“Government’s view of the economy could be summed up in a few short phrases: If it moves, tax it. If it keeps moving, regulate it. And if it stops moving, subsidize it”-Ronald Reagan
If New York’s Emperor truly followed the facts/science he would not be considering the legalization of marijuana in New York state for any reason, but he is in such a deep hole, the emperor is placating those on his left and trying to fool New Yorkers that the projected revenues will help resolve the monetary problems due to his shutting down businesses in NYS. There is a rampant drug problem in New York and the rest of America; legalizing a Schedule 1 drug will only send a message that drug use is acceptable. It is a shameful message that only oligarchs would use to keep control over those whom they rule. The last few days shows what an oligarch New York’s emperor is. If Governor Cuomo is dedicated to pulling New York out of the financial mess he helped create when forcibly closing New York’s business, he has an alternative: allow New York to start hydrofracking! Our citizens need good jobs and the secondary jobs that come with a vibrant economy.
Regarding the NYS budget: “Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s plan would raise levies $2 billion, mostly via an income-tax surcharge on top earners and a delay in scheduled tax cuts for the middle class. And proposals in the Legislature (now packed with radical leftists) would go even further.” State lawmakers’ tax-hike temptation could end NY as we know it.
Nancy Pelosi’s obsession with Donald J. Trump is out of control and must be reigned in; her obsession with DJT is costing money that could be used for greater purposes. Nancy stop beating a dead horse! Nancy Pelosi Announces Plans For 9/11-Style Commission To Study Capitol Attack. Call the House of Representatives 1-202-224-3121- ask for Speaker Pelosi and let her office know that your tax dollars should not be used for her obsession.
Houston is under siege by “Mother Nature” and the Greenies; all the more reason one has to question government’s demands to adopt alternative energy means. Government must allow innovations to be instituted by consumers… not the whims of government zealots. Tucker Carlson: The great Texas climate catastrophe is heading your way.
Reform Capitalism? Capitalism has lifted millions out of poverty, raised the standard of living throughout the world and Pope Francis and his minions want to reform capitalism. Perhaps he should pay more attention to the problems in his own vocation.
For Immediate Release
February 16. 2021
Contact: Shaun Marie
www.cpnys.org @cpnys
DID ANDREW CUOMO COMMIT FRAUD FOR BOOK PROFITS? Statement by New York State Conservative Party Chairman Gerard Kassar
Brooklyn, NY – “Governor Andrew Cuomo’s best-selling book, “American Crisis: Leadership Lessons from the Covid-19 Pandemic” (Crown, 2020), was written under false pretenses, it has now been made clear. That begs the question: ‘Did Andrew Cuomo purposely mislead editors and readers — falsely establishing him himself as a COVID-19 leadership whiz — in order to make the maximum amount of money for himself through book sales?
“If the Governor knowingly misled editors and readers for remunerative benefit, he may have committed fraud. It’s a serious question that needs to be looked into by an independent investigator.”
BOMBSHELL: Governor Cuomo’s Top Aide Admits to Hiding Nursing Home Data
Last night, what we all knew to be true for many months officially became verified information when Melissa DeRosa, top aide to Governor Cuomo, admitted that his administration has been lying and covering up nursing home deaths for months to deceive the Federal Government.
The stunning revelations came yesterday after DeRosa apologized to Democratic members of the State legislature, admitting they “froze” because then President Donald Trump was tweeting true information regarding the nursing home crisis created by Governor Cuomo and his Health Administration.
“So we do apologize,” DeRosa said. “I do understand the position that you were put in. I know that it is not fair. It was not our intention to put you in that political position with the Republicans.”
For nearly a year, the Conservative Party has been calling for an independent investigation to be conducted by the United States Department of Justice. While the mainstream media and Democratic New York State Assembly and Senate praised Governor Cuomo and ignored the facts right under their nose, we repeatedly cried foul. Today, we could be taking our first steps towards true justice and holding Governor Cuomo and his administration accountable.
Many of our Conservative/Republican members of the U.S. House of Representatives, State Assembly and State Senate have been trying to lead their fellow colleagues in government to water, but their refusal until now to put partisan politics aside, work for the people of New York, and resist the bully in the Governor’s mansion led to Andrew Cuomo believing he was above the law.
