Category: CPNYS NEWS

“America! America! God mend thine every flaw, Confirm thy soul in self-control, Thy liberty in law.”

Brian C. Adams writes in the City Journal about the dark days that have occurred since November 3, 2020.  Some will be incensed about his words; some will agree. (The various newspapers and pundits all have opinions that will try and influence what you think.)  The Party has received numerous comments on what happened yesterday in Washington, DC and what led to that ugly display of mob rule; some supported what happened; most did not.  I am one who did not.  I do believe that there were irregularities that occurred on election day; I also believe that the four years that Donald J. Trump was president, the media, the never-trumpers, the swamp, the power-crazed oligarchs did everything within there power to destroy a man who loves America and wanted every person to have the same opportunities to be successful.  Donald J. Trump created an economy that lifted all those who wanted the opportunity to be lifted; he stood up for the unborn; he cut regulations where necessary and ran the country as an efficient businessman, not bound by the politics that Washington, DC craved.  President Trump stood up for America on the world stage and brought together countries in the Middle East that no one thought possible.  North Korea knew he meant what he said; as did Iran.  President Trump ran on a platform to make America great again, and to the best of his ability, he kept his promise, despite the constant onslaught of those who resented the fact that a non-political person was elected the 45th president of the greatest nation in the world.  Election day, November 3, 2020, should have been his re-election; but those who had worked so hard to destroy him for four long years, with the help of COVID-19 emergency changes made without the consent of state legislatures managed to maneuver the system to their benefit.

What happened was wrong; what happened in Washington, DC was just as wrong.  When an election is lost, by whatever means, we examine how we lost, we hold our head high and we do not destroy all the good we have done.  We are no longer kids in school playgrounds fighting about who dropped the ball.  We must be the adult and demand that cooler heads prevail; we cannot criticize Antifa and the rioting that occurred all summer long, then let our anger react in a similar way, albeit, I do believe that some from Antifa were at the rally and edged on the crowd in Washington, DC yesterday.

I understand the frustration that people have; I understand how being out of work for 10 long months (and no real end in sight) can create resentment against a government who has forgotten that “We the People” run the greatest experiment in democracy.  I understand that the politics of playing with people’s lives has caused many to lash out in anger, but, unbridled anger will not resolve the serious conflicts America is facing within.

Socialism isn’t what made America great.  Socialism has never lifted countries out of poverty and provided freedom for all their citizens.

We must regain the dream that our Founding Fathers believed in.  We must remember our history and acknowledge, while not perfect, we have corrected our mistakes.  Erasing our history, or not knowing it, can allow some of the same mistakes to be made again.  We must focus on the generosity of Americans; those who serve to protect our way of life; those that give to those who need; those that create jobs for others to earn a living; those who worship God, not the statism that seeks to replace Him and we must refocus on the golden rule:  treat others the way you want to be treated.

Today is a new day, with it comes hope.  Hope that America will heal as it has in the past.  I am committed to doing my part, are you?

With apologies to Stuart Gorrell and Hoagy Carmichael: Georgia is on our minds today.

Georgia’s duty: Stop the far left from dominating Congress.

A Time for Choosing: A Test for Our Souls.

A legitimate loss is something everyone can understand (albeit not happy about) but this is outrageous!  WATCH: Stacey Abrams Brags About Lack of ‘Exact’ Signature Matching in Georgia.

‘A-woman’: Oy vey!

Sorry, Pelosi: Eliminating official use of ‘mother’ isn’t inclusive — it’s waging war on women.

Desperate to have her name back in the national news:  ‘Not Just a Man’s World’: Wasserman Schultz Praises House Rules that Strip All Gendered Language

About that “blue wave,” obviously they miscalculated it:  House Minority Leader McCarthy Touts Large GOP Freshman Class in House of Reps.

Charles Hurt opines in the Washington Times:  Trump still selling ice cream in a desert of electoral politics

The Return of Reckless Keynesian Economic Policy.

Secretary Pompeo: ‘The True Face of the Chinese Communist Party Has Been Exposed’.  (The elephant in the room is how will Hunter’s Dad deal with it?)

And China isn’t the only problem:  Congressmen Beating the Drum for Iran’s Mullahs.

Please, someone reassure Americans that America will not have two people in the White House that have a prerequisite to plagiarize.

Democrats and Republicans Fume After Cuomo Threatens State Hospitals

Legislators:  Please tell your constituents this headline is incorrect!  No sign that NYC’s surging violence will wane in 2021.

The exodus from New York continues:  New York ranks second for outbound moves in 2020.

Bob McManus opines in the NY Post today that the NYT discovers crime wave but goes silent on Black Lives Matter’s role.

From ZeroHedge Statistician: Lockdowns Don’t Work Because They Force People to Congregate In Fewer Places.

