Category: CPNYS NEWS

True to form, Governor Cuomo cannot accept the fact that NY’s budget deficit began long before COVID-19, and closing businesses in NY, made it worse.

Biden has fought a pandemic before. It did not go smoothly.

It is discouraging to be reminded, once again, that the US Senate Minority Leader is anything but a leader.  New York’s own Senior Senator, Charles Schumer, said today that he will not meet with Judge Amy Coney Barrett.  Isn’t a leader supposed to have an open mind, look at all possibilities and then decide.  When a leader refuses to do so, because he believes that the “nominee of such an illegitimate process and one who is determined to get rid of the Affordable Care Act” (without any knowledge that she would) he shows the world that his mind is closed and making political points with his base is all that matters to him.

Following lock step with his minority leader, Sen. Cory Johnson, that he wants to know if the future Justice would recuse herself from any election issues.  When did leadership become redefined to mean:  pander to your base?

Charles Hurt opines in the Washington Times that the Democrats can’t smear Amy Coney Barrett.

William McGurn writing in the Wall Street Journal (subscription required) points out how the mainstream media handle the Catholic Faith of former VP Biden and current Judge Amy Coney Barrett.   Two Catholics, One Double Standard.

This is from the Washington Free Beacon:  Dems Love Biden’s Catholicism But Fear Barrett’s

Then there is this double standard on paying taxes:  Biden Dodged $500K In Taxes By Exploiting Loophole.  Since this is breaking news today, the former VP did this:  Biden releases 2019 tax returns before debate, calls for Trump to release his.  Hasn’t Biden learned through the years, that offense play is better than defense?

Ryan Ellis writes in the Federalist that New York Times’ Trump Tax Return ‘Bombshell’ Is A Joke.

Melissa Mackenzie, publisher of the American Spectator, has a lively political analysis (as an aside, she also has a food interlude on the best way to cook a steak) of Biden, Harris, and Barrett.

Mr. former VP, here is a reminder that Progressives will call you out if you are not completely loyal: Rep. Tulsi Gabbard irks left after citing Project Veritas in call to ban ballot harvesting.  (They may preach they have a “big tent” but the reality is they do not.)  David Hogg, the darling of the left, learned this yesterday when they turned on him.  Since he craves the attention of his 1 million followers, he quickly apologized for having an independent thought.

Just hours before the debate:  Trump, Biden Campaigns Bicker Over Last Minute Debate Negotiations

No Stamina? Joe Biden’s Break Requests Could Rehash Old Trump Attack Line.

Quite the eye-opener headline:  China Says Killing Americans over Taiwan is ‘Morally Justified’  The article is not one you will find in any of our mainstream media publications and an informed voter should be aware of how the communist government of China thinks.

From the Daily Signal: Understanding the Chinese Challenge to the United States.

Rod Dreher opines in today’s NY Post;  Refugees from tyranny agree: Authoritarian threat in America now is from the left.

This is how Progressives became so strong.  How ‘Systemic Liberalism’ Failed Public Education in America.

ICYMI:  How Black Lives Matter Is Being Used to Further a Communist Agenda.

The Dangers of Appeasement in a Social Justice World.

The Real Revolutionaries That Seek Control and Power.

Rand Paul Isn’t Buying Fauci’s Tale of NY COVID Success.

A leopard cannot change his spots and apparently Gov. Cuomo cannot accept any fault when things go wrong.  New York had a budget deficit long before COVID-19 ran rampant and closing-down New York certainly helped the fiscal crisis. Gov. Andrew Cuomo said this Monday:  No state budgetary decision can prevent an economic downturn, before asserting the federal government is liable for New York’s estimated two-year $50 billion deficit due to the coronavirus pandemic.  Governor, take the advice given in yesterday’s NY Post editorial:  take a week off.  (Perhaps you need more than a week…?)  Have the professionals focus on fixing the problems you have allowed to become almost impossible to fix and even more difficult due to the closing down of New York state.  In other words, get back to doing what is right for all New Yorkers.

GOP state lawmakers introduce bill to strengthen parole board oversight.  We need more conservative/republicans in the state legislature.  Vote on Nov 3 and please vote in person.  Not registered to vote?  Click here.   Need a list of candidates?  Click here.  (A special thank you to Mike Nelis for introducing us to this site.)

Need a break from politics?  Read this, Ari Aster’s Moral Horror.  Its focus is on America’s most intelligent young filmmaker who is obsessed with the collapse of fatherhood and the return of paganism. (Ok, it may not be a break from politics, but it will introduce you to a gifted filmmaker.)

/ In CPNYS NEWS / By Shaun Marie / Comments Off on True to form, Governor Cuomo cannot accept the fact that NY’s budget deficit began long before COVID-19, and closing businesses in NY, made it worse.

Will the Emperor close areas in NYS again?

Usually when a candidate will not answer a question, it is because they do not want you to know their answer will be one that is not supported by their constituents.  Former VP Biden, who believes he should replace President Trump, still refuses to say if he supports court packing.  By not saying he doesn’t support court packing, we know he does.  Keep up the good work, Joe.  This also gives Americas insight on what kind of president you would make…and it doesn’t paint a pretty picture either.  Another gaffe or outright misrepresentation?  We can’t help but wonder how much discussion will take place on these issues during the debate tomorrow night.

What is going on with the democrats and the leaders of their Party lately?  A few examples:  Ocasio-Cortez’s Snub of Rabin Event Is Harbinger of Democrats; former astronaut Mark Kelly, running for US Senate in Arizona, has some very strong financial ties to the Chinese government; and Miranda Divine tells us that Project Veritas uncovers ‘ballot harvesting fraud’ in Minnesota…one would think that Rep. Ilhan Omar would respect her adopted country instead of trying to turn it into a replica of the country her family left.

