Category: CPNYS NEWS

Statement by State Chairman Gerard Kassar on Today’s Supreme Court Ruling:

For Immediate Release
June 29, 2020
Contact:  Shaun Marie
518-356-7882 @cpnys

Statement by State Chairman Gerard Kassar on Today’s Supreme Court Ruling:  Another Disappointment for Pro-Life Americans

Brooklyn, NY –  The Pro-Life Americans have been dealt another blow due to Chief Justice Roberts siding with those who chose not to protect the life of an unborn child when it struck down the Louisiana Law that sought to require doctors who provide abortions to have admitting privileges at a hospital within 30 miles of their clinic.  Challengers to the proposed law argued that it would limit the state to just one abortion provider at a single clinic.

Justice Roberts wrote in his concurring majority opinion that, “The Louisiana law imposes a burden on access to abortion just as severe as that imposed by the Texas law, for the same reasons. Therefore, Louisiana’s law cannot stand under our precedents.”

Justice Roberts failed to acknowledge that some precedents of the United States Supreme Court were wrong.

We agree with Justice Clarence Thomas who wrote in his dissent that, “Today a majority of the Court perpetuates its ill-founded abortion jurisprudence by enjoining a perfectly legitimate state law and doing so without jurisdiction.”

The Conservative Party of New York State will continue to advocate that life begins at conception and needs to be protected every moment of development until this precious life is safely delivered.

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Chairman Kassar’s weekly topics are Conservative Party Primary wins, the Democrats hard left turn, and the destruction of historical monuments.

Conservative Party Candidates Enjoy Big Primary Night

I would like to take a moment to congratulate several of our candidates that won their GOP primaries by such large margins that absentee ballots will not come into play. In these districts the GOP and Conservative Parties are now united as we move to the November elections.

Anthony Garbarino, Nicole Malliotakis, Claudia Tenney, Michael Tannousis, John Lemondes, and Joe Angelino secured victories Tuesday night.  In the closer races absentee ballot counting begins on July 6th. We will keep you informed as the results become known. They join a full slate of Conservative/Republican candidates primed for victory.

We have a unique opportunity in democratic New York State to be ground zero for taking back the U.S House of Representatives. I encourage everyone to tell a family member, friend, or neighbor about your local state and federal candidates and support them this November 3rd.

Democratic Socialist of America Candidates Prevail

The New York Democratic party already co-opt by the left, turned even further left on Tuesday as AOC backed candidate Jamaal Bowman defeated incumbent Rep. Eliot Engel despite the mainstream democratic establishments best efforts.

Bowman, recruited by the Justice Democrats to run for the 16th Congressional district, successfully mounted a campaign similar to the one socialist Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez used to unseat Rep. Joe Crowley in 2018. In New York’s 17th Congressional district retiring Rep. Nita Lowey’s seat will go to another candidate from the far left, Mondaire Jones.

At the state level in the Senate and Assembly, two of the many DSA backed candidates won their democratic primaries, including Zohran Mamdani, who leads Assembly Member Aravella, and Jabari Brisport who leads in the race to replace retiring state Sen. Velmanette Montgomery.

The embracing of the Democratic Socialists of America by house members Ocasio-Cortez, Omar and Tlaib sends a clear sign that there is no place for moderate democrats in their party. Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer may hold the titles, but the democratic party is being influenced and led by members with socialist agendas.

 Monuments and Statues Under Attack

 As we approach the 4th of July an effort is underway to expunge the history created by our founding fathers including Thomas Jefferson, the original author of the Declaration of Independence and author of the Virginia Statute for Religious Freedom that became the model for our country’s First Amendment.

George Washington University itself has removed a bust of our country’s first president, which begs the question, where do we stop?

George Washington and Thomas Jefferson are heroic figures in history; they were  men who led us to independence, united the country under one constitution, and never wanted to play the role of a king.

At some point we must draw the line and not give into angry mobs who thrive off a ridiculous cancel culture and refuse to acknowledge the time that these individuals lived in.

Many of the individuals participating in the destruction of these monuments, are not aware of what or who they are destroying, they just know they see an historical monument, and they’re obsessed with rewriting the history of it.

