“Government’s view of the economy could be summed up in a few short phrases: If it moves, tax it. If it keeps moving, regulate it. And if it stops moving, subsidize it”-Ronald Reagan
The Bronx democratic primary may be very interesting next year as AOC tries to prevent former State Senator, current City Council member Ruben Diaz, Sr. from winning the right to run in the retiring Congressman Serrano’s seat. AOC could be political neighbors with Ruben Diaz Sr.
These are truly brave men and women. They are the children of firefighters who lost their Dads on September 11, 2001, also a son of a NYPD officer who sacrificed his life on 911 and the sons of two firefighters who passed due to illness incurred on 911 who are set to join New York’s Bravest when they graduate September 24. They are not the only members of NYFD who lost their parent on 911. May God bless them and keep them safe as they walk in heroes’ footsteps. May God bless all of our first responders who continue to keep us safe and rescue us when needed.
Former Republican Sen. William J. Larkin Jr., a conservative champion in the state legislature for 40 years, died this week at the age or 91.
Larkin heroically served his country in World War II and the Korean War before starting his life in government. He was elected to the New York Assembly in 1978, before gaining election to the Senate in 1990, a post he held until his retirement last year.
“America and the state of New York have lost a dedicated public servant, soldier and statesman. Our family lost a husband, father, grandfather, great-grandfather and so much more,” his family said in a statement released on Sunday.
In an age of extreme partisanship, Larkin earned great respect from his colleagues in both political parties. He helped to protect fellow Republican Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. during the civil rights hero’s march from Selma to Montgomery, AL in 1973.
“Senator Larkin led by example every day of his life and was an inspiration to me and countless others who wanted nothing more than to serve the people of this great state and nation,” Gov. Andrew Cuomo said in a statement on Sunday.
He is survived by a large family including his wife, their eight children, 17 grandkids, and two great-grandkids.
I have known Bill on a personal level for over 35 years. In all that time, never once did he waiver from his commitment to our nation, our state, on conservative principles or his devotion to his family. Sen. William J. Larkin, Jr. will be sorely missed by all.
The people of Hong Kong have shown the imperial communist Chinese who’s boss, after months of massive protests have finally caused a reviled extradition bill to be rescinded by Hong Kong authorities.
Hong Kong leader Carrie Lam made the decision this week, and claims that Beijing is in her corner as the communists retreat as the people stand en masse for freedom.
“Throughout the whole process the [Chinese] Central People’s Government took the position that they understood why we had to do it, they respected my view and supported me all the way,” Lam said.
The controversial legislation was proposed in April to make it easier to deport suspected criminals back to China, where they would be subject to a hellish tyranny in which they would not necessarily receive due process and other basic rights.
However, the protesters are not satisfied after this victory. They are still angered with the Hong Kong regime based on human rights violations during the demonstrations.
“Too little and too late now — Carrie Lam’s response comes after 7 lives sacrificed, more than 1,200 protestors arrested, in which many are mistreated in police station,” protest leader Joshua Wong wrote in a Tweet.
“HK people are well-aware of her notorious track record. Whenever there are signs of sending a palm branch, they always come with a far tighter grip on exercising civil rights,” he added.
Wong contends that protesters will not be happy until prosecutions of protesters are ended, police are investigated, demonstrators are legitimized, and fair elections are called.
On Wednesday, Democratic presidential candidates tried to out-left each other during a seven-hour marathon town hall on CNN regarding global warming.
Sen. Bernie Sanders, the independent socialist from Vermont, took the cake in terms of unmitigated gall when he advocated massive population control in the third-world as a solution of sorts for the problem of climate change.
“The Mexico City agreement, which denies American aid to those organizations around the world that allow women to have abortions or even get involved in birth control, to me is totally absurd,” Sanders explained.
“I think especially in poor countries around the world where women do not necessarily want to have large numbers of babies and where they can have the opportunity through birth control to control the number of kids they have, it’s something I very, very strongly support,” he added.
Other low-lights from the night’s town hall include Sen. Kamala Harris of California vowing to destroy the filibuster to stop any dissent against her environmental plans, former Vice President Joe Biden’s eye rupturing in the middle of an incoherent rant, and homosexual South Bend, IN Mayor Pete Buttigieg claiming the climate crisis is at least as serious as World War II.