Here is a very interesting article about health care:  Amazon, JPMorgan, Berkshire to shut down health-care venture Haven.  I can’t help but wonder how some of the most profitable, smartest run businesses in America can’t seem to make health care work for their employees.  Did they decided it consumed too much of their profits?


For Immediate Release
January 5, 2021
Contact:  Shaun Marie
518-356-7882 @cpnys


 Our Founding Fathers’ insight when creating the new United States of America continues to astound today’s citizens when we are faced with extraordinary circumstances that need to be resolved.  It is a constitutional obligation to be certain that our elections take place as laid out in Article II of the US Constitution, and as of this date, questions remain that Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin, Georgia, Arizona and Nevada followed or supplanted the election law laid out by the Constitution and/or the legislatures of each of these states.

The 74+ million people who voted for President Donald J. Trump have the right to have their representatives in Congress question the certification of the November 3, 2020 elections, and the votes cast by the members of the Electoral College, as liberals did in January, 2017. Which, by the way, wasn’t the only time objections were made regarding the certification of the votes cast by electors to the Electoral College.

Earlier, in 2005, Ohio Rep. Stephanie Tubbs Jones, said at a press conference with Sen. Barbara Boxer, “How can we possibly tell millions of Americans who registered to vote, who came to the polls in record numbers, particularly our young people … to simply get over it and move on,” while questioning Ohio’s 20 electoral votes that a report by the Democrats on the House Judiciary Committee found “numerous, serious election irregularities” in Ohio that led to “ significant disenfranchisement of voters.”

Much has been reported how the COVID-19 pandemic led to various changes in election laws that were not passed, as required by the US Constitution, by state legislatures.  Every citizen who cast their vote in the 2020 elections has the right to know that their vote was cast according to the Constitution and/or state laws — passed by their legislature and signed into law by their governor — of their home state and not supplanted by those who did not have the authority to do so.

The government of these United States is run by its people; who elect representatives to speak for them; it is the obligation of these elected congressional representatives to be certain that every vote cast, was cast in good faith that the laws of the states were meticulously followed.

# # #

Be forewarned; the oligarchs are two US Senate seats from taking over.

Whatever happens on January 6, Terry Paulson speaks for over 74 million Americans when he writes:  We Remain Forever Grateful Mr. President.

Robert Knight opines in the Washington Times;  At stake this week: Saving America from a unified socialist government.

Congress Approves Rules Regulating Jan. 6 Electoral Vote Count.

Real Clear Politics reports on Trump’s Top 10 Accomplishments of 2020.

And Jeff Davidson, writing in reminds us of what Things That Donald Trump Did Not Do.

Thank you, Congressman Andrew Biggs (R-AZ) for calling out the cartoon published in the Washington Post:  The Washington Post’s Cartoon Crossed the Line.

Salena Zito writes in the Daily Signal that Our Hopes for 2021 Won’t Be Fulfilled by a Politician, but by Us.  Also, from the Daily Signal:  Law Professor Speaks Out After Being Shamed for Writing Honest History of BLM.  And some wise words from Kay C. James, President of the Heritage Foundation:  Why Conservatives of All Stripes Must Unite in 2021

From the Epoch Times, a very interesting article:  Exact Fallout of Presidential Election Predicted in 2019 War-Game Paper.

Biden’s Critical Race Theory Two-Step.

Why Biden won’t stand up to the Chinese menace.

China launches major military exercise with its second aircraft carrier, the Shandong.

Chinese Citizen Journalist Sentenced to Four Years for Coronavirus Reporting.

China: Paying US Media to Publish Propaganda.

China expected to displace US as world’s biggest economy by 2028: report.

China Using COVID-19 to Overtake America’s Economy.

Uncovering the Chinese Government’s Pandemic Deception.

Will Joe Biden take on our alarming China problem?

Better yet, how would Ossoff handle the problem, if elected to the US Senate?  Watch this.

The China Threat is Real and Upon Us.

Joe Biden, you must be prepared:  The Bill Is Coming Due for China’s ‘Capitalist’ Experiment.

Did Americans Come to Love Big Brother?

From the Federalist:  5 Big Things We Learned About Our Elites In 2020.

From the City-Journal:  Mayors for Free Money/A growing coalition of urban leaders embraces a guaranteed basic income.  Also from the City-Journal:  Tell Only LiesThe Perils of “Doing Something”/Fifty years on, Edward C. Banfield’s skeptical take on the urban crises of his day offers useful advice for dealing with our own and Biden and Schools/Federal education policy is likely to take a sharp left turn.

Headlines are purposely written to grab your attention:  Trump tells Georgia officials to ‘find’ votes to defeat Biden in recorded call.  There is always more than the headline.

Charlie Gerow opines that It should always be nation over politics.

Frank Vernuccio writes in Townhall Finance ( that Washington Drowns In Red Ink.

