Category: CPNYS NEWS

The Stock Market needs an anti-viral inoculation.

Kudos to the law team that went to bat for political freedom in New York.

Today is a good day to read Jim Geraghty article “A Pep Talk for America” published online yesterday in National Review.  It reminds us that we will get through this scary coronavirus crisis as we have gotten through everything else America has faced.

Staying calm and rational will win the war against coronavirus.

From the Daily Signal:  A Doctor Explains What You Need to Know About Coronavirus

Robert Knight opines on loony liberals spiral out of control over Supreme Court, Joe Biden, abortion and the coronavirus in the Washington Times.

Democrats’ family leave act unaffordable, inaccessible.

Seriously, for shame Patton Oswalt:   Patton Oswalt Imagines Trump Supporters Dying from Coronavirus.

America needs Washington to quit partisan bickering in face of coronavirus.

Coronavirus in NY: Gov. Cuomo bans gatherings of more than 500 people.

This article was published almost two years ago and every person who is a Bernie supporter should read it, perhaps even Bernie himself — for he also, does not appreciate all the good that capitalism truly does here in America and throughout the world. Here is another one for the Bernie Bro’s.

According to this, the Criminal Justice Reform Law is wreaking havoc on code enforcement as well is criminal justice.

Trump Considers Veto of FISA Reauthorization.

To brighten up your day:  Podiums At Next Debate To Be Equipped With Life Alert Buttons.

Words of wisdom from Walter E. Williams.

Statement by New York Conservative Party Chairman Gerard Kassar on “Total Victory for Political Freedom in New York; Reason Has Won out Over Machiavellianism”

Contact: Bill O’Reilly, 212-396-9117

Statement by New York Conservative Party Chairman Gerard Kassar on “Total Victory for Political Freedom in New York; Reason Has Won out Over Machiavellianism”

March 12, 2020

“Today’s court decision confirms what the State Conservative Party has maintained since day one: Governor Cuomo’s Public Finance Commission had no Constitutional right to make or amend state law. This was a total overreach by an overzealous governor, and we are grateful that the Court acted to protect the political and First Amendment rights of New Yorkers and the parties with which they choose to affiliate. This is a total victory for political freedom in New York, and a reminder to Governor Cuomo that he is an executive and not an emperor. Reason has won out over Machiavellianism, and New York is better for it.”


/ In CPNYS NEWS, Press Release / By Shaun Marie / Comments Off on Statement by New York Conservative Party Chairman Gerard Kassar on “Total Victory for Political Freedom in New York; Reason Has Won out Over Machiavellianism”

Andrew Cuomo morphs into Rahm Emanuel.

Leave it to former NYPD Commissioner, Ray Kelly, to tell it like it really is.  In case you missed this from Sunday’s  NY Post: Former NYPD Commissioner Ray Kelly blasted state bail reform Sunday, saying the legislature “shoved” the reform law “down the public’s throat.”   Listen to Mr. Kelly on the Cats Roundtable here.

Governor Cuomo had the Criminal Justice Reform Bill in last year’s budget; and the consequences when implemented have been far reaching and well publicized in this blog.  Not learning from his major political mistake, Governor Cuomo is pushing the legalization of marijuana in this year’s budget.   Despite efforts to change the classification of marijuana, it is still classified as a Schedule I drug and to only perceive it as an revenue enhancer is disingenuous and dangerous.  At the very least, it should be a stand alone bill, and freely debated on the floor with minimal time limits so all the information regarding the dangers of smoking, inhaling, or eating, growing and dispensing marijuana is available.  In Massachusetts, Resistance to Marijuana Dispensaries.  Legislators must know all of the issues and concerns that have surfaced in states that passed recreational marijuana, if they do, we are certain they will not allow it in New York.  And, If they foolishly insist on allowing recreational marijuana to go forward; the backlash will be just as strong as it is on the Criminal Justice Reform.

Former Mayor Rahm Emanuel was fond of saying “You never want a serious crisis go to waste.” It is very apparent that Governor Andrew Cuomo has taken that advice to heart.  First, with very little opposition, he had the legislature provide $40 million to protect New Yorkers from the coronavirus (remember the state budget is already facing a $6 billion deficit) but more egregiously they passed changes to the emergency powers granted to the Governor.  Three unlikely political allies have grave concerns, as we all should, with these newly created powers that seemingly innocuous language changes in the legislation could give unprecedented authority to Cuomo for as long as the governor wants it.

