“Government’s view of the economy could be summed up in a few short phrases: If it moves, tax it. If it keeps moving, regulate it. And if it stops moving, subsidize it”-Ronald Reagan
Miranda Devine writes in today’s NY Post that the war on cops imperils us all. Yesterday, Bob McManus wrote that NYPD Commissioner James O’Neill chose his badge — over what’s right. Even after Officer Pantaleo’s firing, public safety is foremost was yesterday’s NY Post editorial. The last sentence of the editorial; “The city’s at a crisis point. Everyone in a leadership position must understand that the safety of the public is foremost — and cops need help to ensure it,” says it all. Again we, the Conservative Party of NYS states this loud and clear: We stand proudly with our law enforcement officers.
Every time Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez posts her thoughts on social media, I have to wonder if she slept through all her classes at Boston U. AOC’s latest gem: Electoral College a racist ‘scam’ that ‘has to go’. Fortunately, Tara Ross, takes the time in a Townhall.com column, to explain why New York’s Congresswoman is so wrong.
Speaking of court cases, the commission that is exploring campaigning financing and fusion voting – the commission we filed a lawsuit against – met yesterday and has 5 more meetings pending. We maintain that this commission does not have the authority to change Election Law and that authority rests solely with the NYS Legislature and that the rights of Fusion Voting and cross endorsement are settled law protected by numerous court decisions. (Donations to help defray the cost of our lawsuit, would be thankfully accepted athttps://secure.anedot.com/nyscp/donate)
Governor Cuomo’s surreptitious tax increase – the $25 mandated fee for new license plates – is expected to raise $75M in its first wave. It is a burden on each family, but small businesses with fleets will really feel the pinch. Gov. Cuomo defends the cost of replacement, and that it is absolutely necessary that 10-year-old plates are replaced because cashless tolls can’t read peeling plates. Gov., can you explain this DMV statement?
Piece by piece, Mayor de Blasio and Commissioner O’Neill, are doing all they can to demoralize New York’s Finest. Ladies and Gentlemen of the NYPD: we stand with you! You are the finest, you keep New Yorkers and those visiting the greatest city in the nation safe. Events are safe because of your dedication to the rule of law. We SALUTE you and all that you do to keep New York safe. We understand the trauma of being first on the scene of a horrific accident or murder. We understand that you are always on duty and often have work on holidays unable to be with your families. Stand PROUD. Stand STRONG. 36,000 police officers protect approximately 8.623M residents, considering there are four shifts, each shift, would equal about one police officer for each 958 residents. Who dares to say they do not do a phenomenal job…other than their Commissioner and Mayor de Blasio?
Victor Davis Hanson has some great insight on elected officials and what issues they campaign on.
Will Chamberlain writes in Human Events how Speaker Nancy Pelosi is just watching “The Squad” dominate the Democratic Party. The Speaker better assert herself soon, before all is lost.
Sen. Elizabeth Warren, apologies to Native Americans for mistakes. Mistakes? They were not mistakes, Sen. Warren, they only became mistakes when you were called out on them. A Massachusetts newspaper, the Boston Herald.com, blasted Sen. Warren for her vile rhetoric that increasingly targets law enforcement. The Washington Times explains that her plan to “fix America” require $5 trillion in new taxes – and that is just for starters. The progressives may want her ideas, but it would be you and I paying for them, and we cannot afford one more penny in taxes.
We can also look at the firing of Officer Daniel Pantaleo (see our press release here) as another example of what happens when progressive policies are embraced by local officials. Every police officer will think twice before they react to situations and that hesitation could very well lead to death of innocent people or the police officer themselves. As Rafael A. Mangual writes in today’s NY Post: Progressives promote disrespect for cops — at our peril.
David R. Henderson wrote Socialism Has Failed. Period. Progressives know that socialism has failed, which is why they call themselves progressives. One can change the name, but the failure will remain the same.
New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio made a very disgusting comment while appearing on Fox News last week. He called abortion a “sacred choice” for women, showing how the act of murder has become a religious sacrament to modern godless liberals.
De Blasio also refused to answer questions about Virginia Governor Ralph ‘Coonman’ Northam’s infamous comments endorsing infanticide. He denies the truth that these are the type of abominations that occur inside abortion clinics, but pro-life activist and NewsMax commentator Maria McFadden Maffucci is correcting de Blasio’s lies.
“I wrote about one such baby here, Melissa Ohden, who in 1977 survived a saline abortion, and was left on the table to die — but an attending nurse couldn’t stand watching her gasp for breath and rushed her to the NICU,” she wrote.
