Category: CPNYS NEWS

Welcome to Chairman Kassar’s Weekly Wrap-Up for July 26, 2019!


New York City cops are sick of having their authority undermined by Democratic Mayor Bill de Blasio, and they are speaking out about leftist policies that put the city at risk.

“This disrespect for the uniform in NYC is a result of a Democrat-Progressive (Retrogressive)-Socialist Mayor,” former Mayor Rudy Giuliani said to de Blasio in a Tweet on Tuesday. “This is what happens with knee-jerk disrespect for police. It will only get worse until these Left-wing idiots are defeated.”

De Blasio snapped back at Giuliani, twisting the words of America’s Mayor, and claiming ridiculously that New York City has never been safer.

De Blasio wrote, “When you disrespect our NYPD officers, you disrespect ALL New Yorkers. We don’t tolerate that in our city.” He added, “The truth is crime’s NEVER been lower in New York City and that’s because we’re bridging the divide between police and communities — a divide @RudyGiuliani”

This was when NYPD Sergeants Benevolent Association President Ed Mullins had seen enough. He had to chime in with some politically incorrect language to call out the Mayor’s lies.

“Save the BULLS**T with the stats. You are the cause of attacks on the NYPD. You will NEVER be president of this great nation NEVER!” Mullins tweeted to de Blasio.

Cops are regularly being attacked by mobs who douse them with buckets of water, as de Blasio emboldens criminals and thugs throughout New York City. The police are getting sick of it, as the rule of law is crumbling under far-left rule.


New York Governor Andrew Cuomo is an extreme authoritarian, and he is attempting to law down the law to his own political party. Angry that socialist New York Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and her “squad” are stealing the headlines, Cuomo made an arrogant declaration this week.

“I am the left,” Cuomo said in Judge Dredd-esque fashion during a recent radio interview. He also criticized the radical upstarts in an op/ed published by the New York Times.

“True progressives understand that if we fail to perform or pursue misguided, uninformed or unworkable priorities, we make government look incompetent, proving Republicans right and losing the vital public support we need to gain,” Cuomo wrote.

“Progressivism is not about the ability to make promises, but about the ability to deliver them. While this distinction may be too subtle for the Twitter dialogue of today, it makes all the difference. How we define a true progressive will determine our electoral — and more importantly our governmental — success,” the governor wrote to conclude his op/ed.

Unfortunately for Cuomo, President Donald Trump has tricked the Democrats into rallying around Ocasio-Cortez’s squad with an ingenious series of tweets against the foursome. Cuomo is rapidly losing influence within his own Party, and the Democrats are embracing outright madness heading into 2020.


Former special counsel Robert Mueller gave testimony before Congress this week, and Democrats are in panic mode as the impeachment of President Donald Trump seems more unlikely than ever.

Mueller dodged questions an incredible 198 times while facing questioning from two Congressional committees. He couldn’t answer simple questions about his own report or even recall who initially appointed him as a U.S. Attorney. As a result, Democrats are ducking the media out of cowardice while Republicans take victory laps.

Even extreme socialist Michael Moore has admitted that Trump was the big winner of the day.

“A frail old man, unable to remember things, stumbling, refusing to answer basic questions…I said it in 2017 and Mueller confirmed it today — All you pundits and moderates and lame Dems who told the public to put their faith in the esteemed Robert Mueller — just STFU from now on,” Moore commented in a tweet while Mueller struggled through questioning.

Trump put it best when he said: “The Democrats had nothing, and now they have less than nothing.”


DOJ To Resume Capital Punishment, AG Barr Immediately Schedules Five Executions
Mueller Shot Down A Trump-Russia Collusion Theory That Wouldn’t Go Away
Hotels Caught In Immigration Debate, Must Decide Whether To House Migrants For ICE
Hamas Launches Facebook Page For Its ‘Liberation Vanguards’ Summer Camps
MENSCH: Boris Johnson Becomes UK Prime Minister Amid Brexit, Tensions With Iran And Anti-Semitism In Labour
HUGE: Ted Cruz Demands RICO Investigation Into ANTIFA

-Will He Run? Is My Pillow’s Mike Lindell Planning To Smother Ilhan Omar’s Political Career?