We Asked Biden’s Campaign If He Supports Removing Washington, Grant, Roosevelt & Jesus Statues, Received No Answer

Police Commissioner Dermot Shea: Our criminal justice system is ‘imploding’

U.S. consumer spending up 8.2% in May, partly erasing record plunge

Minneapolis City Council approves measure to abolish police force

/ In CPNYS NEWS / By Gerard Kassar / Comments Off on Chairman Kassar’s weekly topics are Conservative Party Primary wins, the Democrats hard left turn, and the destruction of historical monuments.

Senator Schumer and Governor Cuomo’s continuous pandering to the left is an embarrassment to New Yorkers’.

Governor Andrew Cuomo: you have a real problem you are losing your credibility even amongst your strongest allies.  Churchill: On nursing homes, Cuomo won’t admit the truth.

Governor Cuomo defends destruction of statues: “It’s a healthy expression of people saying let’s get some priorities here and let’s remember the sin and mistake that this nation made and let’s not celebrate it,”  However, the Emperor says don’t touch Cristopher Columbus’ because of his Italian heritage.  (For the record: CPNYS does not support the wanton destruction of any statues.)

Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg has long insisted that the company is politically neutral, but the same apparently can’t be said for all its content moderators.  Facebook moderators brag about deleting pro-Trump posts in Project Veritas sting  

Trump tells young conservatives U.S. ‘will never surrender to mob violence

Bob McManus makes the case for New York’s elected leaders to understand that if this happens it would be making a huge mistake.  NYPD top cop suggests getting rid of the one thing that made NYC safe

Bronx precinct commander quits, citing ‘no guidance’ on recent reforms..

BET founder Robert Johnson mocks crowds pulling down statues, calls them ‘borderline anarchists’

Sen. Schumer would rather have a political issue for the November elections than debate a bill proposed by Sen. Tim Scott who can articulate the problems far better than Sen. Schumer.  Senator, you are a charlatan masquerading as a leader of the people.   I am embarrassed that Sen. Schumer, the Minority Leader of the United States Senate, is one of the represents New Yorkers’.  McConnell: Notice How Chuck Schumer Acts as If Tim Scott Doesn’t Even Exist.

No surprises here:  America’s Top 20 Cities for Crime, and What Party Runs Them.

If you want a peek into the future, check out this map.  One can almost guarantee that these cities will be next for increased crime, riots, destroying statutes, and looting.

Criminals Tearing Down DC Statues Should Be Prosecuted. Here Are the Laws They’re Violating.

The Roots of America’s ‘New Anarchy,’ According to a College Professor (Wise words; not your everyday college professor)

A Crime Surge May Be on the Horizon.  May Be??

These are mind-boggling numbers and every citizen in the United States should be aware of them before they clamor for more federal stimulus bills.

Newt Gingrich: China’s secret campaign to spy on US and buy influence is exposed.

Supreme Court hands Trump administration win on deportation powers.

Don’t fear a coronavirus spike — wear your mask and watch the real measures

Words of wisdom from Walter E. Williams.  (I cannot understand why the media – and fawning elected officials – pay more attention to Al Sharpton, than Walter E. Williams, and so many other outstanding African-Americans who celebrate the United States of America and the fact that the USA corrects its misguided past.)

/ In CPNYS NEWS / By Shaun Marie / Comments Off on Senator Schumer and Governor Cuomo’s continuous pandering to the left is an embarrassment to New Yorkers’.

The Emperor of New York just cannot help himself…

Governor Andrew Cuomo has been all over the media saying the criticism he has been under regarding his handling the nursing home crisis in New York State is political.   Pro-Publica is not a right-leaning publication, and Salon actually leans to the left, yet Pro-Publica first wrote this on June 16, 2020 and reprinted it on June 20, 2020.  On May 12, 2020 the NY Post ran this article that notes long-time democratic chairman of the NYS Assembly Health Committee, Richard Gottfried, was leading the call for an investigation into the nursing home crisis.  Governor Cuomo, who during his pressers on COVID-19 stressed he wasn’t the least bit political, says the criticism of him is all political, yet here are only 3 articles, again hardly conservative or republican, that call him to task.  What say you now, Governor?

Governor, have you not studied Shakespeare’s Hamlet?  Obviously, you do not remember Queen Gertrude’s line “The lady doth protest too much, methinks”.  Gov. Cuomo blames sick nursing home staffers for infecting residents.

We know the answer to this, don’t we.  Will Andrew Cuomo Take Responsibility?  (Only if his political life depends on it, but Emperor Cuomo hasn’t realized that his political life does depend on it…and it is over!)

