“Government’s view of the economy could be summed up in a few short phrases: If it moves, tax it. If it keeps moving, regulate it. And if it stops moving, subsidize it”-Ronald Reagan
January 28, 2021
Contact: Shaun Marie
www.cpnys.org @cpnys
Statement on Attorney General Nursing Home Report by New York State Conservative Party Chairman Gerard Kassar
“An honorable leader would resign under such circumstances.”
Brooklyn, NY — “Attorney General Letitia James’s damning report on New York nursing home deaths has exposed one of the most egregious cover ups in New York State history. There must be a price to pay.
“The report confirms what millions of New Yorkers already suspected: Governor Andrew Cuomo and his administration willfully manipulated data to hide the number of deaths caused by their inexplicably foolish policy decisions.
“The pain suffered by thousands of New York families who lost loved ones because of the Governor’s poor decisions, compounded by Mr. Cuomo’s appalling braggadocio over the past year about his handling of the Covid-19 crisis, is made more painful still by this report. The Governor tried to wash his hands of their deaths, and now he has been found out.
“An honorable leader would resign under such circumstances.”
What Americans are seeing from their new president is a person who would rather cater to the progressives of his political party instead of showing concern for all of those who are struggling to keep their jobs. As if it isn’t enough that closing businesses due to COVID-19 restrictions cause millions to be out of work, the newly inaugurated president revoked the permits for the Keystone Pipeline putting hundreds out of work (and others dependent on them will also lose jobs), raised the minimum wage for federal workers (raising the minimum wage for non-federal workers is also on the progressive agenda and that will cause others to lose their jobs), the federal government isn’t concerned about raising the wages of their workers because they will just raise your taxes to pay for the increase while private businesses will lose business when they are forced to pay in the increased wages and possibly have to close up shop. It is disheartening that a man who preaches unity and pretends to be there for the “working man” begins his term by hurting those who he promised to help. Another question for President Biden; what is fair and evenhanded about having a transgendered man compete against a woman in school sports? Not to mention that he embraces the debunked NY Times 1619 project while decommissioning the 1776 Commission. Does anyone wonder why his political handlers prevented him from campaigning all fall long? Seventy-four million American were not fooled by his campaign absence; unfortunately, eighty-one million people didn’t care and we will all pay the price. As the NY Post editorial noted in today’s paper: Biden gives up on ‘unity’ for his first action item.
And then there is this: Making America California/ The Biden administration seems determined to run the country on the ruinous model of the Golden State.
Amazing. Does Amazon understand what it is communicating here? Amazon Trying to Block Voting by Mail in Unionization Election. Really Amazon? What you pushed for our nation isn’t safe for your company? You should hang your head in shame. Clearly, another case of do as I say, not as I do, and people are really beginning to say: enough of this. “We believe that the best approach to a valid, fair and successful election is one that is conducted manually, in-person,” an Amazon spokesperson told news outlets. “We will continue to insist on measures for a fair election, and we want everyone to vote, so our focus is ensuring that’s possible.”
It took less than 12 hours for President Biden cancel over 40,000 working class jobs when he halted all work on the Keystone XL pipeline. He followed up that decision to eliminate jobs immediately by re-joining the disastrous Paris Accord which unfairly, and unjustly hurts America.
With the stroke of a pen, President Biden fired an estimated 42,000 American workers who were either employed directly or indirectly to the project. The layoffs will result in over $1.5 billion dollars in lost wages.
Additionally, President Biden did the environment no favors. It is environmentally more friendly for oil to pass through pipes, resulting in 42% less emissions, rather than be transported by rail which increase emissions by nearly 50%. To make matters worse, the cost of a barrel of oil increases between $5 and $10, causing more financial burden on you, the consumer.
That was followed up by his decision to rejoin the Paris Accord which will undoubtedly lead to more American jobs lost while putting an unfair burden on the United States.
Finally, President Biden ordered deportations be halted for 100 days and to open travel from states considered as terrorist hot spots. Caravans are already forming from South America and thousands are heading towards America, during a pandemic, looking to take advantage of the United States and their newly implemented plan to grant undocumented travelers’ entry.
This is just the tip of the iceberg and the ultimate example of elections having consequences.