The push to make New York high school diplomas completely meaningless

Please, give New York a state Education commish who puts kids first

Will Congressmen Nadler and Schiff come to regret holding today’s Congressional Hearings?

What is it with liberals?  Why do they let a city that has so much to offer, deteriorate to the point that gang members freely disrespect law enforcement officers?  Why is Mayor de Blasio silent and not standing up for police officers?  When is Governor Cuomo?  He rushes to help a stranded car, rushes to rivers/lakes overflowing, makes weather announcements, yet when disrespect is showered on the NYPD, he stands silently by.  Shameful.  The three men, Gov. Cuomo, Mayor de Blasio and Commissioner O’Neill, all owe the men and women of our law enforcement community an apology for stand silently by.  Don’t hold your breath waiting for it.

When cops get disrespected without consequence, a city falls apart.

Water-bucket warning: Astonishing contempt for cops.

Matt Margolis writes in PJ Media about the time when Governor Cuomo told conservatives they weren’t welcome in New York.  And as Matt notes Gov. Jerry Brown told Californians to leave the state also.  Mr. Margolis notes that by any standard, Cuomo’s (and Brown’s) comments were the epitome of bigotry, not Trump’s.

Being reminded (not that we can forget) of Governor Cuomo telling us that we are not welcome in New York State, is it any wonder, why we are very concerned about the Financing Commission’s ultimate goal?  We are certainly concerned about Jay Jacobs envy of NYC’s campaign financing; “I think we have a model in what the city of New York does,” referencing NYC’s small-dollar-match system as a starting point.  Investigate the waste of taxpayers’ money there, Mr. Jacobs, or doesn’t wasting taxpayer’s money concern you?  But we are more concerned that this Financing Commission is really set on eliminating Fusion Voting.  Is there any doubt that Governor Coumo has a “problem” with our values and has a bigger problem with the fact that the W.F.P. originally endorsed Cynthia Nixon for Governor?

Here is more coverage regarding our lawsuit:  Spectrum 1/NY1 News; The Niagara-Gazette; State of Politics and the Lockport Union-Sun and Journal.

I am beginning to think that George Soros is the most evil man walking on earth and he can promote far too much evil with his ill-gotten money.

Mayor de Blasio:  Gregory Russ is not the right person for the job offer!  

Conservative Action Project: End the Inflation Tax Penalty.

Guy Benson on this mornings Congressional Hearing:  Bottom Lines: As America Yawned, Mueller’s Testimony Damaged Him, Made Impeachment Less Likely.

Wednesday’s with Walter E. Williams.

One of the Squad Members thinks we taxpayers have to pay for illegals abortions.

We have been unusually busy today with filing the aftermath of filing a lawsuit challenging the newly formed Financing Commission’s to change and/or abridge state law.  If you are on our email list, you have already received our press release, if not, you can read it here.  Here are just two of the articles regarding the lawsuit: the Times Union, the NY Daily News.

Ken Girardin writes about Gov. Cuomo’s incredible wind-power pander in The Torch.

Why does government always want to lower the guidelines when it comes to education?  Rethinking the Regents standards in New York.

Oh my, imagine if you spent $230 million over 11 years on a system that still doesn’t work properly.  No wonder some of the MTA board members are a little hot under the collar.

2020 Democrats veer further left in bid to discredit Trump’s strong economy.

‘The Squad’ Is Only the Beginning of Nancy Pelosi’s Problems.

Rashida Tlaib Calls For $20 Federal Minimum Wage.

Guy Benson tells us of the latest outrageous statement by one of the Squad members.  Ilhan Omar: America Has a Responsibility to Provide Abortions to Illegal Immigrants.

Really?  Assisted-Suicide Leader Says Eliminate Waiting Periods

Charles Hurt’s tribute to one of the greats who has left us, Wesley Pruden.

