Category: CPNYS NEWS

Daily Update

As the legislators consider the budget, they should also consider the costs of prevailing wages.  E. J. McMahon calls it NY’s ‘prevailing’ protection racket in today’s Newsday.  E. J. McMahon is not the only pushback on prevailing wages. 

When government overtaxes our citizens, the result is too much money for people to create a public policy program that does not achieve its stated purpose. 

Today’s NY Post editorial tries to shine a light on New York’s mysterious new-tax rush.  But you can’t shine a lite on it, when no one really knows what it is.  This much is certain, New York is overtaxed already and one more grab for our hard-earned dollars will only increase New York’s exodus.

Tom Precious gives a pretty good recap of what we think is agreed to at this time.  New deals emerge in state budget talks as big-ticket items await resolution.  This extension will only encourage New York’s exodus to continue:  • Authorization of a five-year extension of what’s known as the “millionaires’ tax,’’ an income tax rate surcharge on high-earners. 

Here Are 4 Egregious Ways the Left Wants to Transform American Politics. 

The Daily Signal: Here’s the Conservative Plan to Improve Health Care

Oh no, AOC may have another meltdown.

Seriously, AG Holder?  You want to know “Exactly when did you think America was great” .  Every moment of her existence.  We are the only country that has faced our dark side and corrected it!  That makes us great.  We believe all men are created equal – and when we didn’t fully practice that belief – we corrected it!  America has raised the standard of living throughout the world; we ended two world wars and we will continue the ideals that our Founding Fathers knew would provide this new country with the blueprint necessary to be the most productive, free nation ever established.  Shame on you for not understanding the greatness of America.   Former AG Holder is just one of 85 (82 men and 3 women) who have held the office of Attorney General since our history began.  I would think that would be a great accomplishment, despite the fact that I disagree with almost all that he stood for. 

Daily Update

Democrats need a lesson in math; when a bill loses 57-0 , and the sponsor only votes “present” there is no way they can claim a victory.  But they did:  Democrats claim victory even after Ocasio-Cortez’s Green New Deal loses big in Senate.  Not surprisingly, the cable news networks hardly reported the resounding defeat. 

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is letting her thin-skin get the better of her on the House Floor.  Congresswoman, America has risen to overcome every challenge ever laid at her feet and we will continue to do so…without destroying the very fiber that has made our exceptionalism the reason we, not only survive, but come back even stronger.  The Green New Deal may be your solution, but it certainly is not the American solution. 

BTW Congresswoman, shouldn’t you be paying your fair share of taxes especially since you have a steady income paid to you by taxpayers.  Another question for you…did you pay the $695 penalty for not having health care in 2017?  You mentioned that you just got your healthcare a month ago while passionately defending your Green New Deal. 

This article will just make you shake your head in bewilderment.  Unfortunately, rest assured, this is not the only person who thinks this way…in fact, I would venture to say, most democrats think she is right. 

Tom Precious has the latest insight on the ongoing talks regarding the recreational use of marijuana in New York State.

That minimum wage increase isn’t looking so good right now, is it? 

The Beat examines Thrive Jive.

Steve Malanga examines the costs to taxpayers that government places on them by providing benefits that are unsustainable. 

Lance Morrow writes in City Journal that Journalism Dies in Self-Importance. 

Wow…this is getting really ugly.   ‘As If It Never Existed:’ Cook County Clerk’s Office Stunned as Smollett Case File Vanishes from Records System. 

Wednesday’s with Walter E. Williams. 

Daily Update

Tom Precious has covered state government for the Buffalo News since 1997 and has a keen understanding of the dynamics of the budget season.  Unlike many other reporters, Tom Precious, reports the facts, not his interpretation of the facts.  Here are two articles, by Mr. Precious, that you should be aware of:  School funding. Higher taxes. Legalized pot. It must be budget time in Albany.  and Counties: State is looking at localities to finance its fiscal jam. 

