Category: CPNYS NEWS

Daily Update

Yesterday, the Empire Center wrote that the NY state pension fund earnings are slumping.   Today, we read in the NY Post, that the Democrats in the NYS Legislature” are looking to fatten pensions of the most recently hired government workers by undoing reforms that were approved to control runaway costs.”   Have the Democrats lost all moral fortitude?  Don’t bother answering, we know they have.  Anyone who was hired and is in Tier 6 knows what their pension benefits are.  (If they don’t shame on them…or shame on the Agency that did not explain it to them.)  New Yorkers’ are leaving the state in droves, who will be left to pay in increased pension costs that the Democrats want to provide? 

May 1 the democratic controlled NYS Senate also voted to allow striking workers to received unemployment benefits after just ONE week on strike.  The vote was 48 -14 and the Assembly loves proposals like this, so rest assured they will pass it also.  Employers will be hit with increased rates and you know the businesses will pass along the costs to consumers, in itself a problem.  The bigger problem is that Union shops will be “off the hook” in supporting union members and will have more money to provide to the legislators who gave them this gift.  If you subscribe to the Wall Street Journal, you can read the article here.  

Hey, .@AOC, perhaps you should read this article in the Washington Times (doubt if you will find it in the Washington Post):  2020 Democrats on hot seat after climate change backfires on Australian left. 

Same advice (above) for you Governor Cuomo.  Robert Bryce writes in today’ NY Post that New York’s energy policy depends on an impossible fantasy. 

John R. Lott, Jr. opines on Abortion’s Impact Is More Than Morality. 

It really is tragic that democrats, in general, only see abortion as a way to end an “inconvenient mistake” that interferes with the freedom of the woman who owns her body, while pro-life people see that “inconvenient mistake” and an innocent human baby who does nothing to deserve death.  Sadly, they are the ones who go to extremes.

NY per-pupil spending reaches $23k; and it still isn’t enough according to the Teacher’s Union and NYS Democrats. 

As Gomer Pyle used to say, “Surprise, Surprise!”  Oh, The Judge Who Ruled for The Democrats on Trump’s Taxes Is an Obama Appointee…AND A Donor? 

And now for some GOOD news:  Robert Smith’s tremendous gift .  What a truly generous, loving, gesture that others should emulate, if they are in the position to do so. 


Daily Update

Robert Knight writes in the Washington Times that a misnamed legal jackhammer struck on Friday. 

The Daily Signal writes: We Hear You: When Transgender Athletes Crush the Girls.

Larry Horist opines on how identity politics is the root of all evil. 

Did you know the State troopers’ PBA is against ‘greenlight’ legislation?    Please sign our petition that opposes illegal immigrants being granted driver’s licenses.  Click here to sign.

Democrats shift to seize on Supreme Court as 2020 campaign issue. 

Victor Davis Hanson writes about the similarities between declining Rome and the modern US. 

New York Democrats will seek input on automatic voter registration at Albany hearing.  Doesn’t this headline seem innocuous and that it would genuinely been a good way to get both sides of the argument?  Well the dirty little secret in Albany is that many of the public hearings are by invitation only. In other words, this “public hearing” on automatic voter registration, that we are adamantly opposed to, due to the probability of fraud, we, an organization that represents thousands of constituents, would not be allowed to testify at the hearing.  When it says “by invitation only” the public hearing is stacked to produce the results they want. I would presume that, if the State Board of Elections, is invited to speak, they would present both sides automatic voter registration, since they do not have a horse in the race.  Most invited will have a horse in the race and only present the perceived advantages of automatic voter registration.  The resulting report by the committees involved will be exactly what they wanted and the press will report that the public input supported the issue.  Welcome to the manipulation of facts and the press that helps it continue.   

Chris Bragg has an article in the Times Union about a prolific contributor to Governor Cuomo.  All I will say on the article is:  Where there is smoke there usually is a fire. 

The NY Medical Society rejects assisted suicide!  Are you listening Members of the NYS Legislature?

I’ve Had 2 Abortions. Here’s Why I Support Alabama’s Pro-Life Law. 


Weekly Wrap-Up from Chair Jerry Kassar

Welcome to my Weekly Wrap-Up for May 17, 2019!