Thomas Sowell once wrote that “liberalism is totalitarianism with a human face” and as we read what certain Hollywood “heroes” and those seeking to become president are saying, Sowell’s words ring so true. There is no tolerance for debate, no real understanding of our US Constitution, and certainly no respect for any organizations that dare to stand for the right to bear arms. In fact, the only thing that today’s shallow, left-wing, liberals respect is the number of followers they have on social media, falsely believing this makes them correct on whatever issue they are ranting about.
Unelected members of a created commission are preparing to spend $100M on public financing to help fund candidates’ campaigns according to an article by Michael Gromley in yesterday’s Newsday. Mike Gormley writes that it is almost a foregone conclusion that this will definitely be sanctioned by the commission members and that the elected officials – charged with making these decisions – will abdicate their responsibility and not challenge the Commission’s decision. The Conservative Party strongly disagrees with the legislative intent of the Commission and has filed a lawsuit in the NYS Supreme Court; only duly elected members of the legislature – not those appointed by elected officials – have the responsibility to write the laws that govern New York’s citizens. Read the article to understand just how far Jay Jacobs plans to go with public financing and while he is euphoric about using your money to pay for campaigns, he will be absolutely gleeful if he can end fusion voting at the same time.
Before Mr. Jacobs is overcome with joy, perhaps he should read this: Cuomo’s Push to Ban Fusion Voting Could Violate State Constitution. Ross Barkin explains in Gothamist.com, that Chairman/Commissioner Jacobs may be counting his chickens before they are hatched. Former Assembly Member Richard Brodsky, currently representing the Working Families Party, doubts that any Supreme Court Judge will “shrug off three Court of Appeals decisions…”
Then there is today’s NY Post editorial: Why judges will end up writing New York’s new campaign laws. The editorial states in part that “the larger problem, though, is the whole gimmick of the people’s elected representatives passing the business of writing new election and campaign law off to a bunch of appointees.” The NY Post editorial ends with this “The whole thing is making a farce of representative government.” To this the Conservative Party says: how true, the men and women who what to use your tax dollars (so much easier than reaching out to you for your financial support) to get elected are willing to appoint a commission to make the decision they are elected to make so they can say, “I didn’t vote to do that.”
Governor Andrew Cuomo is trying to shift blame after a license plate fee proposed by his administration is angering New Yorkers who feel they are taxed enough already. However, the Cuomo administration could just lower the rates on their own accord, but will instead force more costs to the taxpayer for a special legislative session as they refuse to stop this outrage.
“The fact is the Legislature set the $25 fee 10 years ago, before I was governor,” Cuomo told WAMC News on Thursday morning.
However, that is a misrepresentation. The rules set in 2009 set a maximum fee of $25 for license plate replacement. Cuomo is trying to pull the wool over the eyes of the public and deflect from the bipartisan rage that his fee increase has caused.
Those with 10-year-old plates will be impacted by the proposed fee increase under the Cuomo administration that is always looking for sneaky ways to bleed New York citizens further.
State DMV Commissioner Mark Schroeder claims that a special session may be called to order to reduce the fees.
“Some legislators have now expressed an interest in lowering the fee. The governor would like to lower the fee,” Schroeder said, deflecting the blame from the Cuomo administration.
“If the legislators are sincere and want to lower the fee immediately, although they haven’t in the past decade, the governor has made clear he invites them back for a special session to do it,” he added.
The Inspector General’s report on former FBI Director James Comey was released yesterday, and its contents were damning toward the disgraced deep state former director.
“By not safeguarding sensitive information obtained during the course of his FBI employment, and by using it to create public pressure for official action, Comey set a dangerous example for the over 35,000 current FBI employees — and the many thousands more former FBI employees — who similarly have access to or knowledge of non-public information,” the report said.
President Donald Trump took to Twitter to gloat regarding the findings, as Comey has been one of Trump’s most dogged critics since he fired him.