In case you missed Dennis Prager’s column, The Left’s Moral Compass Isn’t Broken, the last sentence sums up the left accurately.

Dick Durbin: We Can’t Prevent Barrett From Being Confirmed But…

Why the Democrats Really Fear Amy Coney Barrett.

The Daily Signal writes:  In Amy Coney Barrett, Trump Picks an Exacting Scholar for Supreme Court.

Roger Kimball opines in American Greatness that Barrett Will Sail.

Heather MacDonald:  Blue Truth Matters.

Did you know this about Sen. Kelly Loeffler?  She appears to be a woman who is committed to doing what is right for all of society and not afraid to say so.

New York’s future, if it remains under all democratic control:  New York Legislation Aims To Expand Use of ‘Red Flag’ Gun Law.  Fortunately, there are people like Ron Lauder, who are willing to help save New York by targeting Democratic candidates for New York State Senate.

If you need another reason to take back the NYS Senate:  NY Senate Minority Leader voices concerns for witness safety, citing discovery reform changes.

You can’t vote if you are not registered to vote:  Click here to register or go to your local Board of Election and register in person.  Click here if you don’t know where the local BOE is located.   Mail in requests must be postmarked by October 9, 2020 and received by October 14, 2020.

A prime example why you should register and VOTE in person:  Queens voters are wrongly receiving mail-in ballots marked for military use.

One of the best NY Post editorials written to date:  Andrew Cuomo has gone loco on crime and vaccines.

New York deserves better than this:  New York’s post-COVID job losses outpace all but one other state.  However, the Emperor of NY, continues his total control of what we can and can not do, his obsession to “help” is only driving the economy, loss of tax income, deep into unchartered territory that will take years, if not decades, to recover from and force our youth to places more conducive to starting businesses and raising families.  One small step to help our great state is to take back the NYS Senate on November 3, elect as many conservative/republican Assembly Members as possible and send conservative endorsed congressional candidates to Washington, DC while re-electing President Trump who understands how to get the economy back to solid growth.


For Immediate Release
September 27, 2020
Contact:  Shaun Marie
518-356-7882      @cpnys

Brooklyn, NY — Conservatives meet in Washingtonville, NY (Orange County) on September 26, 2020 to reorganize, adopt rules and regulations and elect officers to serve for a two-year term as required by Election Law.

Gerard Kassar (Kings County) was unanimously re-elected to serve as Chairman for the two-year term.  Regional Vice Chairman James Thomas accurately portrayed Chairman Kassar’s leadership in nominating him when he said, “Jerry has only been chairman a short time but it’s been a busy time.  Lawsuits and a pandemic and virtual meeting.  But even then, he was able to move the party forward – reaching out to new audiences and expanding the party.”  Reid Robbins, Ontario Chairman noted that “There are very few reasons I would leave my family early on a Saturday morning and be gone all day.  The leadership of Jerry Kassar and his ability to eliminate distance among county leaders to advance conservative principles across the state, makes the trip pleasurable,” when he seconded the nomination.

Chairman Kassar, in accepting, said: “I wish to thank our State Committee for placing the faith in me to serve a second term. Together with the officers, Executive Committee, and members we will meet the challenges of the next two years as we met the many challenges of the past two. I am confident we will see victories and with that a much-needed impact on government.”

The following officers were also elected yesterday, Shaun Marie Levine (Albany County) as the Executive Vice-Chairman, Howard Lim, Jr. (Westchester County) as Secretary and Frances T. Vella-Marrone (Kings County) as Treasurer.

Eight State Vice-Chairmen, Daniel F. Donovan, Jr. (Nassau County), Hugh Fox (Westchester County), Thomas M. Long (Queens County), Ralph C. Lorigo (Erie County), James F. Quinn, Jr.  (Wayne County), Gregory S. Rigby (Cayuga County), Allen Roth (New York County) and Frank Tinari (Suffolk County), and seven Regional Vice-Chairmen were also elected.  The Regional Vice-Chairs are:  In the Capital District – Brian Gardner (Columbia County), in the Northern Region — Henry “Hank” Ford. (St. Lawrence County), in the North Central Region — H. Leonard Schick (Oswego County), in the South-Central Region – James M. Thomas (Broome County), in the Mid-Western Region — Jason McGuire (Livingston County), in the Western Region — Arthur Munger (Genesee County) and in the Hudson Valley – William Beckmann (Rockland County).

The Officers above also serve as the officers of the State Executive Committee.  The following are At-Large Members of the State Executive Committee:  Vincent Arcuri (Queens County), Stuart Avrick (New York County), James J. Barrett, Jr. (Schenectady County), Carol Birkholtz (Warren County), Ross Brady (Kings County),  Michael Buttino (Greene County), Thomas M. Casey (Queens County), David M. Curcio (Richmond County), Chung Dick (Kings County) Louis DeCicco (Chemung County),  John P. DeLessio (Orange County),  John E. Flynn, (Suffolk County), Robert  Fois (Westchester County) Edward J. Gaddy (Ulster County), Michael Garlock (Wayne County) John J. Hayes (Ulster County), Eileen Johnson (Kings County), Christopher J. Kendall (Madison County), Jim M. Kerr (New York County), Paul Kosowski (Nassau County), Edward A. Magilton (Sullivan County),  Charles R. Mancabelli (Onondaga County),  James Maxwell (Putnam County), Donald S. Mazzullo (Monroe County),  Patrick McManus (Bronx County), Donald Minichino (Dutchess County), Christopher Mistron (Nassau County), Scott D. Nasca (Monroe County) Demitry Edward Naemit (Rockland County) Reid W. Robbins (Ontario County), Laura A. Schreiner (Suffolk County),  John Seravalli (New York County) Michael E. Torres (Suffolk County),    Robert E. White (Franklin County),  Anna M. Wilcox (Chautauqua County) and Robert Zordan (Saratoga County).