America’s illegal immigration crisis continues to ravage our borders and radiate throughout the country, from car crashes to rape and mass murder. Here in New York, we’re facing this question: Should people here illegally be given a driver’s license? Our state’s political establishment says yes – the Conservative Party says no, and if you agree, please sign our Petition if you haven’t already.

The Conservative Party is taking action locally, and President Trump continues to fight for sane border policies with a new merit-based reform plan and continued efforts to crack down on illegal immigration.

Since President Trump is proposing it, of course Chuck Schumer is opposed. But Democrats who constantly want America to be more like other countries may have a hard time explaining why Canada and New Zealand have set such poor examples on immigration.


The fight for life has been prominent throughout the United States this week, including here in New York. Sen. Pam Helming offered an amendment from the NYS Senate Floor that would have reversed part of the abhorrent Reproductive Health Act signed by Governor Andrew Cuomo on Jan. 22, 2019. The proposed bill that Sen. Pam Helming introduced at our request, and offered as an amendment would have re-established the fact that infants born alive are human beings and must be protected. Unfortunately, the amendment failed in the Democratic controlled NYS Senate, but our efforts will continue in both houses until New York state government acknowledges the precious life a woman carries is a human being entitled to their own life.

Outside of New York State, the Pro-Life movement has had some successes. Pro-life measures enacted in Georgia and Alabama not only protect the unborn – they also pose a direct threat to the outdated precedent set by Roe v. Wade. It’s about time.

The debate over defending life continues to be riddled with dishonesty and misinformation (thanks in no small part to New York’s junior Senator), but just remember: Women are a driving force behind the pro-life movement; unlike the left, Americans are not zealously pro-abortion; and pro-life Americans are among the most caring, compassionate people in this country.

Why is the pro-life issue important to you as a conservative? That’s the question in our new Weekly Poll – let me know how you approach this topic.


The Conservative Party was asked to sign on to a national statement against the radical Equality Act on gender and sexuality – of course, we took a stand for traditional values.

Local socialist’s constituents don’t look favorably upon socialism.

Attorney General Bill Barr has a wicked sense of humor, but his investigation into abuse of power is no joke.

Bill de Blasio’s presidential campaign, on the other hand – there are laughs aplenty.

Have a great weekend!

Daily Update

Mayor Bill de Blasio continues to embarrass the residents of New York City with his grandiose dream of being president of the USA.  Here is some of the coverage from his home town papers:

Bill de Blasio officially launches 2020 presidential campaign. 

All the reasons de Blasio’s 2020 presidential candidacy is a complete farce. 

‘Do as I say, not as I do’ is Bill de Blasio rule for governing. 

Democrats fume that ‘Bigfoot’ de Blasio keeps stealing their policy ideas. 

Bill de Blasio’s ridiculous presidential bid is a gift to Joe Biden.

‘Make America Late Again’: De Blasio’s political tardiness is an enduring theme. 


LOL: Bill De Blasio’s Presidential Run is Already Going as Well as You’d Expect. 

State financial forecast doesn’t match Cuomo’s dire SALT predictions. 

The View is right in giving Sen. Warren a hard time about not wanting to go on Fox News

Daily Update

Victor Davis Hanson writes in today’s NY Post how Beijing became bigger threat than Russia by exploiting US liberals.  Charles Hurt writes about another promise kept: Trump’s toughness on China gives Potomac elites the vapors. 

The Daily Signal is reporting that the White House Criticizes Equality Act, but Stops Short of Veto Threat.   The Washington Times reports that the Equality Act legislation is being slammed by opponents as being anti-woman. 

Conrad Black opines in the NY Sun on the fact the Democrats are starting to perceive the debacle they face.

Some members of the Legislature  (Sen. Liz Krueger and Assemblywoman Crystal Peoples-Stokes) are not willing to admit that legalizing the recreational use of marijuana is a very bad proposal  .

The Beat exposes the weepy oculus, another epic story of bloat, waste, and fraud by the Port Authority. 

With Gov. Cuomo’s Support, New Yorkers Urge Lawmakers to Pass ‘Medical Aid in Dying’  .  The Hippocratic Oath’s modern version – with all of the advancements and scientific changes since Hippocrates first saw the need for an oath –  states in part:  “Above all, I must not play at God.”  If one must not “play at God” what right do legislators have to allow – and if they refuse, one knows they will be sued and their career destroyed – them to participate in the death of a patient by partaking in the medical aid in dying (MAID) bill?  Enough of this madness.  Doctors and medical professionals save lives, they do all they can to keep dying patients as comfortable as possible and they must not play at God an oath they take freely.   Again, Governor Cuomo is on the wrong ethical side of this debate. 