The Democrats are really doing all they can to undermine the upcoming November elections.  I will acknowledge that playing the “game” of politics is a very rough sport, certainly not for the fainthearted.  But, lately, the lies and false accusations are bordering on the line of libel.  Governor Andrew Cuomo has steadfastly noted he does not want to run for President (in 2020) but this interview paints a very different picture.  The man is poisoning the jury pool by repeating the mantra that President Trump will not leave the White House if elected.  Time to, not only drain the swamp, it must also be disinfected.

Schumer shows that politics trumps what is right in his world:  Schumer signals that Democrats will block GOP police reform bill.

Is anyone surprised by her spending?  Ocasio-Cortez has spent more campaign money this cycle than any other Democrat up for re-election.

Statue Toppling Is Bringing Mob Rule to America.

E. J. McMahon paints a bleak picture: New York’s Personal Income Pulse Weakened in First Quarter of 2020.

File this under “much too little, much  too late” Seattle will move to dismantle ‘CHOP’ zone after shootings, mayor says.

A Brief History of Antifa: Part II.

Sebastian Gorka opines on Who Can Save Us Now?

Rich Lowry opines in today’s NY Post that while they’re aiming at Jefferson, the real target is America.

Thank you, Mr. President:  Trump authorizes feds to arrest people vandalizing, taking down monuments.  It is distressing to the citizens who live in New York that New York’s political leaders do not have your courage to stand up to the myriad of problems we are facing.  NYC shootings continue to surge — and cops warn it may be the new normal.

Somebody call 911; Joe Biden needs a body cast.

Breaking News: Gov. Cuomo and Mayor de Blasio agree on an issue!

Tomorrow is Primary Day…Check you local Board of Elections to see if you should vote!

In case you missed Saturday’s NY Post editorial:  Andrew Cuomo’s big lie on nursing homes and the Post  that ends with this: “No, the real question is how many died ­because of Zucker’s order. And the point of Cuomo’s desperate lies is to stop New Yorkers from asking it.”

True to form: Gov. Cuomo ends over 100 days of coronavirus briefings with tribute to himself.

Another good opinion piece in Saturday’s NY Post:  Call them The 1619 riots, that ends appropriately with this:  “America is not systemically racist, but is a republic devoted, however imperfectly, to the truth that all men are created equal.”  (In case you are not familiar with the reference to the 1619, here is the New York Times Magazine’s The 1619 Project.)

In a reference to the NY Times inability to carry a diverse opinion in their paper,  David Harsanyi opines in today’s NY Post that “Words are violence” is an illiberal notion meant to stifle speech. Popularized by a generation of coddled college kids, it now guides the editorial pages of major newspapers.”

With colleges so far to the left and revising history perhaps the time has come to Let’s Defund Our Universities.

Stephen Eide makes a great point in his Op-Ed column: Can’t replace policing with social services that don’t do what they’re supposed to,  especially in the last sentence — “#DefundthePolice would have us hamstring a vital public service — only to swell the budgets of failed programs already gorged with taxpayer cash.”

You Can’t Learn From a History That’s Been Deleted, but that doesn’t stop the cancel culture from wanting to remove statutes from museums and public squares. More on the Museum of Natural History’s plan to remove President Roosevelt’s statute here.   Surprise, surprise!  NOT.  Cuomo, de Blasio support Natural History Museum removal of Roosevelt statue.  The panders say Roosevelt should go, but New York’s  emperor said Columbus can’t go.  Hmm, might there be a bit of prejudice from the emperor?  Apparently, what is good for the goose (Roosevelt), isn’t good for the gander (Columbus.)  BTW, we do not think either should be removed; if you don’t understand, learn, or care about history, you will be doomed to repeat it.

Newt Gingrich: Three generations of brainwashing are paying off for the left.

More proof that the democrats have lost their way:  28 Congressional Democrats Sign Letter Demanding Department Of Education Allow Biological Males In Girls’ Sports.

Did you miss our Live Facebook chat?  You can watch it on our Facebook page or click here, only you won’t be able to ask questions.  Stay tuned, we will be doing more in the future.

Chairman Kassar’s weekly topics are, the unanswered nursing home crisis, Twitter cancels thousands of communist China accounts and the candidate spotlight is on Beth Parlato (NY-27)

Congress Demands Information on Deadly New York Nursing Home Crisis

 On Tuesday, Congressional Republicans demanded New York State and Governor Cuomo hand over documents regarding the State Department of Health ordering nursing homes to admit COVID-19 positive patients.