Attorney General James Attacks NYPD
New York Attorney General Leticia James joined forces with rioters earlier this week when she introduced a lawsuit against the NYPD for responding with force to a destructive mob hellbent on doing damage to city and private property.
Eleven New York City police offers were injured in what James called “peaceful protests.” Conveniently, this summer Attorney General James was MIA as rioters and looters were costing the city of New York tens of millions of dollars.
With early murder rates and shooting victims already outpacing 2020’s dangerous numbers, the NYPD are the only ones serving this city to seem to have any interest in keeping it safe. This attack is asinine and unconscionable.
While thousands have left New York City, leaving the city as an impasse that even Governor Cuomo believes could take 5 years to recover from, it remains unclear to me just how bad the situation here needs to get before voters open their eyes. As a lifelong New Yorker, I can assure you todays inhabitants don’t want to experience the city the way I did in the 1970’s and 1980’s. Ignorance is bliss until the “not in my backyard” crowd experiences it in their backyard.
Cuomo’s Short Sided Budget
Governor Cuomo made it very clear earlier this week that if New York does not receive a federal bailout to the tune of $15 billion, he will sue the federal government then take the states shortcomings and reckless spending out on the taxpayer by way of massive tax hikes.
The new tax rate for top earner would be nearly 11% in New York State, a number that will surely lead to high earners once again packing their bag and heading for friendlier tax pastures. These individuals have a right to save and provide for their families without being the Governors personal piggy bang.
As Senate Minority Rob Ortt stated earlier this week, New York’s overtaxing and reckless spending far predate the financial complications brought on by COVID. “This is poor financial management and poor governing” the Minority Leader said after the budget proposal was released.
Assembly Minority Leader Will Barclay echoed Senator Ortt’s thoughts on twitter “Yesterday was not a budget presentation. It was the same finger-pointing rhetoric we have heard for months. Federal help is necessary but threatening legal action if your demands aren’t met is far from a reliable strategy.”
New York has been wildly spending money they don’t have since day 1 of the Cuomo administration, never once stopping to consider the situation the state would be in during a time of crisis. The Governors inability to responsibly plan for our state’s future has put us in a deficit it could take a decade to recover from.
A reminder that there were good people in Washington, DC on January 6, 2021 that the main stream media will not tell you about: What So Proudly We Hailed.
If NY city, NY State and other major governments run out of the COVID-19 vaccines due to poor management (disposing of them), why do so many left-leaning citizens want government to be in charge of their health care and other aspects of their lives? Someone please explain why when most everything governments handles is in a horrible mess (housing, unemployment, vaccinating citizens, elections, etc.) people vote for those who promise that government will take care of them?
With just days remaining in his term, President Trump was impeached in the House of Representatives in another stunt that was both a waste of time and counterproductive for America.
At a time in which tensions are high, a rushed impeachment with no due process and no trial, just a rushed vote by a Democratic majority, is shameful and set’s a dangerous precedence moving forward.
I want to thank six of our New York Representatives for voting no on the sham impeachment. I had the opportunity to speak with Congressmembers Stefanik, Zeldin, Malliotakis, Jacobs, Garbarino, and Reed. They were thoughtful and clear on why they were voting no. I applaud their transparency and willingness to discuss their rationale.
However, the State Conservative Party is disappointed that one New York Representative did vote with Nancy Pelosi to impeach the President. We consider Congressman John Katko’s actions to be ill-informed. It does nothing to bridge the divide, but it does everything to further aggravate it.
2021 Legislative Agenda
The Executive Committee of the New York State Conservative Party met last weekend in Brooklyn to finalize our legislative agenda.
Amongst the big-ticket items are repealing the criminal justice reforms passed by State Democrats in 2019, ending cashless bail, preventing defunding of the police, opposing the legalization of recreational cannabis, and vigorously defending New York taxpayers against the massive tax increases being proposed by the State Legislature.
As we finalize our agenda in the coming days, I look forward to going into more depth on what you can expect from us in 2021.
Minority Conference Legislative Agenda
For the third consecutive year, State Democrats will control both chambers of the State House in Albany and will surely be looking to expand on their progressive agenda.
The State Legislature that brought us dangerous criminal justice reform, looks to expand on that and continue to give criminals, often repeat offenders, just as many rights as those who abide by the law daily. Additionally, Albany Democrats have made it no secret that they will work to raise taxes, including massive tax increases on the wealthy who continue to leave New York State in droves.