Trump wrote: “Perhaps never in the history of our Country has someone been more thoroughly disgraced and excoriated than James Comey in the just released Inspector General’s Report. He should be ashamed of himself!”
Although Comey was found to be culpable for wrongdoing and unethical behavior, the Department of Justice still declined to prosecute him. Comey actually had the audacity to demand an apology and claim vindication on Twitter following the findings.
“I don’t need a public apology from those who defamed me, but a quick message with a ‘sorry we lied about you’ would be nice,” Comey wrote on Twitter.
He added: “And to all those who’ve spent two years talking about me ‘going to jail’ or being a ‘liar and a leaker’ — ask yourselves why you still trust people who gave you bad info for so long, including the president.”
While Comey may feel like he escaped justice, the investigation into the origins of the fake Russian conspiracy is still ongoing, and Comey may find himself indicted in the future for his grossly immoral behavior as FBI Director.
New York Mayor Bill de Blasio has refused to support law enforcement since the far-left ideologue came into office, and now the cops are pushing back against the leader who doesn’t have their back.
The New York City Police Benevolent Association, the union for New York City cops, is calling for Governor Andrew Cuomo to remove de Blasio from office, and demanding the immediate resignation of NYPD Commissioner James O’Neill. Resolutions of “no confidence” were approved against both men at the PBA’s 125th Annual Convention in Albany on Wednesday.
“Today’s votes are an unequivocal indictment of our failed leaders in City Hall and 1 Police Plaza. For years, Mayor de Blasio has demonized police officers and undermined our efforts to protect our city. For years, Commissioner O’Neill has cravenly acquiesced to the Mayor and his anti-cop allies,” PBA President Pat Lynch said in a statement.
In typical fashion, de Blasio has refused to admit any wrongdoing, and defended his policies that have made a mockery of law enforcement throughout his city.
“We won’t stand for it,” a spokesperson for de Blasio said. “Under this mayor and Police Commissioner, our officers and the communities they serve are closer than ever and the city is the safest it’s ever been. That isn’t changing.”
The egomaniacal De Blasio will doggedly continue with his liberal, anti-cop policies regardless of feedback from law enforcement and his constituents until the day comes when he is forced out of office.
Dr. Alan Chartock interviews Chairman Jerry Kassar on WAMC radio. Listen here.
Tucker Carlson opines on Sen. Kirsten Gillbrand’s dropping out of presidential race, calling her the worst candidate to ever run.
E. J.. McMahon continues to discuss Governor Cuomo’s plan to mandate new license plates that we have to pay for despite the pushback by both sides of the legislative aisle.
Today’s NY Post editorial calls for an end to the politics holding up the repaving of a section of I-90, a federal route.
True to form, Senator Kirsten Gillibrand is resorting to giving away something to get you to pay attention to her. In a desperate attempt to get unique donors to qualify for the next debate, NY’s senator will give you a $30 T-Shirt for a $1.00 donation.
Obviously, former VP Joe Biden, is not radical enough to be Linda Sarsour’s president. The extreme leader of the Woman’s March, is telling anyone who will listen that people should worry about Biden’s overall health.
Jennifer Ruben, at one time – maybe even currently – wrote a column in the Washington Post that alluded to the fact that she approached the topic “from the right.” Well, Ms. Ruben if you think the Republican, and by extension, here in NY the Conservative Party, “needs to be burnt to a crisp,” you have absolutely no idea, not one iota of an idea, of what the Right stands for. In all honesty, you never did.
Guy Benson has some thoughts on led by millennials, Americans value Patriotism, God, and children less than ever.
Wow, what a surprise, the panel was put together by Mayor de Blasio. Did they have a choice as to what they would recommend? School diversity panel wants city to scrap gifted programs. Let’s not let anyone excel, Mr. Mayor, and while we are at it, let’s end the World Series, the Stanley Cup finals, the Super Bowl and maybe even the Olympics.
Sunday’s NY Post editorial, New York is about to miss this great chance to boost its economy, explains the problems associated with Gov. Cuomo’s choice of Eric Gertler heading up NY’s economic-development agency. “Based on state data between 2010 and 2016, non-city jobs grew a paltry 1 percent a year. Then, from 2016 through last June, job growth slowed to a near halt: 0.5 percent annually…with Democrats in control of both houses of the Legislature and Cuomo showing no desire to change course, expect the state’s grueling taxes and burdensome rules …to only grow worse. Doesn’t give upstate NY any reason for hope, does it?
