“Government’s view of the economy could be summed up in a few short phrases: If it moves, tax it. If it keeps moving, regulate it. And if it stops moving, subsidize it”-Ronald Reagan
How quickly the left turns on their own is laid out in this article by Everett Piper. Like piranhas, the left attacks all that do not agree with their gospel and do all that they can to force their agenda on everyone. Yet it is the right that is defined as doctrinaire.
We are also defined as “deplorables” I have to ask: after reading this who are the deplorables? Then read this and ask yourself again, who are the deplorables?
“I have no knowledge that…” a favorite quote by those who want to deflect the possibility they knew something wasn’t above-board. Gov. Cuomo is fond of that phrase and used it again on Monday during a radio interview and then went on to say that a current ethics criticism was “baloney.”
America’s collective heart is shattered, once again, by senseless violence perpetrated by evil. Yes evil. How else can you explain the cold-blooded killing of 31 innocent people just shopping or having some drinks with friends? There is no doubt these atrocities must end; the question is how to end them. It is pathetic that a man who believes he is the right person to lead this nation, exploits this tragedy for the sake of politics. More gun control, as called for by the NY Post editorial board, is also, not the answer. NationalReview.com has a good response to the NY Post editorial board. The truth is, there are many steps that have to be taken to eradicate the profound evil that is a cancer trying its best to overpower our nation. We must strengthen families, we have to respect life – from inception to natural death, we must provide respected mental health services to those who demonstrate the need, and everyone should practice the golden rule: treat others the way you want to be treated. One can disagree with another person’s views and have reasonable discussions, no one is saying everyone has to agree about everything, but there is no need to be disrespectful of another person’s beliefs.
President Trump is calling for “red flag” laws. The New York State Legislature passed a “red flag” law this year and the Governor signed it. The Buffalo News has a rather comprehensive article on how the law would work – in NYS.
As the liberal media and Democratic Party officials try to manufacture an epidemic of right-wing racism, the real threat is coming from the Left as extremism rises sharply amongst their ranks.
Another example of this epidemic happened on Tuesday in New York City where a minority Trump supporter was viciously beaten for wearing a MAGA hat. 42-year-old John Turan reported that he was ambushed by a mob while on Canal Street.
“I love President Trump. I think he’s doing a great job,” Turan said.
About 15 youths cursed out Trump as they stomped on Turan’s face, causing a cheek fracture and an extremely swollen eye. He will likely never wear the MAGA hat publicly ever again because of the terrorist intimidation against him.
“It’s sad to get beat up for wearing this hat. This is America,” Turan said.
It won’t be America for much longer if the militant Left can regain control of the country in 2020. While most hate crimes reported by the Left turn out to be phony ala Jussie Smollett, the epidemic of terrorism inflicted on conservatives and Trump supporters is all too real.
New York City continues to crumble under the stewardship of clueless Mayor Bill de Blasio, and the latest disgrace is a race-based school curriculum that injects social justice dogma into public schools to the detriment of all children.
“I think it’s just wrong. I think it’s misguided,” parent Yiatin Chu said to CBS New York.
Maurice Blackmon, a NYC teacher who apparently supports the changes, explained the changes that he is already in the process of implementing.
“What am I teaching, how am I teaching, based on who I’m teaching,” he said
Under the new curriculum, teachers like Blackmon will be teaching their predominantly Latin and African-American students about hip-hop artists in social studies class.
“For instance as a social studies teacher that serves a student body that is primarily Latin and black I have designed curricula around the hip-hop culture,” Blackmon said.
Chu believes that certain communities, including Asian-Americans, are being hurt by this curriculum that is dumbing down and politicizing education for all students.
“The Asian community, specifically the Chinese community, is one of the poorest communities in New York City and I’m disgusted that the mayor treats our group this way – aligning us with white privilege,” Chu said during a contentious meeting in Chinatown.
Children in public schools have become glorified guinea pigs for liberal creeps who want to train a generation of automatons unable to challenge their perverse dogma.
New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio’s presidential ambitions are not gaining any momentum after months of campaigning, and his debate performance on stage in Detroit earlier this week showed why he has no shot at gaining the Democratic Party nomination to face Trump in 2020.
During his opening salvo, de Blasio was heckled by ‘Black Lives Matter’ activists who yelled at him “Fire Pantaleo” – referring to the cop who was involved in the death of Eric Garner. As usual, de Blasio passed the buck and blamed others for his own substandard leadership.
“There is finally going to be justice in the next 30 days in New York,” de Blasio claimed. Making matters worse, de Blasio was embarrassed by ‘Sleepy’ Joe Biden of all people.