Last week, the Republican Senate released its agenda, “Resetting New York.” Minority Leader Senator Rob Ortt has promised Republicans will oppose all tax increases and will introduce a hostile amendment every day that the Governor continues to hold increased executive powers granted to him by the legislature last year.
In their efforts to get the economy moving in the right direction, The Assembly Minority has also set their agenda called “Jump-Start New York: A Plan for Economic Recovery.” Assembly Republicans are also looking to decrease the Governors powers and increase local authorities’ powers during times of crisis. Additionally, they want to implement the “NY Business Emergency Relief Act of 2021” to direct unallocated funds to business relief purposes.
William Voegeli has an excellent article in City-Journal: About “Whataboutism”/When turnabout is never fair play, that I would encourage every reader of this blog to read and hopefully circulate to family and friends. Set aside a quite moment to read it; it is equal to some of my favorites written by Thomas Sowell and the late Walter E. Williams.
Today’s blog ends with these words of wisdom from Thomas Jefferson “An honest man can feel no pleasure in the exercise of power over his fellow citizens.” Unfortunately, far too many today do not exercise his wisdom.
Here are two articles regarding the Governor’s State of the State delivered yesterday from an upstate paper: Cuomo vows to vaccinate 70% to 90% of New Yorkersand Vaccinations, boosting economy top Cuomo 2021 agenda. The focus of these two articles is COVID-19 and not the problems New Yorkers will face with the substantial budget shortfall taxpayers are facing. COVID-19 is a major concern for all New Yorkers (as well as the world’s population) but, the way government responds to the economic fallout must be questioned by those reporting on the problems. How do we expect people to understand the depth of the economic shortfall, and how it will be resolved, if the newspapers gloss over the seriousness of the budget concerns? The media has a responsibility to inform the public; our Founding Fathers realized that by elevating their importance in the First Amendment. It is time they accept that responsibility no matter how unpleasant it may be to report; government does not need cheerleaders as much as her citizens need to be fully informed.
The man will say anything to get the press’s attention. Schumer: Put Everyone Who Was in the Capitol on No-fly List. Yes, the people who stormed the United States Capitol were wrong and they broke the laws of our land and should face the consequences for their action; and they will.
Insurrection: a violent uprising against an authority or government. Madam Speaker; you, and those you lead, may think President Trump was responsible for an “insurrection” but never once did he call for violence. You, Madam Speaker, used your office to introduce an impeach resolution. Shame on you and all your lemmings. Shame on the media for not acknowledging that you are pouring oil on a fire. Shame on President-elect Joe Biden, who superficially makes a call for unity, but does absolutely nothing, as he did all summer, to calm things down. You call yourselves leaders, you took an oath to protect our US Constitution (“I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter: So help me God.”) yet, you, Madam Speaker, today you purposefully and deliberately allowed a resolution for impeachment to be filed, to appease your base and you and your lemmings continue to divide our Republic. Shameful and sad that power means more to you, Madam Speaker, and your lemmings than this great Republic called America.
For Immediate Release
January 11, 2021
Contact: Shaun Marie
www.cpnys.org @cpnys
Statement by Chairman Gerard Kassar on Governor Cuomo’s State of the State
Brooklyn, NY – Governor Andrew Cuomo’s State of the State was a pure political speech that failed to address the structural fiscal situation that multiplied the costs of the COVID-19 pandemic.
There were no details as to when he intends to return control of the government back to its duly elected representatives, nor when businesses can return to their normal operations, in fact, he noted that further business closings may be needed.
Gov. Cuomo’s reliance on the federal government bailout is as shortsighted as his reliance on the sale of recreational marijuana and the institution of mobile sports betting. Bad ideas remain bad ideas even if it helps you gain revenue.
New Yorkers need a Governor that is willing to make the structural changes necessary and show the leadership to provide a path to economic recovery, not the Pollyanna statements made to placate progressives.
On Sunday the 117th Congress took their oaths of office and officially became United State Representatives.
At the moment our New York State delegation has grown by one member when Nicole Malliotakis was sworn in as New York’s Representative from the 11th district. Soon, I expect our number to grow again when Claudia Tenney’s victory is certified.