The Members of the State Executive Committee serve as the governing body when the full state committee is not convened.  All members serve a two-year term.  The Members of the State Executive Committee appointed Ralph C. Lorigo, Esq. as Party Counsel, Eileen Johnson as the Assistant Secretary, Shaun Marie Levine as the Executive Director and Michael R. Long as Chairman Emeritus, for a term coterminous with the elected members.



President Trump to Nominate Supreme Court Justice Saturday

 President Donald Trump has announced he will move to fill the vacancy in the Supreme Court in 2020.

The President has a constitutional and moral obligation to fill the seat. Frankly, a potential 4-4 deadlock on a ruling in the Supreme Court is not something we should risk. Since 1869 the number of Justices has been set at nine and we must ensure the highest court in the land continues to operate the way it was intended to.

It is imperative a conservative voice is added to the Supreme Court to ensure fairness, common sense, and prevent a far-left radical Justice the left would surely nominate.

It has become clear the votes are there in the United States Senate to confirm a new Justice. The President was elected nearly 4 years ago by voters who wanted to put him in charge of nominations for the Supreme Court. It is his duty as Commander in Chief to fulfill his obligation and protect the integrity of the Constitution.

AOC Promoting Full NYC Socialist Agenda

Democratic Socialists of America-NYC chapter will be looking to run and support a slate of City Council candidates who would create a “socialist caucus” in the New York City Council.

The already Democratic controlled council will see 35 new members in 2021 running to fill term limited seats. Only 16 of the current members are eligible to run for re-election and a far left of left push is being made to pack the Council with self-proclaimed socialists.

Recently, in a gross display of anti-Semitism, the DSA asked potential candidates on their questionnaire if they would pledge to not visit Israel.

The DSA has also pledged to:

  • “Confront Gov. Andrew Cuomo and push the state Legislature to tax the rich to help fund the Green New Deal and New York Health Act, legislation that would create a government-run, single-payer health insurance system and to prevent state cuts in public services. “In the face of an austerity budget, many of our campaigns will lend their weight to a demand on the state government to tax the rich, putting us directly in the cross hairs of Andrew Cuomo. We welcome his hatred. Remaining resolute now is the time to expand the public sector, to provide social housing, public power [energy/utility supplier].”
  • “Use the COVID-related housing crisis to “cancel” rent, thus squeezing landlords of revenue and forcing them to give up their properties and “exit the market” — and have the state acquire the properties and convert them to public housing. Its housing agenda also includes “undermining” the real estate industry’s already diminished clout in the Democrat-run state Legislature.”

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has become the face of this movement, a movement that NYC cannot afford. Their first move will surely be to defund the NYPD to the level of a small-town police department, if not abolish the police all together. They will chase taxpayers out of New York City, leaving a higher burden to the middle class. New York will most certainly become one of the most dangerous big cities in America.

The DSA threat is a threat we should take seriously in NYC in 2021. The future of our families and our city hinges on 35 City Council seats.

More Than A Candidate

New York State Assembly Candidate Lawrence Chiulli (@Lawrence4Ny) was in the right place at the right time.

Just weeks ago, a young boy found himself in a horrifying situation as he held on for his life on the side of a Hudson Valley cliff in Westchester.

A 10-year-old boy was hiking with members of his family when he got separated from them. In a panic, and a stroke of luck, the family came across Chiulli who searched for the boy.

Chiulli, a former Eagle Scout, found him clinging on to the side of Bear Mountain in a treacherous position and growing weak from hanging on for so long.

Lawrence was able to maneuver down the steep mountain side and grab onto the boy, helping him reposition until help could arrive.

I would like to commend Lawrence for his bravery and willingness to spring into action without hesitation. His selflessness, quick thinking and bravery preserved a young life.

Quick Piece of Importance

NY state to review any Trump-authorized COVID vaccine for ‘safety’ before use: Cuomo.  This says the man who sent COVID-19 patients back to nursing homes knowing full well that it would spread like fire through dry grass.  New Yorkers deserve a Governor that puts the health of her citizens first and not one that puts politics first.  Creating a new “Clinical Advisory Task Force” can lead to delays in getting a critical vaccine to those who need it; while no one is being mandated to have the vaccine.

Candidate Spotlight Alexis Weik

Growing up in Ronkonkoma and Oakdale, and currently residing in Sayville, Alexis has stayed true to her roots. A wife and mother of three, Alexis knows the true sacrifice our law enforcement officers make each and every day, experiencing it firsthand through her husband and oldest son who are in law enforcement.

Active in many local civic and educational groups in addition to being the elected Islip Receiver of Taxes, Alexis is a fighter and our choice in New York’s 3rd Senate District to oust far left liberal and Governor Cuomo loyalist Monica Martinez.

We cannot afford a Democratic controlled State Senate. In less than 2 years, they’ve given us disastrous bail reform, they’ve released multiple convicted cop killers and have promised to raise taxes.

We need common sense representation that will make New York an easier, safer place to live and raise a family.

Contact Alexis here.

Candidate spotlight Liz Joy

A devoted wife and mother to four adult children, Liz is an advocate and fighter for our constitutional freedoms. Liz will not be absent from her district, nor afraid to do the work on behalf of the constituents in New York’s 20th Congressional District.

Liz is no stranger to a fight, in the fall of 2018, she single-handedly fought off knife yielding man intent on doing fatal harm. After engaging in hand-to-hand combat, she was able to call for help, undoubtedly saving the life of at least one person.

Strong on the right to life, the southern border, jobs, and the economy, Liz will represent NY20 with humility and grace, and an open heart, always remembering the congressional seat belongs to the people of her district, not the representative.