Beware, if I upgrade to the newest version of Microsoft Word, my words may be changed by Microsoft Word.  Tammy Bruce explains  the latest way the gurus of political correctness will achieve their goals. 

Wednesday’s with Walter E. Williams

Daily Update

Know what the Equality Act really does:  Rebecca Hagelin opines on the fake Equality Act;  while Tony Perkins explains that the Equality Act would promote abortions

A woman’s group finally organizes to stop New York from legalizing prostitution   Senator Julia Salazar said legalization is long overdue.  Ms. Salazar is obviously misguided in her beliefs and is not concerned about the women being abused and traffickers off the hook.

The New York Sun opines on the panic over the Supreme Court. 

The Hill outlines what they describe as the 5 big Supreme Court decisions to watch; one of which was Apple.  The US Supreme Court opened the door, yesterday, for iPhone uses to sue in a 5-4 decision that Justice Kavanaugh joined with the 4 liberal members. 

Daniel Oliver opines in the Washington Times on the contest between diversity and merit. 

Denver’s ‘Magic Mushroom’ Vote Moves Drug Legalization Beyond Marijuana

Hunter Biden’s China Deal Partners Include Mobster Whitey Bulger’s Nephew, John Kerry’s Stepson. 

Rep. Cheney Criticizes Rep. Tlaib Over Holocaust ‘Calming’ Remark.   Matt Vespa reminds us that they sided with Hitler:  CNN Host Notes an Important Fact Omitted from Rashida Tlaib’s Holocaust Remarks. 

Daily Update

We have their attention!  Here is some press coverage of our press conference on Saturday in Onondaga County.  here and here. Unfortunately, for all New Yorkers’, Gov. Cuomo is far more interested in maintaining his progressive credentials than the safety of New York’s residents.  Help keep up our momentum: sign our petition here  and don’t forget to forward to your family and friends.  Thank you.

The democratic controlled legislative Houses are on the same ideological tracks the Governor is traveling on; or has the Legislature dragged the Governor to their ill-conceived ideals.  Either way, the safety of New Yorkers’ is at risk. 

As we posted on our Smartphone App over the weekend:  Kudos to Jumaane Williams.  Jumaane Williams stands tall for real justice in education. 

CONSERVATIVES OPPOSE LEGISLATION THAT UNDERMINES WOMEN & PEOPLE OF FAITH.  The Conservative Action Project is united in strong opposition to both the Equality Act and the Fairness for All Act.  Click here to read  what they have to see and the impressive list of signers, including our own State Chairman, Gerard Kassar. 

The Daily Signal takes a look at Religious Freedom: What’s at Stake If We Lose It. 

A Pediatrician Explains How ‘Dangerous’ Equality Act Would Force Doctors to ‘Do Harm’ (begins at the 7:58 mark)

Somethings I just do not understand, for example, an 18-year-old cannot decided for themselves that they can use a legal substance  – tobacco, but a child in kindergarten can be asked what gender they identify as? 

Robert Knight opines on the cyber bullies’ moment

NY’s medical marijuana program is just shy of 100,000 and Senator Diane Savino says, “We should be twice that.”  When did Sen. Savino get her medical degree?  Why does Sen. Savino believe that more people should have access to a Schedule 1 drug that has no medicinal purpose?  Read the Buffalo News article that says with recreational pot unlikely, state’s medical marijuana program may grow. 

The Beat discusses two issues near and dear to conservative activists:  decay of public order and mental illness crisis. 

Nicole Gelinas opines on what it will take to end the LIRR overtime scandals. 

Weekly Wrap-Up from Chair Jerry Kassar

I’ve had a great week traveling around our state, with stops at Conservative Party dinners in Nassau County, Wayne County and Monroe County – thanks so much for having me speak! Tomorrow, I will be in Liverpool, NY (Onondaga County) for a press conference regarding the Party’s efforts to put the brakes on illegal immigrants getting driver’s licenses, followed by a meeting of the state executive committee.

Upstate New York is beautiful in the spring and full of wonderful places to be. Here’s the news I’ve been watching this week…

TRUMP 2020

As the Democrats push their true (and truly narrow) agenda of impeachment, President Trump set the stage for the 2020 campaign with a raucous, riveting speech in the battleground state of Florida that as usual, drew a massive crowd of supporters.