Sources: Albany reconsidering pied-à-terre tax. 

Newsday is reporting that the Nassau County legislature voted to borrow $3.7 million implement early voting as required by legislation passed earlier this year by the Democratic controlled Assembly and Senate.   Early voting is not the only item Nassau County is borrowing money for; when you read the article, you have to ask yourselves why do they need to borrow so much?  Nassau must cut spending as it certainly cannot afford to continue to borrow to meet the needs of her residents.

Rowan Scarborough writes in the Washington Times about the things Trump and his associates didn’t do. 

Adam Weiss writes in Daily Caller:  Can Beto Win the Democratic primary by apologizing often enough to the SJW mob? 

How do these people sleep at night? 

As usual, Mayor de Blasio, has it all wrong when it comes to specialized schools. 

Prosecutors just made it far more difficult for real victims of crime to get justice. 

The Beat examines the marijuana issue again. 

Cheryl K. Chumley has a great article in the Washington Times, one that should be circulated to your list of email readers and post on your social media:    Socialism is rooted in godlessness. 

How does a person with such a closed mind refusing to admit even a semblance of truth regarding the thorough Mueller investigation, remain the Chairman of the House Intelligence Committee?   One is incapable of preforming the important duties of the Intelligence Committee (charged with the oversight of the United States Intelligence Community) when one’s mind is consumed by a vise of hatred simply because their candidate did not become president.   

Daily Update

In case you missed Chairman Jerry Kassar on Cats Roundtable you can listen to the interview here. 

 The late breaking news on Friday was the release of the long- awaited Mueller Report.  Naturally, the majority of democratic candidates, pundits and anchors demanded that an unredacted report be made public…immediately.  One democratic pundit, Doug Schoen, has good advice if Democrats want to win the White House in 2020: it’s time to stop investigating Trump. They are so blind and angry, they won’t take his advice.  Kimberly Strassel also has very good advice for our nation; Mueller’s investigation is done. Now dig into the real scandal — missteps of Comey, FBI.    We are a nation that has always trusted and believed that the FBI’s reputation was sterling and above board.   That trust was violated for political reasons, the repercussions will be long lasting and may never recover.  The majority of Americans are tired and would like all of the continuing investigations to end; however, this is one that really needs to be pursued; the FBI must take the necessary steps that prevent any further abuse of its powers.  The full Kimberly Strassel column is behind the WSJ paywall, if you have access to the WSJ, read it here.  Gregg Jarrett, who has reported on the “collusion issue” from the very beginning, calls it the dirtiest political trick in modern US history. 

 Zero, zilch, nada: That’s the bottom line on ‘collusion’ 

 Here is Attorney General William P. Barr’s letter to the members and ranking members of the Committees on the Judiciary in the House and Senate. 

 Guy Benson on the Mueller Report.  Thorough and Comprehensive: Trump Critics Must Accept Mueller’s Russia Probe as the Final Verdict on ‘Russiagate’ 

 ‘Collusion’ now exposed as nothing more than Trump haters’ opioid dream

WGRZ has an overview of what the NYS Budget contains.  With one week left, things can change quickly,  so by the time this is posted, the overview could be incomplete or just plain wrong.  WSKG also have an overview of the proposed budget, but it points out that the Governor has the upper hand.  If the Budget is not passed by the March 31 deadline, both Houses only have one choice:  pass it with no amendments or reject it and shut down government.  The state’s highest court gave this ability to the Governor when then Speaker Sheldon Silver sued then Governor George E. Pataki.  This is a powerful incentive for both houses.  However, this year, there is an additional incentive, perhaps even a coercive method to pass the budget:  The Commission on Legislative, Judicial and Executive Compensation requires an on-time budget.  By the way, 3 of the 7 members of the commission are appointed by the Governor, one each by the Senate Majority Leader and the Speaker of the House and 2 by Chief Judge of the NYS Court of Appeals.  The Governor, never one to shy away from using hard-ball tactics to get his way, had the majority of votes on the commission.  Anyone want to call it, what it really is… blackmail.  

