“Government’s view of the economy could be summed up in a few short phrases: If it moves, tax it. If it keeps moving, regulate it. And if it stops moving, subsidize it”-Ronald Reagan
As we tweeted (@cpnys) on Saturday: Gov Cuomo, now would be a good time to reconsider your bill that allows abortion through the 9th month that you signed with such fanfare last January. Cuomo huddles with Catholic leaders to honor Mother Cabrini.
The 2019 Conservative Party of New York fall reception will take place on Oct. 24 and feature a keynote speech from Jeanette Nuñez, the Lt. Governor of Florida. It will also feature a celebration of the 25th anniversary of New York Governor George Pataki’s historic electoral victory.
“Jeanette M. Nuñez was born and raised in Miami, Florida. She was elected as Florida’s First Hispanic Female Lieutenant Governor of Florida in 2018. She previously served as a State Representative of the Florida House of Representatives from 2010 to 2018 and was named Speaker Pro Tempore from 2016 to 2018,” the keynote speaker’s bio reads.
Nuñez is a rising star in the Republican Party, serving under Gov. Ron DeSantis in Florida. Gov. DeSantis is a favorite of President Donald Trump, and he has risen to become one of the most conservative heads of state in the entire nation following his electoral victory last year.
“If he was doing a lousy job, I probably wouldn’t have shown up today. But he is doing one of the best jobs in the whole country — Ron DeSantis,” President Trump said during a rally earlier this month.
The event will also honor former Governor George E. Pataki, who was the last Republican elected to lead the state of New York. He defeated Mario Cuomo, the father of the current New York Governor, and served three terms in office from 1995-2006.
Pataki’s valiant leadership helped New York get through the attacks of 9/11, as he and America’s Mayor Rudy Giuliani set an example for strength in the face of tremendous national adversity. He will be honored during the event.
Tickets are still on sale. The event takes place on Thursday, Oct. 24 from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm at the Sheraton New York Times Square Hotel New York Ballroom on the 3rd floor. The address is 811 7th Avenue (between 52nd & 53rd Streets), New York, NY 10019. Please R.S.V.P. as soon as possible. For additional information, you may call 718-921-2158.
You can buy tickets online as well at this link. Don’t miss this incredible event to have a great time with like-minded folks and support the conservative movement in the Empire State!
On Proposal 1, the Conservative Party believes that each portion of this proposed amendment should be a separate proposal. It should be noted that in the past, the ranking system was used in NYC School Board elections which created confusion and lent itself to fraud, therefore a NO vote is strongly recommended.
On Proposal 2, the Conservative Party is opposed to the CCRB and believes that each of these proposed changes to the Civilian Complaint Review Board only further empowers it, therefore a NO vote is recommended.
On Proposal 3, the Conservative Party believes that some of these proposals contained in this initiative have merit and should be adopted, however, it also includes that the citywide director of the Minority- and Women-Owned Business Enterprise program report directly to the Mayor and be supported by a mayoral office of M/WBE’s and therefore we recommend a NO vote on this proposal.
On Proposal 4, the Conservative Party supports the idea of a “rainy-day fund,” however, to establish a minimum budget for the office of Public Advocate and Borough President eliminates the need to find ways to streamline and cut expenses, we therefore recommend a NO vote on this proposal.
On Proposal 5, the Conservative Party supports government transparency and therefore recommends a YES vote on this proposal.
Gov. Andrew Cuomo is waging war on influential third parties in the state of New York, making an appointment to his nine-person panel that is reforming state campaign laws that is a long-time opponent of Fusion Voting.
Fusion Voting allows Republican and Democratic candidates to appear as third-party candidates in certain situations. This keeps the major parties honest and more accountable to their bases. Cuomo appointed Jay Jacobs, who serves as chairman for the Nassau County and state Democratic parties, on the new bureaucratic board.
It is widely believed that Jacobs, who has waged war against Fusion Voting for years, is going to serve as Cuomo’s henchman to do the hit on third parties after Cuomo was angered by the left-wing Working Families Party endorsing his primary opponent Cynthia Nixon in last year’s election.
“It looks pretty obvious to me what’s going on here,” said New York State Conservative Party Chairman Jerry Kassar in a press release.
“Governor Cuomo is furious at the Working Families Party for endorsing Cynthia Nixon instead of him for governor in 2018, so his legislative mechanics cooked up a way to let his handpicked Democratic Chairman put a shiv between the third and fourth ribs of the WFP. Thankfully, though, the plot is unraveling as members of the public and news media are catching onto what they’re up to,” Kassar added.