Chuck Schumer wasn’t impressed, of course – who can blame him, since he’s being outplayed by President Trump at every turn? But the President touched on a host of issues that matter to conservatives, from abortion extremism to the Second Amendment to the border crisis.

I pulled a transcript of the speech and picked out what I think are the most powerful statements from President Trump as he charges ahead into the 2020 campaign. Which one do you think is President Trump at his best? That’s the question in our new Weekly Poll – and I know I don’t have to tell you that we’ll be hearing plenty more from our President as Election Day draws closer and closer.


Have you heard of the so-called “Equality Act” targeting gender and sexuality that’s now a progressive priority in Washington? If so, you know that the name alone is one of the greatest acts of legislative and political dishonesty this country has ever witnessed. Naturally the Democrats’ aim with this bill is to undermine President Trump, but it goes so much deeper than that.

As the Daily Signal notes, this is a bill that would advance civil tyranny, not civil rights – and it would promote abortion, undermine women, and force doctors to abandon the time-honored oath to “do no harm.”

Here in New York and in other states we can see the harm this bill will do to our nation, and the cultural impact of the Democrats’ gender revolution is already horrifying and will only get worse.

You have my word that the Conservative Party will be actively engaged on this issue – stay tuned for updates!


The collusion delusion should be dead, but even some Republicans refuse to give up.

Courageous Colorado students protest the politicization of a school tragedy.

Will a ballooning helium shortage deflate the economy?

Daily Update

David Harsanyi opines on why Jerry Nadler’s ‘constitutional crisis’ talk is utter bull.  And Speaker Pelosi stands with Congressman Jerry Nadler   Wasn’t there a time, not that long ago, that we elected adults to Congress and not children fighting in the schoolyard.  (To be fair, in retrospect, it was adults voting then.)

Guy Benson has the latest on the Pelosi/Nadler “constitutional crisis” talk.  Devastating: Liberal Law Professor Clinically Dismantles Democrats’ Contempt Case Against Barr. 

More on Speaker Pelosi’s Equality Act:   Dems poised to push ‘Equality Act’ with cries of ‘homophobia.’

Michele Malkin shines the light on fake illegal alien families. 

The New York Sun had an excellent editorial  on the unbelievable bill the NYS (Democratic controlled) Senate passed yesterday allowing the state tax commissioner release Mr. Trump’s tax return to one of three Congressional committees.

Have the majority members of the democratic controlled NYS Senate even read the US Constitution?  The U.S. Constitution’s Fifth Amendment contains a Double Jeopardy Clause, which says that no person shall “be subject for the same offense to be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb.”  A Bill passed by the democratic controlled NYS Senate , yesterday, would only allow state charges to be brought against a pardoned individual with direct ties to Trump, either through his family, their work on his campaign, or their work in the White House.   How can this bill survive a legal challenge?  When did the NYS Senate become a body that seeks to use political retribution on its “enemies” instead of a body that seeks to protect its citizens with sound solid policy?  The answer is obviously: January 1, 2019!

John McWhorter, contributing editor at The Atlantic and professor at Columbia University, says:  Don’t Scrap the Test, Help Black Kids Ace It.

Daily Update

Every once in a while, the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals, shocks the Left with a decision they never expected.  Tuesday night was one of those times; Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals sides with White House over asylum policy. 

For those who do not watch CNN, we missed a “debate” that was posted yesterday where a CNN contributor – former NYC Council Speaker — actually said ‘when a woman gets pregnant, that is not a human being inside of her,’ and went on to say that Rick Santorum – also a CNN Contributor — was distorting facts.  Both were appearing on Chris Cuomo’s Prime Time where Chris Cuomo sided with Christine Quinn.  Quinn and Cuomo kept attacking Santorum because of the Roe v. Wade decision which is the law of the land.  (It isn’t as if the US Supreme Court never made a really bad decision and overturned itself. )  Watch the segment here ; it will be a stark reminder on just how far the pro-abortionists’ have degenerated.   

Trump derangement syndrome continues; first California, now New York State

Tammy Bruce opines in the Washington Times on how the left targets American history, statues and heroes. 

Betsy McCaughey opines on ‘Medicare for All’ is a job-killer for America’s largest industry. 

