideas using your tax dollars.  Former Tesla workers paint grim picture of Buffalo plant. 

New York has a giant tax problem its leaders don’t want to face. 

The Beat speaks out on making great schools mediocre. 

Virginia, we have a problem

ICYMI: WaPo’s Super Bowl Ad Is A Fresh Reminder That the News Media Thinks We’re All Idiots. 

Daily Update

Michael Gormley is reporting in Newsday that there are serious concerns regarding a short fall in tax collections that could seriously impact the budget process.  If spending isn’t cut, expect an increase in your taxes.  Add the information in this article to Sunday’s NY Post editorial and you will soon realize that the cost of living in New York is on a dangerous precipice. 

The ugly truth about de Blasio’s ‘equity’ agenda.

Chairman Mike Long appeared on 3 news shows recently.  On Friday, Chairman Long was on NY 1, and if you missed it, you can watch it here   On Saturday morning, Chairman Long was on the WOR Saturday morning show with Joe Bartlett and you can listen to it here. On Sunday, Chairman Long was on Cats Roundtable NYC with John Catsimatidis.  You can listen to Chairman Long’s interview here. 

Cuomo displays more contempt for innocent lives as he proposes a law that will end the ban on surrogate moms. 

Dr. Manny Alvarez, a Fox News contributor and obstetrician, explains that “the political agenda to include elective termination of pregnancy into the third trimester may lead to putting patients in harm’s way.”  He also asks the question; What knowledge does a politician have in obstetrical medicine?  You can read the rest of the article here. 

The world is really up-side-down when a NYC Councilperson, is pushing for a city ban on the sale of foie- gras by restaurants and vendors on the basis of animal cruelty.  The same city that lit the World Trade Center in pink when Gov. Cuomo signed the RHA bill allowing an innocent human baby’s death because their mother did not want this most precious gift.  Animals are being afforded more protection than a precious human being and that is a very sad statement on today’s elected officials. 

Weekly Wrap-Up

The war on unborn children continues this week – Andrew Cuomo has set a dreadful precedent here in New York, and now Virginia has doubled down on infanticide (though many there are understandably, yet insincerely, backtracking).

Will Democrats show even the most basic respect for human life? President Trump is speaking out, and he in fact warned about this in 2016 – the media covered for abortionist liberals then, and their bias is just as clear now.

The left’s culture of death is horrifying. How sickened and outraged are you by the liberals’ escalating abortion extremism? That’s the first question in our new Weekly Poll.

As Cal Thomas notes, Democrats used to put country before party, but today they are painfully out of touch with the American people. The abortion issue is just the beginning – you can see it in everything from the liberals’ efforts to impose socialized health care, huge tax hikes and radical environmentalism to their contempt for religion and their refusal to protect our borders.

What do you think is the MOST frightening example of the Democrats’ extremist agenda? That’s the second question in our new Weekly Poll.

With the economy booming, the left is desperate to find new ways to drag the country into socialism – so with Nancy Pelosi leading the charge, the Democrats are now focused on rigging America’s elections.

Among their proposals – giving federal workers a week’s paid vacation to do campaign work, restricting our First Amendment rights, and forcing taxpayers to bankroll candidates they oppose. There’s not a term limit to be found in the left’s plans, and no effort to fight voter fraud.

The Democrats claim they are “defending democracy” – what do you think is the biggest threat to Americans’ self-government? That’s the third and final question in our new Weekly Poll – and the answers start with the liberals own reforms.

Want to hear me talk about the issues and my big news this week? I will be on NY1’s “Inside City Hall” program tonight at 7 p.m. and 11 p.m.

I will also be a guest on the John Catsimatidis Radio Show this Sunday morning – you can listen in New York City, Buffalo, Syracuse and Long Island, as well as Philadelphia, Pittsburgh and Warren, PA stations that serve our region (and in Washington, if that’s where you happen to be).

Have a great weekend!

Daily Update

John Gizzi  opines on Chairman Long’s thirty year history as Chairman of the Conservative Party.

Every person I know is repelled by what Kermit Gosnell was justifiably convicted of and sent to jail for three life sentences. Nick Searcy states in his column, that on Jan. 22, 2019, almost everything Gosnell and his staff did was legalized by the state of New York.  How pathetic that Governor Cuomo and those who celebrated the passage of this horrendous bill do not understand the barbarity of what they celebrate.

Jim Geraghty berates Virginia Governor Ralph Northam’s defense of his indefensible remarks.

The Culture of Death Is Never Satisfied. 

Polar Vortex: Killer Freeze Is Really Due To…Wait for It… Global Warming. 

The editors of National Review are not fans of Sen. Kamala Harris health care plan. 

Democrats move to strike ‘so help you God’ from witness oath. 

Yesterday, it was Texas, today it is Pennsylvania. 

Top DOD Official: Three More Large Migrant Caravans Are Headed Towards the US Border.   

NYC schools chief Carranza goes after charter schools again. 

Daily Update

For all that may think the conservative movement is out of sync with Americans, a new survey of voter attitudes has this to say:  Republican want their Party to move Right — Surprisingly, Democrats do too.   

Victor Davis Hanson opines in the National Review on the Progressive Race to the Bottom. 

Rich Lowry explains that “assimilation” is not a racist word..

Possibly the most dangerous piece of legislation for our Republic – HR 1, For the People Act of 2019 — has been introduced by the current democratic congress.  Read about it here. 

What a Registration Surprise in Texas Tells Us About Voter Fraud. 