Cuomo, of course, is denying that he is conspiring to consolidate power with his new commission.
“Yeah, I know — and people think there’s still a Santa Claus, and people believe in the Easter bunny,” he said when he was questioned about his motives during a September radio interview.
The Conservative Party, Working Families Party, and Republican Party are filing lawsuits in an attempt to prevent Cuomo’s attacks on Fusion Voting with his bureaucrat coup attempt.
“New York’s third parties, whether they be progressive or conservative, foster crucially important debate in New York and serve as incubators of ideas,” Chairman Kassar said. “We should be promoting as much free speech and political diversity in New York as possible, not working cynically to repress it. What Governor Cuomo and Chairman Jacobs are saying simply doesn’t pass the laugh test. They need to come clean about what they’re up to.”
Proposal # 1: This proposal seeks to eliminate the separate run-off primary elections for Mayor, Public Advocate, and Comptroller (by a convoluted system based on ranking your choice and eliminating the candidate with the lowest vote until a candidate has the majority); Extend the time period between the occurrence of a vacancy in an elected City office and when a special election must be held to fill that vacancy. Special elections would generally be held 80 days after the vacancy occurs, instead of 45 days (for Public Advocate, Comptroller, Borough Presidents, and Council Members) or 60 days (for Mayor); and Adjust the timeline of the process for drawing City Council district boundaries so that it is completed before City Council candidates start gathering petition signatures to appear on the ballot for the next primary elections. This process occurs every ten years. The Conservative Party believes that each portion of this proposed amendment should be a separate proposal. It should be noted that in the past, the ranking system was used in NYC School Board elections which created confusion and lent itself to fraud, therefore a NO vote is strongly recommended.
The Conservative Party recommends a NO vote on Proposal # 1.
Proposal # 2: This proposal seeks to increase the size of the Civilian Complaint Review Board (CCRB) from 13 to 15 members by adding one member appointed by the Public Advocate and adding one member jointly appointed by the Mayor and Speaker of the Council who would serve as chair, and to provide that the Council directly appoint its CCRB members rather than designate them for the Mayor’s consideration and appointment; Require that the CCRB’s annual personnel budget be high enough to fund a CCRB employee headcount equal to 0.65% of the Police Department’s uniformed officer headcount, unless the Mayor makes a written determination that fiscal necessity requires a lower budget amount; Require that the Police Commissioner provide the CCRB with a written explanation when the Police Commissioner intends to depart or has departed from discipline recommended by the CCRB or by the Police Department Deputy (or Assistant Deputy) Commissioner for Trials; Allow the CCRB to investigate the truthfulness of any material statement that is made within the course of the CCRB’s investigation or resolution of a complaint by a police officer who is the subject of that complaint, and recommend discipline against the police officer where appropriate; and Allow the CCRB members, by a majority vote, to delegate the board’s power to issue and seek enforcement of subpoenas to compel the attendance of witnesses and the production of records for its investigations to the CCRB Executive Director. Increase the size of the Civilian Complaint Review Board (CCRB) from 13 to 15 members by adding one member appointed by the Public Advocate and adding one member jointly appointed by the Mayor and Speaker of the Council who would serve as chair, and to provide that the Council directly appoint its CCRB members rather than designate them for the Mayor’s consideration and appointment; Require that the CCRB’s annual personnel budget be high enough to fund a CCRB employee headcount equal to 0.65% of the Police Department’s uniformed officer headcount, unless the Mayor makes a written determination that fiscal necessity requires a lower budget amount; Require that the Police Commissioner provide the CCRB with a written explanation when the Police Commissioner intends to depart or has departed from discipline recommended by the CCRB or by the Police Department Deputy (or Assistant Deputy) Commissioner for Trials; Allow the CCRB to investigate the truthfulness of any material statement that is made within the course of the CCRB’s investigation or resolution of a complaint by a police officer who is the subject of that complaint, and recommend discipline against the police officer where appropriate; and Allow the CCRB members, by a majority vote, to delegate the board’s power to issue and seek enforcement of subpoenas to compel the attendance of witnesses and the production of records for its investigations to the CCRB Executive Director. The Conservative Party is opposed to the CCRB and believes that each of these proposed changes to the Civilian Complaint Review Board only further empowers it, therefore a NO vote is recommended.
The Conservative Party recommends a NO vote on Proposal # 2.