Weekly Wrap-Up

Welcome to my Weekly Wrap-Up for March 22, 2019!


It’s hard to pick a favorite Ronald Reagan quote on taxes.

“For our opponents, every day is April 15 – Tax Day. For us every day is the Fourth of July.” – that’s one of my favorite quips from our 40th president.

“The problem is not that people are taxed too little, the problem is that government spends too much.” – talk about a statement that has stood the test of time!

“You can’t be for big government, big taxes, and big bureaucracy and still be for the little guy.” – that’s a Reagan quote that would get the crowd going at a Trump rally.

This week, once again, New York’s Democrats showed themselves to be the party of big government, big taxes, and big bureaucracy… the party that thinks New Yorkers are taxed too little… the party that sees every day as Tax Day.

As this New York Post editorial puts it, “It seems the only sure thing about this year’s state budget is that it will sock taxpayers yet again” – AGAIN being the operative word, because New Yorkers are already among the highest taxed citizens in the country… which is why many of our most productive people are moving to other parts of the country.

“Freedom is the right to question and change the established way of doing things.” – that’s another Reagan quote I love, and soaking taxpayers is an “established way of doing things” in New York that needs to be questioned and changed.

In fact, Tax Freedom Day in New York – the day you stop working for the government and are working for yourself – was May 15th in 2018… the latest in the nation. This year with the craziness in Albany we can expect it to be even later.

There are many ways for the Conservative Party to tackle this issue – we can emphasize that high taxes hurt the state overall; that families are among the hardest hit; that high taxes feed Albany’s spending addiction; that well-connected interests get special breaks while normal folks pay through the nose; or that “soak the rich” tax policies don’t work (as even Andrew Cuomo acknowledges).

What do you think is the Conservative Party’s BEST strategy for showing the negative impact of the Cuomo Democrats’ high taxes? That’s our new Weekly Poll question, and I look forward to seeing what you have to say.


Leftist dogma can’t fix what ails New York City’s public schools.

Get ready for the Mueller Report.

Democrats are now embracing gun confiscation.

President Trump makes a stand for free speech on campus.

Daily Update

The NY Post is correct in advocating a “Just say NO” to congesting pricing. 

 Bill Hammond writes about Medicaid déjà vu in today’s NY Torch Blog. 

 Will former VP Joe Biden flip-flop on his 1983 assessment of packing the US Supreme Court? 

 I am beginning to wonder how some of the democrats who are eagerly embracing the liberals most aggressive ideas sleep at night.  We live in the greatest, most accomplished country in the entire world, lifting up countries who need our help, ending two world wars, finding cures for diseases that used to wipe out towns and villages, yet, they embrace a political agenda that only destroys everything the United States of America has accomplished.  Maybe they should be required to live under the circumstance they profess they support for at least 6 months and then run for office.  Personally, I thank God every day that I was born in America, and I will fight to keep American values as professed by our Founding Fathers. 

 Mark Styne obliterates Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand’s latest policy by explaining that it could abolish citizenship. 

 This is a man who truly understands the 2nd Amendment:  Founder of Black Guns Matter Speaks Out: ‘Gun Control Is About People Control’

 Is this the type of personality you want in elected office?   If you said yes, shame on you.  No wonder there is so much division in politics today.  And before anyone objects to what I have said, rest assured, I would think the exact same way if anyone else had said what Stacy Abrams said. 

 Oh No!  Progressive group disputes right-wing report that Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez was quietly booted from its board. 

 This article is one that AOC should read to have a better grasp of America’s history.    No, the Electoral College Is Not a ‘Shadow of Slavery’s Power’  Problem is, even if AOC read it, it wouldn’t change her mind. 

Beto O’Rourke grilled by Penn State student: ‘When am I going to get an actual policy from you?’