The  Governor is using Coronavirus – which admittedly is spreading; but with roughly 19 million inhabits and roughly 200 known cases and measures in place to help prevent a pandemic like spread in NYS, Governor Andrew Cuomo is pushing paid sick leave to the fore.   We all have empathy for those who do not have paid sick leave, but relying on fear to get legislation passed is not a responsible long-term response.  Coronavirus Shows Government Paid Leave a Bad Fit for Employees’ Needs.

Will the Coronavirus change the petitioning season?  Coronavirus fears could imperil New York’s democracy, lawmakers warn.

I wonder if this will come up in the next Biden/Bernie debate?

Oh Boy, even when ahead in the race, former VP Biden has thin skin.

California Throws the Books at Undercover Reporter Who Exposed Baby Body Trafficking.  The voters in California have blindly given carte blanche to California’s government; thereby proving this quote:  “A government big enough to give you everything you want, is a government big enough to take away everything that you have,” including the right to life and freedom of the press.  What will be next?

We were not the only ones who saw the hypocrisy in the NY lawmakers last week.  

Chairman Kassar’s weekly wrap up discusses Sanders’ not so Super Tuesday, Sen. Schumer’s appalling threats and New York’s climbing crime stats.

A Not Very Super Tuesday for Socialism

 Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders entered Super Tuesday as the presumed favorite to capture the Democratic nomination in this November’s general election. On Wednesday morning, he found himself preparing to dig out of a hole.

The 18-29-year-old base that came out in record numbers in 2016 left much to the imagination Tuesday as each of the 14 states saw a decline within that demographic.

Heading into Super Tuesday, polling showed Sanders ahead in both Massachusetts and Texas, but due to the poor turnout amongst the 18-29 crowd, Vice President Biden prevailed in both states and has positioned himself well heading into next week’s round of primaries and caucuses.

Something the mainstream media has conveniently left out of the news is the massive amount of votes  President Trump has received in the 2020 primary season.

For example, President Trump won in Texas with 94.1% or 1,889.006 votes. The last time an incumbent ran for reelection was George Bush in 2004. He received 92.5% of the vote in Texas, a state where he also served as Governor.  The Democratic primary had a total of 2,075,862 votes case. Solid showing for President Trump who is essentially running unopposed compared to the Democratic party who is in the midst of a competitive primary battle.

Schumer Threatens Two Supreme Court Judges

 Perhaps feeling the heat of an Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez challenge for his U.S. Senate seat, Chuck Schumer continues taking a sharp left turn in Washington D.C., and now has a new target; Supreme Court Justices Gorsuch and Kavanaugh.

Schumer’s comments came as U.S. Supreme Court Justices deliberated on a Louisiana abortion decision. “I want to tell you, Gorsuch. I want to tell you, Kavanaugh. You have released the whirlwind and you will pay the price!” Schumer emphatically yelled into the microphone. “You won’t know what hit you if you go forward with these awful decisions.”

These appalling threats coming from Senator Schumer are a clear indication he feels left out of the spotlight and the only way he knows how to make himself relevant is to issue threats to member of the highest court in the land.

Senator Schumer owes Justices Gorsuch and Kavanaugh an apology for the threats he personally made against him and an apology for the subsequent response the threat received from those in the crowd.

Crime Continues to Rise

 Thursday, the NYPD announced 482 were rearrested after being released due to the new bail reform laws.

Albany Republicans continue to call on bail reform to be revisited. While Governor Cuomo has tip toed around the situation, his office has said they are open to reform, but as a part of the state budget, which is exactly how we got into this mess in the first place.

The state budget is no place for legislation to be slipped in and passed. New laws should be debated on the floor of the State Senate and Assembly. Not hidden within the wording of a state budget.

While there has been talk about giving judges back the discretion to decide which criminal offenders should be held on bail, there has been no talk regarding discovery rules.

Previously, state law required the defense to request discovery information. Now, prosecutors must automatically hand over information to the defense within 15 days.

These new laws endanger the witnesses and prevent those who have witnessed a crime to come forward in fear of retaliation. Democrats must uphold their duty to, first and foremost, protect the citizens of New York and our visitors. If they don’t, we must elect new representatives that will.