Proposal # 3: This proposal would amend the City Charter to: Prohibit City elected officials and senior appointed officials from appearing before the agency (or, in certain cases, the branch of government) they served in for two years after they leave City service, instead of the current one year. The proposed change would be applicable to persons who leave elected office or City employment after January 1, 2022; Change the membership of the Conflicts of Interest Board (COIB) by replacing two of the members currently appointed by the Mayor with one member appointed by the Comptroller and one member appointed by the Public Advocate; Prohibit members of the COIB from participating in campaigns for local elected office, and reduce the maximum amount of money that members can contribute in each election cycle to the amounts that candidates can receive from those doing business with the City ($400 or less, depending on the office); Require that the citywide director of the Minority- and Women-Owned Business Enterprise (M/WBE) program report directly to the Mayor and require further that such director be supported by a mayoral office of M/WBEs; and Require that the City’s Corporation Counsel, currently appointed by the Mayor, also be approved by the City Council. The Conservative Party believes that some of these proposals have merit and should be adopted, however, it also includes that the citywide director of the Minority- and Women-Owned Business Enterprise program report directly to the Mayor and be supported by a mayoral office of M/WBE’s and therefore we recommend a NO vote on this proposal.
The Conservative Party recommends a NO vote on Proposal # 3.
Proposal # 4: This proposal seeks to amend the City Charter to: Allow the City to use a revenue stabilization fund, or “rainy day fund,” to save money for use in future years, such as to address unexpected financial hardships. Changes to State law will also be needed for this rainy-day fund to be usable; Set minimum budgets for the Public Advocate and Borough Presidents. The budget for each office would be at least as high as its Fiscal Year 2020 budget adjusted annually by the lesser of the inflation rate or the percentage change in the City’s total expense budget (excluding certain components), unless the Mayor determines that a lower budget is fiscally necessary; Require the Mayor to submit a non-property tax revenue estimate to the City Council by April 26 (instead of June 5). The Mayor may submit an updated estimate after that date, but must explain why the updated estimate was fiscally necessary if the update is submitted after May 25; and Require that, when the Mayor makes changes to the City’s financial plan that would require a budget modification to implement, the proposed budget modification shall be submitted to the Council within 30 days. The Conservative Party supports the idea of a “rainy-day fund,” however, to establish a minimum budget for the office of Public Advocate and Borough President eliminates the need to find ways to streamline and cut expenses, we therefore recommend a NO vote on this proposal.
The Conservative Party recommends a NO vote on Proposal # 4.
Proposal # 5: This proposal seeks to amend the City Charter to: For projects subject to the Uniform Land Use Review Procedure (ULURP), require the Department of City Planning (DCP) to transmit a detailed project summary to the affected Borough President, Borough Board, and Community Board at least 30 days before the application is certified for public review, and to post that summary on its website; and Provide Community Boards with additional time to review ULURP applications certified for public review by DCP between June 1 and July 15, from the current 60-day review period to 90 days for applications certified in June, and to 75 days for applications certified between July 1 and July 15. The Conservative Party supports government transparency and therefore recommends a YES vote on this proposal.
The Conservative Party recommends a YES vote on Proposal # 5.
New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio has another failed public policy initiative on his hands, as his $1 billion mental health program is failing residents, a report released by the New York City Public Advocate has determined.
Nicole Malliotakis, pointed out last March that first lady Chirlane McCray’s pet mental health project, Thrive NYC, had blown through $850 million without much to show for it. “It’s a point that I and many other serious mental health advocates have been making for a long time.”
It was reported earlier this year that Thrive NYC couldn’t produce any data indicating the program’s efficacy. The city council has complained that the program has failed the city’s homeless mentally ill population and suffers from chronic bureaucratic lag.
Meanwhile, violent criminals are being let out onto the streets to commit heinous offenses. One such recent example is Randy Santos, 24, who is accused of brutally murdering four homeless men in Chinatown.
It was revealed that Santos had committed violent crimes before, but his charges were dropped thanks to the Manhattan District Attorney. Their inaction forced Judge Joanne Watters to let Santos back on the streets, and that men are dead Is the likely result.
“Unfortunately attacks on court officers and police officers are not taken seriously anymore, even by the Manhattan DA’s Office,” said Dennis Quirk, president of the state’s court officers union. “Criminals are doing this because they know there is no punishment.”
That’s just business as usual in de Blasio’s city, as his liberal policies have made NYC a much more unsafe and tumultuous place.