Here’s how ‘social justice’ ruins the lives of innocent people, even high school students.

Trump’s minority outreach laid groundwork for expansion of base: ‘It scares the heck’ out of Dems.

The Poisonous Economics of Wealth Taxation.

“The state’s economy, which Gov. Cuomo and de Blasio locked down, is failing to spit off enough tax revenue to fund the state’s spending plans, they’ll argue, so taxes must rise to fill the gap.” Albany is planning more pain for New York in 2021. “…  New York’s future rides on stopping the loony left.”

Really, how surprising that they will fawn over Biden.  CNN’s Jim Acosta, Jake Tapper say media coverage will change under Biden administration.

Casey Seiler, writes in the Albany Times Union, about the Gov’s plan to allow 6700 football fans attend the Buffalo Bills playoff game on Saturday, 0109 2020.   Well worth reading:  Because the gov says so.

From the NY Post editorial page:  King Cuomo’s COVID rules meet the Constitution.

COVID vaccine fiasco shows Cuomo and de Blasio’s ineptitude.

Team Cuomo’s latest nursing-home hypocrisy.

Janice Dean is a non-political person (meteorologist on Fox News) who suffered the loss of her beloved in-laws due to COVID-19.  Fortunately, Mrs. Dean has a platform (social media presence) to speak for those who do not have a large platform to hear their concerns.  Read her moving article here:  Janice Dean: The tragic rise of Andrew Cuomo amid COVID-19 — a real American crisis.

From Bill Hammond writing for the Empire Center: Cuomo’s Summary of COVID-19 Contact Tracing Data Raises More Questions Than It Answers

Victor Davis Hanson writes his last article for National Review:  A Guide to Wokespeak.   Mr. Hanson appeared on Fox News (December 30, 2020) and restated all the reasons why the Jan. 5 US Senate election in Georgia is so important to our Republic.  And then there is this from Mr. Hanson: What Will Historians Make of Our Annus Horribilis?  Thank you, Mr. Hanson, always the straight shooter who lets us believe that America can come back stronger.

NYC Turns from Rewarding Failure in Schools to Punishing Success.

Economics Is About How to Grow the Pie, Not How to Slice It Up.

So, should one believe that when a potential Biden Administration appointee files a “conflict of interest” form, that they will be automatically able to disregard the prior arrangement they had with the potential conflict of interest?  Janet Yellen made more than $7 million in speaking fees in 2019, 2020.  Wouldn’t it better for any administration to tap a person without any potential conflict of interest?

Speaking of conflict of interest, do you think Alexander S. Mackler, who is serving on Joe Biden’s Justice Department’s transition team may have his own conflict of interest while serving as an advisor for Biden?

Progressives, note this:  States of Growth and Decline.  (Those who move from blue to red states, a piece of advice:  do not bring your voting habits with you, duh, that is why you left! Sadly, sometimes, I think {when they continue to vote progressive} it is a plan to let the oligarchs take over because I can’t believe they would be foolish enough to continue voting for the same failed policies.)

Progressives changing House Rules:  Proposed House Rules Seek to Erase Gendered Terms Such as ‘Father, Mother, Son, Daughter’.  This is the result; Congress Has Officially Gone Gender Crazy.  Is it possible that Democrats really do not know what the meaning of “amen” is?

Note to progressives and progressive wannabes who are elected officials in New York State:  your policies have helped create this horror, what are you doing to keep your constituents safe?

Say a prayer for New York City.

Sen. Manchin: Repealing Hyde Amendment Would Be ‘Foolish’.

Parents and Grandparents:  Are you aware of this?  Cartoons Are the Left’s New Weapon to Target Your Kids.

Preserving America’s Past Through Trump’s 1776 Commission.

We kept an eye on the news…here are a few items you may have missed over the long Christmas weekend.

UPDATETrump signs COVID-19 relief bill with $600 stimulus checksWho gets a second stimulus check? What to know after Trump signs COVID bill

9 Things You Need to Know About the $1.4 Trillion Fiscal Year 2021 Omnibus and $900 Billion COVID-19 Package.

More on the spending plan here.  Pork City: Here Are the Most Ridiculous Pet Projects In $900 Billion Stimulus Package.  (It really is disgraceful how little is going to those who pay the bill…along with their children, grandchildren and most likely their great-grandchildren if not even one more generation.  Simply disgraceful.)

How $10 Million for Gender Programs in Pakistan Got Tied to a COVID Relief Bill.