Robert Knight writes about a party lurching ever leftward

Star Parker opines on the Suicidal Equality Act of 2019

There is a major split within the Kennedy Clan…over vaccines. 

Wednesday’s with Walter E. Williams. 

Daily Update

The Beat takes a realistic look at rent control in New York City.  The Left strongly supports this 1940’s “housing emergency” that has not resolved any such problem and they are looking to make rent control statewide.  Beware. 

North Carolina State Senator Don Davis proved standing up for life is more important than standing up for your political party.  Thank you, Senator Don Davis. 

Thank you, Governor Brian Kemp, you also show that stand up for life is far more important than the threat of boycotts. 

Dems can say what they want, but facts do not lie.  Poorest Americans Are Benefiting Most from Strong Economy

One would think this Grandmother  would have watched Frozen enough times by now, that she would learn to just Let It Go.

Senator Elizabeth Warren should be reading this article  to truly understand the basis of how and why impeachment is called for in our US Constitution.  Calling for impeachment is political and was included in the US Constitution to protect the balance of power between the three branches of government.  However, Senator Warren has no basis to call for President Trump’s impeachment as President Trump has not committed a crime.  Her actions are purely political and completely misleading

Conrad Black is going to drive Sen. Warren (and a lot of other people) further into the deep end with this headline:  Trump Set Up for a Big Win In 2020. 

Moving from New York to Florida saves much more than just taxes. 

The NYS Senate is poised to pass S.221-A today and you should know it continues Governor Andrew Cuomo’s need to put convicted felons on equal footing as those who have never broken any law nor done anything the least bit detrimental to a fellow human or four-footed furry critter.  The Bill they are planning on passing lifts the lifetime ban on jury duty for convicted felons who have completed their sentencing.  Think about that for a moment:  a person who has served time in prison for breaking a (or many) law(s) will now be able to sit in judgement of another person accused of breaking the law.  I wonder how many hung juries will be the result?  A 10% increase, 20%, maybe even a 50% increase, costing taxpayer’s additional money for retrials.  What about the stress on the victims when they have to relive the terror of the crime again due to a retrial?  Or what if the DA declines to try the suspect again and he/she walks free and continues to commit crimes.  There is no doubt that people deserve second chances and should not have to wear a scarlet letter around their neck, but in saying that, a convicted felon on a jury is not what those who signed the Magna Carta calling for a “jury of their peers” meant.   Our 6th Amendment gives the suspect many rights, including an impartial jury; the likelihood that a convicted felon on a jury will be impartial is zero. 

Daily Update

In case you missed this over the weekend, the NY Post editorial spells out the ridiculous reason New York faces a gas shortage.  Craig Stevens had a follow up Op-Ed, The deranged drive to choke New York’s natural gas supply, in today’s NY Post. 

Tom Precious is reporting that the push for driver’s licenses for undocumented immigrants intensifies at Capitol   We can stop this dangerous idea!  We did in the past and we can do it again.  Sign our petition to put the breaks on driver’s licenses for illegal immigrants   Please send the link to all the contacts in your lists.  Legislators understand numbers, they see in the polls that New Yorker’s oppose this bill, but they react to stacks and stacks of paper proving that New Yorker’s do not want illegal immigrants to obtain driver’s licenses. 

Councilman Joe Borelli sits with City and State regarding his run for Public Advocate of NYC. 

Does House Speaker Nancy Pelosi who introduced HR 5, the Equality Act in March really understand what this bill does?  Here is another example of the left,  while supposedly trying to make everything perfect is actually creating chaos and confusion when it comes to girls/women and sports.

Commissioner, not only New York City, the whole state will, unfortunately, experience the dangers.  James O’Neill: Crime reforms would make NYC more dangerous. 

Hell is too good for this man.  What kind of sick individual could do this to their child… or anyone?

The “Never Trumper’s” will be in meltdown mode when they read this; Gallup:  Trump Approval Rating Ticks Up to New High of 46 Percent .  Do you think Robert de Nero will be recovered enough by July 10 to help host the mega-fundraiser Gov. Andrew Cuomo is planning?

What?  The NY Times concedes Trump is right on border crisis and urges Congress to fulfill new WH budget request.  Read Guy Benson’s column here. 

Two adamantly different sides of the pro-life movement demonstrate in Times Square without any clashes or arrests.  This Is America; we can disagree on issues and still be civil.