All five Republican members of the House Select Subcommittee penned a letter asking New York State “…what science or guidance you used to make this lethal decision” that lead to thousands of deaths. Democratic members of the committee did not sign on to the request.

In response to the request Cuomo spokesman Rich Azzopardi called the Republican lawmakers “craven political hacks” who are “apparently seeking some sort of election year boost and to misdirect attention away from the oversight committee’s investigation into the federal pandemic response.”

It should come as no surprise that the Governor’s office would release such a callous statement, while continuing to ignore the over 6,000 lives senselessly lost at the hands of an asinine directive sent down by Commissioner of the Department of Health Howard Zucker, appointed by Governor Andrew Cuomo.

Thousands and thousands of family members deserve to know what exactly the Governor was thinking when he ordered sick patients be placed amongst the most vulnerable.

The Conservative Party has, and will, remain active on this issue. Last month, we  circulated a petition asking for an independent investigation. The petition received thousands of signatures and was sent to United States Attorney General William Barr. We will hold the Governor accountable.

Twitter Gets Tough on Chinese Propaganda

Last week, Twitter deleted over 170,000 accounts directly tied to a state-run Chinese propaganda effort. The accounts were being used to spread false information about the COVID-19, and political issues in Hong Kong.

“In general, this entire network was involved in a range of manipulative and coordinated activities,” Twitter wrote in a blog post.  “They were Tweeting predominantly in Chinese languages and spreading geopolitical narratives favorable to the Communist Party of China (CCP), while continuing to push deceptive narratives about the political dynamics in Hong Kong.”

The fake accounts were used to praise China’s response to the Corona Virus and were found to have tweeted over 350,000 times before ultimately being shut down by twitter.

Twitter, often times on the wrong side of history, got this one right when they shut down the Chinese Communist Parties attempt to downplay their role in the COVID-19 cover up, as well as their efforts to eliminate the unique nature of Hong Kong as an independent free market economy.

Candidate Spotlight: Beth Parlato New York’s 27th Congressional District

A mom, attorney, judge, activist, and lifelong Conservative Republican, Beth has seen up close and personal the harm liberals have done to her home in Western New York where she has lived all her life. Now, she is running to represent NY27 and fighting back against those who want to deny our freedoms and glorify a socialist America.

Tired of seeing Judeo Christian values mocked, drugs, dangerous illegal immigrants flow through our broken borders, protected late term abortion, and schools teaching what’s politically correct instead of the truth, Beth will be a doer Washington D.C. desperately needs.

The State Conservative Party is proud to have endorsed Beth Parlato in NY27.

To learn more, get involved, or donate, click here.

Senator Rob Ortt Elected New Senate Minority Leader

Congratulations to newly elected State Senate minority leader Senator Robert G. Ortt. The Senator has been the recipient of a 100% legislative rating from the Conservative Party. I look forward to a close working relationship as we strive to elect Senators who will bring common sense back to New York State Government.

Grenell Hammers Bolton For ‘Situation’ He Allegedly Caused While ‘Pursuing His Own’ Agenda

Gov. Cuomo attacks Republicans for politicizing the thousands of nursing home COVID-19 deaths his policies caused

People already lining up for Trump’s weekend rally in Oklahoma

NYPD may go on strike on July 4 so city can have its ‘independence’ from cops as tension builds between law enforcement and protesters

Dick Durbin Apologizes To Tim Scott After Calling His Police Reform Bill ‘Token’

/ In CPNYS NEWS / By Gerard Kassar / Comments Off on Chairman Kassar’s weekly topics are, the unanswered nursing home crisis, Twitter cancels thousands of communist China accounts and the candidate spotlight is on Beth Parlato (NY-27)

State Chairman, Gerard Kassar, Congratulates Robert G. Ortt on his Election to NYS Senate Minority Leader

For Immediate Release
June 19, 2020
Contact:  Shaun Marie
518-356-7882  @cpnys
State Chairman, Gerard Kassar, Congratulates Robert G. Ortt on his Election to NYS Senate Minority Leader

Brooklyn, NY — “Congratulations to Senator Robert G. Ortt on his election as the new Republican leader of the NYS Senate by his fellow colleagues today.  Rest assured Senator, the Conservative Party of New York State, will be working hard throughout this election season to change your title to Majority Leader of the NYS Senate.

