Category: CPNYS NEWS

Daily Update

The NYS Budget is the main topic of conversation in Albany these days and the conversation is all over the place.  Gov. Cuomo says marijuana legalization is unlikely to be in the budget , while Sen. Liz Krueger, Chair of the Sen. Finance Committee and the sponsor of the Senate measure to legalize the substance still classified as Schedule 1 drug – drugs with no currently accepted medical use and a high potential for abuse – says  “I don’t know why he said that…up until now he’s made clear he wants to negotiate marijuana in the budget.”  Sen. Krueger, perhaps the pushback from sheriffs, district attorneys and parent-teacher associations is making it clearer that collecting tax dollars, should marijuana be legalized, may not be the panacea elected officials want, in fact, it is most likely a modern day Pandora’s Box filled with unforeseen problems equal to those Zeus knew Pandora would unleash when she opened the wedding gift Hephaistos sent to her and Epimetheus.  Do we really want to test the fictional Pandora’s Box when we know the consequences of Schedule 1 drugs?

Some democrats miss blaming the Senate Republicans for not getting their agenda accomplished. 

Michael Goodwin wants to know if the Democrats have finally gone too far?

If it is up to the progressive democratic portion of what was once President Kennedy’s party, they would allow sex change at age 9, voting at age 16 and one could not smoke a legal substance until they turned 21. 

The US House, controlled by Democrats, is out of control – why are they trying so hard to change the greatest country in the world? 

It isn’t easy to escape from New York the nation’s highest-taxed state; tax collectors chase rich New Yorkers moving to low-tax states. Auditors inspect cell records, even your dog’s vet bills. 

Mayor de Blasio, really?  We think you have had too much Kool-Aid to drink. 

Fox and Friends had a great interview with Patrick Moore, the founder of Greenpeace, this morning.  Hint:  The Green New Deal is a silly plan!  The climate crisis is fake science, says Patrick Moore.  Watch it here. 

Charles Hurt has this to say about the Climate Change hysteria.

Speaker Pelosi is showing the strain of being Speaker…one day she stands with radical socialists Ilhan Omar; the next day Speaker Pelosi is questioning how to pay for Medicaid for all .  The Twilight Zone world of Washington, D. C. never ceases to amaze me. 

Weekly Wrap-Up from Chair Jerry Kassar

Welcome to my Weekly Wrap-Up for March 8, 2019!


This week the Conservative Party and all third parties are under attack from the New York State Democratic party, who adopted a non-binding resolution to eliminate fusion voting in New York State. As you know fusion voting, which has existed in New York for decades, allows candidates who appear on multiple ballot lines to combine votes into a single total. Incredibly, many Democratic party leaders as well their functionaries in Board of Election offices throughout the state have argued that having fewer party choices on the ballot benefits the voter. On its face, this is a ludicrous argument

The entire crusade is rooted in cynicism. Despite denials, it’s clear that Governor Andrew Cuomo has been attempting to execute a political vendetta. Even top Democrats including Chuck Schumer, multiple members of congress and an overwhelming number of state legislators have come out against their own party’s foolish resolution.

What’s best for voters and our state? A healthy multi-party system allowing voters to cast votes for candidates that in the case of the Conservative Party reflect a clear view on issues. In fact, the Conservative Party is often the good-housekeeping seal of approval for candidates in the eyes of voters.

Be assured that as State Chairman, together with our excellent party leaders on a state and local level, we will be closely watching any and all developments on this issue. We stand ready to use our influence in Albany and all tools and resources at our disposal to stop this attempt by the Democratic Party to further their goal of eliminating voices of opposition to the Governor’s mismanagement of New York State.


A week ago today, I was in Washington attending the annual CPAC conference, and I was buoyed to see so many young people stand up for their conservative beliefs.

This Daily Signal article features nine young adults (including one young lady from New York) explaining why they’re conservative, and it reflects what I saw at CPAC – there is a new generation of Americans who are pro-life, who want economic freedom instead of socialism, and who understand that illegal immigration and open borders will destroy our country.

One of my goals as your chairman is to increase young people’s involvement. What do you think is the BEST way for the Conservative Party to attract younger voters in New York? That’s the question I want you to answer in our new Weekly Poll – and feel free to leave a comment with any thoughts you have on ways to grow our party.