According to this article by Carl Campanile, Gov. Cuomo does not have to worry about losing the Catholic vote. Perhaps Carl is right, based on what William D’Antonio, a Catholic University sociology professor who has written books tracking Catholic voters since 1987, has published.  He (D’Antonio) said younger generations are drifting away from church leadership on social issues, especially abortion and same-sex marriage.  While it is true, many young Catholics do not attend Mass on a regular basis and have drifted away from Catholic teachings, he fails to consider the thousands who march in the March for Life.  While our younger generation is more secular, they are convinced by science than an unborn baby is a human being and deserves a chance at life.  When the facts of this bill are explained; support for it plummets. 

New York, New York: The rotting Big Apple legalizes infanticide. 

Batavia man against Gov. Cuomo’s abortion law, City Council agrees and will tell the governor. 

Charlie Daniels tells it like it is.  Blasted Cuomo with these words:  Satan is smiling 

I guess when you have your “own Catholic beliefs”you can sign death warrants on completely innocent lives with out worrying about the consequences. 

The Beat examines the Homelessness Crisis. 

Wednesday’s with Walter E. Williams. .

Daily Update

Timothy Cardinal Dolan asks the question in today’s NY Post that many Catholics are asking:  Why are Cuomo Democrats alienating Catholics? And why the vitriol when signing the legislation?  He was incensed because ““They compounded the problem by covering it up and not taking responsibility…”  Gov. Cuomo goes on to say “Tell the truth. Jesus Christ teaches about truth and justice — social justice — and that’s not what the church did here … referring to the church’s resistance to the Child Victims Act.”  May I remind the Governor, that Jesus also said “He that is without sin among you, let him cast the first stone.”  Governor Cuomo is not known as being the most transparent elected official  nor is he known for accepting responsibility. 

The Times Union only covered one session at our 52nd Conference, the one they consider most controversial.  It is unfortunate that it turns into another article on why the bill was passed.  No matter how many articles are written on the need for this bill – it is a dastardly bill that allows for taking the life of an innocent unborn baby up until that child is born.  Until his untimely death, Steve Jobs, expressed gratitude that his mother didn’t abort him.   I would venture to guess that most of today’s Apple users are happy that he was ultimately given up for adoption.  I can’t help but ask, has the person who could cure cancer been aborted, the person who would find a way to eliminate world hunger or even the person who would discover the path to peace in today’s agitated world.

If the Unborn Were Toddlers, We Wouldn’t Tolerate Abortion

Robert Knight tells his readers in the Washington Times to ‘Wake up and smell the napalm’. 

Wow!  They can’t be serious.  Senate Democrats Pursue No Formal Consequences for Parker After ‘Kill yourself!’ Tweet It is sad that the new Majority Leader in the NYS Senate is proudly standing next to a fellow Senator who told a Republican staffer to “kill yourself.”

Did de Blasio even check his references? 

John Crudele writes in the NY Post: What history teaches us about raising taxes on the rich. 

Elizabeth Warren’s Wealth Tax Is Another Radically Bad Idea from the Far Left. 

This should be interesting. 

Yesterday was a poignant day for the leaders of the Conservative Party.  As leaders of the Party, we really do not want our Chairman to leave his position as State Chairman.  But that is selfish of us. If Diogenes was among us today, he would have found what he was looking for in Michael R. Long.  He is our leader, our confidant, our friend and our heavy hearts will wish him well when his chairmanship ends when we elect a new leader in late February.  Chairman Long has earned his retirement and a very special place in our hearts.  Job well done, Mr. Chairman. 

Weekly Wrap-Up

What a heartbreaking week for New York. So many innocent lives will be lost because of the so-called Reproductive Health Act that our legislature passed and Andrew Cuomo signed into law on Tuesday – and how sickening to see One World Trade Center used to celebrate death.

Remember that 11 unborn babies are memorialized at the site of the fallen World Trade Center – according to the Cuomo liberals, their lives don’t count.

Which word do you think best describes Andrew Cuomo’s enactment of the “Reproductive Health Act” that allows abortion up until birth?

Catholic bishops are speaking out, but many want more concrete action from the Church.

Matt Walsh notes that, as documented by, already more African-American babies are aborted than born alive in New York City – and the disparity will now certainly increase thanks to Andrew Cuomo and the left.

And Rush Limbaugh poses a pointed question: Why are liberals willing to celebrate the murder of viable unborn children? His answer is devastating:

“They hate us to the point that anything that gives them the feeling of victory, the feeling of having trounced us, that’s worth the standing ovation. ‘Us’ being religion, God, the Catholic Church, Christianity at large, conservatives, the conservative movement.”

You can see that very hatred in another of this week’s biggest stories – the demonization of Catholic schoolkids from Covington, Kentucky who demonstrably did nothing wrong.

It was media malpractice, plain and simple – fake news and blatant media bias on full display. I hope the kids’ families have their day in court.

This episode shows us that social media has been weaponized against conservatives… that the media’s Trump hatred can lead to alliances with even the most nauseating groups… that journalists are easily duped by liars who portray themselves as victims… and that news outlets and their liberal allies are out to get Christian schools (a goal made clear by at least one New York Times reporter).

What do you think is the PRIMARY takeaway from media’s fake-news attack on Catholic schoolkids from Kentucky? That’s the second question in our new Weekly Poll.

That’s it for this week – we’re looking forward to our 52nd Annual CPPAC gathering that starts Sunday.  I hope to see many of our blog readers there.

Have a great weekend!