“Government’s view of the economy could be summed up in a few short phrases: If it moves, tax it. If it keeps moving, regulate it. And if it stops moving, subsidize it”-Ronald Reagan
The Green New Deal is getting old to everyone but AOC and the progressive presidential candidates. The Green New Deal is government intervention where government is not needed, welcomed or required.
Bob McManus opines on the grand swindle of ‘progress’ in the city’s public schools.
Westchester residents, if you get your Christmas and Hanukkah shopping done in July, you will probable save a bundle, since Governor Cuomo agrees with Democratic County Executive George Latimer, that Westchester needs an increase in the sales tax percentage to bring it up to 8.375%. It is effective on August 1, 2019. Save money; get you shopping done now.
Jimmy Vielkind writes in the Wall Street Journal (subscription required) about the Progressive Agenda that Members of the Legislature hope to accomplish in the new legislative session. It includes, but certainly not limited to legalizing commercial gestational surrogacy, higher prevailing wages and extending to private construction projects. Chairman Kassar noted that “with Democrats in control of the entire state government, a ‘borderline socialist agenda’ could advance unchecked.” Chairman Kassar also noted that he is already recruiting candidates for the 2020 elections.
This is a very disturbing article; Judith Clark knew the Brink’s robbers were ready to kill. Democratic Governor Andrew Cuomo wanted this woman released and she was just in time for Mother’s Day. It is ironic, that a woman who sent all the wrong messages to her daughter, was able to celebrate with her on Mother’s day, while Michael Paige, son of slain Brink’s Guard Peter Paige (who set the right example for Michael) hasn’t celebrate a Father’s Day since 1982 and will never be able to again. Governor Andrew Cuomo wanted her to be paroled and she was. Justice has not been equally served.
The New York City Board of Elections is now recounting votes for the Democratic primary for Queens district attorney. The race is too close to call, but the first vote count showed that radical socialist public defender Tiffany Caban won the election by 1,070 votes.
“I don’t take anything for granted. We are going to work very hard to make sure we win the election in November, as well,” Caban said to reporters.
Caban is a self-described queer Latina who was endorsed by Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. According to the New York Daily News, her platform is to decriminalize sex work and end cash bail. She would also refuse to prosecute many offenses including trespassing, loitering, airport taxis, turnstile jumping, disorderly conduct, drug possession and welfare fraud.
It would be free reign for criminals in Queens, and if the vote holds up, this shows the rising power of the progressive left and who will inevitably run the country if the demographic shift is not reversed.
“Queens communities especially have shown how powerful they are,” Cabán said. “We are organizing our elected officials in line with our values.”
The recount is expected to be finished by next week.
Contrary to his working man image, Biden is cashing out based on being former President Barack Obama’s right-hand man, making millions since leaving office as Vice President and spending time in lavish mansions.
“My parents taught us to live our faith and to treasure our families. We learned the dignity of work, and we were told that anyone can make it if they just try hard enough. That was America’s promise,” Biden said in 2008, a sentiment he has echoed frequently throughout the years.
“Work is more than a paycheck. It’s dignity. It’s respect. It’s about whether or not you can look your children in the eye and say: We’re going to be all right,” Biden added.
However, the substance of Biden is much different than the rhetoric. He is getting paid up to $200,000 per speech these days, enjoying chartered jets, chauffeured rides, fancy cars, luxury hotels, and other decadent amenities. His 12,000 square-foot home in McLean, Virginia includes five bedrooms, marble fireplaces, a gym, sauna, and 10 bathrooms. The Bidens have also purchased a $3 million beach house in Rehoboth Beach, Delaware.
“Remember, I got in trouble with some of the people on my team, on the Democratic side, because I said, you know, what I’ve found is rich people are just as patriotic as poor people,” Biden said recently, as the champagne socialist is already beginning to change his tune.
It will be hard for Biden to keep his lead on his competition heading into 2020 considering how out of step he is with the radicalized Democratic Party base.
President Donald Trump has called off his nationwide deportation push temporarily, giving the Democratic-led Congress time to come up with a workable solution.
Trump wrote in a tweet: “At the request of Democrats, I have delayed the Illegal Immigration Removal Process (Deportation) for two weeks to see if the Democrats and Republicans can get together and work out a solution to the Asylum and Loophole problems at the Southern Border. If not, Deportations start!”
“I want to give the Democrats every last chance to quickly negotiate simple changes to Asylum and Loopholes. This will fix the Southern Border, together with the help that Mexico is now giving us. Probably won’t happen, but worth a try. Two weeks and big Deportation begins!” Trump wrote in a subsequent tweet.