Economy defied early coronavirus fears in February with 273,000 new jobs, unemployment ticked down to 3.5%

Brian Williams, NY Times editor ridiculed for getting Bloomberg math breakdown very, very wrong

Trump signs $8.3B coronavirus spending bill: ‘It’s an unforeseen problem’

Record GOP voting enthusiasm breaks pattern, topping Democrats

Bail reform a ‘significant reason’ for crime spike, NYPD says

/ In CPNYS NEWS / By Shaun Marie / Comments Off on Chairman Kassar’s weekly wrap up discusses Sanders’ not so Super Tuesday, Sen. Schumer’s appalling threats and New York’s climbing crime stats.

The real desperate Senator Charles Schumer showed his true colors in front of the US Supreme Court yesterday.

Sen. Charles Schumer absolutely crossed the line yesterday with his personal attack on Justices Gorsuch and Kavanaugh.  His remarks were meant for them, despite the attempt to clarify them.  Sen. Schumer is a hypocrite who does all he can to create havoc while he claims it is the conservatives that create havoc.  Senator Mitch McConnell finally called Sen. Schumer out on the Senate floor earlier today.  As of this writing, Sen. Schumer, has only doubled down and refuses to fully apologize.   Curt Levey thinks the best way to teach Sen. Schumer a lesson is to re-elect Trump.  Our earlier press release — Schumer the Hypocrite – sums up the Conservative Party’s reaction to his remarks in front of the US Supreme Court yesterday.

Despite what Bernie and his buddies tell you, Government-Controlled Health Care Won’t Help Us Live Longer.

Sen. Elizabeth Warren drops out, as of now, has not endorsed either of the two front runners.

You haven’t heard the last from rejected presidential candidate Michael Bloomberg’s quest to oust President Donald J. Trump.

Here is Tucker Carlson’s take on former VP Joe Biden’s Super Tuesday win and surge to the front of the pack.

New York State Association of Counties: Cuomo’s budget would hurt counties.

Perhaps one of the best editorials written by the NY Post in the last several years:  The Legislature’s lunatic surrender to Gov. Cuomo.

Speaking of the legislature would somebody please explain to me why the members are allowing liquor in ice cream while banning flavored cigarettes because children are attracted to flavored cigarettes.  Aren’t children attracted to ice cream?  In fact, I would think children are more attracted to ice cream than cigarettes.  I personally believe it is the parents’ responsibility to keep cigarettes and liquor away from their children and I really do not understand why anyone would smoke knowing what we know about the health risks associated with cigarettes.  (Yes, I am a former smoker.)  As an adult, if I want liquor in my ice cream, I can pour it on a bowl of ice cream.  I’m not opposed to liquor in ice cream, but I do find it amusing that the legislators think flavored cigarettes should be banned while liquor in ice cream is okay.

Wilfred Reilly is an associate professor of political science at Kentucky State University and the latest person to pan the NY Times 1619 project.

City-Journal asks the question: Is Trump’s Budget an Attack on the Poor?

The Progressive movement has lost all sense of reality in its total lack respect for endangering lives of those who would be exposed to this ill-conceived idea.  Coming Soon Near You: Government-Approved Places to Shoot Drugs.

/ In CPNYS NEWS / By Shaun Marie / Comments Off on The real desperate Senator Charles Schumer showed his true colors in front of the US Supreme Court yesterday.

Schumer the Hypocrite

For Immediate Release
March 5, 2020
Contact:  Shaun Marie
518-356-7882   @cpnys

Schumer the Hypocrite

 “Senator Chuck Schumer crossed a dangerous line yesterday, and he has to address it head-on. His response so far has been entirely inadequate, if not downright mealy-mouthed.

“Threatening Supreme Court justices in an attempt to score political points with an advocacy group is well beneath the dignity of a United States Senator. It puts the independence of the Court at risk by seeking to intimidate its justices.

“This is no small matter: Mr. Schumer has introduced an egregious precedent at the highest levels of government, and he must not be allowed to skirt accountability for it. A full retraction and apology are urgently required. Anything less will demean Mr. Schumer’s legacy as a senator.”

# # #



For Immediate Release
Contact: Shaun Marie
518-356-7882   @cpnys


March 4, 2020

Brooklyn, NY — “Tuesday was a super day for President Donald Trump who’s watching the American political left devour itself.