Rep. Elise Stefanik offered a powerful tribute to Mike Long in a speech on the House floor.

The end-bail crowd is already making New York’s streets more violent.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s dark money hypocrisy is being exposed.

Have a great weekend!

Daily Update

This is why we have high taxes; no regard for spending money that the state does not have. 

E. J. McMahon writes that jobs grow further apart in NY.   

Don’t slam the door on new hope for NYC’s kids: Lift the charter cap. 

Linda Sarsour is back in the news:  Sarsour denounces ‘typical white feminist’ Pelosi as speaker calls for condemnation of anti-Semitism.

Tammy Bruce opines on the left’s new arrogant heroes and their hypocritical views.

Oh no, another flip-flopper:   Kamala to CNN in 2008: Decriminalizing Prostitution Would Hurt Society’s Most Vulnerable 

Medicare for All Would ‘Result in Care for None,’ Doctor-Turned-Lawmaker Says.  

Uh Oh: Ocasio-Cortez Hit with More Ethics Trouble Over Boyfriend’s Congressional Email Account. 

House Democrats Eye Ditching Procedure That Gives Republicans a Voice.  

Dems’ anti-Semitic resolution morphs into ‘anti-hate’ resolution. 

Here’s what’s going on in the war between Ilhan Omar and Nancy Pelosi. 

Pelosi tries to explain the watered-down resolution that doesn’t mention Omar. 

Daily Update

Dennis Prager explains why race or ethnicity have little to do with why there is opposition to mass immigration, be it legal or illegal, to America.

Great News:  Colorado Drops Second Case Against Christian Baker.

New York is number 1 Again!  The problem is do we really want to be number 1 in paying the most in state and local taxes?

Digital Advertising is here to stay, it is about to surpassed print and TV.. 

The Daily Signal reiterates the problems that CPAC attendees learned about allowing illegal immigrants to be given drivers licenses. 

A middle school math teacher opines in today’s NY Post:  My students know they’re in charge — and there’s nothing I can do. Middle School is usually 7, 8 and 9th grade, quite young to have the upper hand in a classroom.  The NY Post editorial has this to say:  NYC’s ‘progress’ in cutting school suspensions comes at the expense of education.  Meanwhile the education advocates are demanding an additional $4 Billion of your tax dollars they say has long been owed to them under an order by the state’s highest court. By the way, Robert Jackson, who was the lead plaintiff in the original Campaign for Fiscal Equity case, is now a state senator.  Does anyone really think additional money will change the attitudes of the students in the first article of this paragraph?  This certainly does not help … warning cards to NYC students over 16 who possess marijuana. 

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez seeks the controversial limelight again:  Defending Omar’s Latest Anti-Semitic Comment, AOC Questions US Intervention in Afghanistan Immediately After 9/11.  

The NY Post editorial board has this to say about Omar’s latest:  This isn’t even a wrist-slap over Omar’s anti-Semitic tropes.’s update: Fireworks: House Dems Have ‘Full-Scale Brawl’ Over Resolution That Indirectly Rebukes Ilhan Omar’s Reported Anti-Semitism

Wednesday’s with Walter E. Williams.  Mr. Williams opines on AOC’s Green New Deal and explains that our planet is not fragile. 

Daily Update

Guess who moved to Florida because New York’s taxes are too high .  Little does BOC – Blanca Ocasio-Cortez – realize that her daughter wants to raise the federal taxes and if AOC has her way, there will be no escaping the estimated $600,000 per household AOC’s Green New Deal will cost. 

The darling of the democrat party has some serious problems ahead: “…Representative Ocasio-Cortez has been quite vocal in condemning so-called dark money, but her own campaign went to great lengths to avoid the sunlight of disclosure,” Tom Anderson, director of NLPC’s Government Integrity Project, said in a statement. Read more about how AOC’s Chief of Staff funneled big money from PACs to private corporations to hide donations here. 

In addition to the above, AOC was slammed as a “@AOC Pompous little twit,” by the co-founder of Greenpeace, Patrick Moore who left the outfit some time ago over disputes about its radical direction.  Mr. Moore really shredded AOC’s defense of her Green New Deal.  Read the details here.  The democrat darling isn’t used to being ravaged by like- minded people…I doubt she will be able to handle it.  Brace yourselves; meltdowns are not a pretty sight. 