Meanwhile, Democrats and their allies in the fake news media are calling Trump a “Nazi” and saying that facilities housing migrants are “concentration camps.” It does not seem like Trump will ever be able to negotiate with these people in good faith. He should get on with the deportations before the national emergency at the U.S. Southern border gets even worse.
Pelosi: ‘What’s the Point?’ of Interior Enforcement on Immigration? The Speaker of the US House of Representatives questions why interior enforcement on illegal immigration is needed…how pathetic that Ms. Pelosi ignores the loss of American lives at the hands of illegals who have no regard for our laws. Katie Steinle was killed in Ms. Pelosi’s city, yet the Speaker asked, “What’s the point?” Shameful that she doesn’t care about Katie Steinle and others who have suffered the same fate.
Guy Benson opines on Bernie’s fantasy land student loan forgiveness. The Daily Signal has some realistic suggestions as to what can be done to lower college costs.
Today’s NY Post editorial also notes how lucky New Yorkers are that Assemblywoman Nicole Malliotakis and Assemblyman Colin Schmitt caught the “error” (I’m still cynical) in the motor voter bill the Democrats tried to ram through (it did pass in the Senate) in the closing hours of the legislative session. Kudos to Schmitt and Malliotakis, jeers to the Democrats who voted for the bill.
In case you missed this: Cuomo had this to say late Friday: GOP will hammer us for illegal immigrants driver’s license law. Governor, the Conservative Party will also! What you and the democratic controlled legislature did by giving illegal immigrants a driver’s license – against the wished of the majority of New Yorkers’ was a blatant slap in the face, thumb in our eye to all of us who respect and obey laws. It is mindboggling that those who write the laws for citizens and illegals to follow, just rewarded illegals for breaking our laws by giving them driver’s licenses which gives illegal immigrants and enormous piece of the freedom that citizens enjoy.
Read it and weep: ‘Moderate’ Democrats just gave New York a host of disastrous new laws. The last paragraph reads: For all its flaws, a Republican-run Senate stopped the worst lefty lunacy. Suburban Democrats had the power to do that this year, with their constituents’ support. That they instead caved to the radicals gives the GOP a serious chance for a comeback. We warned you last year; now please get on board now, to take back New York. The Governor is already planning next year’s debacle and he has 6 months to plan more devastating ideas as he follows the presidential race.
Maureen Callahan writes about Mark Zuckerberg’s quest for Facebook’s own branded global cryptocurrency. It is quite interesting, not sure I agree with Sen. Warrens’ call to break up Facebook, but none the less, well worth reading the article.
We need some good news and here it is: John Gizzi writes a great article in Newsmax on our tribute dinner for Chairman Emeritus Michael R. Long and the only person to ever become a US Senator running on only the Conservative Party line. Two great conservative men who have brought honor and integrity to the NYS Conservative Party as did Chairman Kieran Mahoney, Chairman J. Daniel Mahoney, Chairman Serphin R. Maltese; our current Chairman Gerard Kassar is cut from the same cloth and will also follow their leadership and integrity.
“It is clear now that [the Marijuana Regulation and Taxation Act] is not going to pass this session,” said Democratic state Sen. Liz Krueger (D), who was the sponsor of the legislation.
Cuomo is a major proponent of legalization, and hoped it would be included in this year’s state budget, but those efforts failed. The Conservative Party, who has been fighting to keep a strong prohibition against marijuana in place is celebrating a victory as a result of this news along with SAM who joined our New York fight this year.
“The predatory pot industry wanted legislators to believe that this was simple,” said Kevin Sabet, who heads the anti-legalization group Smart Approaches to Marijuana. “The industry told people it would rain money for a host of pet projects, that our young people wouldn’t be at risk and drugged driving concerns were overblown. Thankfully, New York’s parents, doctors, law enforcement, teachers and many lawmakers didn’t fall for the con.”
But the pot smokers are down but not out, as Krueger notes they will be back during the next legislative session to try their same scheme once again.
“This is not the end of the road, it is only a delay. Unfortunately, that delay means countless more New Yorkers will have their lives up-ended by unnecessary and racially disparate enforcement measures before we inevitably legalize,” Krueger said.
The “Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act” passed the Assembly by a 104-35 margin and passed the Senate by a 41-21 margin. Gov. Cuomo intends to sign the legislation into law, and far-left environmentalist groups are crowing as a result.