The 8th Circuit Court of Appeals stood up for religious freedom with this ruling. The First Amendment prevailed, now, if only the First Amendment would prevail on college campuses.
Dr. Robert Epstein, a lifetime Democrat, was forced to hammer his former hero Hillary Clinton after she criticized his pioneering work on Google and its undue influence on elections.
“This is going to hurt me to write, because I & my whole extended family have been strong supporters of the Clintons for decades. I have a framed, signed letter from [Bill Clinton] on the wall near my desk. But [Hillary Clinton] should be ashamed of herself,” Dr. Epstein wrote.
He explained the close ties between Google and Hillary, going back a great many years.
“[Hillary Clinton] has long depended on [Google] for both money & votes. Her largest donor in 2016 was Alphabet/Google. Her Chief Technology Officer during the campaign was Stephanie Hannon, a former Google exec,” Dr. Epstein wrote.
“A leaked email showed that in 2014 [Google’s former CEO Eric Schmidt] offered to run [Hillary Clinton’s] tech campaign… In 2015, Schmidt in fact funded The Groundwork, a highly secretive tech company, the sole purpose of which was to put Clinton into office,” he added.
Still a naive Democrat, Dr. Epstein attempted to appeal to Clinton’s better side to explain to her how Google is jeopardizing democracy by realizing the Orwellian nightmare.
“If Big Tech [companies] support the same candidate in 2020, they can shift [15 million] votes her way without people knowing how the shift occurred. If you had a choice between preserving [democracy] & putting your candidate in office, which would you choose?” he asked Clinton.
Despite being a Democrat, Dr. Epstein seems to be familiar with the infamous Clinton kill count, as he made it abundantly clear that his mental stability is not in question.
“Okay, this is sort of funny…. It’s been suggested that I remind people that I AM NOT SUICIDAL!!! I love my life, wife, 3 awesome sons, 2 awesome daughters, my research, etc. etc. Everyone got that???” he wrote in a Tweet.
New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo is telling New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio to shut his mouth about the tax bill of famous Brooklyn pizzeria Di Fara, which forced the joint to close down recently.
De Blasio has taken up the cause of the popular pizzeria, desperate to revive his sagging approval ratings as his presidential candidacy remains a national laughingstock.
“Di Fara is THE best pizza place in New York City. It MUST be saved. I’m ready to do anything I can to get them reopened — as are thousands of New York City pizza-lovers,” de Blasio wrote in a Tweet.
“My team and I are looking into how we can help resolve this situation,” he added.
Cuomo is not impressed by de Blasio’s populist bluster, and wants him to shut up unless he is willing to pay the massive tax bill himself.
“He has no legal authority to forgive state taxes,” Cuomo said. “Now, if he wants to pay the $200,000 on behalf of the pizza place, he can do that. That’s fine. And if he wants to get $200,000 worth of pizza, that’s his business. But he can’t forgive state taxes.”
The two most prominent socialists in the state are squaring off, over pizza of all things. However, when it comes to violently implementing the nanny state on New York residents, the two Democrats are still very much in concord.
President Donald Trump ruffled some feathers this week after he suggested that Jews who vote Democrat are “disloyal” to the state of Israel in lieu of his unprecedentedly pro-Zionist record in the Oval Office.
“If you vote for a Democrat, you’re being disloyal to Jewish people, and you’re being very disloyal to Israel,” Trump told reporters on Thursday.
That was a clarification of Trump’s previous comments from Tuesday that caused great controversy: “Any Jewish people that vote for a Democrat—I think it shows either a total lack of knowledge or great disloyalty,” he said.
Dishonest media commentators have suggested that Trump’s comments were bigoted or anti-Semitic. Trump corrected the record to make it known he was referring to the anti-Israel radicalism of the Democrats, in particular Reps. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) and Rashida Tlaib (D-MI).