Is Governor Cuomo partially to blame for the blackouts?

We hope you were all able to find some relief from the oppressive heat this weekend, unfortunately parts of Brooklyn suffered another blackout, despite Gov. Andrew Cuomo ranting on the terrible service that Con Ed is providing.  Crain’s New York Business rightfully points out in a July 18 article that Gov. Andrew Cuomo really should rethink his ranting since it has been the Governor who has “repeatedly made political decisions that have reduced the reliability of New York’s energy infrastructure.”  Governor Cuomo, perhaps you should rethink your bullying of Con Ed and apologize to New Yorkers.

Meanwhile, Mayor de Blasio offers no solutions and a lot of Hot Air.

California’s latest descent into liberal madness – Berkeley bans natural gas.

The liberal mantra is music to many, but as Bernie Sanders is learning, almost impossible to live up to.

More proof of what happens in New York when wealthy residents are punished with high taxes:  mass exodus.

It is well past the time to change how Regents are elected:   Regents get set to guarantee even more bad New York schools.   Speaking of education, New York City deserves answers on the scandalous hiring of Abram Jimenez.

Does the Legislature really know what they passed in the new rent control law?  What Every Landlord And Tenant Should Know About New York’s Rent Laws.   New York’s new rent law could wind up killing rent control (actually, that would be a good result…comment by cpnys) and then there is this article in the Wall Street Journal (subscription required) the wages of rent control.

Robert Knight opines on the defiance of science in the Washington Times.

Can’t help but agree with the statement that the NY campaign finance panel is already tainted with Jay Jacobs being appointed to serve on it.  However, we are strongly opposed to the notion that campaigns should have public financing.  The Auburn Citizen should do an in-depth analysis of New York City’s Campaign Financing and they let us know if they still think that is the solution to incumbents being elected.  Seems to me the only time you have a change on the NYC Council, is when the incumbents’ term is up.  Term limits should be one of the solutions.

From the Daily Signal:  Global Threats Make US Defense Spending an Urgent Priority.

How come all the loud-mouth Hollywood types who do little to truly help deserving Americans get all the attention, and a man like Gary Sinise is almost ignored completely?  Kudos to Gary Sinise and the others who do not blow their own horn when they do good things.


Welcome to Chairman Kassar’s Weekly Wrap-Up for July 19, 2019!


New York City is more filthy than ever under the stewardship of Democratic Mayor Bill de Blasio, as all the gains achieved by former law-and-order Republican Mayor Rudy Giuliani have been nullified.

Complaints regarding rat infestations have spiked dramatically in recent years, from 12,617 in 2014 to 17,353 last year. The Upper West Side has logged the most complaints, as even the wealthiest of the city are not insulated from these verminous pests.

Mismanagement from de Blasio’s government is causing much of the problem. The New York City Department of Sanitation removed 110 trash cans from the Upper West Side over the last year, causing a trash overflow that has resulted in a feeding frenzy for rodents.

“In the past year, we removed bins in this district because they did not fit the criteria or were being chronically misused,” said Sanitation Department press secretary Dina Montes to the USA Today.

This bright idea from the de Blasio regime has resulted in a major public health crisis that is only worsening. Add this to the massive list of follies and failures from one of the nation’s most reviled mayors.


 The Democratic Party and their partners in the fake news media have created a phony controversy over a series of tweets made by President Donald Trump, which put anti-American liberal radicals such as Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) and Ilhan Omar (D-MN) in their places.

“Democrat Congresswomen, who originally came from countries who governments are a complete and total catastrophe” are “now loudly and viciously telling the people of the United States, the greatest and most powerful nation on earth, how our government is to be run,” Trump said in his tweets.

“Why don’t they go back and help fix the totally broken and crime infested places from which they came. Then come back and show us how it is done. These places need your help badly, you can’t leave fast enough,” Trump added.

This caused the Democratic-led House to spring into action, voting affirmatively on a resolution condemning the President for his politically incorrect remarks.