Your constituents have benefited from your strong voice.  Now all New Yorkers will gain from your leadership no doubt acquired from your honored military service. I am confident your private sector and governmental experience will be welcomed by all New Yorkers as we deal with a state plagued with a multitude of problems.

Senator Rob Ortt has been consistent in scoring well in our ratings.  His 2019 rating was 100%, along with Sen. Jordan and Sen. O’Mara, as well as being the highest rated Senator in 2018 with an 85% rating.

I look forward to working together on the issues that affect all New Yorkers now and in the coming years.”


# # #

Five political cowards and four constitutionalists.

The news from the US Supreme Court was another disappointment to those of us who respect the rule of law, even though they did not rule on the legality of DACA itself.  National Review explains the decision here:  SCOTUS Blocks Trump’s Attempt to End DACA.  “In dissent, Justice Clarence Thomas, joined Justices Samuel Alito and Neil Gorsuch, wrote that DACA was illegal from its inception (emphasis added by cpnys.)  Justice Brett Kavanaugh also explains his dissent in the linked article.   Most everyone has sympathy for children who had no control over their lives when brought here illegally by their parents, however, executive orders are not how to resolve the issue.  Congress is still charged with writing the laws of our great nation.

Can’t help but wonder if this will end up in the US Supreme Court also:  Trump-Administration Rule Would Undo Obama Policy Allowing Biological Males into Women’s Shelters

Another very disappointing decision was made by the Quaker Oats Company when it announced that they are “retiring” their Aunt Jemima brand because it is ‘based on a racial stereotype.’  Cowards.  They obviously do not know who Aunt Jemima came to be the face of their pancake mix and syrup.  It is a great tribute to a woman who was born a slave and rose to fame and fortune.  Let me mimic Paul Harvey for a moment with here is the rest of the story.  (Perhaps all the modern-day athletes, who enjoy the fruits of branding, should be thanking Nancy Green…and tell Quaker Oats they are kowtowing to those who are ignorant of history.)  Fortunately for all of us, Sherrie Williams, was diligent in letting is know the rest of the story.

Another knee-jerk reaction by an elected official…he certainly deserves the egg on her face.  By the way, Schaaf won the November 4, 2014 Oakland mayoral election in the 14th round in ranked choice voting with 62.79% of the vote.  NYC, this is your future since you voted for rank choice elections.

Unfortunately, this may be New York’s future if it remains under complete democratic control:  Taxes, taxes, and more taxes. Lawmakers Want to Tax the Rich to Fix Pandemic Battered Economy  and  Legislators Unite for People-Centered Recovery.

Between the above and this, it truly is time to sound the alarm that every elected official must be strong and say enough is enough…we cannot sustain the spending levels that everyone seems to be powerless to say no to.

“Criminals sense weakness and exploit it.”

Every family of a person who died in a nursing home deserves answers…and justice.

Brute accused of shoving elderly NYC woman has been arrested over 100 times

Tom Homan: Trump’s police reforms will help prevent misconduct by bad cops without endangering public safety

Danger: Iran’s Arms Embargo About to Expire.

Four Cheers for Capitalism in a Time of COVID.

Tolerance (a fair, objective, and permissive attitude toward opinions, beliefs, and practices that differ from one’s own), what is it that the left does not understand about tolerance?  They demand tolerance and are unable to be tolerant.  Amazon, it is time to cut the restraints the Southern Poverty Law Center has lured you into.

More on the Google issue:  NBC Tries and Fails to Wreck a Conservative Website. Here’s Why It’s Deeply Problematic.

Tyrannical governors ignore Constitution’s protection of religious freedom.

Tomorrow is the last of the daily pressers presented by Emperor Cuomo.  Many in the press will miss his daily self-congratulatory messages that reassure those watching that only he knows all the right answers; Amy Robach will certainly miss him.  I do believe, while Janice Dean, is not a news anchor, (she is in the media) would have had better questions for the “luv gov.”  You can listen to today’s presser here.

Walter E. William’s words of wisdom.

Is Google determined to dismantle the conservative movement?

Breaking:  Google Bans the Federalist from Generating Ad Revenue after Intervention by NBC News.

Trump signs executive order on police reform, bans chokeholds, highlights necessity of police forces.

“The protests are drawing huge attention, so the pander needs to be big so protesters believe he cares. And it’s working: Even Rev. Al Sharpton praised the move.”