President Donald Trump announced this week that troops would be removed from Northern Syria, as Turkish dictator Recep Erdogan prepare an assault against Kurdish forces in the area.
Many top Republicans expressed frustration with President Trump’s policies following reports that the Turks officially moved into northeastern Syria on Wednesday as a possible war begins between the Turks and the Kurds may break out.
“While the administration refuses to act against Turkey, I expect strong bipartisan support,” Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) said. “Most members of Congress believe it would be wrong to abandon the Kurds, who have been strong allies against ISIS.”
“President Trump’s decision to withdraw U.S. forces from northern Syria is having sickening and predictable consequences,” Rep. Liz Cheney (R-WY) said.
“President Trump’s decision to abandon the Kurds, our major ally in the fight against ISIS, was terribly unwise. Today, we are seeing the consequences of that terrible decision,” Sen. Susan Collins (R-ME) said.
However, Trump is sticking by his decision claiming that the move is necessary in order to show that the U.S. is no longer the policeman of the world. He says this is the first step toward the troops coming home from endless wars in the Middle East.
“Fighting between various groups that has been going on for hundreds of years. USA should never have been in Middle East,” Trump said in a series of tweets issued on Wednesday morning. “The stupid endless wars, for us, are ending!”
Only time will tell if Trump’s draw-back in Syria will have serious negative consequences for stability in the region.
The Trump administration is refusing to cooperate with the House impeachment inquiry over alleged improper correspondence with the Ukraine. The administration argues that Democrats want to boot Trump from office before the 2020 presidential election.
“Put simply, you seek to overturn the results of the 2016 election and deprive the American people of the President they have freely chosen. Many Democrats now apparently view impeachment not only as a means to undo the democratic results of the last election, but as a strategy to influence the next election, which is barely more than a year away,” White House Counsel Pat Cipollone wrote in a letter to House leaders.
“Given that your inquiry lacks any legitimate constitutional foundation, any pretense of fairness, or even the most elementary due process protections, the Executive Branch cannot be expected to participate in it. Because participating in this inquiry under the current unconstitutional posture would inflict lasting institutional harm on the Executive Branch and lasting damage to the separation of powers, you have left the President no choice,” Cipollone added.
The impeachment inquiry has already descended into a farce, as House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff (D-CA) abuses his power in broad daylight out of desperation to harm the office of the Presidency.
The idea of a lawsuit against him is very real. It’s being worked on,” Giuliani said.
By the time all of this unprecedented insanity is over, it may seal the Democratic Party’s fate in 2020 and assure Trump’s second term in the White House.
Chairman Kassar was a guest on WAUB 1590 AM/98.1 FM with Steve Penstone discussing the importance of the Conservative Party in New York State. You can listen to it here. (scroll to the bottom of the page, on the right-hand side {as you look at it} then go up three.)
Hillary Clinton: ‘Obviously’ I can beat Trump ‘again’ (Personally, I really think she is fantasizing that she is Elizabeth McCord [Téa Leoni] in Madam Secretary.)
The Oswego County Veterans Service Agency recently honored Ron Greenleaf, who serves as Mayor of the Village of Hannibal, for his heroic Naval service during the Vietnam War.
The 71-year-old war hero received a plaque from the county at Vona’s Restaurant during a banquet that was held to give Greenleaf the inaugural Oswego County Veteran of the Year Award.
“I am so honored to even be nominated,” Greenleaf said to the crowd, according to a report that appeared in the Oswego County Advertiser. “The other seven nominees are all well-deserving of this award, just as much as I am. We all served our country, and we all served our community.”
Greenleaf’s civic accomplishments, in addition to serving as Mayor, include his time as Chair of the Hannibal Historical Society, town supervisor for the Village of Hannibal for 14 years, and Chair of the Oswego County Conservative Party.
“It’s truly an honor to be able to say that the first Oswego County veteran of the year comes from District 21,” said county legislator Terry Wilbur, who represents District 21 and is a long-time colleague of Greenleaf. “Ron, you make our district very proud.”
The event that took place on Wednesday also honored all of the county’s veterans, and starts a great annual tradition of making sure that some of our state’s greatest heroes receive the respect and admiration they truly deserve.
The 2019 Conservative Party of New York fall reception will take place on Oct. 24 and feature a keynote speech from Jeanette Nuñez, the Lt. Governor of Florida. It will also feature a celebration of the 25th anniversary of New York Governor George Pataki’s historic electoral victory.