“Every single member of this institution, Democratic and Republican, should join us in condemning the president’s racist tweets. To do anything less would be a shocking rejection of our values and a shameful abdication of our oath of office to protect the American people,” House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) said.

Meanwhile, most Democrats are completely silent about the ANTIFA terrorist who echoed the sentiments of Ocasio-Cortez to justify his rampage at a migrant detention center in Tacoma, WA last weekend. It is clear that the Democrats care do not care much about keeping America safe, only scoring cheap political points by whining about nonexistent racism.


 New York Governor Andrew Cuomo never misses an opportunity to placate the childish demands of the entitled victim groups that make up the base of the modern radicalized Democratic Party.

Cuomo signed Assembly Bill 7797 into law last week to ban so-called “hair discrimination” against people of color. There is now a law on the books prohibiting “race discrimination based on natural hair or hairstyles,” as political correctness takes us one more step closer into full-blown idiocracy.

This legislation is designed to protect the feelings of African-American women, who social justice warriors claim are pressured by societal beauty standards into changing their natural hair. This new law is designed to break that stigma and fight follicle oppression.

“For much of our nation’s history, people of color — particularly women — have been marginalized and discriminated against simply because of their hair style or texture,” Cuomo said in a press release about the legislation.

“By signing this bill into law, we are taking an important step toward correcting that history and ensuring people of color are protected from all forms of discrimination,” he added.

Expect many junk lawsuits based on this new infringement upon private business owners, as diversity hustlers exploit the pandering nature of Cuomo and other Democratic politicians to make a fast buck.

DEMS IN DISARRAY: Impeachment Vote Fails Miserably After Months of Rhetoric
Fight for $15 and kill up to 3.7 million jobs in the process

Ehud Barak Went Into Epstein Mansion With Face Covered
New Poll Showing AOC’s Damage to Dems Proves Trump’s Tweets Are Genius
11 Highlights From Democrats’ Insult Fest Between Team Pelosi And Team Ocasio-Cortez
Ocasio-Cortez’s Chief Of Staff Admits What The Green New Deal Is Really About — And It’s Not The Climate
22 MS-13 Members Charged In Murders Of Seven People Hacked With Machetes
The high hidden price of paid-family-leave laws

NOTHING BURGER: Feds Find Zero Evidence Showing Trump Made Illegal Hush Money Payments

Supporters Of British Conservative Activist Tommy Robinson Clash With Police



The Squad v. the President: Round 3

Welcome to our new website;  we hope you find our new site easy to navigate and full of use full information regarding the Conservative Party and the Conservative Cause in America.

We are supporters of President Donald J. Trump, and like many of our readers, we sometimes cringe when reading his tweets.  With that being said, we do not believe he is a racist, but sometimes President Trump does not understand how people react to the words he uses.  Kay Cole James, President of the Heritage Foundation, has an excellent article on the damaging words our President said on Sunday.  Katrina Trinko, editor-in-chief of the Daily Signal, also has an excellent column on how his use of words actually diminishes the good policies that benefit minorities.  Both articles, while rightfully chiding President Trump, show the man as a person truly devoted to the American Dream and wants everyone to benefit by it.  Certainly not what the main stream media has reported all this week.

The NY Sun ran this editorial in its July 16 edition.  Well worth reading, especially for our younger generation that has been short-changed in learning history.

Kudos to our GOP/Conservative Members of Congress!  They did not fall into the democratic theatrical trap they pulled this week and the inappropriate personal attack of Speaker Pelosi on the Congressional floor.

Trump Setting Up Democrats for a Defeat in 2020.

Actually, the Democrats are doing a pretty good job of setting themselves up for defeat with these ideas; Free tuition (no matter how good it sounds to parents, and students, preparing for or in college); Sanctuary cities; denigrating ICE; and silencing free speech.

Obviously, the members of the Squad, never had a time out, nor listened to the pop hit “Let It Go.”

It is time for the Squad to take a deep breath and realize they are novices in Congress and as a Member should respect the institution and President.