“The latest narrative Democrats have been trying to sell — a socialist vs. moderate primary — couldn’t be more false or desperate: There are no more moderates in today’s Democratic Party leadership; Joe Biden’s radical plans are just as reckless as Bernie Sanders’.  Either of the candidates would drive the American economy off a cliff, and each of them would raise taxes, reduce our individual liberties, and massively expand the size of the federal government.

“The clear winner on Tuesday was President Donald Trump. The Democratic Party is spinning out of control.”

# # #

Super Tuesday! Will a new leader be crowned? Will it be Bernie or Joe?

Anyone the least bit familiar with the criminal justice reform bill passed by the democratic controlled legislature and signed by democratic Governor Andrew Cuomo, is not surprised by this headline: NYPD stats show notable jump in crime so far this year.  Governor, the criminal justice you stuck in the budget bill must be fixed NOW.  If you haven’s signed our petition, please do so here.

Bernie Sanders Is Wrong About American Health Care.  The U.S. system remains the best equipped to handle challenges like the coronavirus.

Donald Trump vs corona hysteria.  His critics are desperate for him to mishandle a crisis. So far, he hasn’t

Supreme Court to Hear First Major Abortion Case Since Kavanaugh’s Confirmation. Here’s What to Know.

Trans Indoctrination in the Schools?

How low can an elected official go?  This is pretty low if you ask me.  Leftist Denver councilwoman cheers idea of infecting Trump rallies with coronavirus.

White House budget chief nails it:  Budget Chief Prescribes Less Government Spending as Key to Draining Swamp.

Finally, it is Super Tuesday.   4 Keys to Understanding History of Super Tuesday.

Inside History looks at what happens in a contested convention.

His money is buying him name recognition, but the more he speaks, the more we learn that his political agenda doesn’t necessarily agree with the U. S. Constitution.  It’s okay for him to “hire guns” but not okay for US citizens to bear arms?  Keep the Town Halls coming and be certain to watch any debate the former Mayor of New York City is invited to.  Michael Bloomberg is brilliant when it comes to business and trying to sell himself, but when it comes to live interviews/debates for the job of President of the US, he is certainly lacking in the ability to connect with the people.

Tucker Carlson skewered Joe Biden last evening and well worth listening to or reading here.

Chuck DeVore: Super Tuesday’s biggest prizes are CA and TX – here’s what to watch for in those states

Three more down, four more to go…and 136 days until we know.

Current front runner for the democratic nomination for president, Bernie Sanders, has some explaining to do regarding the costs of his socialistic programs, but even if he did reveal projected costs, those who have not studied or lived through the demeaning ideals of socialism, would still support him because of the false promises that government largess from cradle to grave is possible…and America would continue to raise the standard of living in the world.  Mr. Sanders, stop selling snake oil; stop selling socialism to those who do not understand that government largess suppresses the liberty that made American the greatest nation in the world.  Charlie Kirk, appearing on Life, Liberty and Levin, warns against conservatives rooting for Sanders to be the nominee.

Since former VP Joe Biden won in South Carolina on Saturday, Mayor Pete Buttigieg, Tom Steyer and Sen. Amy Klobuchar have dropped out of the 2020 presidential race.  Senator Sanders you are not dreaming — it really is déjà vu — 2016 was real and so is this.  Doesn’t that tell you socialism is your dream, not America’s.  Mayor Pete is endorsing former VP Biden. Who will be the next to go?  Sen. Elizabeth Warren, Congresswoman Tulis Gabbard.  After Super Tuesday there may only be the 3 B’s running, Bernie (78), Biden (77) and Bloomberg (78).  Do you remember when Ronald Reagan ran in 1980 and the press was in an uproar because he was 69?  My how times have changed.

The City-Journal exposes the perverse view of Bernie’s stand against new housing.

How to Talk to Millennials About Capitalism.

How our culture gives a free pass to socialism’s hideous downsides.

Thank You, Judicial Watch: Hillary Clinton Must Be Deposed Over Her Private Email Server Antics

Supreme Court Agrees to Hear Case on Whether Obamacare Is Unconstitutional.

Assembly Leader: No Deal on Marijuana Without Revenue Stream for Impacted Communities. (When has a dedicated fund worked?)