And just yesterday AOC declined to denounce socialist Venezuelan dictator Nicolás Maduro, calling the country’s current crisis a “complex issue.”  Complex issue – destroying your country, letting your people starve while you indulge yourself?  Americans do not see that as complex, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortex; Americans see that as dump the dictator and let Venezuelan citizens be free to take back their country from the man who took everything from them. 

Kudlow is right. 

Gillibrand: Flip-Flopping ‘Is Certainly Not My Record’.  Seriously, Senator?  Just go back and read the accounts of your first few years in Congress – before you became Sen. Schumer’s little protegee, some of which are included in this article. 

Just what Americans need – another flip-flopper running for president. 

Planned Parenthood’s new agenda. In Their Own Words: Moms of 5 Kids Who Think They’re Transgender Speak Out.  (If you only have time to read one article, please make it this one.)

Rich Lowry opines on how Trans athletes are making a travesty of women’s sports. 

Teen who got vaccinated despite parents blames Facebook for spreading misinformation

E. J. McMahon brings us up to date on budget news. 

How to hurt those that really need to work:  Raise the minimum wage.

City murder spike should slow the rush for criminal-justice reforms.

Daily Update

Michael Goodwin:  New York’s progressives will send us back to 70’s financial ruin at this rate. 

Socialism’s millennial fans don’t even know what it is.     As the article points out, unfortunately, more and more older democrats (Mayor de Blasio) support the ideals of millennial socialism.  They should know better!

Mayor Bill de Blasio should thank his lucky stars that he was not around when America was being formed as a country.   Actually, it is the other way around; all of us should thank our lucky stars that he wasn’t around then.   The United States of America never would have been the nation that lifted the world from so many negative aspects that kept them from wallowing in poverty, despair, illness and starvation, if people who thought like Mayor de Blasio were the Founding Fathers.  The US’s experiment in government was ratified on June 21, 1788, and the first Congress was called on March 4, 1789, a mere 231-year history. In the annals of history, we are imperceptible, yet, in what we have accomplished, we are distinguishable and present the opportunities that continue to draw people to our shores.  Why does Mayor de Blasio want to destroy what we are with his radical ideals that will decimate the free market?   

Robert Knight points out in his column – Inside Democratic radicalism – that socialism is a power trip. 

This plan isn’t about unclogging New York City’s streets — it’s about milking them. 

Bob McManus opines on A war on New York’s history.

Assemblyman Gary Pretlow says the bully is back

The State of Politics blog asks the question:  Will lawmakers gang up on Cuomo? 

PAC payments to Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s boyfriend raises questions.   While we are on the subject of AOC, here is an article you may have missed over the weekend:  Gas-guzzling car rides expose AOC’s hypocrisy amid Green New Deal pledge.  Then there is this:  ‘It’s Intolerant’: Francis Calls Out AOC for Reported Warning to Moderate Dems.

The Daily Signal reports on the 17 Takeaways from America’s Biggest Conservative Conference. 

Weekly Wrap Up

Welcome to my first Weekly Wrap-Up as Chairman of the Conservative Party!

 I am humbled by this opportunity, and I will lead with the same values and integrity that have defined the Conservative Party since its founding in 1962 – the party that Ronald Reagan celebrated as “… a preeminent force in New York Politics and an important part of our political history.”  

 It is an honor to walk in the footsteps of Chairman Long, Chairman Maltese, Chairman Mahoney and Chairman O’Doherty, and I am pleased to stand alongside you and all New Yorkers who want what’s best for our state.

 For my first Weekly Poll questions, I’d like to take a “best and worst” approach – first off, which conservative political leader from the present day or recent history do you think offers the BEST example of leadership?

 And at the same time, who do you think is doing the poorest job right now representing New York on a national level?

 We unfortunately have plenty to choose from there – including Alexandria Ocasio Cortez and her calls for costly socialism, Bill de Blasio’s betrayal of New York City, Andrew Cuomo’s incompetence, Chuck Schumer’s anti-Trump hysteria, Kirsten Gillibrand’s dedication to abortion extremism, or Michael Bloomberg’s assault on the Second Amendment.