Trump Condemns ‘Send Her Back’ Chants About Ilhan Omar.

Really, I thought people who serve on city councils were considered leaders; isn’t it time they grow up?

E, J. McMahon tells us how Governor Cuomo is cooking New York’s books.

Am I being far too cynical when I say this is a colossal waste of time, energy and taxpayers’ dollars;  Taking its toll: Thruway Authority hears testimony from Cuomo Bridge commuters?

Victor Davis Hanson writes that the war over America’s past is really about its future.

Walter E. Williams says in his column things haven’t always been this way.

Welcome to Chairman Kassar’s Weekly Wrap-Up for July 12, 2019!


 The Democrats in charge of New York are making it into a place that is terrible for individuals to enjoy the golden years. A study showed that it is the second worst state for people to retire.

 It was ranked the absolute dead last in terms of affordability, but scored poorly on other metrics such as culture, crime, weather and wellness. The Democrats are rapidly bleeding the state dry, as they become more radical in their central planning.

 “Where to live is probably one of the most personal decisions one can make because it’s not just about preferences, it’s also about the financial considerations that are associated with it,” said Mark Hamrick, who is the senior economic analyst at

 The only state that ranked even lower on the list than New York this year is Maryland.


 The U.S. Women’s National Soccer Team (USWNT) disrespected their nation’s flag during a gratuitous and profane celebration following their recent gold metal victory.

 We congratulation them for  winning the gold, but then the women tossed the U.S. Flag to the ground so they could showboat for the cameras. They also drunkenly embarrassed themselves during the public celebration, showing no class and dignity, with Trump-hating lesbian Megan Rapinoe issuing a profanity on live television.

 These narcissistic ladies do not seem to understand the basic laws of supply and demand as well. The USWNT is demanding “equal pay” with their male counterparts despite the fact that they bring in far less revenue.

 “We want the same money that the men are making, exactly. That’s $5,000 minimum– that’s– that $8,000– bonus if you tie a game, and the $17,625 if you win. We want equal money,” soccer star Rich Nichols told CBS’ 60 Minutes.

 Forbes explains that the men’s World Cup in Russia generated revenues in excess of $6 billion, while the Women’s World Cup is only anticipated to garner $131 million in revenue for the four-year cycle 2019-22. The female soccer players actually are paid a larger percentage of the revenue than the male soccer players.

 These women are not only ignorant of our nation’s rich history, but also ignorant of basic economics. We will all be better off when their 15 minutes of fame comes to an end.


 New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio is on the war path against charter schools, blaming them for having better educational outcomes than the government-run schools that have failed for generations.

 “I am angry about the privatizers. I am sick and tired of these efforts to privatize a precious thing we need — public education. I know we’re not supposed to be saying ‘hate’ — our teachers taught us not to — I hate the privatizers and I want to stop them,” de Blasio said.

 The administrators and backers of charter schools are fighting back, pointing out that minority children are well-served by their schools and attacking them hurts their opportunities to achieve.

 “While he is busy campaigning in distant states and denouncing Democratic leaders for their lack of ideological purity, charter and district educators will continue to work together to create brighter futures for New York City’s children,” said James Merriman, CEO of the New York City Charter School Center.

 “It’s sad to see de Blasio trashing charter schools to advance his political ambitions rather than thinking about the needs of the more than 123,000 children here in New York City — most of them children of color — who attend the charter schools he so reviles,” said Ann Powell, who works as spokeswomen for Success Academy Charter Schools,

 De Blasio, the self-proclaimed progressive champion of diversity and equality, is yet again failing miserably at achieving his stated goal of improving the lives of the downtrodden.