JCOPE is back in the news; not an article you would frame on put on the wall.

Mayor de Blasio:  what do you have to say about this?  Insiders say Carranza’s secret ‘Academic Response Team’ squandered millions.

As long as we can’t curb elected officials’ belief that they are the only ones who know what is right for all of us, can we please institute TERM LIMITS to limit the damage elected officials force on us.    Andrew Cuomo’s latest power grab will let him ram through wind farms.

Chairman Kassar’s wraps up includes the Democratic Debate, Buffalo Billion fiasco, and the falling approval ratings of Governor Andrew Cuomo.

Democrats Fall Short in Latest Debate

2020 Democratic challengers left much to the imagination Tuesday night in an often hard to follow, contentious debate that once again put the party’s socialist agenda in the forefront.

As Bernie Sanders oversees the downfall of the Democratic party as we know it, the remainder of the field has had little luck in shifting momentum away from the Democratic Socialist frontrunner.  At a time where the party is desperately looking for a leader and an identity, stalwarts such as Joe Biden, Elizabeth Warren, and Amy Klobuchar have failed to deliver for the party which continues to spiral down a path of extinction, making way for the new Democratic Socialist Party led by Senator Sanders.

Senator Sanders has confessed that taxes will be raised drastically on not only the rich, but the middle class who drives the American economy, in order to pay for his healthcare, college tuition and climate plans. However, Sanders conveniently pivots when pressed on the fact that a massive deficit still exists that would cripple the economy as we know it.

Perhaps the most concerning issue at hand is the amount of support Sanders has across the country for his socialist agenda. Dismissing his candidacy in a general election thinking socialism would never be a reality in America, would be a mistake for Conservatives all over the country. Sanders base is energized, organized, loyal and growing. We must take this threat on our democracy serious and prepare to support the President and down ballot Conservative/Republican candidates with enthusiasm.

Panasonic Ends Partnership with Tesla

Panasonic confirmed the end of their solar partnership with Tesla on Wednesday in a move that will deliver a blow to the Buffalo economy.

Panasonic will end all operations in New York and have their pullout complete by September effectively ending the employment of just over 400 New Yorker’s.  The state has informed the Panasonic employees in RiverBend, Buffalo that they will be offering their assistance in acquiring new jobs, but could make no assurances or promises. While the state attempts to put on a good face, it is evident Governor Cuomo’s administration continues to deal with a level of unprecedented corruption within this economic development project.

The facts are this, Tesla promised more jobs than they delivered in Buffalo. Gone are the promises of over 1,400 manufacturing jobs, and more than 2,000 additional jobs all over New York State to provide solar energy.

Transparency has never been the Governors forte, but this latest debacle stinks. It stinks for the State and it stinks for hundreds of people losing good paying jobs and the thousands of others who never got an opportunity due to failures on the part of Tesla and the Governor.

 Governor Cuomo’s Approval Rating Falling

A new Siena Research poll has Governor Cuomo falling out of favor in New York State with a 36% positive job performance review and a 63% negative rating, down from a 41% favorability a month ago.

The decline comes on the heels of abysmal statewide support for bail reform laws passed last year as a part of the state budget. In April of 2019, New Yorker’s thought the reforms would be a step in the right direction by 17 points, but one month after the implementation, voters believed the changes to be bad for New York by a 12-point margin. Now, those numbers have torpedoed even further as voters believe the law is bad by a margin of 26 points.

Senate and Assembly Republicans have called for the immediate repeal of the law, but state Democrats continue to refuse revisiting the reforms.

With the November elections on the horizon and public opinion souring, Democrats are under immense pressure to work with Republicans regarding the law.

Bail reform laws were passed as a part of the state budget and bail reform was never discussed on either the Senate or Assembly floor. I, along with many Conservative/Republican legislators have called on the state to no longer pass legislation within the state budget. Laws should be discussed and argued on the floor, not tucked away within a budget. With the Governors numbers falling at a rapid pace, I believe he would be wise to remember the people who elected him, not act as a king.