 Even with video proof, the left denies there is a crisis at our border

Daily Update

John Gizzi, a long-time political reporter, has a great article on the what our new chairman, Gerard Kassar, foresees for the Conservative Party.

The good news today, is that the legalization of marijuana will NOT be included in the budgetCounties are opting out and with legitimate concerns; the full-blown movement to legalize marijuana has slowed down and more reasonable people are listening to the levelheaded concerns.  Nassau County did an extensive study and issued a 107-page report that found “numerous potential public safety and public health concerns that need to be addressed well before Nassau County could begin to participate in any cannabis related businesses.”  The Nassau County Report is here. 

So far, legalizing pot isn’t paying off in Massachusetts. 

Former Lt. Governor, Betsy McCaughey, has some good advice for everyone: Stop ignoring the brutal downside of legal pot. 

Steven Malanga writes in the upcoming issue of City-Journal magazine about the marijuana delusion.

The Progressive Left wants you to believe that guaranteeing a living wage – raising the minimum wage – crime rates would be reduced.  A new report, by the National Bureau of Economic Research, directly contradicts past arguments.  Read more about it here.

The Beat opines on Mayor de Blasio’s good paying jobs. 

City Hall briefing on ThriveNYC raised more questions than it answered.  

Courtney O’Brien: Here’s How Republicans Plan to Keep SCOTUS at Nine Seats. 

Wednesday’s with Walter E. Williams. 

Daily Update

Reuters hasn’t fired Joseph Menn.  Why not?  Albeit, Reuters is facing ethical questions after admitting that their reporter (Menn) sat on/withheld/ buried/suppressed the fact that a now famous member of the “Cult of the Dead Cow” was actually Robert Francis “Beto” O’Rourke, running for the US Senate against Sen. Ted Cruz (and a current declared candidate for US President.)  How do you let an employee cut a deal that keeps news that confirmed Beto’s membership in a cult known for its shady activity?  It doesn’t matter if he was an actual hacker; he was running to become one of one hundred men and women who confirm US Supreme Court Justices, ratify treaties, sit on prestigious committees and write the laws that ultimately control our lives.   Joseph Menn confirmed O’Rourke was a member in 2017 and buried the article.  Would we have known, had Beto won?  This really is outrageous, and we haven’t even mentioned that Beto wrote bizarre fiction under the pseudonym of “Psychedelic Warlord.”  Beto may have been a teenager when writing his fiction, but it is evident, to me, that his fascination with the death of living human beings hasn’t evolved.  When asked about late term abortions, it is important to listen to how the question is posed. Beto’s response was, “That should be a decision a woman makes. I trust her.”  Here is the Joseph Menn article dated March 15, 2019 that lets us know about Beto’s membership in the oldest hacker group in US history and may have inadvertently burst Beto’s bubble. 

Finally, some good news associated with Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. 

NYC Specialized High School Admissions Don’t Reflect City’s Diversity.  Let me see if I understand the problem.  The NYC specialized high schools do not reflect the diversity of New York City, so Mayor de Blasio wants to scrap the admittance tests and institute a program called Discovery and offer free tutoring to talented, disadvantaged students who miss the test-score cutoff.  So, does this mean that the colleges playing in March Madness should no longer have the 68 teams play in a single-elimination tournament to determine the final four?  Maybe we should eliminate the playoffs leading up the Stanley Cup finals.  Why have division leader playoffs prior to the Super Bowl?  Should baseball eliminate the World Series because it isn’t diversified enough?  Americans play sports, American watch sports and Americans bet on sports, not because it is diversified, rather because it is competitive and the best rise to the top.  Shouldn’t education be just as important?  Why would anyone want to change the standards that have served those who attend the specialized high schools, and possibly harm those who are admitted when the do not have the foundation needed to succeed?   Mr. Mayor, diversity is not a solution to a problem that does not exist; NYC Specialized High Schools is the Gold Medal of Educational Olympics.   And one more note for you Mr. Mayor:  more Charter Schools will bring more diversity to New York’s specialized high schools. 