Contrary to Fake News Spin, President Trump is a Whistle-Blower Against Jeffrey Epstein, Not a Co-Conspirator
Pence Fires Back At Democrats’ Holocaust Comparisons
Whistle-Blower Tommy Robinson Sentenced to Nine Months in Jail for Illegal Journalism
Ilhan Omar Launches Ad Hominem Attack After Tucker Carlson Says She’s Enraged By America
President Trump At Social Media Summit: I Am Hotter Than Ever
Congressional GOP Sells Out to Chamber of Koch, ‘America Last’ Immigration Bill Passes House Overwhelmingly
Trump Lawyer: Video Shows Ex-Campaign Staffer Lied About Forcible Kiss
Justin Amash, Who Recently Left GOP, Says He’s Not Ruling Out A Presidential Bid
President Trump’s 4th of July Celebration CRUSHES RATINGS RECORD for Fox News!

Daily Update – Sadly, New York is beginning to see the results of being soft on crime.

Here are the 5 best and 5 worst states for retirement, alas, you already know where New York State is listed.

Democrats have moved ‘too far to the left,’ says BET network founder Bob Johnson.

Seth Barron opines in the NY Post about progressive pol’s unpleasant surprise: Handcuffing the cops means trouble.

The Beat points out more of what happens when a prosecutor adopts a soft-on-crime, turn ‘em loose approach to handling arrests.

E. J. McMahon writes about NY’s dimming budget outlook in Empire Center’s blog. Bill Hammond explains Cuomo’s $1.7B Medicaid mulligan and Ken Girardin gives us an update on how NY’s unions are inflating their numbers since the Janus decision.

Something for Mayor de Blasio and the progressive movement should be aware of:  Study Links School Choice to Crime Reduction.

Speaking of education, here is more on what More on California Public Education Social Agenda.  

The marijuana industry, led by Big Tobacco, Big Alcohol, and pharma investors, are pushing Congress to rethink its position on marijuana and pushing for Congress to fall for the marijuana’s industry tricks to bring pot to your local stores.  Here is a Fox News report that is a must read – and take action on (contact your Member of Congress) – to prevent Congress from making a huge mistake.  It is up to us to protect our children and society from any more drugs.  Read what the main stream media won’t tell you about the problems that come with marijuana legalization.

National Review, whose founder, William F. Buckley, was a long time supporter of legalizing marijuana, has an article that Congress needs to settle the looming cannabis-regulation fight.  We don’t disagree that our 50 states cannot go on with a patchwork quilt of marijuana legislation, but, the very serious problems associated with legalization must be considered before Congress gives into the very influential marijuana lobby.

“I, ______, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion, and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. So, help me God.” According to Speaker Nancy Pelosi, this pledge also includes advising illegal immigrants on how to avoid ICE officials when they are doing their jobs.

Walter E. Williams writes about our free speech crisis.

Daily Update

Here are the 5 best and 5 worst states for retirement, alas, you already know where New York State is listed.

Democrats have moved ‘too far to the left,’ says BET network founder Bob Johnson.

Seth Barron opines in the NY Post about progressive pol’s unpleasant surprise: Handcuffing the cops means trouble.

The Beat points out more of what happens when a prosecutor adopts a soft-on-crime, turn ‘em loose approach to handling arrests.

E. J. McMahon writes about NY’s dimming budget outlook in Empire Center’s blog.  Bill Hammond explains Cuomo’s $1.7B Medicaid mulligan and Ken Girardin gives us an update on how NY’s unions are inflating their numbers since the Janus decision.

Something for Mayor de Blasio and the progressive movement should be aware of:  Study Links School Choice to Crime Reduction.

Speaking of education, here is more on what California is incorporating into their school system.

The marijuana industry, led by Big Tobacco, Big Alcohol, and pharma investors, are pushing Congress to rethink its position on marijuana and pushing for Congress to fall for the marijuana’s industry tricks to bring pot to your local stores.  Here is a Fox News report that is a must read – and take action on (contact your Member of Congress) – to prevent Congress from making a huge mistake.  It is up to us to protect our children and society from any more drugs.  Read what the main stream media won’t tell you about the problems that come with marijuana legalization.

National Review, whose founder, William F. Buckley, was a long time supporter of legalizing marijuana, has an article that Congress needs to settle the looming cannabis-regulation fight.  We don’t disagree that our 50 states cannot go on with a patchwork quilt of marijuana legislation, but, the very serious problems associated with legalization must be considered before Congress gives into the very influential marijuana lobby.