“I don’t hear an answer from the vice president,” de Blasio said to Biden regarding former President Obama’s aggressive deportation policies. “Did you say those deportations were a good idea, or did you go to the president and say, ‘This is a mistake, we shouldn’t do it.’ Which one?”
“I was vice president. I am not the president. I keep my recommendation in private. Unlike you. I’d expect you would go ahead and say whatever was said privately,” Biden snapped back to de Blasio.
De Blasio wasn’t the only candidate who disappointed during the week’s debates Even Democratic Party leaders are expressing public concern over how awful the debates were for the Party.
“I think these debates are really silly,” he said. “Just the incessant focus on these relative minor divisions between candidates might make for good TV but I don’t think gives people an accurate portrayal of the stakes of this election,” Sen. Chris Murphy of Connecticut said.
“If we get all focused on the differences between, say Bernie [Sanders] and Cory [Booker] and Mayor Pete [Buttigieg] and [John] Hickenlooper, we’ll lose sight of the fact that it’s Donald Trump who’s now trying to reduce health care, destroy health care, get it rid for everybody,” New York Sen. Chuck Schumer said. “That’s a trap we shouldn’t fall into.”
“People take sides and then they become hypersensitive and that just makes divisions all over the party and we don’t want that,” she said. “I want every one of our candidates to do well,” Sen. Dianne Feinstein of California said.
Beto O’Rourke, who lives in the border town of El Paso, Texas, in explaining his stance on decriminalizing border crossings by undocumented immigrants, said: “In my administration, after we have waived citizenship fees for green card holders, more than 9 million of our fellow Americans, free Dreamers who many fear of deportation, and stop criminally prosecuting families and children for seeking asylum and refuge, and for-profit detention, and so that no family has to make that 2,000-mile journey, then I expect that people who come here follow our laws and we reserve the right to criminally prosecute them.”
Meanwhile Presidential Candidate Marianne Williamson pledged to reverse Trump’s Golan Recognition: “I would rescind the president’s affirmation of sovereignty of Israel over the Golan Heights,” she said in response to the Council on Foreign Relations. “I understand the occupation of the Golan, but only until there is a stable government in Syria with whom one can negotiate.”
With Democratic Party leaders admitting the perilous nature of their field, things are looking good for Trump’s re-election chances in 2020.
Most of the news today is regarding the last two nights of democratic debates and the professional analyzers will tell you all about the various winners and losers from their perspective. Some extol Sen. Gillibrand, some call VP Biden the comeback kid, some even see Sen. Cory Booker as a winner. My assessment, (I readily admit I am not a professional analyst) is that the American public lost and lost big by being subject to the pie-in-the-sky, I will say what you want to hear and promise you the world, empty rhetoric pandering for your vote, being emitted by each democrat on the stage for the last two days, knowing full well that most of the ideas coming forth would bankrupt America.
What are the chances of this happening when the Democrats control the Senate and Assembly? I’d like to know if Gov. Cuomo and Mayor de Blasio support this proposal.
It is shameful that Commissioner O’Neill is lashing out at his officers instead of standing up for them. Quoting stats is not how you stand up for the men and woman who put their lives on the line every day for every person in New York City. The men and woman in law enforcement go to work, not looking for accolades for doing their jobs – a special calling to protect others – rather, they just want to do what they swore an oath to do and not be harassed while doing their job. At the very least, the NYPD Commissioner should not be lashing out at them, he should be standing up for them.
Governor, how are things going at the MTA? Not very well according to an analysis by Comptroller DiNapoli. Gee, Governor, it has been under your control for how long and it still isn’t up to par.
Tomorrow would have been Milton Freedman’s 103rd birthday. The Nobel winning conservative economist had some great quotes you may enjoy. I’m having a hard time choosing my favorite, but I will tell you this, I believe #18 describes the Squad.
Talk about chutzpah, really, Mayor de Blasio? Not for anything, but Donald J. Trump, has done more for New York City (and state) than you in your position as Mayor, as Public Advocate or while you were on the City Council. It is amazing and disappointing that you think he will “not be welcomed back” after his term as President ends. Then again, it is amazing that you think you could be elected president.
New York City cops are sick of having their authority undermined by Democratic Mayor Bill de Blasio, and they are speaking out about leftist policies that put the city at risk.
“This disrespect for the uniform in NYC is a result of a Democrat-Progressive (Retrogressive)-Socialist Mayor,” former Mayor Rudy Giuliani said to de Blasio in a Tweet on Tuesday. “This is what happens with knee-jerk disrespect for police. It will only get worse until these Left-wing idiots are defeated.”