“New York has now legally committed itself to the strongest climate and clean energy goals of any U.S. state,” said Peter Iwanowicz, executive director of Environmental Advocates of New York. “This will spur innovation, create green jobs, and make New York a true global climate leader.”
In actuality, the legislation forces the state to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions by 85 percent over the next three decades. It will also mandate that 70 percent of New York’s electricity come from renewable sources within a decade.
“Even if you put wind turbines on every square mile of land in the state, you would not come close to meeting the state’s existing demand for electricity,” Manhattan Institute adjunct fellow Jonathan Lesser said. “And you would need to cover most of the state with solar panels.”
“Nothing New York does on its own will have any measurable impact on world climate,” Lesser added. “Nor, if this bill is signed into law, will developing nations suddenly say ‘Gee, New York passed a climate law. Let’s wreck our economies, too, to save the planet.’”
“Since the very first day I walked through the doors of the White House, I have never forgotten who sent me there,” Trump said to a packed house at his first official campaign rally for 2020. “You did.”
“It turned out to be more than just a political campaign, it turned out to be a great political movement because of you,” he added. “A great movement.”
Trump hammered the deep state conspiracy against him to undermine his ‘America First’ agenda during his speech.
“Our patriotic movement has been under assault from the very first day,” Trump said.
“It was all an illegal attempt to overturn the results of the election, spied on our campaign, which is what they did, and subvert our democracy,” he said.
Despite the progress he has made as President to bring jobs and honor back to the United States, Trump made clear that his mission to drain the swamp is far from over.
“The people trying to stop our movement are the same Washington insiders who spend their careers rigging the system so your losses will be their gains,” he said. “You know that.”
He made clear that stakes are high, and that support for him in 2020 is crucial to keep the radical Democrats at bay while they wage war against the Bill of Rights and Constitution.
“No matter what label they give, a vote for any Democrat in 2020 is a vote for the rise of radical socialism and destruction of the American Dream,” Trump said. “Don’t ever forget, this election is about you. It’s about your family, your future, and the fate of your country.”
Again, the democratic controlled state, is dreaming the impossible dream. Previous standards have not been met, yet, this bill, that caters to the AOC’s of the world, thinks it will be able to end fossil fuels.
In their haste to become progressive, the democratic majority is not thinking issues through. Here is another example of proposed legislation that will accomplish the opposite of what the intent should be: A rush to regulate PBM’s.
Was the reason that recreational marijuana apparently failed due to the fact that the leaders could not decide how the tax revenues would be distributed? Seriously? As we have noted many times, there is an opioid and drug crisis in New York (and the rest of the nation) and legislators are more concerned about distributing tax revenue than the health and welfare of their constituents. Truly, their priorities are up-side-down and detrimental to New Yorkers!! (Be prepared, the legislative session is not over yet, so the horse-trading goes on and recreational marijuana could still pass, especially when you read the Tom Precious article and become aware of all the Plan B’s that are being considered.)
Google will tell you that AOC graduated from Boston University Cum Laude. If BU graduated AOC with a Cum Laude degree, a word of advice to parents considering Boston University: Rethink your decision to send your child there. Congresswoman Ocasio- Cortez continues to insult the intelligence of New Yorkers, and still insists that America has in the past and presently forced people into concentration camps. Maybe she just cut the important classes and it really isn’t Boston University fault she is blind to the truth. Strange that ACO doesn’t have a bio posted on her congressional website. Keep up the pressure, Bill Hemmer, AOC must apologize, not only to those whose families were condemned to death in the concentration camps, but also to all Americans who gave their lives and saved the world from the atrocities of the Nazi regime.
Those who serve in the NYS Legislature, take an oath to uphold our constitution. They accept the responsibility to write laws that they expect people to abide by. Yesterday, when they deliberately passed a bill that rewards people who are known to have NO respect for the laws that govern New Yorkers, they broke their oath and made a mockery of law-abiding citizens. When the Governor signed said bill, he also broke his oath and sanctioned law breaking in New York state. Why obey any laws now? The elected officials who voted to give illegal immigrants a NYS driver’s license, do not belong in the NYS Legislature. Governor Cuomo, who played the issue like a Stradivarius, signed the end of his political career when he signed the most flagrant disregard of the law that was passed to keep New Yorkers safe after the horrific attacks of September 11, 2001. We will not forget.
Abortion until the baby takes their first breath, no bail, hard core felons released from prison, rent control that will drive landlords to poverty, driver’s licenses for illegal immigrants and now, New Yorker’s can look forward to higher food prices. Who is going to continue to live in a state where their government has no respect for them? If our good citizens do not make their voices heard, it will not take long before New York is similar to a third world country. Take a look at California.