When one political party has total control of the Executive and Legislative Branches of government (in most cases when one political party owns both the Executive and Legislative branches, they also control the Judicial branch) this is how they do business:  they issue the fact that they will be meeting to pass legislation; most likely with one item (or possibly a few) on the agenda and let you know what that bill(s) will be; most likely when you are not paying attention (like over a holiday weekend); then on the day they are to meet — today, the full agenda comes out.  In the case of the Assembly, 31 pages with bills, in the Senate 18 pages with bills listed.  Very little time to review when the Assembly Agenda is made public at 10:08 AM and session is at 12:45 PM; Senate agenda was issued at 8:28 AM and session is at 1:00 PM.  Foolish of me to believe that transparency is upmost in what government should be doing when passing bills, either in Washington or Albany.  I guess the rule of thumb has become what Speaker Nancy Pelosi said when Obamacare was passed in 2010:  “We have to pass the bill so that you can find out what is in it.”

Georgians—As a Lifelong Democrat, I Implore You to Support Loeffler and Perdue.

Jeremiah Wright preached at Raphael Warnock’s church in 2014…anyone surprised?

Does this spell trouble?  Georgia Has Registered 76,000 New Voters Ahead of Senate Runoffs

8,000 Ballots Requested in GA Senate Race Believed to Be from Non-Residents, Secretary of State Investigating.

Grover Norquist: Georgia Senate runoffs – tax increases coming if Democrats win these races.

Dem Senate Hopeful Urged Americans To Follow Chinese State-Run Media.

‘Blueprint for Positive Change’ Exposes the Left’s Plans for Conservatives.

Biden Embracing Obama’s Failure in Foreign Policy.

Biden CIA Appointee Worked with CCP Propaganda Org Conducting ‘Undercover Intel Ops’, Appears on China State Media.

From the Washington Times:  How Silicon Valley scions launched ‘unprecedented cover-up’ in Hunter Biden case

From the Wall Street Journal (subscription required):  China Wants to Be the World’s Banker.

China Engaged in ‘Mass Surveillance’ on Americans’ Mobile Phones, Report Finds.

Beijing ‘Substantially Involved’ in US 2020 Election, China Analyst Says.

China: The Conquest of Hollywood.

China Lies About Its Wrongdoing on COVID, Spying, Global Aggression, Pollution, and More.

China’s virus deceptions have been even worse than we thought.

Has China Mastered Weather Modification? Should We Worry?

Voters Think China’s Influence Will Grow Under Biden.

Survey: Progressives Least Likely to Take Pride in America.

New York’s Latest Progressive Tax Proposal Has a Radical Twist.

Another Stake in the Heart of New York’s Small Businesses

‘Big Fight’ Breaks Out Over Which Interest Groups Get Vaccine First.  Do you believe Gov. Cuomo’s statement: “There will be no political favoritism,” the governor said in a news conference on Wednesday (12/16), a message he repeated on Friday (12/18)?  Time will tell.

4 Diseases You’ve Probably Forgotten About Because of Vaccines.

Victor Davis Hanson writes about COVID, Woke Science—and Death

More from Victor Davis Hanson:  After 2020 election – here’s how to keep track of upside-down world of media and politics.

I wonder if there is any connection between these two separate articles?   Hard drugs ‘pervasive’ in some fraternities; 21 charged with links to UNC, Duke, App and this one Did You Know? Chinese Government Influence at North Carolina Colleges.

3 Quotes from Founding Fathers Remind Us Why We Are a Constitutional Republic (Not a Democracy.

The Forgotten Oath of Congress.

Nothing will change until teachers change this:  Teaching Hate/The Seattle school district claims that the U.S. education system is guilty of “spirit murder” against black children.  Those who believe what this training session is teaching are so mis-guided.  This is a call for revenge; not a plan to make things better.  Those who believing this training session is a good one to be adopted, will do nothing to change any injustice; it is nothing more than demanding that the injustices suffered by some (those who choose to play the victim role) be perpetrated on those born with white skin. This type of thinking and training must end.  America is NOT systemically racial; those who believe it is have been trained to be victims, taught they are unable to attain the American Dream because of the color of their skin.  This is belittling to those who have attained the American Dream by working hard; the late Walter E. Williams, Thomas Sowell, Justice Clarence Thomas, Congressman-Elect Burgess Owens…shall I go on?

Is this teaching or indoctrinating?  Teachers at Elite NYC Private School Make List of 24 ‘Anti-Racist’ Demands.

The ‘Sexual Rights’ Movement Is Gaining Power Globally. Here’s What to Expect.

Conservatives Now Have an Option to Avoid Investing in Left-Leaning Companies.

Under Trump’s Tenure, Promises Made Were Promises Kept.

This could get really ugly:  States Battle Each Other Over Billions in Work-From-Home Taxes.

This is Governor Andrew Cuomo’s legacy:  New York, again, leads nation in population decline. And it could now lose two House seats.

Dan Gainor: Cuomo acts like New York is his kingdom, not a state, in dealing with COVID.

NY leaders need to face facts, and start making real cuts.