Congresswoman Elise Stefanik has been a leading voice and outspoken critic of Cuomo’s. She was ridiculed in the media and attacked by the Governors top errand boy Rich Azzopardi, but she remained consistent.
“I have said from the beginning that this is more than a nursing home scandal, this is a massive corruption and coverup scandal at the highest level of New York State Government implicating the Governor, the Secretary to the Governor, the New York State Health Commissioner, and the Governor’s staff,” the Congresswoman said.
As this story begins to develop, it is clear the Cuomo administration has earned themselves a DOJ investigation, and criminal charges. The Governor, his aide DeRosa, Health Commissioner Zucker, and lead errand boy Azzopardi should resign effective immediately.
Claudia Tenney Sworn In
We would like to officially congratulate Congresswoman Claudia Tenney from New York’s 22nd District on her hard-fought victory.
It took over 3 months to certify, but when the dust settled, the results were clear. Now Congresswoman Tenney is seated in Congress and ready to take aim at an America First legislative agenda.
We are happy this race was finally certified and proud of Claudia for flipping the district back red. I look forward to working with her and all the members of our Conservative delegation.
Link to Our Live Event With Newsmax Chief Political Correspondent John Gizzi
I was pleased to host John Gizzi earlier this week to discuss his distinguished career covering New York and Washington politics. John has been a long time friend of the Conservative Party and his insight is second to none.
If you missed us live, please click here to listen to the interview which is pinned to the top of our Facebook page.
I want to wish everyone a safe and happy President’s Day weekend!
For Immediate Release
February 12, 2021
Contact: Shaun Marie
www.cpnys.org @cpnys
Statement by New York State Conservative Party Chairman Gerard Kassar on Growing Cuomo Nursing Home Death Scandal
“Andrew Cuomo has been caught in a lie of dastardly dimension.”
Brooklyn, NY – “Governor Cuomo’s cover up of nursing home deaths was a concerted scheme orchestrated at the very top level of his administration, Secretary to the Governor Melissa DeRosa has now confirmed, and the governor’s blatant deceit is now laid bare for all to see.
“We have said before that an honorable governor would resign his position over a revelation of this magnitude, and we reiterate it now. How this governor can continue holding his position after such scandalous behavior has been revealed is beyond the comprehension of anyone of good will. Andrew Cuomo has been caught in a lie of dastardly dimension.
“It’s crystal clear that Governor Cuomo and his highest appointed official, Secretary DeRosa, along with New York State Health Commissioner Dr. Howard Zucker, among others, formed a clique within state government dedicated to burying the awful truth about preventable nursing home deaths. The pain they have caused families of the deceased, and the disgrace they have brought upon the State of New York through their scheme, is indefensible.
“What’s more indefensible, still, is Governor Cuomo’s refusal to hold himself accountable for his actions. Like we said, an honorable governor would resign.”
CONSERVATIVES OPPOSE H.R. 1, THE ULTIMATE FANTASY OF THE LEFT!Chairman Kassar joined with national conservatives in opposing H.R. 1, the attempt by House and Senate Democrats to fundamentally undermine the American electoral system. We further oppose any effort to modify budget reconciliation rules to pass this legislation.
The Epoch Times sits down with Victor Davis Hanson and discusses the rise of critical social justice and woke ideology, growing limits on freedom of speech, and his take on the second impeachment trial of former President Donald Trump. Watch it here.
Craig Trainor writes in City-Journal about Taking on “Progressive Prosecutors”/District attorneys who refuse to enforce the criminal law are violating their oath to support and defend the Constitution—and could be challenged on those grounds.
For Immediate Release
February 9, 2021
Contact: Shaun Marie
www.cpnys.org @cpnys
Brooklyn, NY — “Almost half of New York State voters (47%) indicated in a Zogby poll released today that it’s time for someone new to serve as the state’s next governor. These survey numbers come as no surprise to millions of New Yorkers who have watched New York fall further and further behind other states economically under Governor Andrew Cuomo. Even voters who have supported Governor Cuomo in the past now say it’s time for him to go, the Zogby poll reveals. Mr. Cuomo’s scandalous behavior in covering up thousands of nursing home deaths, recently uncovered by New York’s Democrat Attorney General, also demonstrated an arrogance of power that voters won’t put up with indefinitely.