De Blasio snapped back at Giuliani, twisting the words of America’s Mayor, and claiming ridiculously that New York City has never been safer.
De Blasio wrote, “When you disrespect our NYPD officers, you disrespect ALL New Yorkers. We don’t tolerate that in our city.” He added, “The truth is crime’s NEVER been lower in New York City and that’s because we’re bridging the divide between police and communities — a divide @RudyGiuliani”
This was when NYPD Sergeants Benevolent Association President Ed Mullins had seen enough. He had to chime in with some politically incorrect language to call out the Mayor’s lies.
“Save the BULLS**T with the stats. You are the cause of attacks on the NYPD. You will NEVER be president of this great nation NEVER!” Mullins tweeted to de Blasio.
Cops are regularly being attacked by mobs who douse them with buckets of water, as de Blasio emboldens criminals and thugs throughout New York City. The police are getting sick of it, as the rule of law is crumbling under far-left rule.
New York Governor Andrew Cuomo is an extreme authoritarian, and he is attempting to law down the law to his own political party. Angry that socialist New York Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and her “squad” are stealing the headlines, Cuomo made an arrogant declaration this week.
“I am the left,” Cuomo said in Judge Dredd-esque fashion during a recent radio interview. He also criticized the radical upstarts in an op/ed published by the New York Times.
“True progressives understand that if we fail to perform or pursue misguided, uninformed or unworkable priorities, we make government look incompetent, proving Republicans right and losing the vital public support we need to gain,” Cuomo wrote.
“Progressivism is not about the ability to make promises, but about the ability to deliver them. While this distinction may be too subtle for the Twitter dialogue of today, it makes all the difference. How we define a true progressive will determine our electoral — and more importantly our governmental — success,” the governor wrote to conclude his op/ed.
Unfortunately for Cuomo, President Donald Trump has tricked the Democrats into rallying around Ocasio-Cortez’s squad with an ingenious series of tweets against the foursome. Cuomo is rapidly losing influence within his own Party, and the Democrats are embracing outright madness heading into 2020.
Former special counsel Robert Mueller gave testimony before Congress this week, and Democrats are in panic mode as the impeachment of President Donald Trump seems more unlikely than ever.
Even extreme socialist Michael Moore has admitted that Trump was the big winner of the day.
“A frail old man, unable to remember things, stumbling, refusing to answer basic questions…I said it in 2017 and Mueller confirmed it today — All you pundits and moderates and lame Dems who told the public to put their faith in the esteemed Robert Mueller — just STFU from now on,” Moore commented in a tweet while Mueller struggled through questioning.
Trump put it best when he said: “The Democrats had nothing, and now they have less than nothing.”
What is it with liberals? Why do they let a city that has so much to offer, deteriorate to the point that gang members freely disrespect law enforcement officers? Why is Mayor de Blasio silent and not standing up for police officers? When is Governor Cuomo? He rushes to help a stranded car, rushes to rivers/lakes overflowing, makes weather announcements, yet when disrespect is showered on the NYPD, he stands silently by. Shameful. The three men, Gov. Cuomo, Mayor de Blasio and Commissioner O’Neill, all owe the men and women of our law enforcement community an apology for stand silently by. Don’t hold your breath waiting for it.
Matt Margolis writes in PJ Media about the time when Governor Cuomo told conservatives they weren’t welcome in New York. And as Matt notes Gov. Jerry Brown told Californians to leave the state also. Mr. Margolis notes that by any standard, Cuomo’s (and Brown’s) comments were the epitome of bigotry, not Trump’s.
Being reminded (not that we can forget) of Governor Cuomo telling us that we are not welcome in New York State, is it any wonder, why we are very concerned about the Financing Commission’s ultimate goal? We are certainly concerned about Jay Jacobs envy of NYC’s campaign financing; “I think we have a model in what the city of New York does,” referencing NYC’s small-dollar-match system as a starting point. Investigate the waste of taxpayers’ money there, Mr. Jacobs, or doesn’t wasting taxpayer’s money concern you? But we are more concerned that this Financing Commission is really set on eliminating Fusion Voting. Is there any doubt that Governor Coumo has a “problem” with our values and has a bigger problem with the fact that the W.F.P. originally endorsed Cynthia Nixon for Governor?
We have been unusually busy today with filing the aftermath of filing a lawsuit challenging the newly formed Financing Commission’s to change and/or abridge state law. If you are on our email list, you have already received our press release, if not, you can read it here. Here are just two of the articles regarding the lawsuit: the Times Union, the NY Daily News.