Bob McManus opines about how De Blasio’s push for new ThriveNYC waste is latest low of his fake mayoralty.

Me who? Andrew Cuomo accuser’s fast-fading charges make mockery of ‘believe all women’.

Mr. Mayor:  you must be proud of this since nothing is being done to end it.  Mayhem in the streets: Illegal vendors are overtaking NYC.

From Gatestone Institute:  Drug Trafficking: The Dirtiest Little Secret.

Barr’s Outstanding Record of Accomplishments.

Say what?  Vote reparations?   An Absurd Call for ‘Vote Reparations’.

Chairman Kassar wishes you a Merry Christmas and Happy 2021!

Merry Christmas

 From everyone at the New York State Conservative Party, we want to wish you and your family a Merry Christmas.

2020 has certainly brought us many unexpected twists and turns. It has been a challenging year for all, not just here in New York, but around the country.

Through the trials and tribulations, I have been encouraged to see how well New Yorkers have once again responded in the face of adversity.

We have much to remain grateful for and I am confident that we will soon come out the other side stronger than ever.

New Yorkers remain in my thoughts and prayers and I look forward to seeing you all. Have a healthy and prosperous 2021.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

18 members of the House GOP demand emergency hearings on election fraud.

Leaving California: 135,000 More People Left the State Than Moved Here in The Past Year.

New York Lawmaker Begs Goldman Sachs Not to Go to Florida: ‘Please Don’t Leave Us’.

Carney: Biden’s Massive Tax Hikes Inevitable f Democrats Win Georgia Senate Races.

Churchill: Cuomo for AG? Oh, let the fun begin.

Our Daily Blog will return on January 4, 2021

Photo credit:  Bev from Pixabay.

A piece of coal this Christmas is too good for Emperor Cuomo!

Gov. Andrew Cuomo has lost all ability to understand what it is like to meet a payroll; his only experience was when he founded Housing Enterprise for the Less Privileged (HELP USA) and that only lasted 3 years.   Since then, it has been all public service and as Governor he just takes more from New York’s taxpayers to pay the bills he creates.  Governor Andrew Cuomo is a heartless, cold, compassionless human that only cares about keeping the people who are dependent upon him grateful for his generosity in taking from others to give to them.   Cuomo NYSDOL to Struggling Small Biz: Your Employees Will Soon Cost More.  Even a piece of coal, this Christmas, is too good for Andrew Cuomo.

So, is the press trying to shield NY Gov. Andrew Cuomo because they expect he will be the new Attorney General?  Andrew Cuomo shielded by CBS, NBC and ABC after sexual harassment claims, media watchdog says.

Betsy McCaughey opines about Andrew Cuomo:  Cuomo Not Fit to Be US Attorney General

Victor Davis Hanson asks the question: Where Did the New Mad Left Come From?

Charles Hurt writes in the Washington Times about Waiting for Kraken.

This is news?  It would be news if they didn’t donate to Biden and didn’t block the news on Hunter Biden.  Facebook, Twitter execs donated big bucks to Biden while blocking Hunter news.

Covering for Hunter Biden: Why Americans distrust the media.

From Gatestone Institute:  Is America’s Fourth Estate (Free Press) in Foreclosure?

Larry Elder writes in  Media Saves Joe Biden — Just as It Saved Barack Obama.

Preelection Suppression of Hunter Biden Story Breaks Beltway Journalism.

Vanity Fair’s attempt to change the Hunter Biden narrative:  Vanity Fair Just Published an Absolutely Ridiculous Puff Piece on Hunter Biden’s Budding Art Career.

Unfortunately, it wasn’t only the Biden family that the press was protecting:  Kamala Harris’ Close Ties with Marxists, Communists, Maoists, and Socialists.

The Honorable Bill Barr – Washington Free Beacon

National Review writes:  Well Done, Mr. Attorney General.

Kudos to Senator Ron Johnson!  Sen. Johnson blasts Democratic Sen. Peters after two spar during election fraud hearing.  From the Daily Signal:  7 Takeaways from a Senate Panel’s Hearing on Election Fraud.

Great question Rep, Hern, however the answer is oh so simple:  unlike you, she wants her constituents to depend on her and if she admitted it, she couldn’t milk the system.  Rep. Kevin Hern: Capitalism pulled me out of poverty, why can’t AOC admit it saved her, too?

Victor Davis Hanson asks should the Republicans do to Biden what the Democrats did to Trump?

Leftists Are Upset with the Ongoing Presidential Transition. Let’s Look Back at How They Behaved in 2016.

This is disturbing:  Democrats, Younger Voters Welcome More International Involvement in U.S. Economy.

Another disturbing article and another reason to be certain the US Senate stays in GOP hands.   Carlson: Biden set to pick China propagandist Bob Iger as ambassador to Beijing.