“Nobody is going into Rikers, and everyone is coming out,” a source told The Post. No wonder crime rates are climbing up.

‘Delusional’: NY Assemblywoman Doesn’t Hold Back on De Blasio’s Rikers Decision.

Governor Cuomo’s daily self-congratulating presser is here.  No comments on how non-political he says he is and just can’t help being political himself as he truly believes he is the only one who gets it right.  It is so good to know that our benevolent benefactor is now allowing visitors in hospitals and on Friday, those who are in state run group homes for the disable will be allowed to have visitors also.

“The tangible results will be harrowing. Following Bostock, can a Catholic school deny employment to a teacher whose sexual lifestyle blatantly flouts millennia of Catholic moral teaching? Can an Orthodox Jewish day school refuse to hire a male teacher who self-identifies as a woman, contravening traditional teaching rooted in Genesis?”

“Albany insiders speculated a reason Paterson may have backtracked on his criticism of Cuomo is that he’s a lobbyist for Las-Vegas Sands casino, which is campaigning for the right to open a casino in New York City. The state government headed by Cuomo regulates casinos.”

Why Americans Must Stand Up to the Left’s Power Grab.

Seth Barron writes in City Journal about Years of Rage.

Christopher F. Rufo writes about the State of Chaz (or whatever it is being called now) in City Journal.

Why These African American Leaders Reject the Left’s Victim Narrative.   Here is a video of other African American icons that the press  remains mostly mute on while elevating those who revel in stirring the dialogue.

Good news on the COVID-19 front:  Oxford Researchers Identify First Drug Proven to Reduce COVID-19 Fatalities.

World-Leading Infectious Disease Expert Explains Why Government Lockdowns Should End

Liberal Reporter: It’s the Left That Destroyed Legitimacy of Coronavirus Containment Measures.

The Gatestone Institute has a new article on Vote-by-Mail.

Fortunately, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 5th Circuit has taken federal District Judge Fred Biery to the proverbial woodshed over an outlandish order he issued in late May.

Well, this explains a lot:  Chinese Propaganda Outlet Has Paid US Newspapers $19 Million for Advertising, Printing.

U.S. National Institutes of Health Fires 54 Researchers as Ongoing Investigation Reveals 93% Failed to Disclose Links to Chinese Communist Party.

Andrew Cuomo has spoken: Thou shalt not break my laws.

Chairman Kassar has signed on to the following memo to the movement decrying the violence in the wake of the killing of George Floyd and urging state, local and national authorities to respect peaceful protests while acting with alacrity to restore law and order when individuals and organizations turn to violence and use Mr. Floyd’s death to pursue an agenda of social conflict and destruction.  Read it here.

National Review makes the following recommendations as the foundational principles from which specific proposals should proceed.  What Conservative Law-Enforcement Reforms Should Look Like

Charles Love writes about False Prophets in the City Journal.

Coleman Hughes is a fellow at the Manhattan Institute and contributing editor of City Journal.  Read his compelling article on Stories and Data here.

It is an established fact that you shouldn’t judge someone until you walk in his shoes; take the time to read Mr. Hughes and Mr. Love’s article and see the world through their eyes.  Instead of the media putting the likes of Al Sharpton on a pedestal, the media should be elevating the words of these young African-American men.

Also from City Journal:  Anarchy in Seattle.  (see related article below)

In case you missed Secretary Ben Carson on Fox News Sunday yesterday, June 14, 2020.  For the first time in a long time, Mr. Wallace was left speechless.  Great interview, Secretary Carson.  As noted above, don’t judge someone unless you walk in his shoes, Mr. Wallace.

The Wall Street Journal (subscription required) writes that Political Groups Track Protesters’ Cellphone Data.  “Political Groups Track Protesters’ Cellphone Data “Political groups say the protests following the killing of George Floyd while in police custody, along with earlier lockdown protests, are opening up fresh opportunities to reach people who may not be registered to vote or weren’t previously politically active.”

How to force social media to respect free speech — or pay big.

Will New York lawmakers dare to face the state’s fiscal woes?

If they only knew the real Gov. Cuomo they wouldn’t be so quick to consider this:  Dems would swap Biden for Cuomo, poll says: Switch basement Grandpa with guy who killed Grandpas.  Dems need a strong personality (certainly not Joe Biden) to be their candidate and they think they have one in Andrew Cuomo.  All they have to do is listen to his double talk in his daily pressers and they will note that his self-praise is nauseating and while, like his daddy, Mario, he says one thing in a sentence and 20 seconds later, he contradicts what he just said.  Listen for yourself here.