Biden reverses course, admits he didn’t get arrested in South Africa

WBUR Poll: Sanders Opens Substantial Lead In Mass., Challenging Warren On Her Home Turf

Serial Manhattan subway scammer jailed after 142nd arrest

Rasmussen: 31% of Likely Voters Say Democrat Party Should ‘Officially Declare Itself a Socialist Party’

Patricia Arquette Urges One-Day ‘Economic Shutdown’ to Hurt Trump

/ In CPNYS NEWS / By Gerard Kassar / Comments Off on Chairman Kassar’s wraps up includes the Democratic Debate, Buffalo Billion fiasco, and the falling approval ratings of Governor Andrew Cuomo.

Government must set the right example — lately it hasn’t.

Spectrum news rightfully asks this question:  State Revoked This Limo Company’s Operating Authority. So Why Are They Still Picking Up Passengers?  I would certainly not let my family hire a company that doesn’t meet the standards set for safety.  Protecting citizens and residents, is the primary duty of government agencies, but lately, government agencies are ignoring and arbitrarily  changing the rules and laws that have served this country well throughout the years.  Government officials created sanctuary cities, blatantly ignoring federal laws; have granted licenses to illegal immigrants, again changing laws set in place to protect all residents; eliminated cash bail to serve those who demand social justice and also tucked into the criminal justice reform an almost impossible deadline to provide discovery to defendants and their attorneys.  Most every day, newspapers report how perpetrators continue their crime sprees – and no longer face consequences – and Spectrum questions why a company in upstate New York ignores the fact that their operating authority has been revoked.  Government has sanctioned their actions by setting the example of choosing which laws and rules government choses to follow.

Trump on pace for record Hispanic vote.

The NY Post is reporting that Gov.  Cuomo and Senate Democratic leader Stewart-Cousins are eyeing a closed-door fix for bail reform.  Again, we ask, why behind closed doors and why in the budget?  As the opening sentence of the article reads:  What could possibly go wrong this time?

The Politics of a ‘Fear Pandemic’.

Pence on Coronavirus at CPAC: ‘Trump Has No Higher Priority’ Than Health of Americans.

US GDP is one economic indicator coronavirus hasn’t hit.

These Black Scholars and Leaders Rebuke 1619 Project’s Narrative of Victimhood.

The Anti-Capitalists Are (Still) Wrong about History—and Much More.

Guy Benson writes in today’s  Here’s a Devastating, Little-Known Story About Bernie Sanders. Why Haven’t His Rivals Exploited It?

Forget Castro, Dem Candidates Are the Authoritarians to Worry About.

The Far Left’s Strategy to Control Your Community.

How the 1960s and the ‘Great Society’ Are Still Shaping America Today.

AOC’s Green New Deal would cost $75K per household in first year: Study.

Words of wisdom from Walter E. Williams.

Will you watch the democratic debate tonight?

John Steele Gordon writes in today’s NY Post why the coronavirus will only be a bump in the road for the world economy.  After yesterday’s market plunge (and today’s), it is good to know that for the most part it is only a bump in the road.

The City-Journal:  Childish Logic

Why an April 1 deadline Governor? Are you stating that if no agreement is made by April 1, there will be no changes in this law that leaves the safety of New York’s residents in danger?  As we have noted many times, government’s primary responsibility is to keep all people safe.  The NY Post is reporting that Cuomo could make bail reform changes in state budget.   So, possible changes buried in the budget, with little or no discussion with law enforcement.  Does anyone really think this is a good idea – besides the Governor and his leftwing allies?

If this ruling stands, New York housing construction will grind to a halt.

Bernie Sanders: I Will Only Nominate Supreme Court Judges Who Support Abortions Up to Birth.  What a reprehensible statement.  Tonight’s debate will put Bernie in the hot seat:  Democrats warm up for big debate, unloading on Sanders, but, sadly no one on that stage will take him to task for having an extreme litmus test for Supreme Court Justices.  I wonder if anyone will take him to task on this:  Bernie Sanders Promoted Article Saying American Dream ‘More Apt To Be Realized’ In Venezuela.   Rich Lowry writes that Bernie Sanders just loves America’s enemies.  Why Bernie Sanders’s Populism Is a Threat to Economic Freedom.

The Left’s Appalling Whitewashing of Castro’s Legacy.

Liberal Ninth Circuit Upholds Trump Admin’s Rules on Abortion Funding.

Coming To America: Then And Now.

To Whose Good? Our Schools and the Sexualization of the Young.

From the Empire Center:  NYSUT’s “millionaires.”

A Hero of Black History in America: 9 Powerful Quotes from Frederick Douglass.