You can visit her website here to learn more, get involved or donate!

See Liz’s new ad here.

President Trump signs Executive Order on pre-existing conditions in Charlotte

Sen. Rand Paul Sending Hunter Biden Report To DOJ For Potential Criminal Probe

Americans call for the firing of FBI Director Christopher Wray after he downplays violent threat of Antifa

AOC calls on Cuomo, de Blasio to raise NY taxes: report

Democratic lawmakers kill job-creating Industry City deal


Governor Andrew Cuomo is risking lives again.

Governor Cuomo likes to say “just the facts.”  Here are some that you should include in your presentations (and your self-praising soon to be release book)  Just 1% of US Counties Have Had Nearly Half of All COVID-19 Deaths.

NY state to review any Trump-authorized COVID vaccine for ‘safety’ before use: Cuomo.  This says the man who sent COVID-19 patients back to nursing homes knowing full well that it would spread like fire through dry grass.  New Yorkers deserve a Governor that puts the health of her citizens first and not one that puts politics first.  Creating a new “Clinical Advisory Task Force” can lead to delays in getting a critical vaccine to those who need it; while no one is being mandated to have the vaccine.

If my memory serves me right, every year we see headlines like this:  DiNapoli: New York paid over $700M in improper Medicaid benefits.  When will this incompetence end?  If Medicaid was a private corporation, does anyone think it would continue?  Yet the Democrats want government to be in control of health care.  Simply mindboggling!

From National Review:  Will Biden’s Delaware Become Biden’s America?  “I’m a young Delawarean who didn’t get to experience life with duPont, General Motors, or the banking boom, but I come from a multi-generation family of Delawareans who remember when this was the place to be. In my 24 years here, I’ve seen enough to know that we don’t want the rest of America to resemble the current First State.”

The man, the myth: Biden still spinning ‘fables’ despite 1988 election disaster.

Senate Report Details Hunter Biden’s Extensive Foreign Business Dealings — and Obama Officials’ Efforts to Ignore Them.   (Is there any wonder why so many people do not want to be involved in the political world…it breaks my heart that the good people of this nation think all of politics is about the dark side when there far more people in politics that really look out for everyone, follow the US Constitution and are willing to do what is right for the nation and not themselves.) Even with the mainstream media helping to bury some of the bad news,  This Detail in the Hunter Biden Report Again Exposes the Media’s Insane Double Standard, it can’t when many understand they (the press)  have an agenda.     Here is more from the dark side that the mainstream media tries ignore.

Desperate to appeal to their base but really to hold on to power, House Democrats roll out anti-corruption package aimed at curbing presidential powers.  (“Mr. Schiff, though, was optimistic that their reforms would gain bipartisan support if Joseph R. Biden, the Democratic nominee, wins in November.  He really lives on his own planet in his own little world.)  Speaker Pelosi must live on the same planet, why else would the Speaker of the House revert to this?

Was there ever any real question that he would?

History Comes to Call: The 1619 Project Cannot Deny Its Own Past

Like the Soviets, Black Lives Matter Purges Its History.

Kentucky AG decided on facts, pushes back against ‘liberal media’ agenda: ‘Mob justice is no justice’

How ‘Weaponizing’ Mail-In Ballots Could Create Constitutional Crisis.

Three Ways a 6-3 Supreme Court Would Be Different.

7 Things to Know About Possible Supreme Court Nominee Barbara Lagoa.

Merit on the Ropes.

Words of wisdom from Walter E. Williams.

Gov. Cuomo and Mayor de Blasio, seven weeks from today, voters will decide what your future holds; empty localities or the bright future New Yorkers have always been willing to work for.

Message to Governor Andrew Cuomo and Mayor de Blasio: it isn’t the weather that is driving New Yorkers to move, it is the policies you endorse that is producing the exodus from New York.  People that are fleeing are seeking localities that uphold and enforce laws that protect their citizens.  New York’s political leaders must wake up.  When New Yorkers see this headline, they question why they would stay in a city/state that is not committed to protecting them.  Of course, people who do not have the opportunity to move, must make their voices heard on election day, November 3, 2020.  If you have been silent and not voting in the past, take an active roll this year.  Not registered to vote?  Click here to register, then follow up that your registration is valid. (If you must, you can apply for an absentee ballot here, but voting in person is the only way to be certain your vote is counted.)   Voting on the Conservative Party line sends a strong message – that you are fed up with the direction this socialist movement is heading – and you want leaders that will stand up to the bullies demanding utopia at your expense.  Enough is enough; vote in person on November 3, 2020.

The NY Post editorial says it all; now it is up to you.  Wake up, New York — or the Democratic socialists really will take over.

This is written by the democratic candidate (who won the June 23 Primary) for the 25th State Senate District, who will win on Nov. 3, 2020 because, unfortunately, the district is so democrat heavy, it is understandable that no one stepped up to the plate to run on the Republican or Conservative Lines. This is a big part of the problem that New Yorkers face.  Why is this policy a problem?  Read this.   He won the Democratic primary with 33,510 votes (the runner up had 20,229 and the total number of votes cast in the primary was 61,118.)  There are 257,080 registered voters in the district and quite frankly, the 33,510 votes that drove him to victory on June 23 are the ones who decided who would represent the 351,552 people who live in the district.  As the NY Post editorial above states:  Wake up, New York – or the Democratic socialists really will take over.

Today’s Riots Comparable to ‘Late Stage’ Violence of ’60s, ’70s, however, we survived and revived the American spirit then; and we can again, despite the current bleak outlook.  Our voices must be heard on election day; part of the difference between then and now is that many of the elected officials of today are the some of those who were part of the violence of the ‘60s and ‘70s who look the other way, many are professors in our colleges who have revised history to their liking and far too many do not take the time to vote.  Make your voice heard on November 3, 2020.   Wake up, New York – or the Democratic socialists really will take over.