Falling Apart: The Unforeseen Consequences of COVID

There is another Grinch in town:  Fauci tells Americans not to see their kids for Christmas.

Could this be good news? Toxic Linda Sarsour is campaigning in Georgia…

While far too many other women stand silent, Congresswoman Elise Stefanik remains steadfast in protecting all women.  Elise Stefanik Uses Cuomo’s Own Words to Call for a Probe into Sexual Harassment Allegations Against Him.

MeToo double standard: Evidence required when accused is a Democrat.

Any one surprised by this?  Heastie expects Albany will raise income taxes as early as this month.  What is surprising and very disappointing is this:  Economists urge New York to raise taxes on billionaires as budget crisis looms.  State of Politics notes there are 3 Ways Taxes Could Go Up in New York.  With democrats in total control of the legislature, they will certainly raise taxes before making any cuts to labor, spending. or pandering those who support socialism.

Wisconsin’s Supreme Court gets this one right; but is it appears that the decision will not change any votes already cast in the 2020 Presidential Election.  Wisconsin Supreme Court Rules Pandemic Doesn’t Exempt Voters from Proving Identity.  Then there is this: Crucial Logs Missing from Michigan County Dominion Voting Machines: Forensics Report.  The report referenced is not final and only time will tell if there is conclusive evidence of problems with the voting machines.  Gatestone Institute has more on the Dominion voting system here.

Chris Bedford: Joe Biden Is China’s Biggest COVID Win.

And his qualifications are…?  Biden picks Pete Buttigieg for transportation secretary: reports.  Obama retreads and novices.

Rich Lowry in today’s NY Post:  US intel veterans lied about ‘Russian plot’ — and the media bought it hook, line and sinker.

More on the Georgia elections here, here,  here, here and here.

Dennis Prager writes:  When 2-Year-Olds Are Thrown Off Airplanes, You Know America Has Changed.

Remember Giving Tuesday (December 1, this year)?  Here is a good explanation of what it is and why it is.

Here is a very interesting case if you make charitable donations:  The Supreme Court May Soon Rule on Donor Privacy.

This is a huge disappointment:  Supreme Court Turns Down Red State Bid to Salvage Proof of Citizenship Voter Law.

Devon Williams writes:  A Eulogy for My Father, Walter E. Williams.  (If only every child ever born would have a father like Walter E. Williams.)

The Electoral College gives the swamp oxygen.

State Election, National Effects.

Today is the first day to vote in the US Senate Elections in Georgia; hopefully, the citizens of Georgia know what Mr. Warnock thinks of the US Senate.  Warnock: U.S. Senators ‘Gangsters and Thugs’ Who Aimed to ‘Kill Children’

Newt Gingrich: How radical is Raphael Warnock? Look at Georgia Senate candidate’s record

If you ever wondered why Georgia (with the help of Stacey Abrams) went to such lengths to  have Georgia in the Biden column, this may help explain why:  Georgia, Mired in Election Disputes, Fosters Cozy Ties With China.

Houston, we have a problem…a very serious one.  Canada Invited Communist China to Come to Country to Participate in Military Exercises: Reports.

Gordon G. Chang writes in Gatestone Institute:  Espionage Emergency_ China ‘Floods’ America with Spies.

America needs Joe Biden to face the grim facts about China.

Mark Hemingway opines on Real Clear Politics that the Hunter Biden News Should Shame Dismissive Media Outlets.

How Media Bias and ‘Woke Identity’ Have Infiltrated Newsrooms.

Hunter Biden email shows $400G unreported income from Burisma, states he needs to ‘amend’ tax returns.

Really Mr. Biden?  Did those who voted for you, want you or a retread of the failed Obama Administration?  With all the qualified, even semi-qualified, people you could chose, why tap Susan Rice?  Susan Rice Returns/One of Obama’s worst advisers is resurrected for the Biden administration.  Was she part of the deal to get you elected by any means possible?  Or did you tap her because she is used to covering up grave faults of the administration she works for?

Robert Knight, writing for the Washington Times, also opines on the Biden picks, including Susan Rice.

Jon Miltimore opines in Intellectual Takeout:  Politicians Are Incentivized to Embrace Useless COVID-19 Restrictions.

This needs to be fixed; but the totally democratic state if New York doesn’t have the backbone to admit they went too far and are unlikely to do what is right for all citizens.  Most NYC perps arrested on gun charges soon walk free — even when they re-offend.

Victor Davis Hanson writes about ‘Collusion’ vs. Collusion in American Greatness.

Is this too little, too late?  Special Counsel John Durham expanding team, making ‘excellent progress’: source.

What a surprise, Andrew being Andrew.  Andrew Cuomo, as usual, makes COVID-19 vaccine all about himself.

Karol Markowicz opines in the NY Post:  This pandemic has politicians treating the public like children.