“I, ______, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion, and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. So, help me God.” According to Speaker Nancy Pelosi, this pledge also includes advising illegal immigrants on how to avoid ICE officials when they are doing their jobs.

Walter E. Williams writes about our free speech crisis.

Daily Update

Kudos to Kearns!  Kearns takes NY to court over drivers license law.  The Buffalo News article includes a copy of the lawsuit.  Here is Erie County Clerk Michael Kerns on Fox News this morning explaining that granting NYS Drivers Licenses to illegal immigrants violates federal law.

How pathetic is this headline:  When Cuomo demands action, millions get wasted.  Unfortunately, it is so true and no one tells the emperor he has no clothes.

What is going on in California’s education system?  Calif. Teachers Won’t Notify Parents If Student Leaves School for Abortion.  When will parents wake up and take back the responsibility of raising their children?  What the California education system is doing is way beyond the reach of education, it is assuming the rights of parents and must be terminated immediately.  California Parents:  get you backbone and end this travesty before any more eradication of your family and your values takes place.

The Daily Signal has an article on how difficult it is to take back control in the education system.  In fact, they lost.  However, if we don’t do all we can to take back the education system, what will the results be?  We are the parents, we must demand that the education system is not there to teach their definition of family values and change the family values we hold dear to our hearts.

Pediatrician on How Transgender Propaganda Harms Children.

Why Military Families Overwhelmingly Support Education Choice.

Mayor de Blasio shows his true feelings; he “hates” charter schools.  Shameful that he puts the education of children last when he panders to the union leadership of teachers.

The CBO estimates that 17 million people would benefit from a federal minimum wage of $15., however 1.3 million people would most likely lose their jobs.  Let the free market determine wages.  Look at the states that have mandated a $15 minimum wage, it isn’t all roses, business have been forced to close and those who have lost their jobs are not making any money.  Here is the National Review critique of the CBO report.  And then there is this:  Restaurant Group Files for Bankruptcy After ‘Progressive’ Minimum Wage Laws Harm Profitability.  As we noted above, when you lose your job, it really doesn’t matter what the minimum wage is, you are not earning even $1 an hour.

Richard W. Rahn opines in the Washington Times on deleting history, forgetting the past.

Daily Update

Lawmakers call for exemptions from NYC’s controversial congestion pricing plan…just note this; the more exemptions that are granted, the higher the cost to those who are not exempted.  They have to make up the money to fund the MTA’s capital needs plan and the irony is that people who, for the most part, do not use the MTA will pay the price.

Governor Andrew Cuomo’s Parole Board did it again; “Fatal Attraction” killer, Carol Warmus has been freed from the Bedford Hills Correctional Facility.

Governor Cuomo, a lawyer, knows that the U S Constitution prohibits what is known as a “bill of attainder,” or a law that singles out an individual person for punishment.  Yet, in his zest to please his fellow democrats, he signed a Bill that could allow lawmakers on Capitol Hill to obtain President Trump’s state tax returns, in what has been described as a “workaround” after failed efforts by House Democrats to get the president’s federal returns.  While the Bill does not specifically single out President Trump, it is apparent he is the target.  If, NYS tries to hand over President Trump’s NYS taxes, rest assured, this will end up in the US Supreme Court.

Team Blas is still spending faster than the money comes in.  (Easy to do, when the money is not yours and there is no accounting for it…when you run out, you just up the taxes!)

The Beat writes about cheap rhetoric over real reform.  Poor Richard Carranza, if one really puts the students first, Richard Carranza is not the person one wants to head the NYC school system.

One has to give Governor Hickenlooper credit for being honest when he says this:  Hard to Fundraise When You Don’t Promise Free Stuff.

Priorities gone astray; San Francisco has lost its connection to reality.

Are chemical abortions having a negative effect on women?  Preliminary studies indicate yes, but unfortunately the study says more testing is necessary.