Today begins the last week of session in the NYS Legislature. They cannot go home soon enough! This year has been a disaster for those of us who continue to live in New York State. The New York Times gives an overview of all of the progressive bills that will cause havoc in our cities and state. Of course, the NY Times supports this agenda, and is pushing the fact that illegal immigrants should be granted licenses. Just because their readership is in a nosedive, doesn’t mean they should call for programs that will bring our government closer to the socialistic government that runs Venezuela!
The Buffalo News suggests that the recreational marijuana bill, has hit a snag, but the NY Post writes this: New York Senate is hashing out bill to legalize weed. Why it is being considered is mindboggling when you know that drug abuse is destroying the lives of hundreds of thousands of people. I would venture to say that everyone reading this blog has been touched by the plague of drug abuse, if not directly, most definitely indirectly. Why on earth does the democratically controlled New York State want to encourage the use of a Schedule 1 drug? Haven’t we seen enough of the trauma drugs cause in trafficking and use? What message do we want to send our youth? That marijuana is okay, and if a Schedule 1 drug is okay, why not all drugs? Shame on the people pushing this. The Washington Post, considered by most to be a progressive paper, ran this article yesterday: Potent pot, vulnerable teens trigger concerns in first states to legalize marijuana. Read the article, then send it to your local Senator and ask them how can they consider making marijuana available for recreational use? Do we not learn from our mistakes? Send the Washington Post article, now, time is running out.
DA David Soares (Albany County who originally won with Working Family Party support) has this Op-Ed in the NY Post: The Legislature endangered the public by botching criminal-justice reform. It always is stronger when a person who has supported criminal justice reform, realizes that some of the changes are not necessary and in fact dangerous.
The Democrats in the New York Assembly, urged on by Gov. Andrew Cuomo, passed the “Driver’s License Access and Privacy Act” this week to reward illegal immigrants with driving privileges.
The legislation, A.3675-B, will incentivize lawlessness, but Democrats are insisting that it will instead “create safer roads for all New Yorkers, boost the state’s economy and protect hardworking New Yorkers and their families” in their press release.
Cayuga County Clerk Sue Dwyer said, “It is absolutely mind-boggling that the Democrat-controlled Senate and Assembly want to pass legislation that would allow people,who are in our country illegally, to walk up to a DMV counter to apply for a New York State driver’s license by giving DMV staff as little as a foreign document. First of all, we have no way of knowing its authenticity, and if we suspect that it’s a fraudulent document, we will not be allowed to question it.”
“Not only will our roads throughout New York State be safer, but families of immigrants will have more peace of mind while their loved ones are on the roads,” said Assemblymember Crespo.
The Democrats always do all that they can in order to make their invading third-world constituents feel at home.
Sens. Jessica Ramos and Julia Salazar are planning to introduce the “Stop Violence in the Sex Trades Act” to let street walkers who are selling their bodies for cash off the hook.
“We want to bring sex workers out of the shadows and ensure that they are protected,” Ramos said in at a press conference. “We will finally make strides against trafficking by empowering sex workers to report violence against them. Sex work is work and everyone has an inherent right to a safe workplace.”
The radical Democrats want to protect every criminal or degenerate aspect of our society these days at the expense of tax paying New Yorkers. .
If enacted, the legislation would condone prostitution in certain instances, shield prostitutes from criminal liability, and expunge the criminal records of sex workers in most cases.
“When you’re running for president of United States this is always a challenge, to balance the schedules,” de Blasio said as an excuse for his absence.
De Blasio was the first Mayor in the history of the parade to ever miss the event. He believes his own ambitions are more important than showing solidarity with the Puerto Rican community.
“What’s happening Sunday is one of the biggest Democratic party events of the year in Iowa,” he added. “Iowa is obviously the first election of the season for Democratic presidential candidates…And it [is] important to be there, but my respect, my commitment, to the Puerto Rican community is very, very well known in the community, and it will continue deeply.”
The people of Iowa are not impressed by de Blasio despite his incessant campaigning. He is polling at zero percent in the crucial midwestern state, as his campaign becomes a national punchline.
Flag Day is celebrated each year on June 14 to commemorate the day on which the country adopted its famous stars and stripes.
President Woodrow Wilson issued a presidential proclamation in 1916 to mark the date in 1777 when the Second Continental Congress selected the American flag.
Many people in the United States and New York State will honor the day by displaying the flag at homes and public buildings.
The Conservative Party of New York State would like to wish everyone a happy Flag Day!