 You can trust the Conservative Party to continue to take a stand against every left-wing effort to undermine our state and our nation.  I’m eager to lead this fight and advance our values, and I know you are too. 

 Make sure to check this blog for updates on how the Conservative Party is making a difference for you!


Daily Update

Health Insurance costs will increase again if the Governor’s proposal to mandate insurance for IVF  is passed in this year’s budget.  Based on 2017 costs, a family of four will be forced to pay an additional $234 per year.  NY already has the highest insurance costs in the lower 48 states due to the mandates.

The MTA announced that the subway and bus fares will remain at $2.75, however fares on the bridges and tunnels as well as the LIRR and Metro-North are increasing .  The EZ Pass toll on the VNB will be $12.24, without EZ Pass it will be $19; the second most expensive toll in America.  In expensive California, the Golden Gate is $7.00 one way. 

Harvard’s latest low: indulging demented ‘safe space’ demand.

Michael Goodwin opines on yesterday’s hearings in D. C.:  Michael Cohen gave Democrats the performance they wanted. 

The Daily Signal has 6 Takeaways from Michael Cohen’s Hill Testimony About Trump. 

National Review on why did Senate Democrats refuse to protect infants?

Republicans in the House scored a rare victory yesterday:  House votes to notify ICE when illegal immigrants try to buy guns. 

Guy Benson:  Healthcare Bill Will Outlaw Private Coverage, Eliminate Up to Two Million Jobs, and Cover Abortion. 

Daily Update

According to Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez she understands economics because she worked for tips .  I wonder, if AOC understands how many extra hours she would have to work (if still employed as a bartender, instead of her current position of preaching congresswoman) in order to pay for her Green New Deal. 

No surprise here ; this is what happens when you really do not have any understanding of simple economics.  When AOC was working for tips, at least she was working.  Someone has to ask AOC what product does government produce to raise money?

Unfortunately, too many of the candidates running for president in 2020 are unconcerned about the costs of government. 

Cohen’s History of Falsehoods Makes His Upcoming Congressional Testimony Worthless. 

Guy Benson on Michael Cohen’s testimony — Blasting Trump, Cohen Admits: No Evidence of Collusion, No Directive to Commit Perjury, Key Claim in Dossier is False. 

Seth Barron explains that no one’s jailed at Rikers for ‘the crime of being too poor’. 

Did you know that a group of New York lawmakers are calling for legalization of prostitution?  I am beginning to think there is a group of legislators who want to decriminalize everything; let’s just let society do whatever they please when ever they want. 

De Blasio cancels embattled, high-cost Renewal school program. 

Another Use For The Internet Sales Tax Revenue.

They say what goes around comes around and this issue  – the one that got me involved in politics many years ago – is back on the state level, despite the failure to become federal law even after the time to ratify it was extended. 

Cal Thomas on picking up good migration.  Or as Fox News Headlines put it:  Florida’s economy is booming while blue states like New York are mired in debt — why is that?

Wednesdays with Walter E. Williams.

Daily Update

Today is the first workday of a new era in the history of the NYS Conservative Party under the leadership of Chairman Gerard Kassar the former Chairman of the Kings County Conservative Party.  As his first order of business at the State Executive Committee meeting on Saturday, Chairman Kassar made a motion to elect Michael R. Long as Chairman Emeritus.  The motion passed unanimously. 

Frank Morano mentions Chairman Kassar.  You can listen here; it begins at the 11:36 mark.  (it is a short segment.)

Carl Campanile reached out to Chairman Kassar for the Party’s reaction to the proposal to spend over $500 million for illegal immigrants to provide virtually free, taxpayer-financed health care to more than 400,000 adult illegal immigrants.  You can read Chairman Kassar’s response here. 

Bob McManus hits another home run with his latest article in the NY Post:  These ‘congestion pricing’ schemes are just a new way to bleed the public.   Of course, Robert Mujica opines (and defends his boss) in the NY Daily News that lawmakers can’t pretend they don’t know what the governor is proposing. 

Senate Majority Leader Stewart-Cousins targets Cuomo in wake of Amazon debacle. 

The Beat examines New York’s gas crisis. 

Competition, Not Government Control, Can Make Health Care Cheaper. 