Michael Benjamin writes in the NY Post:  New York’s Democratic socialists want a revolution — but does anyone else?  His next-to-last sentence may very well be the key to our future.  Wake up, New York – or the Democratic socialists really will take over.

Rich Lowry writes that many democrats’ response to anything they dislike is increasingly ‘Burn it all down’

Wealthy cosmetics heir backs new group formed to oust some Senate Democrats;  thankfully there are some who truly understand the problems facing New York State’s residents and do what they can to educate voters.

Voting is a privilege and responsibility; you decided who governs and what policies they will govern with .

From The Hill:  Democrats step up hardball tactics as Supreme Court fight heats up.

From the Cato Institute:  Biden’s Policy Agenda Shows Just How Far the Democrats Have Lurched Leftwards.

Fact-Checking New York Times Fact-Checker on BLM’s China Links.

For those who think there isn’t enough time to confirm a new Justice to the Supreme Court:  How Fast Can Senate Move? 1 Supreme Court Justice Confirmed Same Day Nominated.  

Katie Pavlich writes in Joe Biden is Hiding His Supreme Court Picks, Senator Cotton Explains Why.

The Moral Case for Reopening Schools—Without Masks.

/ In CPNYS NEWS / By Shaun Marie / Comments Off on Gov. Cuomo and Mayor de Blasio, seven weeks from today, voters will decide what your future holds; empty localities or the bright future New Yorkers have always been willing to work for.

Gov. Cuomo and Mayor de Blasio are not happy about the Big Apple’s new title…

The late breaking news on Friday evening was the passing of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg that has set off an intensive political firestorm.  Here are 7 Things to Know About Upcoming Supreme Court Process, Picks.  The Hill writes about names to watch as Trump picks Ginsburg replacement on Supreme Court.

Speaker Pelosi is on a power campaign; the Speaker no longer represent what is legal according to the US Constitution when outlining what her plans are.  Pelosi doesn’t rule out impeachment to delay Trump’s Supreme Court pick.  Perhaps Speaker Pelosi needs a refresher course in anti-bullying…and the US Constitution.

Sen. Schumer teamed up with Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez  to issue a “fervent plea” that the seat remains vacant until after election day.  (One knows Sen. Schumer doesn’t share the microphone often, especially with a person who could primary him, so he is desperate to enhance his voice.)  Their bullying was a little more subtle than the Speaker.  (Interesting how AOC – there is no going back to brunch –  stood with Sen. Schumer and not Speaker Pelosi.)

More bullying from another NY Congressman, Jerry Nadler, who has overstayed his welcome in Congress.  Term limits, when enacted, with your help, will force them out of office before their lust for power undermines the balance of power the US Constitution envisioned.

Pelosi, Schumer, Ocasio-Cortez, Nadler and both Clintons should remember what Justice Ginsburg said in 2016:  Ginsburg said Senate should hold SCOTUS confirmation hearing during election year.  Stop the politics and get down to doing the work you were elected to do.

Michael Goodwin explains why the country needs a filled Supreme Court for the 2020 election.

Dem’s fury over next SCOTUS pick mainly betrays tremendous historical ignorance.

Even the ‘Fact Checkers’ Couldn’t Ignore These Biden Lies About the Supreme Court.

This WSJ (subscription required) really should be available for everyone to read:  Breaking Judicial Norms: A History…A Democratic Senate pattern, from Bork to the filibuster rule.  It serves as a useful reminder of how “Democrats have a long history of breaking procedural norms on judges.”  Please do what you can to read a full copy of the Wall Street Journal article.

Here is another WSJ article that should not be behind a pay wall:  The Hospital Lobbyists Behind Cuomo’s Nursing Home Scandal, because it has such important information.  If you do not have a subscription to WSJ you can get a good amount of the background by checking out Mr. Hammond’s Twitter feed: @NYHammond.  At some point, it will be posted on (hopefully before November 3) and we will post it then.

New York State Has Dug Itself into Its Deepest Hole on Record.

4 Key Moments from Trump’s Speech on History, Critical Race Theory.

The Consequences of Biden.

Betsy McCaughey opined in the NY Post, over the weekend,  that Joe Biden’s COVID-19 advisers are more deadly than the virus.

Is there any wonder why most honest political people are worried about the 2020 elections?  ‘Not a big deal’: Noncitizens who voted illegally in 2016 still on voter rolls.  We ask the question again, why is it that the Democrats refuse to let provide more safeguards when casting one’s vote?  Only United States citizens, should be casting a vote as to whom will represent them…at any level.  And then there is this:  California Wants Me to Vote, Even Though I Haven’t Lived There for Over 8 Years.

Robert Knight uses his Washington Times column to explain how Kamala Harris and Dems side with rioters, abandon police.

From The Imaginative Conservative:   Life Is Risky Business.

This is the legacy of Governor Andrew Cuomo and a Legislature totally controlled by the new progressive democratic party:  Fewer witnesses to NYC crimes are coming forward — leading to mayhem and murder.

And it may get even worse, if Congresswoman Alexandrea Ocasio-Cortez has her way:  AOC-backed socialists have a plan to take over New York City.

Thank you, AG Barr, for looking out for everyday New Yorker’s who just want to live their lives without drive-by shootings, escalating crime, riots, and looting.   De Blasio, Cuomo fume as DOJ puts ‘anarchist’ NYC funds on chopping block.

Chairman Kassar’s weekly wrap-up discusses the 1776 Commission, the historic Abraham Accords and shines our candidate spotlight on Angi Renna and Sue Serino.

President Trump Announces 1776 Commission

Patriotic education is on the way in response to the democrats pushing their “1619 Project” which aims to educate students through indoctrination from liberal teachers and professors.