“Jeanette M. Nuñez was born and raised in Miami, Florida. She was elected as Florida’s First Hispanic Female Lieutenant Governor of Florida in 2018. She previously served as a State Representative of the Florida House of Representatives from 2010 to 2018 and was named Speaker Pro Tempore from 2016 to 2018,” the keynote speaker’s bio reads.
Nuñez is a rising star in the Republican Party, serving under Gov. Ron DeSantis in Florida. Gov. DeSantis is a favorite of President Donald Trump, and he has risen to become one of the most conservative heads of state in the entire nation following his electoral victory last year.
“If he was doing a lousy job, I probably wouldn’t have shown up today. But he is doing one of the best jobs in the whole country — Ron DeSantis,” President Trump said during a rally on Thursday.
The event will also honor former Governor George E. Pataki, who was the last Republican elected to lead the state of New York. He defeated Mario Cuomo, the father of the current New York Governor, and served three terms in office from 1995-2006.
Pataki’s valiant leadership helped New York get through the attacks of 9/11, as he and America’s Mayor Rudy Giuliani set an example for strength in the face of tremendous national adversity.
“I’ll just never forget one obviously homeless gentleman coming up and giving me a hug, and me telling him, ‘We’ll get through this,’ and his saying, ‘Thank you, I’m sure we will,'” Pataki said about his experiences the day of the attacks.
Pataki served as the honorary chairman of the National September 11 Memorial board of directors, helping the country to never forget what happened on that fateful day.
“It is something that I thought from the beginning had to be the cornerstone of all that we did at Ground Zero, so that people would not just once a year think back to September 11th, but every day people from around the country and around the world would have a chance to visit the site and understand the magnitude of the loss and yet at the same time understand the courage and strength that New Yorkers responded with,” Pataki said.
The event takes place on Thursday, Oct. 24 from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm at the Sheraton New York Times Square Hotel New York Ballroom on the 3rd floor. The address is 811 7th Avenue (between 52nd & 53rd Streets), New York, NY 10019. Please R.S.V.P. by October 18, 2019; you can also purchase tickets here. For additional information, please call 718-921-2158.
The Democratic Party is getting cold feet about the impeachment push against President Donald Trump, with House Speaker Nancy Pelosi noting that her party is stopping short of pushing for “outright impeachment.”
“This is an inquiry and not an outright impeachment. And we have to give the president his chance to exonerate himself, but he thinks what he did was perfect,” Pelosi said about her party’s efforts against the President.
Pelosi has called upon House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff to lead the impeachment inquiry, and he insists that he means business.
“We’re not fooling around here, though,” Rep. Schiff said. “We don’t want this to drag on months and months and months, which appears to be the administration’s strategy.”
However, President Trump is calling Schiff’s bluff. He is telling the Democrats to get on with the impeachment, or give up on this ridiculous charade.
Trump plans to send a letter to Pelosi informing her that his administration will ignore Democrat lawmaker’s demands until she calls a formal vote for an impeachment inquiry. Democrats are not happy about Trump’s posturing.
Pelosi said in a letter to House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy that there “is no requirement under the Constitution, under House Rules, or House precedent that the whole House vote before proceeding with an impeachment inquiry.”
“For several decades, impeachment investigations have frequently been conducted without a full vote,” Pelosi spokeswoman Ashley Etienne said to Axios.
Trump seems undaunted by any of the controversy and continues to put the spotlight on Vice President Joe Biden for the corrupt behavior he committed while serving as B. Hussein Obama’s second-in-command.
“China should start an investigation into the Bidens because what happened with China is just about as bad as what happened with Ukraine,” Trump said on Thursday. “I’m sure that President Xi [Jinping] does not like being under that kind of scrutiny where billions of dollars is taken out of his country by a guy that just got kicked out of the Navy.”
The New York Times is reporting on the ever deepening swamp in New York and exposing the fact that Governor Cuomo has done nothing to clean up the swamp; in fact, he thrives in it. Read more on the federal investigation in Bill Hammond’s column here.
Chris Bragg writes in the Albany Times Union about another federal probe of the Cuomo Administration that is costing taxpayers $1.2 M in additional legal fees that first began with the Buffalo Billion investigation.
Heather MacDonald writes in the City Journal about a platform of urban decline; an article that should be forwarded to everyone who is considering voting for anyone of the democrat presidential candidates.
E.J. McMahon explains why Judge Paul Oetken rejected the states’ core argument that Congress lacked the power to cap SALT deductions. But, true to form, Governor Cuomo