I want to congratulate our re-elected incumbents Rep. Elise Stefanik, Rep Lee Zeldin, Rep. John Katko, Rep. Tom Reed, Rep. Chris Jacobs, and newly elected Rep. Andrew Garbarino who was elected to replace the retiring Rep. Peter King.
I look forward to the future with our new slate of Representatives. Their futures are bright and they are eager to work on behalf of their districts.
Additionally, New York State Conservative Party staffer John Seravalli has joined the staff of Congresswoman Nicole Malliotakis in Washington D.C. John will be traveling between New York City and D.C. and will continue as an active member of the party and State Executive Committee. Please feel free to continue to reach out to him at any time.
Finally, I would be remise if I didn’t comment on Wednesday’s terrible events that transpired at the U.S. Capitol, a not only historical complex, but a complex in which was holding our New York delegation and staff members.
As our executive director noted in Thursday’s daily update, “…what happened was wrong. When an election is lost, by whatever means, we examine how we lost, we hold our head high and we do not destroy all the good we have done. We are no longer kids in school playgrounds fighting about who dropped the ball. We must be the adult and demand that cooler heads prevail; we cannot criticize Antifa and the rioting that occurred all summer long, then let our anger react in a similar way, albeit, I do believe that some from Antifa were at the rally and edged on the crowd in Washington, DC.
I understand the frustration that people have; I understand how being out of work for 10 long months (and no real end in sight) can create resentment against a government who has forgotten that “We the People” run the greatest experiment in democracy. I understand that the politics of playing with people’s lives has caused many to lash out in anger, but, unbridled anger will not resolve the serious conflicts America is facing within.
We must regain the dream that our Founding Fathers believed in. We must remember our history and acknowledge, while not perfect, we have corrected our mistakes. Erasing our history, or not knowing it, can allow some of the same mistakes to be made again. We must focus on the generosity of Americans; those who serve to protect our way of life; those that give to those who need; those that create jobs for others to earn a living; those who worship God, not the statism that seeks to replace Him and we must refocus on the golden rule: treat others the way you want to be treated.”
Governor Cuomo Fumbles Vaccine Rollout
Governor Cuomo is running out of people to blame for his failures, but I don’t believe that will stop him from passing the buck on his inability to do his job.
Earlier this spring, in typical Cuomo fashion, he made President Trump the scapegoat saying they didn’t have enough ventilators or hospital rooms. Weeks later we would learn ventilators went unused and hospital rooms unutilized.
Now we learn of the 630,000 doses of the COVID-19 vaccination delivered to New York State, less than a third had actually been administered according to a report issued last week. A chapter that is surely to be left out of the Governors next book.
Conservative/Republican Assemblyman Michael Lawler said on twitter this week: It’s very simple: @NYGovCuomo asked for and was given complete control of the pandemic response back in March of last year. He therefore is completely responsible for the consequences of his decisions: nursing home deaths and the failed vaccine distribution.”
The facts remain that the Governor has been given a free pass from the very beginning and continues to be absolved of all responsibility, no matter how much he has failed. While the Governor profited from tragedy, businesses and livelihoods were stripped from working class New Yorker’s. While he received an Emmy, businesses received orders to close. While he looked for more fame allowing nearly 7,000 people in an NFL stadium, he wouldn’t allow you to have 10 paying customers in your restaurant.
The Trump Administration in conjunction with pharmaceutical companies worked in record time to produce a vaccine. The Cuomo Administration had one job, administer it to New Yorker’s. He has failed to even do that.
Shocking Assembly Bill A416
Earlier this week Democratic Assemblyman Nick Perry introduced a bill so shocking I had to read the text twice.
Below is text directly from the Bill:
Yes, you read it right. New York Democrats want to give the Governor the right to forcibly remove you and place you in the “appropriate” facility.
As we continue to operate under one party control in New York State, the legislation coming out of Albany continues to expand the Governors powers and put New Yorker’s at risk of financial ruin or stripping us of basic rights. I fear this is only the tip of the iceberg and implore you to pay attention to the legislation and rhetoric coming out of Albany.
As we continue to lead the country in out migration, we are on pace to set New York back a generation. It is time we get serious about the challenges facing us and put an end to this assault on our basic rights.