“I will soon sign an executive order establishing a national commission to promote patriotic education. It will be called the ‘1776 Commission’,” Trump said Thursday. The commission will encourage our educators to teach your children about the miracle of American history and make plans to honor the 250th anniversary of our founding in the year 2026 said President Trump.

At a time when our students are being educated by far-left liberals, being taught a revisionist version of history, being stripped of learning about where we have come from, how far we have gone, and promoting disdain for our country, this is very welcomed news from the President and his administration.

An accurate, truthful education should not be political and I look forward to this program being put into action. We, like every other country in the world, have come a long way. We must not strip students of an accurate education and allow them to form their own opinions without bias.

Trump Administration Celebrates Abraham Accords

 On Tuesday the President was joined by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and the foreign ministers of the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain in what was a historic day for the four nations as they signed the Abraham Accords officially formalizing relations between Israel and the two Arab states in a deal brokered by the United States.

This is another massive foreign policy win for President Trump and he hinted they weren’t done bringing other nations to the table and plan to normalize relations with “at least five or six” other nations.

Months leading up to his election and in the years since he became President, we have heard from the Democrats on countless occasions on how America and our interests wouldn’t be safe under a President Donald Trump. Well, we have learned that couldn’t be further from the truth as his administration continues to broker peace deal after peace deal, withdraw troops from endless wars and promote peace through power all over the world.

The facts are this, the world is a safer place than it was four years ago and this President has earned a second term.

Candidate Spotlight

This week I am happy to spotlight two candidates who will be instrumental to our success this November.

Angi Renna is the Conservative/Republican candidate in New York States 50th Senate District. Angi comes from the financial planning world and specializes in helping those on the verge of retiring and seniors plan their financial futures.

The 50th District has been represented by a Conservative since 2003. Now, Angi Renna looks to fill the vacant seat, but faces a stiff challenge from far-left liberal John Mannion. Mr. Mannion makes no attempt to hide the fact that he will join in lock step with NYC liberal Senators who love writing taxpayer funded blank checks and allow the Governor to operate as more of a dictator and not a public servant.

In New York’s 41st Senate District, Senator Sue Serino has been an avid supporter of law enforcement and has sponsored countless bills in support of police and has been a leading public health advocate. Senator Serino led the charge in 2019 as she pushed her colleagues in Albany to support additional funding, research, and preventatives to help those suffering from Lyme and tick-borne diseases throughout New York State.

Albany is a better place with legislators like Senator Serino working tirelessly to advocate for good on behalf of her district and New York as a whole.

We hear every election cycle that it’s “the most important” election of our lifetime. Well, 2020 is the most important election of our lifetime, there is no denying it. The left has attempted to bully conservatives into submission through rioting, looting, and lawlessness. Common sense must prevail this November. We cannot continue to hemorrhaged residents to other states. We must get back to keeping all politics local and ensuring our representatives in Albany are working for us, not trying to out progressive their democratic colleagues.

Angi Renna and Sue Serino are where the common sense starts. Please check out their websites and get involved:  Angi Renna;  Sue Serino

Most Voters Now Believe There’s a “War on Police” – Back “Blue Lives Matter” Laws

Trump SLAMS the revisionist history of the ‘1619 Project’ and critical race theory

Video: Joe Biden doubles down on supporting China in WTO: ‘We want China to grow’

Restaurants, bars, and theaters at risk of being left for dead

/ In CPNYS NEWS / By Gerard Kassar / Comments Off on Chairman Kassar’s weekly wrap-up discusses the 1776 Commission, the historic Abraham Accords and shines our candidate spotlight on Angi Renna and Sue Serino.

Gov. Cuomo’s policies lets dangerous MS-13 gang member back on the streets…

Julie Kelly writing for American Greatness introduces us to the billionaire backers of the ‘Insurrection.’

Another constitutional ruling from the 9th Circuit Court:  9th Circuit Court Sides With Trump on Deportations.

Cotton: U.S. Should Eliminate China’s ‘Most Favored Nation’ Trade Status.  Great idea, help take back the US House of Representatives and all Americans will benefit.

Heather Mac Donald: Protesters demand cops let themselves be stabbed or shot. “Every attack on a police officer is an attack on civilization itself. We are in the process of losing any possibility of civil peace.”

This BLM Co-Founder and Pro-Communist China Group Are Partnering Up. Here’s Why.

This is another one of those articles, if you only have time for one, that is a must read (and circulate because the mainstream media won’t): from the Gatestone Institute:  Black Appraisals of Black Lives Matter – Part I

Conrad Black opines in the New York Sun how democrats are descending to appalling state of incivility.

Cal Thomas on Threat of Moral Relativism, Anarchy in Streets.

The Danger in Media Telling Only Half the Story on Political Violence.

Katie Pavlich opines in about the cost of recent riot damages are the worst in U.S. history.

Cancel culture and speech regulation make a toxic mix.

From the Wall Street Journal (subscription required) Biden of the Climate Apocalypse; He gives a speech on wildfires and never mentions better forest management.

Countering the Left’s Climate Power Grab with Facts.

Wildfires Will Get Worse Under Decades-Old Liberal Policies, Veteran Forester Says.

If only we could “borrow” this judge for a short time:  Judge Rules Pennsylvania Governor’s Shutdown Orders Unconstitutional.

Some Schools Don’t Want You to Know What They Are Teaching Your Kids. That’s a Problem.

Despite Coronavirus Budget Crunch, Albany Didn’t Lock Down the Pork Barrel.

Is this what you want to happen to your mail-in ballot?  More Than 1,600 Uncounted Ballots From New Jersey Primary Found in Bin.  Please VOTE in person, your country needs your vote to be counted.

Excuse Me? Pennsylvania Will Accept Mail-in Ballots Whose Signatures Don’t Match.