Michelle Easton writes in;  Silent No Longer: A New Voice for Conservatives!  (And the new voice in Congress is from New York!!!!!)

Seth Barron writes in the City-Journal about Bailout Bill.

In case you missed this…Wait…Obama Had a Good Relationship with…Conservatives? Oh, and Fox News Is to Blame for Screwing That Up.  (We thought you needed a laugh.)

Chairman Kassar discusses the COVID-19 vaccine, Gov. Andrew “Grinch” Cuomo, and the Texas lawsuit…

New York Set to Receive COVID Vaccine

 Yesterday, the Conservative Party issued the following legislative memo to the Legislative Members stating opposition to government mandating that New Yorkers receive the COVID-19 vaccine:

The Conservative Party of NYS is committed to the health of its citizens. With that being said, we firmly oppose the mandatory use of the COVID-19 vaccine, that this proposed bill calls for. There is no doubt that a vaccine will be useful in stemming the spread of this dangerous and deadly virus, and those who want to or need to have it, should be able to access the various COVID-19 vaccines that will be available. However, government must not make the mistake that a new, albeit FDA approved, vaccine should be mandated.

The first wave of COVID-19 was certainly deadly and a vaccine to prevent the devastating disease is welcome news. Much has been learned about COVID- 19 and while many New Yorkers welcome the new vaccine, some people have concerns on getting the vaccine that requires two doses. Government should not be taking on the role of mandating vaccines as a “protective measure” when people have legitimate concerns on being vaccinated.

The Conservative Party believes that people should have the right to decide if they want the COVID-19 vaccine, and if they do, it should be available to them, but government must not take on the role of mandating it.


We are thrilled New York will soon be receiving 170,000 doses from the pharmaceutical giant Pfizer, but under no circumstance do we believe people should be forced to vaccinate.

Amongst the first to receive the vaccines will be healthcare workers, nursing home residents, essential employees.

Moderna will be delivering a second bath of doses shortly before January, it is expected New York City will receive 480,000 additional doses in that shipment.

The two companies, Pfzier and Moderna, will be producing 45 million doses before years end to the United States. That is enough for 22.5 million Americans as two doses are required per person.

This is welcomed news and a true testament to how hard the Trump Administration worked to provide these vaccines. Operation Warp Speed will have laid the groundwork to provide a vaccine months and months earlier than typical timelines.

A great accomplishment by our President Donald J. Trump and Chief Scientific Advisor Moncef Slaoui.

The Grinch in the Governor’s Mansion

 Governor Andrew Cuomo and other Democratic State Representatives want to wish you a Merry Christmas – by raising your taxes and burdening New Yorker’s with additional fees.

While the NY Post publishes stories of giddy real estate brokers in Florida clamoring over their new found wealth of New Yorker’s looking to re-locate for greener financial pastures, Democratic State Legislators in New York are continuing to find new ways to lighten your pocket.

Brooklyn Assembly-member Robert Carroll earlier this week announced legislation that would add an additional $3.00 fee for every individual package you ordered online. Not only is this idea harmful financially, it is also potentially harmful to your health. Individuals who use online ordering as a preventative to spending more time outside, risking the chance of getting sick, could now be forced to go to grocery, or other stores, to avoid an additional tax of $12.00 or $15.00 on packaging.

Never one to be outdone. Governor Grinch Cuomo this week said even with a federal bailout, taxes will be raised in New York State.

Conservatives and Republicans continue to oppose increases, while the business community warns that raising taxes on the wealthy will continue to be a further burden for the state financially as New Yorkers continue to re-locate.  State budget director, Robert Mujica, stated half of the state’s personal income tax revenue comes from the highest-earning 2% of taxpayers. Many of whom have already left.

Lawsuit Challenging Elections Results Filed

Texas has filed suit asking the Supreme Court to invalidate the results of the 2020 election citing evidence of voter fraud.

Attorney General Ken Paxton is suing four battleground states: Pennsylvania, Georgia, Wisconsin and Michigan. In the suit he says election procedures in those states due to the Corona Virus violated federal law. Paxton argues it was unconstitutional for state election officials to expand mail voting. He also gives examples that demonstrate “lawlessness” including Republican poll watchers not being permitted to watch the process of counting absentee ballots that were being pulled from under tables.  106 current House Republicans have joined the lawsuit in support of the President as well as attorneys general from 17 states who have filed their own friend-of-the-court brief in support of Texas

Additionally, six more states: Missouri, Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, South Carolina, and Utah asked Thursday to join Texas in the case.

The Supreme Court has announced it will hear the case.