It is important to know that this judge – Springing a cop-attacking looter: one judge’s new low – was appointed, not elected, to the bench by Mayor DeBlasio.  And, if my math is close, she is approximately 66 years old (graduating from Brandeis University in 1976) which means this ultra-liberal judge has a minimum of 4 years to continue to use her “judicial discretion” to not remand the worst of the worst.

File this under “whatever one sows, that will he also reap”:  Wins by young progressives start reshaping establishment.

Any doubt?  Read this one also:  Young people have the megaphone. Here’s what they want everyone else to hear.  Still have doubts?  Watch the Video: Seattle Autonomous Zone Mob Fondly Recalls French Revolution’s Guillotine for Dissenters.

Gov. Cuomo says law abiding citizens may have to stay in their homes if COVID-19 numbers start to increase and that tracers are needed to keep us safe.  But, NYC contact tracers  are not permitted to ask sick patients if they attended a George Floyd protest.  When did New York become the state that rewards the bad while punishing those who follow the rules?  (Hint:  when democrats took control.)

Chairman Kassar’s weekly topics are the nursing home crisis, defunding police and his candidate spotlight is on Andrew Garbarino.

Continued Calls for Independent Investigation Into NY Nursing Home Crisis

This week the Conservative Party formally called on the United States Attorney General William Barr to launch an independent investigation into why New York State has suffered over 6000 nursing home deaths attributed to COVID-19.

The Governor, under pressure from families, the media, elected officials, and political leadership, acknowledged the problem by calling for the NYS Department of Health and the State Attorney General to investigate. The Conservative Party takes exception with the State investigating itself. We firmly believe that both the NYS Attorney General and the Commissioner of Health are political functionaries lacking the ability to act independently particularly when the Governor’s actions are a likely target of any investigation.”

The Conservative Party was an early proponent of an independent federal investigation, launching an on-line petition that almost 2000 people signed and a social media campaign that received over 35,000 interactions supporting a federal investigation into this horrific crisis in our nursing homes.

We will continue to demand action and answers as to why thousands of New Yorker’s were put directly into harm’s way at the order of the Governors Department of Health.

A copy of the petition is here. The letter to Attorney General William Barr is here. A copy of the Commissioner’s memo is here.

New York City Council Begins Steps to Defund NYPD

Not long ago, the New York City Council was in support of pay raises for the men and women of the NYPD. Fast forward a few months, and those same council members are working to defund that same police department.

41 City Council members signed a letter in support of pay raises which was sent to lame duck Mayor Bill de Blasio just months ago. Now, the Mayor vows to cut funding to the officers who ran toward danger on September 11, 2001, and the December 11, 2017 attempted bombing of the Port Authority.

In May, the Working Families Party and Communities United for Police Reform, called for New York City to redirect NYPD funds to other city social service programs. City Council member, and Panderer in Chief, Brad Lander, proposed a NYPD hiring freeze, while Council member Donovan Richards, head of public safety, called for $55 million in cuts solely to the cadet program and overtime.

City Council Speaker Johnson favors cutting the $6 billion NYPD budget and decreasing officers involvement in NYC schools. Members of the council have proposed cuts between 5 and 15 percent, which would gut the department anywhere between $300 million and $1 billion, changing the NYPD and all the good they do as we know it.

A defunding of the NYPD will certainly come with major consequences. As of this writing, murder is up 25.4%, shooting victims are up 22.1%, shooting incidents are up 22.2%, and burglary is up 47% according to the city’s CompStat crime tracking website.

The department is also prepping itself for a dramatic increase in the number of retirements, and officers prepared to move on to different careers, due to the lack of support from the Mayor’s office and City Council. There have already been 800 disheartened officers who have filed retirement applications or made appointments to discuss retirement within the last month.

Not long ago, New York City was amongst the most dangerous cities in America. In 1990, during the Dinkins administration, 2,245 people were murdered. Mayor Giuliani was elected in 1993, and by 1995 those numbers were cut in half. In Giuliani’s final year as Mayor in 2001, the city had become one of the safest places to visit in the world.

It is my fear that reducing the NYPD’s funding and man power, there will be a significant spike in violent crimes that plagued the city in the 1980’s and 1990’s.