“The Conservative Party is speaking with several strong and viable potential candidates for the 2022 gubernatorial race, each of whom could offer New Yorkers fresh new leadership to move this state and it’s economy forward for a change. The race is just around the corner, and we’ll be ready for it.”
From The Hill: Biden makes inroads with progressives. Makes inroads? Who is misleading whom? He is leading the charge! President Joe Biden is the quintessential wolf in sheep’s clothing.
The COVID-19 relief package heads to a conference committee (two different bills passed – conference committee presents one bill to be passed by both Houses), the Daily Signal has 6 things to know about Democrats’ COVID-19 package here.
Conservative Party friend & supporter Herb Stupp prepared the following obituary for the late Barbara Keating-Edh.
The Conservative Party of New York sadly announces the death of Barbara Keating-Edh, on January 30th. Barbara is best remembered by Conservatives as the party’s 1974 candidate for U. S. Senator. Left out of many statewide polls through September 30th that year, Barbara shocked many observers by garnering nearly 823,000 votes statewide, or 17% in the three-way race. Her strong showing held three-term liberal Republican Senator Jacob Javits to well under 50%, with radical Democrat Ramsey Clark polling a distant second. Keating TV commercials took a strong pro-life stance.
After a stint on the staff of U. S. Senator Jim Buckley, Barbara helped to found “Consumer Alert,” a non-profit policy group emphasizing free market competition over big government as the best way to protect American consumers. During a speech for the organization in California, Barbara met her future husband, Lennarth Edh, who survives her.
Her marriage brought her from Westchester, New York to Modesto, California, where she lived with Lennarth for nearly 40 years. She almost won a state legislative seat as a Republican and ran the county office of Catholic Charities. Barbara also served on the Board of the American Conservative Union, as well as on the transition team for President-elect Ronald Reagan.
Born in 1938 as Barbara Galvin, she married Marine Corps officer Daniel Keating, and they welcomed five children. Major Keating was killed in action in Vietnam in 1968, leaving Barbara to raise their children alone.
She joined the Conservative Party and began speaking about the importance of Vietnam, debating the likes of Bella Abzug, William Kunstler, Ramsey Clark, Black Panther leaders and other radicals and liberals. Although she never attended college, Barbara was quick-witted and well-informed, always “schooling” her debating opponents on the left. Her gleaming smile and fresh-faced beauty surely disarmed many of her opponents.
In addition to husband Lennarth, Barbara is survived by a large family of children, stepchildren, their spouses, 19 grandchildren and 26 great-grandchildren. Please keep them, and Barbara, in your prayers.
Nursing Home Crisis Continues
A judge ruled Wednesday that Governor Cuomo’s Health Department broke the law by refusing to give the total number of nursing home deaths to a Government watchdog organization.
In the decision, acting Albany Supreme Court Justice Kimberly O’Connor voiced her displeasure with the DOH for repeatedly denying the Empire Center for Public Policy the information.
“We’re very pleased but we don’t have the data yet and there’s still a chance that they will appeal and tie this up for potentially months longer — and given the way they’ve behaved so far, I wouldn’t be surprised,” said The Empire Center’s Bill Hammond, who also referred to the ruling as a “great victory.”
However, in their efforts to shield Governor Cuomo from taking responsibility and answering for his failures, New York’s Democrat supermajority on Monday blocked a motion to subpoena records of the Cuomo administration. The motion was made by Sen. Thomas O’Mara, the ranking Republican on the Investigations Committee panel during a virtual meeting, but the Democrats put up a roadblock and did not even allow members to make a vote.
As dominos continue to fall, it is clear there will be attempts to pass the buck on the nursing home crisis as State Democrats will follow their pied piper and continue to disregard decency and common sense.
Live with Newsmax’s Chief Political Columnist John Gizzi
John is Newsmax’s chief political columnist and White House correspondent. He is “the man who knows everyone in Washington” as well as many who hold elected positions and party leadership roles throughout America. He has appeared on countless radio and TV shows in America and Europe. He is the recipient of the William A. Rusher Award for Journalistic Excellence and was named Journalist of the Year by the Conservative Political Action Conference in 2002.