N.Y. Lawmakers Considering Higher Taxes On Wealthy To Address Pandemic Budget Deficit

Mike Flynn fires back at FBI, DOJ: ‘I’ve seen corruption up close and personal’

Georgia GOP Chair Says ‘We Are Trusting No One,’ Promises ‘Eyes on Every Part’ of Voting Process

GOP leaders link rising jobless claims to Pelosi delay on small business relief

McCarthy demands FBI briefing on Swalwell’s relationship with Chinese spy

Will the Fourth Estate be able to regain the trust of Americans?

Hanukkah Sameach.   The True Meaning of Hanukkah

U.S. Handing China Americans’ Private Health Care Data/Coronavirus pandemic makes it easy for Beijing to collect American genetic info.

Beijing Manipulated Wall Street to Steer US Policy, Until Trump Became President: Chinese Professor

To close for comfort:  Chinese Military Bases in The Caribbean?

Well this is certainly an eye-opener:  Facebook Fact Checker Funded by Chinese Money Through TikTok.

Seriously, is anyone surprised by this?  Swalwell refuses to explain relationship with suspected Chinese spy accused of affairs with mayors.

How Beijing Is Threatening Hong Kong’s Status as Global Financial Center

Tucker Carlson: Hunter Biden tax investigation confirms what we knew and mainstream media covered up.

Media Does Damage Control on Their Refusal to Cover Hunter Biden Before the Election.  They can do all the damage control they want; those of us who follow elections, politics and love America will never trust those who refused to cover the obvious truth and have put America at risk with their omissions of truth that will play right into China’s goals…if we let it.

Republican attorneys general set their sights on checking Joe Biden and Kamala Harris.

Do the citizens of Georgia really want this man to be in the US Senate?  Warnock Voter-Registration Group Received $482,000 in PPP Loans.  Or this man:  Ossoff’s Father Met With Chinese ‘Dignitaries’ While Touring His China-Built Yacht?  As Betsy McCaughey notes in her NY Post Op-Ed:  Yes, Georgia Senate candidate Raphael Warnock is a real radical.

Really amazing how people still voted for the Queen Bee (of course, this is most likely the reason there wasn’t a “blue wave.”  Hey Nancy, wait till 2022 when more Americans realize that the only person who means anything to you is YOU.)   Byron York’s Daily Memo: How Pelosi’s TDS hurt America.

Pavlich: Democrat’s coronavirus class war.

COVID-19 hit the working class hardest — just when it was finally doing better.

He Was Hospitalized by COVID-19. Here’s What He Wants You to Know.

Do you know what your children and-or grandchildren are being taught? Education or Indoctrination? ‘Anti-Racist’ Teaching Sweeps K-12 Schools Targeting ‘Whiteness’

Not as farfetched an idea as one may think; since COVID-19 changed our lives, government thinks it has the authority to mandate everything they can to stay in power. Thus, articles like this are so important:  Mandatory Voting Is Authoritarian

Pro-Lifers be aware:  Pro-Abortion Members of Congress Are Pushing for Taxpayer-Funded Abortion. Here’s What You Need to Know.

File this under “Good News:” 2 New Black GOP Congressmen Aim to Fight Socialism, Grow Conservative Base.

The final words of wisdom written by the late Walter W. Williams.

Conservative Party Issues Opposition Memo on Government Mandating COVID-19 Vaccine

For Immediate Release
December 10, 2020
Contact:  Shaun Marie

Conservative Party Issues Opposition Memo on Government Mandating COVID-19 Vaccine

Brooklyn, NY (12/10/2020) – Conservative Party Chairman Gerard Kassar has issued the following legislative memo to the Legislative Members stating opposition to government mandating that New Yorkers receive the COVID-19 vaccine.

The full memo follows:

486 78th Street, Ft. Hamilton Station, NY 11209
(718) 921-2158 Voice  * (718) 921-5268 Fax

2020 Legislative Memo…

 In Opposition to…

  1. 11179 – Rules (at the request of M. of A. L. Rosenthal)

Purpose:  An Act to amend the public health law, in relation to administering a COVID-19 vaccine.

Party Position:  The Conservative Party of NYS is committed to the health of its citizens.  With that being said, we firmly oppose the mandatory use of the COVID-19 vaccine, that this proposed bill calls for.

There is no doubt that a vaccine will be useful in stemming the spread of this dangerous and deadly virus, and those who want to or need to have it, should be able to access the various COVID-19 vaccines that will be available.  However, government must not make the mistake that a new, albeit FDA approved, vaccine should be mandated.

The first wave of COVID-19 was certainly deadly and a vaccine to prevent the devastating disease is welcome news. Much has been learned about COVID- 19 and while many New Yorkers welcome the new vaccine, some people have concerns on getting the vaccine that requires two doses.  Government should not be taking on the role of mandating vaccines as a “protective measure” when people have legitimate concerns on being vaccinated.

The Conservative Party believes that people should have the right to decide if they want the COVID-19 vaccine, and if they do, it should be available to them, but government must not take on the role of mandating it.

LM 2020-008