Bill Hammond, explains how Governor Cuomo is parsing health care cuts. 

Bill Hammond also writes about Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand’s 4% fantasy. 

Matthew Continetti, writing in the Washington Free Beacon, examines what to do about the rebirth of socialism. 

Robert J. Knight opines on Bernie’s red Bona Fides in the Washington Times. 

Weekly Wrap-Up

This is a bittersweet post – my last Weekly Wrap-Up as the Chairman of the Conservative Party.

How times have changed… When I became Chairman back in 1988, Americans listened to music on compact discs and sent “instant messages” via fax machine. Only the most tech-savvy Americans had car phones, or “mobile” phones the size of small bricks.

The Conservative Party has always adapted to new technologies, but our guiding principles have remained steadfast – limited government, individual liberty, personal responsibility, an unwavering defense of unborn babies, and the traditional values that make America great.

I know our blog readers especially enjoy our Weekly Polls, so I decided to look back at our questions through the years. What I found was revealing…

Our first poll back in 2013 featured just one question – “What word do you think best describes Obama’s ‘leadership’ on the national security front?” The majority of respondents chose this answer: “Terrifying – I fear for America’s safety.”

Two weeks ago, we had another question focused on America’s president: “What is your favorite quote from President Trump’s State of the Union Address?” Quite a nice change of pace, wouldn’t you say?

But the most popular answer – “America was founded on liberty and independence –- not government coercion, domination, and control. We are born free, and we will stay free. Tonight, we renew our resolve that America will never be a socialist country.” – illustrates the threats that still face our country. The word “terrifying” continues to apply to the left’s agenda.

And last week’s questions on the Amazon debacle showed the many problems facing New York – politicians making backroom deals with well-connected interests, left-wing radicals driving businesses out of our state, and general incompetence among those who lead our state.

But no matter the issue and regardless of the challenge, it’s been a pleasure having you join us here each week, staying informed about what’s happening in our state and our nation, checking out the articles we felt were important, and offering your opinions on the questions of the day.

Let’s make this week’s poll questions about the Conservative Party:

– What do you think is the most important issue for us to focus on moving forward?

– What do you see as our most essential role in New York politics?

Here’s a question people have been asking me: “What is your favorite memory as Chairman of the Conservative Party?” And that’s an easy one – it’s the people. I’ve shared and debated ideas, strategized on the campaign trail, bounced back from defeats, and celebrated victories with great patriots in every part of New York. People like you, who refuse to give up on our state’s future.

Things change, but the commitment of the Conservative Party’s friends and supporters never ceases to amaze me. From the bottom of my heart – thank you!

Daily Update

The hypocrisy of far too many elected officials is astounding

The Progressives certainly have the working classes back  …at least that is what they want you to believe.  Facts, however, show the real results of the progressive demand for a living wage, and how it ultimately harms those who need jobs the most.   It isn’t only restaurant employees feeling the effects of the increase of the minimum wage.

John Crudele has some wise words  for those seeking a $42 dollar an ounce tax on New Jersey’s soon to be legal marijuana.  Why would anyone buy “legal” marijuana with this tax attached to it?  The Black Market will thrive.  Are you listening New York?  Selling  “legal”  (marijuana is still a Schedule 1 Drug ) marijuana will not resolve any of the problems New York officials offer as a reason to legalize a product that clearly results in a multitude of serious problems. 

Ridge state pol pushing bill to ban supervised injection sites.    

Bob McManus writes about De Blasio’s Dereliction of Duty in the City Journal.  

Dems’ 2020 race is starting to look like a chutzpah contest. 

What’s at Stake for the First Amendment in These 2 Cases? 

Maybe Jeff Bezos will just settle this:  Covington Student Sues Washington Post, but I doubt that he is man enough to do what is right as that would mean he would had to admit he (as owner of the Washington Post and has President Truman was known to say “The buck stops here”)  was wrong to run with an unverified article.    

New York’s budget problems make national news:  New York officials face backlash over ‘congestion’ tax push. 

We have known this for a long time ~ China is using ‘economic espionage’ and ‘theft’ to grab US technology and it certainly is a major problem for the United States.  This, however, is ethically and morally wrong for the worldChina’s CRISPR twins might have had their brains inadvertently enhanced.