Another bad judgement call due to complete democratic control of NYS Legislature:  NY released MS-13 gang member facing federal murder charge.  Only you can bring sanity back to NYS; your VOTE matters when cast on the Conservative Party line.

Coalition of NYS Police Unions “Unite Against Senate Democrats”

Trump fielding roughly five times more reporter questions than Biden since July.  (Not only more, reporters ask President Trump about real issues)

The swamp still needs more draining and that would never happen under a Biden-Harris (or is it Harris-Biden) administration.  Even after Trump ordered an end, federal agencies still push insane ‘critical race theory’

Imagine for a moment the mainstream media asking the former VP about this:  Joe Biden’s 2016 call with ex-Ukraine President Petro Poroshenko is leaked.  Of course, it would never happen, because 1) he won’t sit for a real interview and 2) most in the mainstream media want him to be president so they ask soft-ball questions.

Words of wisdom from Walter E. Williams.

Governor Cuomo needs to understand that the rules that apply to all of us…also apply to him.

Why can’t the left-wing democrats understand that the poor fare best under free-market capitalism.

Is it any wonder most people call it “fake news?”  Media fault Republicans after Democrats block COVID-19 relief bill

Nursing Home Scandal Undercuts Cuomo’s Covid Boasts  and then there is this from the Wall Street Journal (Subscription required) In Worst-Hit Covid State, New York’s Cuomo Called All the Shots.

Then there is this:  very interesting article about our Governor…and how rules are for other people, certainly not for him or those who were close to him at one time.

NYC Councilman Explains How Cuomo Raided Restaurant Holding a 9/11 Fundraiser.

Liberty and Justice for All: An Open Letter to Fellow Citizens in Defense of American Institutions

The Deeply Pessimistic Intellectual Roots of Black Lives Matter, 1619 Project, and Much Else in Woke America.

How Radical Historian’s Revisionism and Lies Led to 2020’s Unrest.

When was the last time our college or pre-college students were taught about Edmund Burke?

In another WSJ article, Naomi Schaefer Riley, explains how Bad Teaching Is Tearing America Apart.

The biggest observations about this article are:  1) the mainstream media did not fall into the “fake news” category then and 2) as we have noted many times college has been indoctrinating young minds with Marxism for far too long.

Surprise, Surprise: Data Reveals Where the Majority of Biden’s Donations Came from – and It’s Bad News for Dems.

 Questions the Media Should Ask Joe Biden.

 Did you know about this?  Zuckerberg-Backed Group Was Slapped with a Lawsuit for Election Meddling in a Critical Swing State.  “Priscilla and I are personally supporting two non-partisan organizations that are working to make sure every voter’s voice can be heard this November…”   For persons who created an App and became a billionaire and household name, how is it that he does not understand what “non-partisan” is?  Or are they that cunning and trying to fool the public?

How a $600 Million ‘Dark Money’ Monster Helped Leftists Gain Power.

From the Gatestone Institute:  How to Steal an Election – Part II  (If you missed Part I, there is a link at the bottom.)

Mismatched signatures prompt tossed absentee ballots and legal fights ahead of November election.

File this under “Trump keeping promises”:  US Troop Withdrawals from Iraq and Afghanistan Show Progress in Resolving ‘Endless Wars’

Bail reform, social justice helped free career criminal linked to NYC burglary spree.

These 10 Examples of Defensive Gun Use Underscore Second Amendment’s True Purpose.

The ADHD Overdiagnosis Epidemic Is a Schooling Problem, Not a Child One

Social Isolation Is Damaging an Entire Generation of Kids.

Democratic leaders are ignoring the single biggest threat to their states.

The leftist in the USA are doing their best to make peoples simple pleasures and mini-escapes from work and responsibility almost no respite at all.  Sports is no longer cheering on your home team or alma mater; it has become political with political statements of kneeling, wearing symbols or staying in their locker rooms while the Star Spangle Banner is played, if it is played.  Now, in their typical unctuous manner they are demanding changes to the movie industry.  If they get their way, all our simple pleasures will be replaced with a doomsday scenario that they will revel in…but not partake of, for they will be the slave masters living in their make-believe utopia.

If you still have friends on the left side of the fence, tell them it isn’t too late to walk away from their leftist ideals.

Your Right to Vote Is Sacred. Don’t Give It Up.

Chairman Kassar’s weekly wrap-up discusses September 11, @cpnys reinstatement, Governor Cuomo caves and new ads by Congresswoman Stefanik and Congressional Candidate Malliotakis.


 On this 19th anniversary of September 11, 2001 I want to remember the lives lost, the families affected and the heroes who responded without hesitation.

Our darkest hour was followed by heroism we could spend a lifetime documenting. Firefighters, Police officers, EMT’s, even civilians rushed to save lives, never thinking about the potential consequences. They knew their fellow New Yorker’s needed help and that’s all they needed to know.

19 years later, we are still losing first responders to 9/11 related illnesses. We are still seeing people suffer and families grieve.

I ask that you continue to remember everyone affected, pray for the families and offer comfort. Most importantly, honor their memories by honoring the city and country they jumped into action to protect.

Conservative Party Re-instated on Twitter

After two long months of being suppressed and silenced on Twitter, the State Conservative Party account was re-instated last night.

We are thrilled to be back and have an additional platform to communicate with our party members and other like-minded individuals. We are entering the final stretch of the most important election of our lifetime. Being able to promote our candidates, keep the public up-to-date on what is going on with their campaigns, and bringing you information in real time is crucial to their success.

I want to thank Assembly Minority Leader Will Barclay and Senate Minority Leader Rob Ortt for sending a letter to Twitter’s CEO demanding answers as to why we were suspended from twitter. We have never violated any of the terms of use, nor have we promoted any inappropriate content. Our biggest crime is practicing common sense conservative values.