 Candidate Spotlight Andrew Garbarino NY2

Representing the South Shore of Long Island in the New York State Assembly since 2013, Andrew has been fighting Governor Cuomo’s liberal machine that wants to raise taxes, and move more control of our business and personal lives to Albany. He has fought Cuomo’s so-called “bail reform” scheme that allows MS-13 members to walk free, and stood up to his crazy idea of giving drivers’ licenses to illegal immigrants.

Andrew has hosted a task force on the heroin and opioids epidemic, listening to those fighting disease and addiction, and helping to provide them with care and support. Additionally, he has always fought for veterans across New York State restoring $6 million in funding for veteran programming.

To learn more, get involved, or donate, visit his website here.

Trump vows executive order to address law enforcement use of force, but slams ‘Defund The Police’ movement

Biden Dropped $4.7 Million on Facebook Ads in June While Decrying ‘Misinformation’ on Platform

 BREAKING: Twitter Admits China Used Nearly 200,000 Fake Accounts To Influence Politics, 150x More Than Russia

Report: SC National Guard members found glass baked into pizza they ordered during DC protests

 Republicans pick Jacksonville as alternative convention site


/ In CPNYS NEWS / By Gerard Kassar / Comments Off on Chairman Kassar’s weekly topics are the nursing home crisis, defunding police and his candidate spotlight is on Andrew Garbarino.

Hypocrisy, thou hast so many names; Andrew, Nancy, Joe…

C. Douglas Love’s book —We Want EQUALITY – How the Fight for Equality Gave Way to Preference – was released almost two years ago and at the recommendation of a friend (Thank you, Jameson) I just ordered it. I’m contemplating purchasing another copy to send to Speaker Nancy Pelosi, however, I know it would be a waste of money to send it to her, Al Sharpton wouldn’t read it either. Unfortunately, all those who should be reading it are pandering snowflakes incapable of hearing the truth.

Speaking of pandering people (Speaker Pelosi) one has to wonder why the Speaker and many others wear the Kente Cloth scarves in tribute to African Americans.  Do they know that Kente cloth originated with the Ashanti in West Africa (now Ghana and Cote d’ivoire) and that the Ashanti tribe was the largest slave trader in Africa.  So, the same people who want to destroy every Confederate statute, flag, and symbol of slavery in America, promote scarves from the Ashanti tribe.  Hypocrisy or the result of not being a student of history?

This young gentleman on Instagram makes sense.  Thank you, Joel Patrick.

Would someone please explain to me how this helps?  ‘Black Lives Matter’ painted near Andrew Cuomo’s office in Albany.  It isn’t only Albany; this is happening all over.  Shouldn’t the taxpayer’s money being used be put to better uses?  Maybe it isn’t taxpayers’ money, maybe it is donations by all the Hollywood stars telling us how to live.

Another how does this help: Dr. Birx Says George Floyd Protests Have Resulted in the Destruction of 70 Covid-19 Testing Sites.

Don’t go to work, don’t go to church, and don’t gather, unless the government approves

The Governor’s daily COVID-19 pressers have evolved into a purely political platform for the Emperor of New York.  It is totally about his blowing his own horn; he speaks and we are supposed to thank him for being our savior.  Gov. Cuomo has staff to provide him the “facts” and he makes the decision who can begin to live a normal life again.  Hopefully these daily pressers are coming to an end; certainly, my watching them is.  (I’m not paid combat pay, lol)

Victor Davis Hanson opines on the bitter irony of COVID-19 and the George Floyd revolution.

Judge Sullivan appointed another judge to reinforce his opinion.  Shame on both.   Ex-Judge Says Dropping Flynn Case Amounts to ‘Gross Prosecutorial Abuse,’ Urges Sentencing.

Barr ‘Very Troubled’ by Findings on Origins of FBI’s Trump-Russia Probe.

Andrew McCarthy writes in National Review:  Unable to Run Its Own Agencies, Washington Dictates to America’s Police.

Newt Gingrich: Democrats must apologize – here’s how they’ve failed America’s cities.

Protesters Topple, Behead Christopher Columbus Statues in Richmond and Boston.

A ‘Black Lives’ pander by Democrats: Devine.

File this under:  You can’t make this up stuff.  Baltimore Mayoral Race: Ex-Mayor Convicted of Embezzlement Could Replace Former Mayor Booted for Fraud.

Words of wisdom from Walter E. Williams – The True Plight of Black Americans.