“Those who deny the humanity of babies are the ones desperately putting up smokescreens,” she added.
Under de Blasio’s rule over NYC, he has allowed abortions to skyrocket to epidemic levels. There are now four times as many abortions as there are homicides in the city. De Blasio’s leftist legacy as NYC Mayor will be defined, in part, by inhumane cruelty toward the unborn.
Convicted sex predator Jeffrey Epstein was found dead on Saturday morning in his jail cell in what the fake news media is calling a suicide, but many skeptical observers are calling a homicide.
The coroner’s report released on Thursday indicated that broken bones were found in Epstein’s neck, which would be very unlikely if he hanged himself. That type of trauma is far more likely to happen during a strangulation, however, it is possible to be caused by suicide.
President Donald Trump and Attorney General William Barr are calling for a full investigation into Epstein’s mysterious death and claim that justice will still be served for Epstein’s victims despite his mysterious demise.
“Mr. Epstein’s death raises serious questions that must be answered. In addition to the FBI’s investigation, I have consulted with the Inspector General who is opening an investigation into the circumstances of Mr. Epstein’s death,” Barr said in a press release this weekend.
“Basically what we’re saying is we want an investigation. I want a full investigation, and that’s what I absolutely am demanding. That’s what our attorney general, our great attorney general is doing. He’s doing a full investigation,” Trump said to reporters in New Jersey on Tuesday.
I do not necessarily believe in conspiracy theories and I certainly support Attorney General Barr’s call for an investigation into Epstein’s death. The circumstances surrounding Epstein’s death indicate clearly that mistakes were made and only an investigation will resolve the questions.
President Donald Trump is looking to expand the real estate holdings of the United States by acquiring Greenland.
Trump is looking to use his real estate acumen to add to America’s greatness, similar to founding father Thomas Jefferson when he secured the Louisiana Purchase. Greenland is considered an autonomous territory of Denmark, but Trump intends to make the Danes an offer they cannot refuse.
He has talked about the idea frequently with lawmakers, and is apparently serious about making an effort to make the deal happen. He has White House aides currently exploring the possibility of an acquisition right now.
“What do you guys think about that?” Trump reportedly asked a room full of his close associates last year regarding the purchase of Greenland, according to the Wall Street Journal. “Do you think it would work?”
Previously, former administrations had wanted to get a hold of Greenland, often called the Hamptons of the arctic circle. Under President Harry Truman, the U.S. tried to buy Greenland in 1946 but failed, and Secretary of State William Seward had inquired about the possibility all the way back in 1867.
They may have lacked the ability to pull it off, but things may be different for the master negotiator in the White House right now. The dealmaker-in-chief has the will and the talent to make history, bringing Greenland and its tremendous natural resources into the U.S. sphere of influence where it belongs.
Rafael A. Mangual writes in City Journal that we can’t imagine what cops go through and as you read it, your heart will be touched, unless your name is Chirlane McCray whose organization, ThriveNYC (funded with taxpayers’ money) dissed a cop mental health event over Blue Lives Matter sponsorship. Petty reasoning; petty people withdrew from helping our men and women in Blue who put their lives on the line every day for every person in New York, including the employees of ThriveNYC.
The Foundation for Economic Education has a great article that every one running on the Democratic line, either for president or even to become a local town official, should read, especially since it is written by one of their own. What George McGovern Learned from Running His Own Business.
Kyle Sammin writes in National Review about a socialist predecessor of Ocasio-Cortez in Congress. Mr. Sammin’s article gives his readers a good history lesson; one that Congresswoman Ocasio-Cortez should be aware of since her beliefs are so similar to those of Congressman Vito Marcantonio.
Christopher Tremoglie writes in National Review that conservatives need courage. (As a side note, he should come to New York State where he would meet a lot of conservatives with courage.)
How sick is it to have a person (@ashley_barnhill) tweet out the following message to her 11.6K followers: “men against abortion are just jealous they’ll never know how good it feels to kill a baby.” What is even sicker is the people who liked her tweet and retweeted it. The woman has no heart, nor does she have a soul.
New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio, in a desperate attempt to buoy his flailing presidential candidacy, squared off head-to-head with Sean Hannity on Fox News Wednesday night.
“I’m never going to agree with you. You drive me crazy!” Hannity yelled at the spectacularly unpopular public official.
Hannity forced de Blasio into defending socialist policies like massive new tax hikes and government benefits for illegal immigrants.
“Do you think right now your viewers feel that it’s OK that the wealthy have as much as they have and pay as little in taxes as they do?” de Blasio said about his proposal to hike taxes.