The Republican Jewish Coalition stands by the President and his fervent record of supporting the state of Israel and his great friend, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.
“We take the President seriously, not literally,” the coalition wrote in a tweet. “President Trump is pointing out the obvious: for those who care about Israel, the position of many elected Democrats has become anti-Israel.”
“When Tlaib and Omar talk loyalty, they’re questioning American Jews’ loyalty to the United States,” the coalition added. “President Trump is talking about caring about the survival of the Jewish state.”
Miranda Devine writes in today’s NY Post that the war on cops imperils us all. Yesterday, Bob McManus wrote that NYPD Commissioner James O’Neill chose his badge — over what’s right. Even after Officer Pantaleo’s firing, public safety is foremost was yesterday’s NY Post editorial. The last sentence of the editorial; “The city’s at a crisis point. Everyone in a leadership position must understand that the safety of the public is foremost — and cops need help to ensure it,” says it all. Again we, the Conservative Party of NYS states this loud and clear: We stand proudly with our law enforcement officers.
Every time Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez posts her thoughts on social media, I have to wonder if she slept through all her classes at Boston U. AOC’s latest gem: Electoral College a racist ‘scam’ that ‘has to go’. Fortunately, Tara Ross, takes the time in a Townhall.com column, to explain why New York’s Congresswoman is so wrong.
Speaking of court cases, the commission that is exploring campaigning financing and fusion voting – the commission we filed a lawsuit against – met yesterday and has 5 more meetings pending. We maintain that this commission does not have the authority to change Election Law and that authority rests solely with the NYS Legislature and that the rights of Fusion Voting and cross endorsement are settled law protected by numerous court decisions. (Donations to help defray the cost of our lawsuit, would be thankfully accepted athttps://secure.anedot.com/nyscp/donate)
Governor Cuomo’s surreptitious tax increase – the $25 mandated fee for new license plates – is expected to raise $75M in its first wave. It is a burden on each family, but small businesses with fleets will really feel the pinch. Gov. Cuomo defends the cost of replacement, and that it is absolutely necessary that 10-year-old plates are replaced because cashless tolls can’t read peeling plates. Gov., can you explain this DMV statement?
Piece by piece, Mayor de Blasio and Commissioner O’Neill, are doing all they can to demoralize New York’s Finest. Ladies and Gentlemen of the NYPD: we stand with you! You are the finest, you keep New Yorkers and those visiting the greatest city in the nation safe. Events are safe because of your dedication to the rule of law. We SALUTE you and all that you do to keep New York safe. We understand the trauma of being first on the scene of a horrific accident or murder. We understand that you are always on duty and often have work on holidays unable to be with your families. Stand PROUD. Stand STRONG. 36,000 police officers protect approximately 8.623M residents, considering there are four shifts, each shift, would equal about one police officer for each 958 residents. Who dares to say they do not do a phenomenal job…other than their Commissioner and Mayor de Blasio?
Victor Davis Hanson has some great insight on elected officials and what issues they campaign on.
Will Chamberlain writes in Human Events how Speaker Nancy Pelosi is just watching “The Squad” dominate the Democratic Party. The Speaker better assert herself soon, before all is lost.
Sen. Elizabeth Warren, apologies to Native Americans for mistakes. Mistakes? They were not mistakes, Sen. Warren, they only became mistakes when you were called out on them. A Massachusetts newspaper, the Boston Herald.com, blasted Sen. Warren for her vile rhetoric that increasingly targets law enforcement. The Washington Times explains that her plan to “fix America” require $5 trillion in new taxes – and that is just for starters. The progressives may want her ideas, but it would be you and I paying for them, and we cannot afford one more penny in taxes.
We can also look at the firing of Officer Daniel Pantaleo (see our press release here) as another example of what happens when progressive policies are embraced by local officials. Every police officer will think twice before they react to situations and that hesitation could very well lead to death of innocent people or the police officer themselves. As Rafael A. Mangual writes in today’s NY Post: Progressives promote disrespect for cops — at our peril.
David R. Henderson wrote Socialism Has Failed. Period. Progressives know that socialism has failed, which is why they call themselves progressives. One can change the name, but the failure will remain the same.