Really, Mr. Mayor, if you used your personal funds, would they have been put to better use?   

Young People’s Embrace of Socialism Shows Why We Shouldn’t Lower the Voting Age. 

If You Don’t Remember Cold War, Communism, Getting Free Stuff from Government Sounds Great. 

Destroying Norms: After Losing to Trump, Democrats Want to Pack the Courts and Change the Rules. 

Is recycling dying? 

Daily Update

Yancy Roy wrote in yesterday’s Newsday on the top issues in the NYS Budget debate.  Upon review, it would seem that one party control did not simplify the budget process and left the NYS Democrats with no one to blame for the morass, but themselves.  All of the voting members should absorb the message the Buffalo News Editorial Board wrote yesterday also:  Legislature budgets make promises our economy can’t keep.  Jimmy Vielkind writes in the Wall Street Journal (the WSJ is behind a paywall) that Cuomo fights with fellow democrats as budget deadline nears. 

If a bill has lingered in Albany for a quarter of a century, could there possibly be one iota of good in it?    It there was, it would have been negotiated and passed, long before 25 years have gone by.    Therefore, be very careful what you wish for. 

Today’s Siena Poll results indicate that New Yorkers’ do not like the direction our Empire State is taking with one party in control of both Houses and the Executive Branch.  Of course, Democrats disagree, however a strong majority of Independents and an overwhelming majority of Republicans believe the state is moving too far to the left.  The full Siena Poll and results are available here. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez won’t be happy that she is consider the Amazon Slayer by most polled, albeit, she has taken credit for doing so.  Now that people understand the full economic loss, AOC is no longer a hero for slaying Amazon’s move to Queens.

The Nation gleefully opines  that congestion pricing is New York’s Green New Deal.  Obviously, The Nation isn’t concerned about the fact that the Green New Deal would be an economic disaster to our nation and impossible to realistically implement, but that doesn’t matter to news sites like The Nation, they just feed their readers the gobbledygook that Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez cooks up in her Ivory Tower in the hope of converting more non-thinking individuals into becoming climate-justice activists. 

Rebecca Hagelin opines in the Washington Times about what is really important to save our nation/planet:  Reject the curses of socialism by embracing the blessings of liberty.    Ying Ma opines on the Fox News Network that socialism brings equality, but it is the equality of scarcity.  (Except for those in control who live godlike lives, my assessment, not Ying Ma’s.)  Tom Del Beccaro has an Op-Ed here  on the nine steps from freedom to socialism to societal breakdown.  The video of his appearance this morning on Fox and Friend is here.

Bill Hammond:  Hospital Revenue Surge Creates Haves and Have-Nots. 

 Developers say proposed prevailing wage law is a business killer. 

Robert Knight opines in the Washington Times that the cowboy-way is under fire.  Perhaps, if the cowboy code was practiced in 2019, the world would be a better place. 

Larry Horist gives another perspective on HR 1 – the House Election Reform Bill. 

Katrina Trinko explains (in a very moving article of faith) to Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, why we pray and offer thoughts and prayers after tragedies (New Zealand/ Netherlands). 

Weekly Wrap-Up from Chair Jerry Kassar

Welcome to my Weekly Wrap-Up for March 15, 2019!


America’s borders are a mess, but our elected “leaders” are just playing politics with our security – that’s the biggest takeaway from this week’s news. Say what you will about President Trump, but he understands the scope of this crisis and is determined to do something about it. If only Congress, including Republicans, would get serious about securing our borders. But as we saw in this week’s vote against President Trump, there seems to be little hope of that.

President Trump’s one-word response – “VETO!” – makes it clear that this battle isn’t over, and thank goodness for that. We can’t afford to not secure our borders.