“I want everybody who’s here (in New York) to get health care because what’s happening right now? Folks go to the emergency room because they don’t have a doctor, and who’s paying for it? The same taxpayers,” said de Blasio of his support for subsidized health care for illegals.
Many liberals are not happy that de Blasio was willing to sit down with Hannity, and the interview did not likely do him any favors with his party’s radicalized base.
“Millions and millions of Americans are watching and we shouldn’t stereotype them,” de Blasio said on Monday. “A lot of those folks watching are working people who are listening to change in one form or another. And I think it’s important to challenge those right-wing voices. And while we’re having a presidential election, we have to speak to all of America.”
The risk may have been worth it for de Blasio, as there was nothing to lose. Polling at zero percent, there is nowhere to go but up for the nation’s worst mayor.
The Speaker of the Assembly said this week that he didn’t think adding new penalties and laws on offenders was the right solution for the current trend of throwing water on law enforcement officers. The NYS Assembly’s reputation has always been one of leniency toward criminals. This year they eliminated cash bail for non-violent offenders and supported drivers’ licenses for illegal immigrants and passed the DREAM Act that uses tax-payers money to fund aid to illegal immigrants for college. With this history, it any wonder that the leader of the Assembly would not stand up for the men and women who put their lives on the line every day in order to keep every person safe?
It appears that Speaker Heastie and the democratic controlled Assembly would prefer to coddle criminals than the men and woman who risk their lives to keep New York City safe.
Assemblyman Mike LiPetri, who appeared on America’s Newsroom this morning, is right when he states this is common sense legislation. When the Speaker said adding new penalties and laws wasn’t the right solution, essentially he gave the thugs carte blanche to continue – and possibly escalate – the attacks on NY” s Finest.
The people of New York must be getting sick of the nanny state, if the approval rating of Governor Andrew Cuomo is any indicator.
Siena College released a poll on Tuesday showing that Cuomo’s approval rating is the lowest it has been since he was elected Governor in 2011. Only 34 percent of voters believe that he is doing a good or excellent job while a stunning 64 percent of voters rated his job performance as poor or fair.
Some of Cuomo’s worst hits as Governor from this year alone include giving drivers licenses to illegal immigrants, eliminating religious exemptions for vaccinations, banning the use of single-use plastic bags, and mandatory socialist benefits for farm workers.
Cuomo is particularly unpopular with Republicans, independents and residents of upstate New York. Basically, anyone in the state of New York who can’t stand the tax-and-spend Controller-in-chief
at this point.
How quickly the left turns on their own is laid out in this article by Everett Piper. Like piranhas, the left attacks all that do not agree with their gospel and do all that they can to force their agenda on everyone. Yet it is the right that is defined as doctrinaire.
We are also defined as “deplorables” I have to ask: after reading this who are the deplorables? Then read this and ask yourself again, who are the deplorables?
“I have no knowledge that…” a favorite quote by those who want to deflect the possibility they knew something wasn’t above-board. Gov. Cuomo is fond of that phrase and used it again on Monday during a radio interview and then went on to say that a current ethics criticism was “baloney.”
America’s collective heart is shattered, once again, by senseless violence perpetrated by evil. Yes evil. How else can you explain the cold-blooded killing of 31 innocent people just shopping or having some drinks with friends? There is no doubt these atrocities must end; the question is how to end them. It is pathetic that a man who believes he is the right person to lead this nation, exploits this tragedy for the sake of politics. More gun control, as called for by the NY Post editorial board, is also, not the answer. NationalReview.com has a good response to the NY Post editorial board. The truth is, there are many steps that have to be taken to eradicate the profound evil that is a cancer trying its best to overpower our nation. We must strengthen families, we have to respect life – from inception to natural death, we must provide respected mental health services to those who demonstrate the need, and everyone should practice the golden rule: treat others the way you want to be treated. One can disagree with another person’s views and have reasonable discussions, no one is saying everyone has to agree about everything, but there is no need to be disrespectful of another person’s beliefs.
President Trump is calling for “red flag” laws. The New York State Legislature passed a “red flag” law this year and the Governor signed it. The Buffalo News has a rather comprehensive article on how the law would work – in NYS.
As the liberal media and Democratic Party officials try to manufacture an epidemic of right-wing racism, the real threat is coming from the Left as extremism rises sharply amongst their ranks.
Another example of this epidemic happened on Tuesday in New York City where a minority Trump supporter was viciously beaten for wearing a MAGA hat. 42-year-old John Turan reported that he was ambushed by a mob while on Canal Street.
“I love President Trump. I think he’s doing a great job,” Turan said.