Robert Knight opines on the Washington Times on the Democrats’ open border strategy.

This should be interesting:  President Trump to Hold Social Media Summit.  However, it would be more interesting if both sides were present.  According to article, Twitter and Facebook have not been invited.  Personally, I would like to see them defend themselves.

Guy Benson writes in;  Look Out, Democrats: Trump Surges to All-Time High in Latest WaPo/ABC Poll, And That’s Not All…

Welcome to the Chairman Kassar’s Weekly Wrap-Up for July 5, 2019!


The multinational corporation Nike hates the country that made it into one of the most iconic brands in the world. They axed their patriotic sneaker series featuring a Betsy Ross flag emblem because washed up former NFL quarterback Colin Kaepernick told them it was racist.

Nike now takes orders from Kaepernick, a scam artist who has made millions based off of social justice hysteria. The Betsy Ross flag contains 13 stars in a circle with 13 red and white stripes to signify the original colonies represented during the founding of the United States. It is American as apple pie, which is why the anti-American communist Kaepernick hates it so much.

Patriotic GOP Senators Josh Hawley of Missouri and Ted Cruz of Texas are expressing their disdain with Nike as a result of their pathetic decision. Arizona Governor Doug Ducey announced his state will be yanking economic incentives for the corporation. Conservatives would be wise to boycott their products as well.


Radical socialist Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is waging an all-out war against border patrol, as she hopes to demonize our nation’s heroes who are dealing with a national emergency spiraling out of control at the U.S. Southern border that the Democrats denied existing for many weeks.

Reports indicate that Ocasio-Cortez threw a tantrum outside of a migrant detainment center in Texas, screaming “in a threatening manner” toward federal officials, and refused to tour the inside of the facility. This didn’t stop her for posing for a photo op afterward.

“I see why CBP officers were being so physically &sexually threatening towards me,” Ocasio-Cortez wrote in a Tweet.

“Officers were keeping women in cells w/ no water & had told them to drink out of the toilets,” she added, providing no evidence for her assertion.

Patriotic Republican Congressman Chip Roy of Texas called Ocasio-Cortez out for her dishonest demonization of border agents who work hard under tough conditions to protect the country from the Soros-funded invasion from the third world.

“I’m calling bullsh*t. And if there were one (unacceptable of course) example of an agent even suggesting such a thing, he or she would be removed,“ Roy responded to Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter.

“If there is a hint of evidence of this – please share it with me ASAP. But be specific, else stop the blatant attacks of our law enforcement overwhelmed because you and your Democrat colleagues refuse to acknowledge the crisis,” he added in a subsequent tweet.

The Democrats’ war on the rule of law, and America’s national sovereignty has reached a fever pitch. They will only get more insane and desperate, led by bimbos like AOC, heading into 2020.


Democratic New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio’s unpopular leadership has turned New York City into a laughing stock, and the rest of the country is taking notice.

A study from WalletHub showed that New York City ranks among the worst-run cities in the nation for a third straight year. De Blasio’s leadership failed in terms of financial stability, education, infrastructure and pollution, health, safety and economy to put his city back on the list, as he is recognized widely as one of America’s worst mayors.

New York placed 146th out of 150 of the cities ranked on the list, which is actually an improvement from their ranking of 148 in the past two years. Perhaps de Blasio being away so much while campaigning for his pointless vanity run for the presidency is what helped the city improve its score.

Yale Law School professor David Schliecher blames de Blasio’s strict housing regulations for the city ranking so poorly.

“In many rich cities like San Francisco and New York, local governments have used their regulatory powers to make it difficult for private developers to build enough housing to meet demand,” Schliecher said.

But don’t expect de Blasio to change course, as he cannot even get out of bed promptly to appear on a television interview. New York City will remain in dire shape until he is termed out of office in 2021.


The Conservative Party of New York State would like to send our warm welcome and congratulations to newly named Chairman Nick Langworthy.

We look forward to working with him in the fight against Governor Andrew Cuomo, and in the many battles ahead to retake the State Senate.


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