If you are on Twitter, please follow us @CPNYS for up-to-date news, and keep you up-to-date on our candidates from Long Island to the North Country.

Governor Caves to Mounting Pressure

Governor Cuomo’s bluff was called by New York City restaurateurs this week after they delivered a $2 billion lawsuit against the city and state.

More than 300 restaurants joined in on the class action lawsuit that demands New York City establishments be permitted to open 50% of their indoor seating capacity.

Assemblymember Nicole Malliotakis and City Councilman Steve Matteo joined the lawsuit which was filed in Richmond County earlier this week.

The Governor folded like a cheap suit and announced 25% of indoor seating capacity may be opened starting September 30. However, waiting nearly 3 more weeks and only allowing 25% capacity is not nearly enough to help restaurants sustain themselves through the winter season. Restaurant owners, along with Malliotakis and Matteo are continuing with their lawsuit and demanding 50% of seating be made available.

Stefanik, Malliotakis Release New Ads

Rep. Elise Stefanik and first time Congressional candidate Nicole Malliotakis released new ads earlier this week as they continue to campaign hard against their far-left opponents.

The ads can be seen here:

Congresswoman Elise Stefanik

Congressional Candidate Nicole Malliotakis

He watched a plane hit the Pentagon on 9/11. Then he braved flames and smoke to save lives

NYC CEOs plead with de Blasio to crack down on crime, quality-of-life issues

Senate Democrats block GOP COVID-19 bill that included unemployment relief

As Joe Biden Condemns Rioters And Looters, Kamala Harris Continues To Support Group That Bails Out Suspected Violent Criminals

Nick Sandmann: I’m a pro-life conservative Republican college student who won’t let cancel culture silence me.

/ In CPNYS NEWS / By Gerard Kassar / Comments Off on Chairman Kassar’s weekly wrap-up discusses September 11, @cpnys reinstatement, Governor Cuomo caves and new ads by Congresswoman Stefanik and Congressional Candidate Malliotakis.

Democrats jump on another connived controversy…and Joe Biden loves to revise his own history.

A special thank you to Senate Republican Leader Senator Robert Ortt and Assembly Republican Leader Assemblyman Will Barclay for recognizing that we have been suspended by Twitter, no reason has been given to @cpnys for the suspension that has silenced us 3 times this year, the last time since July 10, 2020.  If there is a way you can help get the suspension lifted, please do so, we miss communicating with our followers and fans on Twitter.  Thank you!

Former Lt. Gov. Betsy McCaughey writes about the Democrats’ plot to abolish election night.

Chris Farrell writes in Gatestone Institute about how to steal an election.

Hans von Spakovsky writes in the Daily Signal that we should expect chaos for the November election.

The Heritage Foundation has a short (less than 5 minutes)  video on Mail-In Voting and Voter Fraud.

From the Wall Street Journal (subscription required): Government vs. Private Covid Layoffs.  Is anyone surprised that the data show that public workers have been hurt the least?

America is going through a crisis; and the blame for the unrest is based on her early history of slavery.  Those who understand our history, know that slavery was abolished on December 6, 1865 when the 13th Amendment was ratified.  What makes America unique, and the beacon of hope to many, is that we also have a history of correcting the errors made.   However, today, in the year 2020, children go missing far too often, many of them sold for sex, certainly a heinous form of modern-day slavery, that few people recognize as slavery.   Thankfully, the U.S. Marshals Service found 39 missing children in Georgia over two weeks in a mission called Operation Not Forgotten.  Listen to the podcast, provided by the Daily Signal, on how the US Marshalls accomplished rescuing today’s those forced into slavery in 2020.   With the help of Operation Not Forgotten, America will end this injustice and our children will be safe.

Riots across America, and Democrat’s favorite theme still is it’s all Trump’s fault.

When you see headlines like this, you really begin to believe politicians, especially democrats, have “talking points” emailed to them each morning, probably the mainstream media are also included, lemmings falling into step.

We’re Two Months Away from Election Day, And These Are Democrats’ 3 Main Talking Points.

How can anyone who reads this NY Post article even consider voting for the former VP Joe Biden.  The fabrications/flip-flops this man makes are an embarrassment at the very least and certainly questions his ability to negotiate with world leaders.

Matt Vespa, writing for Another October Surprise Executed Early? Timing of Liberal Media’s New COVID Panic Push Is Beyond Transparent.  Mr. Vespa, does his homework when reporting, note the comments that Kurt Schlichter twitted about the coverage of this latest attempt to delegitimize President Trump.  Courtney O’Brien also covers the latest connived controversy.

From the Heartland Institute:  FINALLY, STATES ARE RETRACTING HYDROXYCHLOROQUINE BANS.  (Do you see any articles on this in the mainstream media?  Of course not, President Trump touted Hydroxychloroquine.)

From the Daily Signal: Voter Fraud Cases Emerge in Battleground States of North Carolina, Georgia

From the Chicago Tribune:  Attorney General William Barr credits Operation Legend for recent dip in homicides at Chicago briefing, but mayor raises doubts.

Attorney General Barr says New York violence spike due to bail reform.

Eight nights of protest in Rochester, NY.

What world does Congressman Nadler live in?

Thank you, President Trump.  And thank you for your commitment to life.

Dan Mitchell, writes about New York City’s Spending Problem, International Liberty.

Ken Girardin asks the question in Empire Center:  What Happens If Teachers Go on Strike?  Mr. Girardin also writes that the state forces school districts to give raises—and layoffs.

How American Civil Society Depends on Marriage, Family.

Words of Wisdom from Walter E. Williams.

Pray for America on the 19th Anniversary of September 11, 2020 and for the families who suffer the pain of that horrendous day.