It’s all politics here in New York too. Andrew Cuomo is launching new efforts to “protect immigrants from ICE” – law enforcement, as always with left-wing Democrats, is the enemy. But as usual the Governor is trying to have his cake and eat it too, playing all sides of this issue to placate both open borders extremists who are now the driving force for the Democrat Party as well as the dwindling number of Democratic “moderates” who are still useful to the left (and who can’t afford to vote for immigration insanity like a driver’s license for folks who are, in the politically correct parlance, “undocumented”).

So many New York conservatives I speak with are gravely concerned about America’s uncontrolled borders and want the immigration issue to be a top priority for the Conservative Party. I want to open this topic up to as many people as possible, so I’m making it our new Weekly Poll question – how important is the immigration issue to you personally? Let me know today!


I guess in reality law enforcement isn’t ALWAYS the enemy in the Democrats’ eyes – when government agents are attempting to crack down on taxpayers, it’s all systems go as far as the left is concerned. According to one report, “With New York facing a serious $2.3 billion budget deficit, the state’s Department of Taxation and Finance is getting increasingly fierce in chasing funds from wealthy residents fleeing its high taxes.”

Of course, everyone should pay the taxes they owe – you hear that, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez? – but it’s fascinating to me, just how angry Democrats’ become when hard-working people decide they don’t want to play along with the left’s tax-and-spend games.


President Trump condemns ‘horrible massacre‘ at New Zealand mosques

Ocasio-Cortez Slammed for Politicizing Terror Attack, Mocking Prayer, Blaming NRA

Co-Host of Gillibrand Fundraiser Charged in College Admissions Scam

Have a great weekend!

Daily Update

Governor Cuomo is completely out of touch with reality when to comes to New York’s college swim teams.  Put the petty politics aside, Governor, and let the swimmers swim. 

One thing is an absolute about Beto O’Rourke: Humility is not one of his attributes. 

Where does Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez get her information from?  Perhaps AOC should hire a person who knows how to research from reliable sources. 

Cal Thomas opines on why socialism fails. 

Ben Shapiro opines on a major portion of what made America great in his column, What liberals forget:  Before the welfare state, Americans took care of each other.

El Salvador’s President-Elect Outlines His 3 Steps to Destroy MS-13, Other Gangs. 

Wow… Iran Wins Leadership Post at UN ‘Gender Equality’ Body, After Sentencing Women’s Rights Advocate to Prison, Lashing. The UN is long past its usefulness.

The Beat writes:  SCAFFOLD LAW ON TRIAL. 

What you haven’t heard about marijuana.

Daily Update

I wish Bronx DA Darcel Clark would show me where it says illegal aliens – people who broke the law of the land – are entitled to have a driver’s license.   Brooklyn District Attorney Eric Gonzalez also supports the idea and so does Governor Cuomo.  What irks me ever more, is that they also predict it would produce a $57 million windfall , generated by fees, for the Empire State — if, as a liberal think tank predicts, some 265,000 illegals take advantage of the offer. A tax windfall does not justify further breaking of the rule of law by people who have already broken the rule of law.  It simply encourages more people to storm our shores  

On today’s NY Post editorial page; Experimenting on kids: De Blasio’s ridiculous Meatless Monday stunt. 

This is just one of the ways that New York finds itself in financial trouble all the time.  The Wall Street Journal article is only partially available as the WSJ is behind a pay wall.  When New Yorker’s voted for casino’s they were practically promised that gold bullion coins would fill New York coffers.  Most are failing , but leave it to our legislators to fall for the gilded dreams of gold bullion coins

E. J. McMahon writes about One-house megabucks

Michael Goodwin opines in the NY Post on ridiculous tax proposals are part of Albany’s new status quo.

House Democrats offer citizenship bill that goes beyond Dream Act. 

Here Are 5 Hysterical Environmentalist Claims in Modern History. 

Jamie Shupe writes in the Daily Signal:  I Was America’s First ‘Nonbinary’ Person. It Was All a Sham.

Words of wisdom from Dennis Prager: Leftism Eradicates Character

Wednesday’s with Walter E. Williams