We are happy to have him join us live Tuesday, February 9th at 7:00pm on our Facebook page.
2021 Legislative Agenda
New York State Conservative Party released the Party’s 2021 Legislative Program earlier this week. We publicly submit our Program each year to make clear our beliefs and priorities for the annual legislative session in Albany.
Political parties have a duty to spell out the ideas and legislative measures they support, and we are pleased to do so again in 2021. Unsurprisingly, we continue to call for fiscally sound, pro-economic-growth policies; respect for human life; strong public safety laws; religious and other constitutional freedoms; free-market solutions to healthcare and housing shortages; accountability in education, and government reforms, including the return of powers to the State Legislature, a co-equal branch of New York State government. We urge members of all political affiliations to review and consider these recommendations for a better state.
AOC, aka the Drama Queen, showed her true manipulative side: AOC blasted for exaggerating her ‘trauma’ from Capitol riot experience. It really is pathetic that a fellow human being tried to exploit the terrible circumstances that occurred on January 6. She should hang her head in shame, but I doubt if she will even apologize to those who were there let alone all those who watched her self-serving video. Now we learn that AOC DEMANDS FOLLOWERS REPORT CONSERVATIVES MAKING FUN OF HER TO BIG TECH. AOC, in case you can’t tell the difference, I am not making fun of you, just letting our readers know what a unscrupulous egomaniac you really are.
Here’s how much Cuomo’s COVID ‘mountain’ prop really cost the state. It’s good to know that the Cuomo Administration “fudged” the original cost of Governor Cuomo’s COVID-19 mountain; however, the bigger question is: if 40,000 copies were purchased for $11.50, (plus tax, shipping and handling) for the 22-inch-by-28-inch painting, I find that something is amiss with the “fact” that says state officials claim they’re making no profit on [the sales] as the poster is being produced “at cost.” Who is producing the poster? One of the many agencies the Governor controls? Many similar sized posters are produced by private companies and they make a profit [otherwise they wouldn’t be selling posters], so how is it that the state isn’t making a profit? Or is the profit going to the Governor’s campaign since they paid for the original mountain? Where exactly is the money going? Certainly, the taxes being collected are going to NYS. One small rather insignificant – when compared to the real problems facing New Yorkers -article, so many questions.
Help me understand this: It is okay to destroy statutes of Americans that contributed to the freedom of Black Lives and good ideals to America – for example, Frederic Douglas and Abraham Lincoln – as many in the Black Lives Matter movement did this summer and now that same group wants to teach young students in the name of their “week of action” about, and thereby elevate, Joanne Chesimard, convicted of the 1973 execution-style murder of a New Jersey state trooper, Werner Foerster. Welcome to the New York City school system: Lessons inspired by a cop-killer: Another fail by the NYC Department of Education.
President Biden and all those who support his edict on transgender sports are wrong. Yes, transgenders have the “right” to participate in sports, and the playing field will be level when they compete against other transgenders. And if they do not accept that as a solution, they are not being honest in what they want. For Female Athlete, Biden’s Transgender Executive Order Is ‘Heartbreaking’ The new nominee for Secretary of Education had this to say Schools Have Responsibility to Let Biological Males in Girls Sports If They’re Trans; I beg to differ, but school has the responsibility to educate students and that does not include changing the playing field. This executive order is anti-women and should be rescinded asap.
It is becoming very evident that a person who has spent his entire working life in government as an elected official is not qualified to be an elected official with the power of an Executive Order as they have no concept of what the real working world is about: meeting payrolls; the true cost of health insurance and the other important decisions made to run a successful business. Companies Are Preparing to Cut Jobs and Automate if Biden Gets $15 Minimum Wage Hike, Reporting Shows.
How ironic would it be if the legal case that stopped a Trump initiative would be the case that stops this Biden Executive Order? This Legal Hurdle Could Trip Up Biden’s Cancellation of Keystone XL Pipeline We can only hope that Justice Roberts stays consistent with his previous decision and save the jobs associated with the Keystone XL Pipeline.