About 15 youths cursed out Trump as they stomped on Turan’s face, causing a cheek fracture and an extremely swollen eye. He will likely never wear the MAGA hat publicly ever again because of the terrorist intimidation against him.
“It’s sad to get beat up for wearing this hat. This is America,” Turan said.
It won’t be America for much longer if the militant Left can regain control of the country in 2020. While most hate crimes reported by the Left turn out to be phony ala Jussie Smollett, the epidemic of terrorism inflicted on conservatives and Trump supporters is all too real.
New York City continues to crumble under the stewardship of clueless Mayor Bill de Blasio, and the latest disgrace is a race-based school curriculum that injects social justice dogma into public schools to the detriment of all children.
“I think it’s just wrong. I think it’s misguided,” parent Yiatin Chu said to CBS New York.
Maurice Blackmon, a NYC teacher who apparently supports the changes, explained the changes that he is already in the process of implementing.
“What am I teaching, how am I teaching, based on who I’m teaching,” he said
Under the new curriculum, teachers like Blackmon will be teaching their predominantly Latin and African-American students about hip-hop artists in social studies class.
“For instance as a social studies teacher that serves a student body that is primarily Latin and black I have designed curricula around the hip-hop culture,” Blackmon said.
Chu believes that certain communities, including Asian-Americans, are being hurt by this curriculum that is dumbing down and politicizing education for all students.
“The Asian community, specifically the Chinese community, is one of the poorest communities in New York City and I’m disgusted that the mayor treats our group this way – aligning us with white privilege,” Chu said during a contentious meeting in Chinatown.
Children in public schools have become glorified guinea pigs for liberal creeps who want to train a generation of automatons unable to challenge their perverse dogma.
New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio’s presidential ambitions are not gaining any momentum after months of campaigning, and his debate performance on stage in Detroit earlier this week showed why he has no shot at gaining the Democratic Party nomination to face Trump in 2020.
During his opening salvo, de Blasio was heckled by ‘Black Lives Matter’ activists who yelled at him “Fire Pantaleo” – referring to the cop who was involved in the death of Eric Garner. As usual, de Blasio passed the buck and blamed others for his own substandard leadership.
“There is finally going to be justice in the next 30 days in New York,” de Blasio claimed. Making matters worse, de Blasio was embarrassed by ‘Sleepy’ Joe Biden of all people.
“I don’t hear an answer from the vice president,” de Blasio said to Biden regarding former President Obama’s aggressive deportation policies. “Did you say those deportations were a good idea, or did you go to the president and say, ‘This is a mistake, we shouldn’t do it.’ Which one?”
“I was vice president. I am not the president. I keep my recommendation in private. Unlike you. I’d expect you would go ahead and say whatever was said privately,” Biden snapped back to de Blasio.
De Blasio wasn’t the only candidate who disappointed during the week’s debates Even Democratic Party leaders are expressing public concern over how awful the debates were for the Party.
“I think these debates are really silly,” he said. “Just the incessant focus on these relative minor divisions between candidates might make for good TV but I don’t think gives people an accurate portrayal of the stakes of this election,” Sen. Chris Murphy of Connecticut said.
“If we get all focused on the differences between, say Bernie [Sanders] and Cory [Booker] and Mayor Pete [Buttigieg] and [John] Hickenlooper, we’ll lose sight of the fact that it’s Donald Trump who’s now trying to reduce health care, destroy health care, get it rid for everybody,” New York Sen. Chuck Schumer said. “That’s a trap we shouldn’t fall into.”
“People take sides and then they become hypersensitive and that just makes divisions all over the party and we don’t want that,” she said. “I want every one of our candidates to do well,” Sen. Dianne Feinstein of California said.
Beto O’Rourke, who lives in the border town of El Paso, Texas, in explaining his stance on decriminalizing border crossings by undocumented immigrants, said: “In my administration, after we have waived citizenship fees for green card holders, more than 9 million of our fellow Americans, free Dreamers who many fear of deportation, and stop criminally prosecuting families and children for seeking asylum and refuge, and for-profit detention, and so that no family has to make that 2,000-mile journey, then I expect that people who come here follow our laws and we reserve the right to criminally prosecute them.”
Meanwhile Presidential Candidate Marianne Williamson pledged to reverse Trump’s Golan Recognition: “I would rescind the president’s affirmation of sovereignty of Israel over the Golan Heights,” she said in response to the Council on Foreign Relations. “I understand the occupation of the Golan, but only until there is a stable government in Syria with whom one can negotiate.”
With Democratic Party leaders admitting the perilous nature of their field, things are looking good for Trump’s re-election chances in 2020.