Ken Girardin writes about Gov. Cuomo’s incredible wind-power pander in The Torch.
We hope you were all able to find some relief from the oppressive heat this weekend, unfortunately parts of Brooklyn suffered another blackout, despite Gov. Andrew Cuomo ranting on the terrible service that Con Ed is providing. Crain’s New York Business rightfully points out in a July 18 article that Gov. Andrew Cuomo really should rethink his ranting since it has been the Governor who has “repeatedly made political decisions that have reduced the reliability of New York’s energy infrastructure.” Governor Cuomo, perhaps you should rethink your bullying of Con Ed and apologize to New Yorkers.
Meanwhile, Mayor de Blasio offers no solutions and a lot of Hot Air.
Can’t help but agree with the statement that the NY campaign finance panel is already tainted with Jay Jacobs being appointed to serve on it. However, we are strongly opposed to the notion that campaigns should have public financing. The Auburn Citizen should do an in-depth analysis of New York City’s Campaign Financing and they let us know if they still think that is the solution to incumbents being elected. Seems to me the only time you have a change on the NYC Council, is when the incumbents’ term is up. Term limits should be one of the solutions.
How come all the loud-mouth Hollywood types who do little to truly help deserving Americans get all the attention, and a man like Gary Sinise is almost ignored completely? Kudos to Gary Sinise and the others who do not blow their own horn when they do good things.
New York City is more filthy than ever under the stewardship of Democratic Mayor Bill de Blasio, as all the gains achieved by former law-and-order Republican Mayor Rudy Giuliani have been nullified.
Complaints regarding rat infestations have spiked dramatically in recent years, from 12,617 in 2014 to 17,353 last year. The Upper West Side has logged the most complaints, as even the wealthiest of the city are not insulated from these verminous pests.
Mismanagement from de Blasio’s government is causing much of the problem. The New York City Department of Sanitation removed 110 trash cans from the Upper West Side over the last year, causing a trash overflow that has resulted in a feeding frenzy for rodents.
“In the past year, we removed bins in this district because they did not fit the criteria or were being chronically misused,” said Sanitation Department press secretary Dina Montes to the USA Today.
This bright idea from the de Blasio regime has resulted in a major public health crisis that is only worsening. Add this to the massive list of follies and failures from one of the nation’s most reviled mayors.
The Democratic Party and their partners in the fake news media have created a phony controversy over a series of tweets made by President Donald Trump, which put anti-American liberal radicals such as Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) and Ilhan Omar (D-MN) in their places.
“Democrat Congresswomen, who originally came from countries who governments are a complete and total catastrophe” are “now loudly and viciously telling the people of the United States, the greatest and most powerful nation on earth, how our government is to be run,” Trump said in his tweets.
“Why don’t they go back and help fix the totally broken and crime infested places from which they came. Then come back and show us how it is done. These places need your help badly, you can’t leave fast enough,” Trump added.
“Every single member of this institution, Democratic and Republican, should join us in condemning the president’s racist tweets. To do anything less would be a shocking rejection of our values and a shameful abdication of our oath of office to protect the American people,” House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) said.
Meanwhile, most Democrats are completely silent about the ANTIFA terrorist who echoed the sentiments of Ocasio-Cortez to justify his rampage at a migrant detention center in Tacoma, WA last weekend. It is clear that the Democrats care do not care much about keeping America safe, only scoring cheap political points by whining about nonexistent racism.
New York Governor Andrew Cuomo never misses an opportunity to placate the childish demands of the entitled victim groups that make up the base of the modern radicalized Democratic Party.
Cuomo signed Assembly Bill 7797 into law last week to ban so-called “hair discrimination” against people of color. There is now a law on the books prohibiting “race discrimination based on natural hair or hairstyles,” as political correctness takes us one more step closer into full-blown idiocracy.
This legislation is designed to protect the feelings of African-American women, who social justice warriors claim are pressured by societal beauty standards into changing their natural hair. This new law is designed to break that stigma and fight follicle oppression.
“For much of our nation’s history, people of color — particularly women — have been marginalized and discriminated against simply because of their hair style or texture,” Cuomo said in a press release about the legislation.
“By signing this bill into law, we are taking an important step toward correcting that history and ensuring people of color are protected from all forms of discrimination,” he added.
Expect many junk lawsuits based on this new infringement upon private business owners, as diversity hustlers exploit the pandering nature of Cuomo and other Democratic politicians to make a fast buck.